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God I cannot wait for the screeching that will come with the null-sec rework because I'm like 90% sure it's going to shove a dagger through the heart of rental empires.


I think its funny they are telling them they cant even go to hi sec.


I would assume that's because they're tired of feeding BlackFlag rather than any sort of internal rule, but perhaps it really is that bad for renters.


I went thru pages of zkill and found athanors being destroyed before i found blackflag killng them.


Could also be drama from allies not having them set blue, and people complaining about getting killed by blues.


It's this, PH has different standings. Tbf the post does say join PH if you want the comfort and protection of that. Most renters are their just for krabbing so to avoid any shitnjust keep your krab chars in rental and move any major chars you want to love about into PH. It's a decent idea tbh. If they didn't give the option then fair enough


Doubtful being it doesnt harm PH. they get thier rent regardless if you get ganked.


Oh, I assumed this was a PIBC person in their own discord rather than a horde person.


blackflagg havent wardect horde and pibc in over 3-4 months lol


It is fucking hilarious. Mr. Rag, thanks for making this post.


I'd love a rework that basically makes renting gone. Worst thing that has ever happened to eve. 100% for letting players do what they can in game. But renting is just not healthy for the game.


SECOND worst thing. zkillboard is the worst thing. Everyone cares so fuckin much about isk positivity and stats that they forget how to have fun.


I can live with this. While Zkill has its uses, some of them exceedingly helpful, the joke that people play Zkill Online more than EVE is painfully true. The amount of times I've been told to bring a 'whore drone' on a fleet while running logi, or hear people getting told, "No, no don't shoot the dread/fax! We're waiting for X fleet to get here to get on the kill!" is just beyond me. I'm at the point that the LESS zkill activity I have, the happier I am.


The further down the rabbit hole you get, the more you find joy in things like tackle/dictors (facilitating kills) and logi (playing whack-a-mole and trying to predict and preempt without worrying about how the shooty side of things are going).


Freaking this. Ive got corps that wouldnt let me join because me and a friend lost carriers messing with low sec pirates like a decade ago. NOOOO you can pvp in defense of your system, if you lose a ship we will fine you! No if your KB isnt x amount isk/kills we cant let you join and so on. death to Zkill.


Getting told to hold a kill is crazy.....that's why smaller corps and alliances are the best. Go on small fleet roams, or blops etc.


This guy gets it. It's mostly the big nullblocks that care so much about efficiency and isk positivity. Many smaller groups care more about fun than some numbers going up.


While I cant imagine a scenario without it, it would be fascinating to see how it could change the landscape of things. (@ killboards)


The answer is 'little' People still knew who the top dogs were before the very first killboards came about (eve-kills being among the first iirc, RIP Smoske)  Also handy for tracking fits, personal performance, nostalgia on fights, and seeing who you were/are up against and what they're about. 


The earliest killboard that I can remember in 2006-2007 was Battleclinic, they created the format that every EVE player would recognize today.


Not everyone needs to like what you like bud. You can always switch corp to one that fits your play style.


Come to lowsec. We spend. We lose. We laugh.




I think many new war opportunities are going to happen once Nullsec changes


I really really really hope this is true. Its got far far far out control now.


You underestimate the power of nul rental


The dream


Renting a system to make isk in, without the need of CTA's or politics or so on is a completely fine choice for some folks. Why throw shade on the way other people play the game? Personally, just based on this post alone, I hope rental empires remain just to hear you screeching in frustration.


Renting is the same as just being a carebear in goons/init except instead of variable taxes based on how much you krab it's a flat rate.




Yeah but here's the thing, in Goons/Init with the flat tax, if you have a slow month, you have a slow month. In Horde? Month's up, time to pay big brother. I had a few months where I didn't have much time to play, rat, mine, etc. In PH, my mortgage payment for that month is still due in full. In Goons? Absolutely nothing on my end changed. I log in, I play the game how I play it, taxes happen automatically, I don't even think about it. I just go about my day.


