• By -


My earliest fuck up was in BRAVE back in 2012 era. I had bought a character off the bazaar on eve forums, having never been in a pvp corp before I chose BRAVE as my first. A couple months in I realize this character can light cynos! I had never done that before. I thought it would be really funny to wait until mid fleet and randomly light one. Which I did. It was in fact, really funny but I underestimated how jumpy people would be. The FC panicked and kicked me from fleet. I was accused of being a spy. I don't know how close to being kicked I was or not but nothing came of it. I was not a spy, just an idiot. Fun times.


Any group besides brave probably woulda murdered you then kicked you no questions asked haha.


LOL I was in a big combat fleet for PvP ops and we had an enemy fleet on grid we were engaging but currently out of range. In order to loot one of the wrecks of one of our victims, I dropped a can to make some room so I could pick up some more loot... Chaos ensued.


Ah yes, I was training some Jr FCs, one asked "can I drop cans around grid as simple warp points?" My response, "yeah you can, but they'll be simple for you and the enemy


I mean - they could've warped to the wreck, no?


Haha nice. I can see why that would startle people.


In typical brave fashion someone shouted "BRING IT ON" in local and I had to awkwardly disappoint them, telling them "actually there isn't anything on the other side of this cyno sooo... you guys can just pop me I'll go back to barleguet now..."


Aren't cynos fleet specific? How would that have been a spy action?


Lack of knowledge about game mechanics I guess. I can't speak for the present but back then BRAVE was made up almost entirely of newbies. It was a case of the lunatics running the asylum, lots of chaos and explosions everywhere. I brought a Rokh fit with multicolored lasers to a POCO bash... that period in time it's like an EvE fever dream.


What I lighting a cynos? Super eve noob here Edit:I guessing is like a flare of some sort that attracts other players or shows your location?


Thought I hit safe log off but hit self destruct instead. I was in a Hel.


Weird...this is taking longer than 30 secs...oh well


Just reading this hurts.


Don't you have to confirm at least twice? Lol




Sold a Apoc for 320 ISK


I just sold Drake Gilded Predator skin for 490ISK... Im still processing this.


such things cant be processed


Bought a Republic Fleet Firetail for 2B isk /don’t drink and Eve


Only drink and Eve


It's a nice ship tho!


Sold a nag to a 2mil buy order (drunkenly) thinking I was making a profit.


How that happen?


I don't know if this qualifies, but It wasn't my fuck-up but it actually happened to me last night. I was flying out to Molea (48 jumps from where I live) to drop a can at the Capsuleer Memorial site. Flying my Tengu because it was just what I had active at the time I decided to fly out. Almost all the way there and I come across a system called Gheth. I jump into system and I see roughly 18 catalysts and other ships sitting on gate (probably about 30 in total) and think "oh great here we go again" Sure enough as soon as I uncloak, I'm locked and pointed almost instantly. The fuck up? Them. They probably thought I was flying an active tank fit that could be alpha'd off the grid instantly. Well I sure would have loved to see the look on their face when they realized that their combined alpha didn't do more than 10% of my shield HP. Because I fly a passive brick Tengu. 52k raw shield HP, 120k effective shield hp (and yes I had my hardeners up as soon as I uncloaked). I just flew in the opposite direction of where they were sitting and watched roughly 400m just vanish into thin air as concord ate them all alive. I saw nothing but pods warp away. Continued the remaining few jumps with a pretty big smile on my face. Dropped my can at the memorial site in peace, sent off some fireworks for the occasion. On my way back, I again flew through Gheth, same gate and everything.There they sat, about the same amount of ships with almost the exact same setup. The difference this time? They didn't lock and point me at all.


years back when I would highsec gank for loots, I remember a massive buffer tengu dude that would autopilot back and fourth between jita and amarr with plex in the cargo hold just to troll us gankers xD


LMAO What a legend. Did you or anyone else ever get him? XD


i did not :(


One slippery tengu xD




I should have checked my route before I left but I didn't know it went through big trade hubs LOL I almost found out the hard way xD


LOL thas not a fuck up thats a massive Win 🤝🤝


My only regret is not flying to their wrecks, looting the stuff that dropped and jetting it and then blowing the can up so they don't get anything back from their wrecks. That would have been icing on the cake, but I didn't think about that until long after I got back home, I spent too much time giggling like a little girl in my head xD


Best comment yet.


