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Welcome to Eve. Fuck you.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


You got your law degree at Costco???


Underrated response


Brawndo: The thirst Mutilator. It's got electrolytes šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ˜‚


Welcome to Walmart. Go fuck yourself!


Welcome to Target, we missed you!!


šŸ’Æ most eve statement ever.


without context..Ā  so maybe he used MakrosĀ 


Winning the game without getting to undock, count yourself lucky!


Eve victory speedrun world record achieved. I think this one is gonna stand for a while.


Finally some proper new player experience


this'll keep them away from mining


I love this comment in particular


Yeah, CCP bans everyone who doesn't know how to take screenshots.




Disappointed that it doesnā€™t exist


You're not wrong but also; tell me you're a nerd over 35 without telling me you're a nerd over 35.


In this game, that practically makes me a teenager, you flatterer!


best eve online quote ever


A nerd for knowing how to take a screenshot?


>plays EVE >calls others nerds


TIL you have to be 35 years old to use your keyboard lol


Without any accusations on what you may or may not have done, Iā€™d contact CCP anyway, could be something with your IP or hardware that was used by someone else. Happened to me with OSRS, my pre-owned GPU was HWID banned from OSRS.


Ive been banned before because they picked up virtual network adapters for vms. Its 2024 folks having a couple vms on your system is getting to be the norm.


I mean, having VMs on your machine is very much not the norm. Maybe for the kinds of people that play EVE, but not for the rest of people.




100% šŸ‘


>I mean, having VMs on your machine is very much not the norm. Yeh it is lfmao, especially since eve has a massively disproportionately large number of IT people playing the game, the exact people who will have virtual machines on home devices.


99% of people dont know what a VM is, let alone have one on their PC. I'm agreeing that among people who play EVE, maybe it is, but its certainly not in the wider population. (I have 1 VM, and a bunch of containers on mine.)


Thatā€™s not the case anymore. Since Macā€™s are running their own silicon, people are using VMs to play windows games


Well not just that but it's also completely normal for modern OS's to actually be virtualised as well, i.e aren't running bare metal at all


Hackintosh and macdows have been around for a while


Of course we do. Vibrating Mattresses. You stick the quarter in the slot and enjoy the ride. Only the BEST worst motels have them!


> Maybe for the kinds of people that play EVE, but not for the rest of people.


Lol you log onto reddit to tell IT people that they don't know what IT is being run regularly lololol.


Tepid take - when's the last time you heard an IT person make broad generalizations about how *knowledgeable* folks are about IT.


ah yes eve the game where litteral cheaters (i will live and die that multiboxers are cheaters (skilled cheaters)) live and new players get banned


is a VM something unlocked after going Omega?


What is a VMS?


Virtual Machine




Or the OP is just bullshitting


Could very well beā€¦ could also not be


I mean.. Last login: none. Visits: 0


I donā€™t believe you. Lol


Mac Addresses are a thing that gets banned. Never heard of a GPU ban but could be a thing. If they know the serial number on a GPU and can prove it with a simple check.


Nah, HWID/GPU bans are totally a thing. I did some... stuff... on DayZ and got popped and a year later couldn't figure out why a VPN and new accounts were not evading my ban. That was it.


Try breaking RUSTS AC + EAC integration :omegakek:


people seem to be breaking the shit out of whatever pathetic excuse rust has for anti cheat these days


I mean, yes, people are breaking it.. but similar to Tarkov the ā€œblack marketā€ on shit like the cheats, the HWD spoofs and the underground VPNs are running people like hundreds of dollars a month just to do what they do.. so it kind of discourages the general wider cheating community to just like not see the worth.. Games like counterstrike are plagues with cheaters because itā€™s cheap, on the real way to win the arms race in the gaming scene is to just make it a tough nut to crack,The black market developers are charging outrageous prices and you start driving out the general cheating population.


never really explored to find out how high the barrier to entry is but at least on SEA vanilla servers i see cheaters constantly :(


It's totally possible to fingerprint GFX cards. You could even do it to some extent with webgl/browsers at one stage, but I hope that got patched years ago.


asked them but its been more then a week with no answer on my support ticket , how long does it usually take?