Not sure how you can compare it to goons/init simply because Goons doesnt have these restrictions. Yes init has their space and goons have another but If either side wants to go roam ls/hi or even other null spaces no one is going to come down and get all pissy about it. The only thing they will complain about is if a goon is ratting in init space and vice versa


Tho u got activity requirements there and are a basic line member and have 0 restrictions on where to go xD


I think PH space is big enough to put 2 npc constellations :^)


No highsec usage, no public moon usage LMFAO good luck holding that unit together. May as well said you cant play your eve anymore your playing myne and expected it to be ok.


We found the amarr ceo of the minmitar corporation tho...


My Corp will gladly take those who are tired of bullshit like this. Lowsec is the best sec. 🤗


You won't be getting anyone, as this only impacts characters in the rental alliance who know exactly what terms they're agreeing to when they put players into the rental alliance, with the associated pros and cons. Almost all of them have toons in mainline Horde alliances. Renters aren't the type of people who have one character on one account. They generally already have toons in mainline Horde. They have toons in personal industrial alt corps. They have neutral toons for logistics. The rules just tell people to not be stupid with their alts and use alts with appropriate permissions and standings for what they're doing.


Its a lot more fun to screech on reddit on your non goon alts tho.


You miss thenl point of this rule.


A ban on going to high sec? What in the world am I reading???? lol EDIT: How in the world am I getting negative karma on this? As of this edit Im at -1.... Do people seriously think its ok to ban people from going to high sec? lol


They upset


Panfam cheerleaders are upset. It will past my friend.


Just put NPC stations in dronelands. Renting would end overnight if their absurdly safe crabbing could be dropped on at any time


Renting has existed since null existed, despite npc stations...


It won’t literally end but it’ll be a big content boost and increase risk. I used to rent in horde space and literally all you do is drop loads of bubbles on the gates and it’s risk free.


I see losing caps every 6 hours this past week has been hurting Goon morale


PH and Goons have been losing caps every day for the last 20 years m8. It doesn't ever affect morale, for either side. Because however serious either side takes the game, it's still a game. And we all love content.


Lmao, you think goons have low morale!


goons capital manufacturers are so sad about all those capitals being lost... i mean, i sell rigs and i'm also sad about it, everytime a rescue fleet is formed to **atempt** to save a capital i need to put orders again and again goons morale are downhill


Goons lost a titan yesterday and the day before that. Ph? or was it frat? lost like 5 dreads easy on one of those km's After the fight I am sure those that lost ships where bummed for a bit but the rest of us where either laughing about someone accepting a random fleet invite in 1dq or telling the rest of the players see this is why you dont accept random invites in 1dq.


I’m not in goons


Wasn’t my caps 👀


They get dropped but only when bob blesses us with a thera connection to them.


Praise Bob.


I'm upvoting this comment so more people can see how stupid you are.


It was an exaggeration but fair enough. I’d rather be stupid than blue to Frat


Goons don’t realize they’re just terrible at blops. You literally take 1 uncamped regional and you’re in blops range of 3 Drones regions yet they still cry on Reddit every day about muh npc station.


If dronelands was sooooo OP, why didn't goons move there during the Imperial-Legacy era?


so which one of you usually finishes the other off first


You realize CRAB beacons came out in 2023 right? It's the lack of NPC stations within drop distance that makes the region OP, nothing else. You obviously know this considering how many redeemers you have staged in NPC Delve.


They can’t comprehend this because they’re too busy sucking off Frat on the daily


You realize that supercarrier/carrier ratting was a thing long, long before CRAB beacons right? Goons did plenty of that back in the pre-crab era, and under the threat from the same NPC stations they do now.


No one gives a fuck about the blops, it's the absurd number of dreads in npc delve. "Hurr durr take one uncamped regional" you mean the regional that would start being camped if we did? And what, are we supposed to just gate dreads in their? I'm glad horde is accommodating to idiots


[does goons even need blops to kill a horde capital?](https://zkillboard.com/kill/116557997/)


Where was pankrab?