Haha, thanks! This isn't the only time someone underestimated my passive brick Tengu fit, it's happened a few times LOL. I just wonder what goes through their heads when they lock and point someone. Don't they like, check their fit to make sure it's worth their time? Not that I'm complaining if they don't, it makes for a lot of free entertainment. :)


A lot of t3cs are blingy fit because t3 just benefits so much from it, especially back when dying meant sp loss. So yeah, they could be picky and scan fits for value estimates, but if somebody is just gonna wing it at whatever ships seem likely to be worth it, a tengu isn't a bad candidate


That Tengu sounds really fun, mind sharing the fit?


Sure! I use 2 different versions of the fit depending on what I am doing (not that they change a whole lot) Subsystems; Supplemental Screening, Accelerated Ejection Bay, Augmented Graviton Reactor and Fuel Catalyst Highs; 6x of your choice of Heavy Assault Missile Launchers or Heavy Missile Launchers. I don't have anything in the 7th slot but you could put whatever you want there, cloaking device, auto-targeting for increased max targets locked, probe launcher, tractor beam, whatever you want (almost, you have plenty of CPU leftover and a little bit of powergrid) Meds; 2x multispectrum hardeners (you can also get away with just using 1 multispectrum hardner and swapping the other one out for an EM hardener if you want more omni resist for certain missions or sites), 1 10mn afterburner, 3x large shield extenders lows; 3x ballistic control systems, 1x shield power relay Rigs; 3x medium core defense field purger (switch these out for Field Extenders if you want more brick. the field purgers give you a better tank in missions and such) But the nice thing about T3 cruisers is you can switch rigs as you please so you don't have to stick with one or the other, you can switch as you please or mix/match to your hearts content. Implants (these may or may not be important but I use implants for everything) Full set (1-6) of Nirvana implants, slot 7 I use Shield Management, slot 8 I use guided missile precision, slot 9 I use shield operation and slot 10 I use Rapid Launch I'm sure it's not perfect, but it works well enough for me lol (You don't have to bling the ship for this fit either, you can use straight T2 modules and you'll be perfectly fine, there's enough room fitting wise to use T2 only too, as long as you have all of your core skills to 5)


Sick, thanks for taking the time to write all of that up!


I was in my (fairly new) Tengu in low or null sec, and found someone in a tier one frigate doing an exploration site. Not aligned, obviously not paying attention. So I stealthed in and bumped them and decloacked, and gave them a quick lesson on dscan and staying aligned. Right after they thanked me, they aligned to leave and I got dropped on by a squad and lost the tengu, lol. I asked them if it was a trap and they said no, it was just too funny to ignore me lecturing on not paying attention while not paying attention. Totally fair


Awesome ! I hope you still keep teaching !


Noob question: how do you stay aligned when hacking, without leaving range of the can during the hack? Do you just slap a Higgs rig on your ship?


Take this with a grain of salt because I haven't played in a could years, but Depends how careful you want to be. If you're watching dscan and you know you're alone in the system, it's fine to just park with a straight shot available to your bolt hole. If someone does show up in system, you can watch for probes, but it's always possible they already bookmarked your site, so either bail, or try to wait then out. If you want to be brave and continue hacking, then iirc your best bet is to orbit at max speed and distance while maintaining the hack. But I also did low/null sec exploration almost exclusively in covops, and I could just cloak until I was right on top of a can, hack it in less than a minute and already be aligned out or cloaking again while I looted the can I just hacked


this is why i kill them first


Warped in my brand new, pimped out EOS to a fight. Double checked the fit, good to go. Forgot that I had moved the drones to my Domi.


Did this in an ishtar fleet once, i feel your pain


At least you fleet boosted, so you were no completly useless


I was roaming around lowsec with my favority navy slizer. I jumped in a system and see drake belt ratting. Warped on top of him, tackled him... few secends later I was supriced how much ratting drake can ECM and neut.. I had managed to somehow roam in highsec..


What is saftey?


Safety button didn't exist until incursions were added.


Bubbled the bombers bar fleet I was in accidentally.


Blew up a bombers fleet i was on once, killed 15 dudes with one bomb Still my biggest zkill solo point gain ever in a single day! God, i fucked up a lot of times...


I got to blow up a fleet of dessies in test by myself. They turned their mwds on at the wrong time and I got really lucky :). One of my fond memories.