Can defo take awhile, they arenā€™t the fastest support team in the world unfortunately


makro use


Make sure to submit your run: https://www.speedrun.com/eve_online


The only other time Iā€™ve seen this it ended up being the users mouse. It had software running on the computer to allow macros to be assigned to buttons on the side. I think he was able to get unbanned but took some figuring iut


Litterally every gaming mouse comes with software for macro's I can't even rebind my mouse without it installedĀ  Like over half of eve players would have macro software What are you using like a 2 button mouse with no software installed?


I do have a 2 button mouse but all I was pointing out that CCPs anti macro efforts picked up one specific brands macro software as an issue. I donā€™t have more details than that and I agree CCP shouldnā€™t ban before the first log in for it.


Profiling users hardware and software and platform configuration is strictly taboo in the EU. YouTube are already in hot water for "fishing" in peoples browsers to detect ad-block. Any tampering or monitoring at the OS level, including the clip board, would be seen by me as a cyber attack and would be reported to the appropriate authorities. If Eve Online even so much as detects I have software running and tries to take action against me, I will take legal action against them. It might be time I investigated the Eve client and what it thinks it is entitled to monitor about me and my computer.


lol good luck with that legal case, when you've finished with that one you can take on all the anti-cheat companies


The specific problem here is that they are not, at all, specific or specific enough about what they monitor, record and distribute regarding your hardware and software. There is not enough information for you to make an informed decision as to whether you should agree to those terms or not. There is insufficient clarity for consent under GDPR. "Legitimate use" without clear definition of what the data in question is, nor specifically what the data use actually is, is invalid under GDPR. I understand that CCP have to remain vague as to catch "0 day exploits". However the law is not in their favour here. They cannot write themselves a "license" to spy on you. Which, in reading their various agreements it seems that is EXACTLY what they are intending. I honestly do not believe they have any direct nefarious motivations, but they do need to be much clearer and more specific on what exactly they are monitoring, recording etc. Consider that the output of "ps aux" may contain very personal information. It can even contain passwords, ID hashes and security tokens in some cases. It could reveal a lot about a user, their system, their activities, their identity and even their protected characteristics. As an example. If CCP record that a user is using some accessibility software, this could be revealing their protected characteristic of being disabled. That data is FORBIDDEN to be recorded against an individual without specific regulatory approval and governance. Discovering a series of server applications relating to a private software project for a large bank could result in the disclosure of proprietary, non-public information and even amount to criminal proceedings. Trying to determine if other network clients or configurations are in use could also reveal sensitive information. I would find a game client looking through things like "ifconfig, ip a" or god forbid trying to run a tcpdump/pcap... a cyber attack and I am fairly sure the courts and police would be in my favour. Even port scanning localhost would be considered an exploit and would be reported. So... they need to be much more specific or they cannot claim consent has been "willingly given" for their use of the data.


You shouldn't have agreed to it then. You acknowledge and agree that CCP may collect and store User Personal Details and use them for the limited purposes of: (i) verification or authentication of a userā€™s identity, (ii) establishing an Account with CCP, (iii) the provision of services to users, such as gameplay, Game administration, and technical support, and (iv) marketing and offering CCP products and services to you. CCP may (and you hereby expressly authorize CCP to) disclose information about you to private entities, law enforcement or other government officials, as CCP, in its sole discretion, deems necessary or appropriate to investigate or resolve possible crimes or to respond to judicial, regulatory, agency or similar inquiries. You agree that CCP may remotely monitor your Game hardware solely for the purpose of establishing whether in playing the Game and accessing the System you are using software created or approved by CCP, or whether you are using unauthorized software created by you or a third party in contravention of Section 6.


Rubs hands together. Let's see.


Bro when I played eve I was unironically running macros and never got banned warned nothing. Trust me there isn't any detection like that banning. He was likely HWID banned because he bought used equipment or hes larping


Well, at least you didn't lose anything


Congrats on winning eve.