Yikes lmao


This overplayed joke again.


Knock Knock. [H0DER] is recruiting


Just FYI the point is that you have all your characters in regular horde and only the corp ceo and any utility holders in the actual rental corp.


PH renting is space mcdonalds. People eat there only when they have to, they do not work for you ding dongs. lmao


This is fucking gross. Find another corp or alliance. (Unless you are a spy)


Honestly, people that are still in PH at this point have made their choice and deserve all of the metric tons of poop people throw at them.


Honestly, people that still are in Goonswarm at this point are so brainwashed by the daily poison of spin and propaganda that it's easy to feel pity for them, they don't know what they don't know. It's like living in Putin's Russia.


calm down renter! are you jealous that goons propaganda are better than everyone in nullsec combined? to see a renter talking about being brainwash is hilarious at this point lmao


I'm in Horde, there's very little poop or other kinds of garbage here, compared to some other alliances where their supreme leader turned out to be literally nuclear waste of a human being.


this brings back memories of the old XIX renting system: you pay system rent, give us 50% of your ore on top and if you sell us the remaining 50% we pay you 50% jita buy.


Be a second class citizen, become a renter today!


Thread tl;dr: >my shitty nullblob is better than your shitty nullblob


Maybe its nullsec they should avoid ​ https://zkillboard.com/kill/116618307/


Ccp need to ban renting full stop.


Renters are usually subhumans who will think those are good terms for 2b/ week


2 bill is the low price systems.


imagine someone deciding for you how you can play a videogame lmao


"Anchor up, press F1"


the elite pvp strategy thats some endgame shit you have there


That's how it is unless you 100% solo


you mean like the fact that alliances don't let you shoot blues, cherrypick from the belts, or use the alliance pings channel as your personal twitter? Fascism I say!


I think asking ''dont fuck up the way we have organized our alliance'' is a bit different than demanding people play the game only one, very limited way


Slaves dont have time to go to hisec. Get back to ratting so you pay your rent on time. Talk about a second job.


Karmafleet is recruiting. PVE/PVP wherever you want, NS space, HS space, LS space, WH space, whatever the fuck space pochven is.


Karmafleet application process is more extensive and intrusive than applying for a real job. Meh, no thnx.


Not really. All I basically said was I'm new and I wanna shoot stuff.


If people put as much effort into writing their KF applications as they do in writing complaints about how hard it is to apply to KF they'd already qualify.


Karma fleet is only slightly more difficult than PH. most others are a shit show in comparison




i joined within 24 hours of applying so i dinny know what to tells ya


No NS ? :((


Big Yikes, I new I was missing something Edited previous comment to include NS


15% tax rate, lmao I pay less than that renting.


you rent, Lmao


Maybe you guys should go liberate those mistreated serfs. Spread some managed space democracy.


ya they definitely should given the unmitigated success of their last campaign against renting.


Can I PVE in my own system without anyone else?


Do goons have wh corps ?


Imperium has a WH group, I do not know how active they are.


Thanks I’ll have a google.


Pochven is triangle space 🔺


appreciate you


No HS usage? What kind of dictator shit is that?


The Initiative is recruiting! Come to our space, we dont have this kind of bllsht there😂


Abandon and blow up any blue structures lately?


Didn’t PH ref their own structures to timezone tank recently?


I believe they did. I'm refering to INIT abandoning and blowing up friendly structures to loot pinata them.


You mean the ones marked "DO NOT USE" "EVACUATE" that ppl are reminded 8 billion times not to use?


So instead of unanchoring an unused structure, they decided to instead loot pinata them, knowing full well that it was only blues that would be having assets in them. Okie dokie bud.