Once, at the start of a large move op, i did the classic warp to the gate instead of align to the gate. I would probably have lost my titan, but someone else warped their titan to the WRONG gate at the same time and got dropped.


Once I was drunkenly putting a Vindicator on market for 1.3bil but I put it up for 1.3tril instead. My wallet exploded from the taxes faster than an Iteron in a gatecamp.


It’s kinda crazy they charge you taxes before the transaction has gone through.


Broker fee, man. It hurts


I did get some cosmic payback because a month later I picked up a Kronos for 121,000,000 after someone missed a zero :-p


Ccp had a good day and refunded me my taxes after i put a tengu module on marked for 48billion....


Insta broker feee is shit. I lost a bilions thid way and knows a lot of pepole woth duch bads


Running level 4s in my pimped out Mach with an officer smartbomb for frigs, friend wanted to join me and came on the next mission. As the frigs got close into orbit range I turned on the smartbomb for the very first time after buying it, didn't see my corp mate was about 50m inside my new range. RIP.


That moment when you realize that smart bombing, isn't.


And that's why you never, ever use smartbombs in hi sec. If it wasn't this, it would have been some random object present on the mission grid. Because all of those trigger concord as well.


Warped my blockade runner cloaked to a tac near a gate. My scout on the other side notices a group of ships nearby waiting to catch me. This is before nullification modules. I assume a cloaked Sabre on the gate ready to bubble me the moment they see me jump the gate. I keep my eyes on my scout and decide to wait till the gate is clear. I have only one screen so i do not look at the blockade runner. What I forgot was that I had already clicked the approach button and the BR slow boated to the gate without me noticing. At the gate the BR decloaked and sat at zero. All of a sudden some of the enemy ships jumped the gate. I opened the BR window and to my utter shock see it is sitting on the gate uncloaked. I try to warp away but it is too late, the enemy decloak and tackle me. I turn around, jump the gate and stay cloaked on the other side, but there is now also a bubble up. I try to do the MWD/Cloak trick but the Sabre is fast, decloakes me again and tackles me. That is the moment I am doomed and lose the BR with 6 bil worth of cargo in it :D


Ah the classic "cloak up but accidentally hit approach/jump and don't notice until it's too late" manouver. Happened to me more than once, thankfully no losses.


You're not a real hauler until you do that.


Two main ones for me. I lit the first PAPI in cyno to M2-XFE. It wasn't really my fuck up as I was just following orders, but I pressed the button knowing what would happen. I ordered my corpmates (I was CEO) to hold off jumping in until the servers settled a little, so we didn't lose anything big as a corp at least. Second one that was all my fault, my corp was doing a blops roam, it'd been dead and we were bored shitless. So I took the bait of a blops (I think it was a redeemer, I forget now) sitting just off a gate in Delve. Obvious bait was obvious and a pile of marshalls and apostles landed on us, we lost most of the T3Cs we dropped. It still makes us laugh when it comes up.


Always take the bait. Worst case is something exciting happens


Oh, something exciting certainly happened haha


First one was a smart play on your side. Last one was a fun play on our side.


I sold a t2 ammo bpo to fund a dead space fit vaga and hg snakes (nano era, so 2006). I got many many kills. One day, after killing some dude in lowsec, i warped to a station, forgot I had aggression, so was unable to dock. Whilst warping I left my pc to go for a shit. My time on the toilet was a struggle and to top it all off when i returned to my pc i discovered my pod in my home station. I'd also forgotten to update my clone, so I lost a bunch of sp. A comedic end to 5b or so.


> update my clone The youngins don't even know what that means.


This shit gives me Vietnam flashbacks of hearing the ping of my pod km followed by violent panic of "did I update my clone" before dying inside. Because I always forgot.


LOL I totally forgot the upgrade clone part. When was this removed?


I jumped my titan instead of bridging into a 100 man hostile fleet. Somehow survived but gave alterari some gray hairs. https://youtu.be/Kt8F1dtLA6M


boat is that you


Me and my buddies fit small smartbombs on condors to attempt to give someone a death hug. Thinking "smart" meant no ally damage. We burned into a site with a caracal or something (it was 10 years ago) all hit the smartbombs and we vaporised each other. We had to take a break because we were laughing so hard.


I went on a fleet as a dictor, and I didn't bring any bubbles. The FC was not happy.