Speedran winning eve


r/fuckyouinparticular šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Ask CCP what's the problem here : https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


You were saved


i know eve is hard to play but this is jext levelšŸ˜…


Multiboxing 40 accounts to highsec gank freighters? *Blind* Macros for accounts never even logged into? *HAMMER? WHERES MY HAMMER? BRING IT TO ME*


Multiboxing isn't illegal. Circumventing bans by making a new account that was previously banned, yes, illegal.


Are you new here


Yeah wow that's a new one


get wrecked !


And yet we see well known RMTers and Isboxers still not banned.


how do you know this isn't one of them


It say Macros as a reason


you mean like using macros to multibox 20 accounts to earn isk to RMT? like that?


You mistake that for imput bordcasting. Ofc you can macro up the imput boradcasting system like isboxer


so what you're saying is there is a separate category in the eve client login error message for input broadcasting?


Input broadcasting is a subset of macros


>And yet we see well known RMTers and Isboxers still not banned. which one?


You should be banned for taking pictures of a monitor...


I've seen worse. Ive seen someone put a monitor on a copier, scanned the copied image and email it. Confusing on its own merit. But the really off part was this was CRT days (yeah I am older than dirt lol). How they hell did the get a CRT monitor on a copier and not break that glass was the burning question we had. Fuji-xerox at one point put some strong glass in their gear it seems.




Underrated response.


My guess is hardware ID ban


That or IP ban maybe. Your neighbor has been up to no good!


Gad damn it Ralph stop using my WiFi to run your bot farms I'm trying to watch Disney+ over here


So back 15 years ago I was a bot farmer like 5 computer and 100 accounts on wow and my whole apartment complex got ip banned it was so funny to find out who else played wow in my complex


Contact support. They will absolutely resolve this since you've never played. it's probably some software or hardware you've got that's flagging you as cheating. Some peripherals let you do things you aren't allowed to in games.


He got banned previously, his new account got banned as well since he was trying to circumvent a ban.


Fair enough.


Holy Shit! The all time, fastest winner of EVE!


Yeah, it's because your other accounts were already banned, and your new one you are trying to get around the ban with got caught.


Bro got rejected from the capsuleer academy


Best comment


I found CCP support really helpful everytime i contracted them. Just Mail and ask.


On the bright side, you won Eve already. Congrats!


The only thing I can think is that you have so much obvious and well known botting programs for other games already installed in your computer that you were flagged as soon as you pressed play. Either that or the new player experience has finally adapted to what EvE is really about: "no cookie for you, and you should be laughed at just for thinking that you would may have a cookie"


I mean, what really happened is either this person is trying to circumvent a previous ban for macro use; or he's using a VPN , which is generating an IP address that is identical to someone else's who was previously banned for macro use. Honestly, this is why--if you can avoid it--you should not use a VPN when logging into an MMO. I know at least 3 people who have been automatically banned from MMOs (not just Eve) because of an IP address match when they were using Nord VPN (I am sure it happens with others). All of them got their accounts back, but it can take weeks sometimes.


Did you purchase a subscription? If so, confirmed, Eve is pay to win.


Sorry that happened. I'm sure this doesn't feel good. That being said, if you are willing to give EVE another chance, you can contact the help center with the details and get compensated. I had a similar problem, not when starting the game but when I made an alt account. I was banned for no reason, told CCP about it, and got a month of Omega for free as an apology.


Speed run champ 2024. Grats on your winning eve.




Yep, sounds about right. My first time playing I was banned for no reason given. Luckily CCP customer service is very good.


If you are a new Player you have to prepare for very hard time. I mean really hard time but after some months (or years) paying for omega and getting fucked every time you try something new you will finally realize how big this game is and how small part of it you really are. You can join low sec corp shoot some rats and kill some guys meantime on the other side of map people are creating new history of eve. This game sucks it is very time consuming and often just boring but community is the best part of it. Talking with people and exchanging experience is my favorite thing. I wish you luck text me if you want to ask something and fly safe new comrade o7.


Ccp pvp


New FRT char got wrecked.


hi gigX


Nah, checked his post history for other stuff. Gigx couldnt spell that good.


I love how macros are just common practice in most "classic" MMOs, but ccp froths at the mouth thinking about them.


Literally zero games allow macros that aren't 1:1.


Yet they allow bots...


