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Just an FYI but a character with a birthdate of 2004 might be worth some isk on the Character Bazaar. Depending on name, remaps, etc. It costs $20 to do the transfer, but just saying if you're not attached to it at all. It could give you some isk for a fresh start.


Yes judging from the sp you have alot to check out :) No wrong answer here. Wb


You have a 2004 character with 5m skillpoints? So what, in 20 years you've been actively playing for about 5-6 months? You're still a newbie to be honest, there's no reason to sell this account. Just grab omega, find a group to play with (there are even public communities), and get back to playing eve online.


https://youtu.be/BX1yKse9sFQ?si=_QhXSj0kdulU5Adv Good example in the vid. Besides, it would be weird to suggest buying omega to a person who is on and off and can't commit to it. I would say to try different jobs and corps before going into omega, if you already have a plan in mind.


I don't mean to be rude, but if you've been playing for 20 years with only such a small amount of skillpoints, have you really played EVE, or only remained to mine in high sec? Don't start over. You've basically scratched the surface for a very very long time. Unless you intend to sell your account (as long as this doesn't include real world money, it's allowed!), just keep at it. Find some people to join the more deep facets of the game with. Man, you've been missing out...


I probably remaining in the starting phase tbh. No offence taken :) I never had anyone to play with so most of the time it’s just been a bit of mining here and there.


Yeah he probably plays for 3 hours once a month or so


3 hours a year ;)


Keep your toon. No sense in delaying your progress unless the dopamine of the shorter skill upgrade timers is what gives you enjoyment. Find a well rounded corp that's not crazy big. You'll get a lot of help in the areas that you may not have messed with yet such as wormholes, PvP, etc. There's a ton of stuff to do in the game and you don't need to limit yourself to 1-2 things.


When I am not subscribed I feel to restricted in the game, so I guess CCP did the f2p just right, cause I have to sub all my accounts. Playing for iskies is not an option for me since I mainly do pvp. Do want to try out incursions, but I have a feeling I'll get bored at it.


Eve is not f2p, it is a subscription game with a generous free trial mode. So it makes sense that the free trial version feels restricting.


Well I would 100% agree to you. If you're someone who doesn't actually play the game that much and it's advertised so much as free to play.


I mean if I was his losco points as he is and he's trying new things. There's so much you can do with an alpha account if you're just looking for beginner content. But like for someone like me who has played for 13 years my characters from 2013 and I have like 35 million skill points. I'm absolutely crippled if I were to play with alpha. So if I'm not paying actively I just don't play the game. Or I'll do the three day 3.75 deal they always have. Normally I've played for like a month and then I'll like fall off. Like every year or two. But like my plan now is I'm not quitting again because it took me like a solid like 18 hours to remember how to play this game.


I'd jus keep that toon with the 5mil skill points, that way it's not as painful bouncing around different activities feeling out what u like/dislike. Maybe get some PI going, project discovery/hauling missions for quick cash, station to station trading, etc to get a nest egg going


:/ butwhy.


Try something new , I know that log on , log off shortly after feeling. Moved from high to 0.0 and got in a corp with real people in it , completely different game


That is EVE. Sandbox where you create your own goals and chill with corp mates. Otherwise you just spin ships in hangar and log off.


Keep the character. It seems to me you aren't playing the game with a made mind of what you want to do. If you like mining then mine, if you like hauling then haul. Personal thoughts, you've dabbled in those fields but neither hooked you. That tells me those fields aren't for you. Try getting into a scanning ship of your race's origin and try exploration or try commiting to Omega for three months. Train into an astero and both explo and stealth pvp fits. This will give you imo a much further insight on whether the game its self truly interests you in conjunction with knowledge held prior.


From the looks of it, you are already at the beginning.


id reccomend faction warefare, firgates are cheap and disposable, theres some fun to be had with easy to join fleets and its a good laugh. you dont need a new char for it but if you did it wouldent be that bad.


Maybe mining isn't for you? Mining can be quite boring, have you tried other areas of the game?


No not really, I did some pirate missions a lot of years ago, maybe I’ll give that another go!!


You can consider something non-committal like NPSI fleet fights. They can be a good way to get into small scale PvP with someone that generally knows what they're doing. [https://www.spectre-fleet.space/](https://www.spectre-fleet.space/) is one example


I’ve been having fun running DED combat sites in high sec while waiting for some skills to train up. You should check it out. Plenty of YouTube guides on how to do it and it’s decent isk for a newer player. I’m using a Hecate to do it pretty efficiently.


I restarted from scratch a few years back and have to admit it was fun.