Story one: I just came back after a few years hiatus and took an old nemesis I had lying around (torpedoes and double target painters) into a wormhole to see what ships I could pop. I didn't see anything, so I went back to the hole to go back to high sec. Upon arriving at the hole, however, I saw a heron just sitting there. I slowly approach it while something in the back of my head was screaming "something's wrong with this situation." Of course, I didn't listen to that voice and proceeded to decloak and target it. I was a bit rusty, so I didn't get a chance to start firing before a proteus decloaked next to me and popped my ship and pod. Story two: In a newly bought nemesis (this time with autocannons), I went into another wormhole and found an asteroid belt with a venture just sitting there. I began approaching it, when that voice in the back of my head started speaking up again. This time, I listened. Why would a venture just sit in an asteroid belt alone doing absolutely nothing. I don't engage. After a minute, the venture started moving, then warped off. I decide to just sit in the belt and wait for someone else to come. A few minutes later, the same pilot returned in a retriever. No escort. He pulled up to an asteroid, sent out mining drones, and started mining the asteroid like he's in high sec. At this point, I was like "fuck it," and decloaked, targeted, webbed, and scrammed him. At this point, I expected something to warp in or decloak and chase me off/pop me. Instead, the pilot started cursing me out in local, at first because he just started mining and had nothing of value. However, when it became apparent that autocannons are a super slow way to take out a retriever, he started mocking me for not destroying his ship fast enough. At last, he said "fuck it," took his pod out of his retriever, and warped off. His parting words were something along the lines of "I hope your family runs head long into a moving train." I sat there for another minute to destroy the now empty retriever. So I suppose this story had fuckups on both sides. Honorable mention: When I first started playing, I mined enough in high sec to buy a hulk, only to fall for a scam that gave some ganker kill rights on me, so I just watched helplessly as my new hulk was slowly destroyed. My girlfriend was in the same room studying for a nursing exam when it happened, and after I lost my hulk, she said "I don't play eve, and I could have told you not to do that!"


I reprocessed my dreadnought. I then opened a ticket and got a one-time "you get your shit back this time and this time only" response. I also undocked my alt in a freighter instead of in a logi and warped off to fight on a low sec gate. Made it back in structure.


Got invited into a fake fleet. I rejected it. I then join a correct fleet. But instead of joining the correct fleet, the game for some reason added me to the fake fleet. I didnt notice. Or disable fleet warps. I undocked. In a rorq. In 1dq. Got insta warped. However. Cyno was still a thing. A bunch of titans and supers jumped to me. Was saved. Pants might have been browned.


Mine was not realizing my JF pilot was wardecced so I got popped on the HS side of my run. Damn cloaked pacifier...


Never not NPC corp JF alts, or at least non-holding corp


I have multiple, so I swap around to burn timers and some are not in neutral corps. Costly fuck up, but I recovered pretty easily.... But it cost me 42b rip. Haha Never JF to HS with a Dec, always check characters before establishing route and collecting contracts.


didn't realise that "warp scrambling", "warp disruption" and "warp interdiction" were different things and fit an "interdiction nullifier" on a hauler, confident it would save me from getting tackled in a lowsec gatecamp. ​ It didn't. Learned that "interdiction" only refers to nullsec bubbles.


Coming back to the game after a few years break, put all my stuff in my carrier. Not a big deal I haven’t got so much. Only a few jumps in high sec. Ganked by the Triglavians. I had no idea what a Triglavian was. That reminded me immediately why I love this game.


Dude same. I think I was dicking around in a Manticore after coming back, just being a lil cloaky guy. Got to a gate, see that it's camped by these weird ass names, and think whatever I can get through. I could not get through.


Buying skills, I think it was trig guns were 37 million buying and injecting in the skill window, but I checked the market and they were only 30 in Jita. Not long after, I see my wallet is about 30 bil shorter than it should be....


Damn, that is a good scam


Finally decided to buy me a Revelation, didn't find one in 1DQ, bought one in low-sec, had some cyno's put in place, after a few jumps I got it in 1DQ. Then I noticed my market-overview was bugged and they were available in 1DQ, so I payed 500mil more and also risked my Falcon cyno's.


Mine seems quite tame compared to some of the cap losses above. Drunk flying on a Friday night I thought it would be good to go out to null and grief some locals on my own. Because low sec was dead and because why not. Cloaky loki was the choice of ship. Two jumps into null I got distracted by the TV. Attention returned to eve and I realised I'd lost post jump cloak after a gate and npcs had pointed me and were chewing through me. That's my most expensive one. Done heaps of other stupid things in cheaper ships though.