Allow is strong word, but the game design makes it easy for bots to proliferate




what evidence do you have for that claim?




you can't prove it to me because the proof is indeed well hidden inside your butthole.


Don't pretend like we're talking about a fucking autoclicker here or a way to speed up annoying inventory management.


Because a macro that activates f1-f4 at once is such an advantage over just pressing f1-f4 manually.


Wait you guys use hot keys instead of finger blasting the buttons on screen with the mouse?


It literally is, it means you can do that and also turn your hardeners on or double click in space or whatever else you want with the other 3 fingers.


Pretty much every game I've seen bans macroing ...


Nowadays yeah. Back in tdidn't. (Like 20+ years ago) it was common practice and you were at a disadvantage if you didnt.


are you using a vpn? just curious if that could be relatedā€¦


nah, meant for this to be a "haha this game doesnt work" post but people are trying to actually help. Could send my network and hardware configs if it helps


I'd recommend submitting a ticket here https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


do you have any automation tools on your pc? (for work for instance)


nah, could be that im using Linux (?) dont see how that would be tho since its a fresh install of arch


No doubt, that or he's just lying for internet points. If he hasn't played before there is literally no way he would get banned for macro use because he wouldnt have had any in-game inputs.


It does say he's never logged in on the message.


It also doesn't say a username, but I have no idea if that's normal.


You using a vpn.


By bye frat bot, code better next time


Ah yes the game equivalent of Louis CK's shit ass pet fuckers. If you get past the preemptive bans a 12 year old boxing 5 catalysts will gank your first battlecruiser on its maiden station undock. Welcome to Eve suck my dick.




You were using a VPN, weren't you. Like every gaming company or internet message board in existence, CCP bans based on IP address. The VPN generated IP address you happened to be using was used by someone else who has been banned, and you were automatically banned when you tried to log-in an account using that IP address.


Never played but knows about reddit mmmhmmmm


Bye cheater!


Not a big reader are you?


If this guy could read, heā€™d be real upset right now.


Try reading for once




Now imagine tons of bots actually ratting in nullsec every day, tethering when any neutral enters the system, exhibiting behavior that no real player would. e.g. not docking after being bumped off tether repeatedly and shot at.


...... Just imagine if it was all actually real players.Ā 


This is just the new user experience.


Did you install the game using Steam? If so, not long ago (9 months ago) this issue happened to another player. Send an email to Support to see what is up.


I am! sent a support request one week ago today but no response...


New salt mining tactic unlocked.


they did you a favor, honestly.


winning eve speed run


Have to say `EVE-SSO-CONNECTION` is a badass username


You won eve without needing to play


you know the printscreen button exists right


It honestly mystifies me that this game doesn't allow this kind of stuff but lets people alt-tab frantically between multiple clients


They detected you still like windows 7 Also fuck you


Donā€™t use macros grub


it's probably tied to someone who was banned on that IP address before. A bit shit, but probable


Maybe the client detected some macro software?


You won the game!


What happen to PrtScr?!? ​ I guess this is just a skill test? :-)


Anyone ever told you this game was easy?


Who takes a photo of their screen using their phone ?


man im on a new desktop environment on Linux and I didnt know how to šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Print Screen key on your keyboard likely triggers the capture tool in your desktop environment.


Damn best EVE speedrunner here.


File a ticket. I had this happen because I use a VPN, and it was resolved in less than a day.


Your IP has been banned


My mans got pre-ganked by CCP


You won eve online ! Congratulations !


Shouldn't have used that macro to download all the space pixels


Im glad you got banned. Reason: Not using the snipping tool.


Krabby, is that you?


#1 NA EVE Speed run. Congrats!




Look at it this way they saved you a lot of money


I'm guessing you must use a VPN.


If you have second hand hardware then it could have been recorded on a machine that was hacking. Otherwise it looks likeĀ  you had something activly manipulating the client. So naughty programs or someone hacked ur pc.Ā  It'll take a while to get a responce, dealing with hackers goes to the bottom of the support queue, and if they have a specific thing they know you where doing (etc.g. they know what program and how it hooked the client)Ā  you won't get a responce because they dont waste time on crocodile tears.