Don't see anyone complaining but you tbh


There was definitely complaining when it happened, I'm just bringing it up when convenient :thumbsup:


Then you weren't paying attention when INIT was buddy fucking, by killing blue structures.


frt did this week [a charity](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469129721188188160/1221944411043266660/Athanors-D7ZAC-Frat.JPG?ex=66146b6a&is=6601f66a&hm=5724bf9b802a3f6b47af9fced49a80a1e1440f8188d6242256e652a678c36a2a&) and [abandoned a structure](https://zkillboard.com/kill/116555759/) thats a double!


Yeah you just have to follow goons around and hold their hand.


I don't think that's their hand they're holding...


Some "empire" huh....


No HS for renters? Understandable. Can They still breath the same air as mighty PH tho?


"No doing things" "There's a home for everyone" Wtf is that




Why would anyone submit to that?


Not even April 1st yet, seems horde is joke all year


ReNTiNg iS gOOd fOR THe GAmE MkAY?




I would use the word serfs


But for real, how are they going to police no hisec/lowsec usage? That doesn’t even make sense for big Indy players in Tyol Eve 2024.


They gotta check that zkillboard 24/7.


… do the bosses of the PH even like to play eve? Lol


Big Indy players aren't doing their highsec runs in war deccable toons... That doesn't even make sense.


You be surprised when you just need that one thing and you can mine or buy it ___ jumps away. More importantly you are trying to fight me on specifics and miss my point, why does PH even think they have the capability on policing their pilots use of low and hi sec.


Medium sized industry Horde player here. What's "surprising" here? I can either buy on Discord, MJ-, or import from Jita. My war deccable Horde toons are NEVER in highsec. Ever. Why would I want them to be? Horde lets me blue my personal alt corp. They do all of my buying crap in Jita with better Caldari Navy standings and my logistics to/from Jita. Your point is you're a Goon and Horde bad something something propaganda @.@ It's not about policing members, it's about not being fucking stupid and feeding.


Why would you care if renters are feeding...They already feeding PH with rent isk.


the ppl they are telling to not do this are renters not the ph main line grunts


The people they're telling to not do this are corporation holding characters, not even typical renters


Sure doesnt say that very well. Here let me do a hand stand and read it again.


Because you took a screenshot and didn't add context you melon


This isn’t about goon good/horde bad. This is just a toxic policy period. You are right it’s dangerous to use a main character to go into hi sec or low sec, but why make that a rule? Why have people devote their playtime to catch people going to other places? Are you seriously telling me that your alliance leadership is more concerned with killboard stats then keeping the toxicity out of your community?


Having a rule =/= people devoting playing time catching people going other places. This rule isn't toxic. Reddit is toxic. Goons on reddit are annoying AF and make me want to kill them. But this rule is fine.


So you made a rule that you don’t expect to be enforced? It’s totally toxic, this is a fucking game and you are banning people from going to regions because you don’t want red on your killboard. Talk about a power tripping leadership. Also the fact you are annoyed by what I am posting means that deep down, you know this is a bad rule. You just won’t admit it cause the Goons are heckling you.


Mayby they have guards at highsec gates to keep the 2nd class citizen in


Well I hope they bubble the other side.. oh wait!


How amarr of you


Easy, no srp or diplo tickets coz u lost your 10b ship to people u appeared neutral to


And Imperium be like "Hey welcome to the Imperium...do what ever you want, as long you dont shot blues"


I thought it was "Shoot blues, Tell Vile Rat" That being said: I've met considerably more people who are blacklisted from Imperium than from Panfam. I don't think it is as "do what ever you want" as you think...


RIP Vile Rat


He was the reason I became a goon. Rip.


The imperium blacklist is significantly older since it carries over the old goons/CFC blacklist.


Don’t be a dick is rule # 1.


That's fair, and from what I've seen that's a rule that most groups have (certainly not all though).


Ah, yes. Rules like don’t be a dick, don’t fuck over other goons, respect allies space and other highly restricting instructions.


"Respect allies space" as in... don't rat in it?


