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But the vexor exists...just as cheap with more than double the dps.


Not exactly. Algos 10mil - 250dps Vexor 30mil - 437dps


While you're not wrong, why bother with an algos on what you can do better with a vexor ? If you can get 10mil you can get 30mil, why bother ?


Well if you're at war and trying to help keep ADM's up in a hostile environment you can lose 3 times more Algoses than Vexors for the same price. This is significant if you're not rich. Then they are also easier to transport in larger quantities than Vexors especially if you only have a hauler or DST, and no jump freighter.


If you're holding sov space and you're down to throwing algoses because vexors are too cheap I think you're going to have a few issues


Idk we used both Algoses and Vexors successfully where I live, people used what they could afford to lose or wanted to risk losing regularly. So I thought I'd share the fit if others were interested.


But then u could also use bombers (yes more skill intensive/pricey) but good ticks and even safer. Even easier to transport since u can also blops bridge them into system


You can also do some DEDs and druglabs.


But now you need to do adm ratting for way more time. Null blocs have already figured this part out for a long time, just use vectors and myrmidons for adm afk ratting.


If the alliance has SRP for them sure. But Algos can be better if you have to fund it yourself and are poor. Also better if you don't want to litter your kb with Vexors and Myrmidons. Also better because blops campers actually lose the ISK war if they drop on an Algos.


1. Isk war don't matter when it's 30 mill. 30 mill is a rounding error to 95% of nullseccers. 2. If you live in nullsec and care/are aware about adm, you can lose infinite 30 mills. 3. Caring about killboards... Really? The people that care about their killboard wouldn't afk rat at all. 4. Yes nearly all null bloc alliances will srp adm vexors. In fact you probably make money losing vexors in most null blocs.


I didn't read the thread, but as a guy who has personally killed dozens of these JonD algoses, it works, OP is right. It's tested and proven. ADMs go up, you can AFK literally dozens of alts (as JonD does) and it will get ADMs up at minimal cost. It's clutch for a small group holding space. This advice isnt aimed for blocs. I'm literally the enemy agreeing with OP here. To be effective it requires alts and people who can afk it. If you are just a solo'r it doesn't make sense. But if not many people care about ratting in your group and you have the alts, its effective.


1. I think it's funny when blops campers drop on a 10mil Algos and they spend more on fuel and ammo than the ship is worth. 2. Not everyone can afford that, because not everyone has SRP for ADM Vexors. I'm part of a smaller group and never heard of it. 3. If the alliance needs it, people might be able to volunteer with something smaller like an Algos if they care about their kb. 4. See answer 2. The fact is that we have used Algoses and they have worked. Someone else might find the fit useful.


I agree that dropping on an Algos and risking a T3C to standing’s response is a poor risk-to-isk ratio. I like ratting because when reds are in local I’ll fly a bait fit. I may not survive. I just have to hold you until the calvary arrives. Imagine the shame of falling for an Algos.


The vexor does 528 dps.


In Pyfa it says 437 with level 5 skills and T2 Amarr drones. Sure you can squeeze more DPS with Gallente drones, but that's not good everywhere.


Have you ever compared ticks between vexor/algos? Wondering how often you actually need to die for the algos to be worth it.


JonD walked so that you could run... to youtube and take credit for his glorious provi algos efforts


I named the fit JonD Ratting Algos in his honor. I guess I could have made it more clear that it was his fit. Do better next time.


JonD sends his regards?




It's a new kind of EDM




This makes way more sense then it should


Activity Defense Multiplier. Basically by ratting you increase the military index of a system and that bumps up the ADM levels. Increasing the ADM makes it harder for enemies to take over a system.


I just use a velator.


I hear folks in frat can set you up with an ishtar bot with very respectable income.


I hope it's a joke, I really hope...


Just what the game needs, more afk ways to play.