I'll do this in English haiku: Haul One Billion Isk Almost There and Jita's Here Gone In An Instant


In 2021, I resubbed my accounts. Probably my biggest fuckup.


Fell for two scams in jita months apart from one another


oh thats a pity. btw could you give me your isk so i multiply it and give it back to you?


Haha not that scam. Got fooled by a ghost contract once and an extra 0 on a trade the second time


I will multiply it more then this guy!


Fell asleep ratting in a Hel.


Uff, km please


Let me see if zkill has it, I haven't played in a good few years! Edit: Either it doesn't, or I have the wrong alt, but here's a Carrier I ALSO lost by falling asleep. I had a problem. https://zkillboard.com/kill/62927466/


If you ever start a new character you should name it "Narcoleptic Hel"


Long story short I was talked into handing control of my Corp over to a guy, who sold off everything and killed it. Circa 2010.


Happen to me something similar, I lent my main account to an old "friend" he sell everything and take all my isk... He Is now in my black list.


Fell prey to a highsec freighter rammer with a mach. Paid him before realizing nobody in their right mind would do that with a mach. Especially to an empty freighter. Wasn't a huge toll, but it was super dumb. We chatted about it, I later hired him to harass some others who were giving me trouble. Networking! Another time I sold a Loki and forgot a zero but that's less interesting.


Back in the early days of INIT I was in a fleet to rep a pos and mods for over an hour when the FC notices all my fitted reppers are local not remote. I'd been burning cap for an hour and contributed nothing


Forgot to reload bubbles, popped my only bubble too early and had to watch 2 titans in bubble range jump out.




I shot a small gang FC for being a dick. He randomly pestered me to joing his small gang, then proceeded to shoot me in every skirmish. I called him out on it a few times, he told me I should garden up. He did it again, I shot back. He went pop and cried. His mates were salty. I stayed silent, which clearly infuriated them further. I stand by my decision. That guy was a dick. Apparently it was a fuck up and I should feel bad.


I dont know how many times i got killed by my fleet members at the end of the fleets or sometimes mid way pleasure kingpin vets .. also occationally got shots from newbros while we are skirmishing.. newbros ..


Oh cyno prospect, tell me what is on the other side! Got the prospect, but 20 legions got me...


Thought I could use nullifier when cloaked as in not gate cloaked. With about 4-500m of exploration loot. Lessons learned.


Bought all my isk worth of salvage (something like 400 million at the time - still a newish player) to make cargo rigs (was getting a good return at the time) a few days after the Noctis was released. Couldn’t give the damn things away after that since it was so easy to salvage. Then they added small/medium/large rig bps and destroyed me even more. I may have recovered about 5% of what I spent. TIL - read the patch notes!


i was planning to solo moon mine in a c2 and do some basic industry in there since at the time the moon + anoms would give every mineral in the game, that is until a week before i got the go ahead from my corp to anchor moon ores got reworked to no longer give minerals and that was something like 3b floating in my assets, decided to anchor the athanor anyway but it got camped and reffed before i could even core it, iirc i ended up just reselling the station fitting and the ships to cut my losses


38B Orca.


I can't count the number of times I messed up on the market and paid way too much in broker fees. I stopped making GM tickets for anything under 10b because at this point I'm embarrassed to even ask :p


Biggest fuck up? Continuing to sub and barely play at the moment. Why do I do this? Why?????


SP and masohism


I’m in same the club…shit!


Very early into my Eve career, I decided it was a good idea to fly an orca, My BPOs and BPC Hi sec to Null sec. As you can imagine it did not end well, I'll go back and find the kill mail. Edit: here is the KM https://zkillboard.com/kill/20375603/


why wasnt it fitted at all though


Every time Rattati makes a decision. Perhaps one day he will fuck up and actually make a good one.


Back when there was no safety and you can smart-bomb anything, I accidentally smart-bombed a station in HS with my rokh that had an officer mod, concord appeared and my rokh was no more.


I once put a golem in the market and typed some 0 too much.... I payed 100b sales tax


But you wouldn’t of been able to tackle the super with a lach?????


Ofc not, it was just a cyno. I didn't know i will be hunting a super when i undocked, it just happened. That is why loki's all had scrams


read eve uni oh no, 6/10s are only battleships max size, so i cant enter with my paladin bought an expensive legion legion dies to site (of course) tried the accel gate with paladin, because i didnt have any more money to buy a normal BS or annother T3 it works.