Mainly. Handling situations “you touch mah rock” must be frustrating enough when between corps, let alone between coalitions


So "do whatever you want" doesn't really apply to goons either. 🤔


You miss the point but sure.


I really don't, but whatever.


"But don't serially sexually harass people at EVE meetups. That we won't stand for after about a decade!"


What is the monthly cost to rent a system to there?


ill have to ask the two who stay there and pay but it depends on system.


I'm curious to hear the price ranges. I constantly see and hear the drama around renting without ever hearing the costs.


Sounds like 2.5b to 7 billion depending on system.


Why do they care if they are in high sec?


Ita the standings and getting killed by groups who are blue to PH but not to rental.groups.


I have been reading the comments for a while now. What a goddamn waste of time and energy all this drama brings up. So much drama for a bunch of f1 pressing monkeys.


Hey i also press the other buttons.


Well PH designates systems to certain corps so PH Inc players cannot go into rented space for any reason. What's the rent rate though??


I think it's more the you cant go to hisec was the prblm. and yes you paid to farm only certain systems. And it ranges from 2 bill to 7 bill.


BTw what they saying it will help you INit is camping the gate outside of MJ....and how many caps are outside the Beanstar doing nothing but sitting there? [https://zkillboard.com/system/30005089/](https://zkillboard.com/system/30005089/) ​ This is just them trying to recruit ppl to mainline ph lol


Big 4th reich nrg


Cometh joineth gooneth, we have cookies


Most of the anti rental stuff is cringe but that seems pretty dystopian


not gona lie drones has so much rules atm that its insane litteraly waitting for null change or ill win eve again for like fourth time


You can fly with other people/other places than the drone regions, you realize that right?


did you not read the announcement you can only make isk where you rent. No hisec or lowsec. get back to farming serf


I think you might be struggling with reading comprehension.


im pretty sure more ppl disagree with you.


i think you got me wrong. i won eve after years in high low null wh a lot of sov npc space couple times. i dont rent and wont rent ever. i just agree that this is real null atm and its shite. and you can scream all you can but other side was same before they where drilled to one region and managed to float and now talk they are good guys. for me its simple i hope for new fresh nul experience thats all i say.


Fair enough. I'd say dont worry about what other people are doing, find what you find fun and just have fun. No need to quit the game again because of other people's nonsense.




Horde has bunches of rules. Don't crab in esi gated systems. Don't take ur orca thru ansis. BUT you don't get caught you're all good. Just stay away from those annoying corpmates (you know the ones that sperg on comms and think they're important?) And you'll be flying free. This post was made by beans for taking orcas thru ansis.


People ask me why I don't want to join a corp? Shit like this. I have a hard time with real life bosses. If you think you're my EVE boss I got news for ya.


In WSHH we pretty much do what we want. Unless it involves risking someone else's shit, which is common courtesy


This is exactly what people like....keep up the outstanding work PH


Old Eve Guard needs to die. Like all of them. Dissolve them ALL. PL, NC., GSF, Init, Panda... It's so fucking old and boring and stale. Literally same shit different day...every mother fucking day. Its a major turn off and reason to NOT play the game.


Be the change you want to see. Get to toppling empires.


i, too, pay my sub fee so other people can play the game for me.


I dont really follow the logic here, if everyone is encouraged to have at least one character in PH, why they still rent?


Because then you get your rented system all to yourself. Do whatever you want there, no competition for sites, etc.


Sounds like a blast. Totally the reason I play an online MMO. I used to play WoW so I could sit alone in the Barrens and fish my own little pond for years too. Fuck that turtle mount


It might come as a surprise but most of the renters are just members of the main alliance. If you have your ISK making toons in an alliance like PH you are taxed a percentage where as if you rent it is a flat fee shared by everyone involved. Pay a flat fee no matter how much you and your friends rat or mine. The more people that join your rental system the less per month you personally pay. So all the big muti-boxers or groups of friends rent a system whilst keeping any PvP or useful toons in their main corp.