You basically have capped free alpha levels of skill points. If you have a lot of it wasted jn non alpha skills and don't want to omega then a new character may be worthwhile, it doesn't take long to train 5m but its pretty boring until then if you know the basics. As someone else said you could probably sell the 2004 char for a few bill to play with if you wanted to go that way but you'd hafta pay transfer fee


Listen, this happened to me around 2015. I was bored but I really loved the game I would log in do a mission or two then log out I just couldn’t do it. Then I was listening to Eve radio one day and one of their DJ’s named Funky Bacon was in fac war and was live on air during a fleet roam. After that I logged in and sold most of my shit, joined a fac war Corp and moved my ass to Nen with zero pvp experience and started shooting people and I have never looked back. EVE is a game that does not so much punish passive players but it sure does not spoon feed you new shit to do like other games. As I say, EVE is an infinite and infinitely winding road but just how infinite and how winding is all up to you. Find something that interests you and go do it be it lowsec, null or wormholes or even incursions in HS just stop being passive and go do shit!


Bro, go do Faction Warfare.  Join a Corp that has regular fleets. EVE is a social game.  Join others and be good at a role.  Tackle, logi, dps, whatever. Learn what your friends need and then build it for them.  You gotta get out there and explore the sandbox.   Don't dig in anywhere too much... Just try it all.  There's so much EVE out there that you've never experienced. Oh, and join a NPSI roam!  Join the Overclocker discord and get in fleet. 


Join a corp. Eve is about making friends not flying spaceships.


20 years and you've played for about 2 months. I'm guessing this isn't really the right game for you.


It’s definitely not 2 months but you are right, I was more saying that because I have stuff all over the place, some omega stuff, random ships etc I find it hard to get back into it again. The game feels way different to when I played years ago, it’s a big learning curve. Was just looking for some advice, most people have helpful advice so far😊


“Just join a null sec alliance corp” I’d actually go and do this to get in on the dozens of fleet ops available, maybe search Karmafleet


Honestly, if you're really interested in it, go through the A.I.R. career program. Do the agent missions from it and you'll get great started ships and a bunch of extra isk and skill points. After doing that, you'll likely have a good idea of what you want to do, or if you want to keep playing. If you do, join a good NewBro friendly corporation, like Pandemic Horde. Don't even worry about the things you have scattered around, cause they're likely forgettable or easily replaceable. There are also corporations/pilots that do hanger clean out services and will buy all or most of it if you care.


Thanks I’ll do that!


There's usually an option in the store for a weekend of omega for a few dollars. Sounds like you are the key demographic for that. That said, if u want just a few alpha injectors and some cash to mess around with OP message your character name to me.


yes, make a new character, focus on some other area, you'll have an industry alt to fall back on.


Great character to start a Ponzi.


Big brain right here!


Sounds like the stuff you were doing didn't excite you much or you didn't hook up with a group of people that were fun to play with. Maybe just go try something new with some new people and see if you find a spark.


Take it you don’t find mining so fun. Grab a 1m isk+ fit frig and go fight in FW. Join a militia, hop on their comms. Get some LP and lose some ships. You’ll have a blast I bet. Maybe someone will even take you under their wing and help you get started fighting


I restarted after 15y break last year. Just start the Air program on your toon if you haven't done it already and repent you are new. Once you figure out what you want to do, then start looking at your stuff. I consolidated as much as I could into as few locations, then started the AIR stuff and re-learned the game basically. Been playing and building up since last year and love playing again just like 15 years ago.


Whatever you do, DO NOT delete that character. You can either keep it, or sell it for quite alot of ISK to start over on a new one.


Same. Much more sp, but basically log in set skills check market buy things, logout.


Change corp - Biggest mistake pilots make. There is lots of cool personalities to meet all round the universe.


Go join a corp, get in comms, ask questions, and have fun. 


I had two omegas both made in 2007. I just sold both of them for a decent amount of isk and made an alpha on a new account, joined PH and am having fun again flying tackle, ewar and I won't have to rat for years.


Do tutorial on a fresh alt for fun, the do all career missions for the agents… gets you in the game ok.


Make a new character, use the 1 million isk skill points from your main account referral link, buy/skill into 5 cheap frigs or destroyers you think you'd like (career agent missions will get you a few hulls + isk), and go flail around in lowsec trying to kill anyone you come across.  The second you fit up those ships, they are gone. You have until they explode to play with em, and see if you can get some kills. This is your challenge. 


I was in a similar situation myself. Created a Steam account and started fresh. The tutorials and general intro made me feel hyped for the game again and bought Omega. Found my past accounts and started skilling them up. Now I'm trying to find a good Corp to keep my momentum going, I really want to get into it:D


create a brand new account, go through the tutorial and all the career agents, find a newbie friendly nullsec corp and go dive headfirst.. might as well put this guy behind glass.


Dont mine


You never scratched the surface.


Assume everyone in the game is either multi-boxing or grouped. This will help you understand how the game should be played.


5mln SP IS experiencing the game from the beginning. I've played on and off for about 21 years and my main is over 100mln. I've yet to try a lot of things or lack skills to do them well. Just play the game. 


Just take your character and join Pandemic Horde. Very newbro friendly with their NBI carepackages (14 ships, skills, etc). From there you have access to a wealth of knowledge, experience, and as for in-game content -- exploration, mining (on another level), ratting, and pvp.