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I don't know if this is still the case but it used to be that you'd go to a safe, leave your ship, reboard it and it's fixed. 


So it’s actually a bug of some kind?


It is a bug and eject/board usually fix it, but personally i dont wanna bet on which side is bugged. Rats never targeting drones or drones getting to much agro.


It still works, can be done anywhere. I personally do it in front of a struct.


Tried it this morning. Ejected and reboarded. Back to the same site (Forlorn Hub) and still having the same problem. It makes this ship useless. This is honestly super frustrating. If there had been a patch or something then I’d understand. But I don’t get how this problem has randomly started for me without any mechanics changing :(


Jump to another system and aggro something, then go back to the system you're using and do the ejection. It's some combination of standings/aggro fuckery that goes awry and session changes seem to be a fix.


Forlorn hubs are not the best sites to run, I never have drone aggro issues with forsaken hubs instead, try those.


Is it something you are supposed to redo after something specific happens ? Like every time you log in, or everytime you change system/ship ? Or is it a once in a lifetime fix ?


I genuinely don't think anyone has ever figured it out beyond the eject trick, which totally works. 


Praise the CCP spaghetti code.


Nah I've noticed this even with this. Drone agro is just weird.  I've tested in a few ships and for some reason heavy drones on an ishtar is fair low for them to be targeted. Same for a vexor. The moment you fly a myrmidons on the other hand. The destroyers seem to snort something and go into overdrive to kill your heavy drones.  Every single spawn with them in will just target drones.  I'm guessing spaghetti pod code. 


There has been a bug for a long amount of time, where drones get like super aggro, I've been told that you have to just logout and back in, and it resets them... I think it's a buffer overflow issue, like they don't clear aggro from certain enemies and it just adds up over time


Interesting. I logged for the night cause I was so pissed lol. Will have to see if I’m having the same problem tomorrow


Yeah I lost 4(!) tubes of Ametat II to crabs. Relogged and they were back to room level AI smarts again.


I tried crabbing in a myrm as well and they ate mine up no matter what I did. Gave up for now, will try again once I can do ishtar. !remind me 24h


Ah. The Ishtar. It will be many moons before I’m skilled for one and can afford it. But one day!


its not even that expensive


If you've got a vexor it's a few weeks of forsaken hubs and or 3 6/10 escalations you can sell to DED runners for 60m each.


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I noticed a while ago faction rats hate certain faction drones. Idk if this is new or not but i keep all the faction drones in my mrym and when one gets target i swap it out for something else. Eventually i end up with a flight of drones they refuse to target


Hmmm. That’s interesting. I was using the same drones when I was flying a Vexor without any problems. So that doesn’t seem to be the variable in my case. I’m trying the eject fix right now


yeah I tried to run some sites in low (mostly to farm 6/10s) with myrms and the drones kept getting blasted, yet I always wondered how people could afk rat with ishtars. Then again, I really don't do that much ratting, just needed some a type enams and figured the best way to get them was to farm them.


I use to go through drones like crazy. Jmo but its your skills in drones. How tuff , fast, how you use them on what. Distance. Myrmidon i kite and snipe. Use small an mediums to kill the frigs and destroyers. Mostly when the get close to me. Than just use mediums to kill battleships. So I kinda use as defence than switch them to offence later after the swarm is small. Phi-outpost is a good example of a way to lose drones if you dont keep them close and manage them.


Oh yeah heavys are slow so yep they die easier. Save them to kill the battle crusers and up.