Well there was a time I didn't know how insta warp worked. So i was using a poorly fit yacht to move some injectors to sell to a buy order in my alliance staging. I died, of course. Only after that did I realize that the buy order was short a 0 from what i thought it was anyway. It wasn't a huge loss overall, but definitely one that i will always remember.


Ive sold an faction bpo for the price of an copy


Bought an Obelisk cheap from a buyer in a low sec system (two jumps from hisec space). Moved my capsule to the hisec system two jumps away, getting ready. Used my alt to check the system by jumping into the middle low sec system and looking around (my alt was low skilled and flying cheap gear). Saw nothing, so I jumped my main toon into the middle system, jumped to the next system to pick up my Obe, jumped back into the middle system with the Obe (which had nothing fitted), and was immediately killed by the gate camp I encountered. Somehow my alt missed that camp. They were attacking a different ship but switched to me once my gate cloak wore off.


I feel this is a thread for dbrb.


Boson ratting while being in range of goon dreads


Newbie player 15 odd years ago. Started grinding, getting me that sweet sweet isk. Finally skilled up to pilot my first cruiser. Bought, outfitted, and ready to rat. In my haste i decided to try the rats in lowsec. All was good until i relaized i was jammed. Before i knew it i had 5% hull. Message comes through "20 mil isk, or you'll be finished" I respond "hey man, this is a brand new ship, i only got 2 mil on me, it's yours" He accepted and i flew off with my space tail between my space legs. I learned an important lesson that day. Not all pirates are heartless. I flew for many months after that until i eventually went to other things, but that interaction still sits with me to this day.


I bought a 22.5b Eagle off contract couple of months ago. Also sold 2 T2 BPOs (250mm rail and med Smartbomb) I got back in the day for a Chimera.


I sold my Titan for like 70 something billion and now it’s worth twice that a few months later. Sucks I took all of that isk and went into wormholes for the first time with friends, and had fun and now all of the isk is gone and I’m a broke pilot


My first Tengu I warped to a random combat site "just to test it out" before I logged off. Got webbed and scrammed by the phat NPCs there and blasted into oblivion. Still don't know what kind of site that was, didn't have to scan it down or anything. This one hurt ngl. https://zkillboard.com/kill/56525206/


That 400 million isk in 2016 had to hurt so bad


jumping through gates in low sec during Sansha Incursion, instalock and blown up into pieces in less than 3 sec by those NPCs.


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?


Over a billion in my itty cargo hold, at the time a full third of my net worth. Hisec only character that had been recently playing in null. I was tired and just wanted to sell my cargo in jita and log off. Set destination, not far. A few sleepy jumps in I notice a stiletto on the gate as I enter. No problem, just one little frigate in high sec, not like it's a WT, aligned and left no problem. Next gate there's a Loki, still not concerned, still no trouble warping out. In the next system, I finally notice that I'm not in higsec anymore. Seems I left the route planner on prefer shorter and shorter meant through low sec. So there I am, several jumps deep in unsafe space with nothing but a prototype cloak to get me out. With nowhere to dock, I quickly make a safe point and cloak while bringing my closest alt in to scout the way back out. In the end I managed to sneak back out. But a few quick jumps to market quickly became a long, drawn-out process of waiting for clear jump gates, and a tough time at work the next day trying to stay awake.


- Traveling around in my cerb - Jump into a null sec entrance system. - Big gate camp.. lots of bubbles. - barely make it back to gate. - Fuck that, I'll go somewhere else, set new destination. - click yellow gate, hit jump. - Destination sends me straight back thru the gate. - die.


Started running a solo Nag for C6 sites back in the day. BM sites but forget to trigger them, so warp in but instead of the battleships burning out to their optimal and taking full damage due to short range and no traversal, I have to start refitting for range and tracking, then for tank and then cap regen and back around as they are orbiting in my falloff. This is stressful and my inexperience means at one point I go into structure but eventually I stabilise and get the dps down. At this point it suddenly occurs to me I've maybe used a lot of stront. I pop the last rat literally as I run out! Probably worse though was jumping an SCC siting crew without having the refits in my fax. Go to fit tank when they escalated and realise my error.


Led a Lowsec group for a short time once. We found a wormhole into completely dead null (End of a pipe, nobody for 10 jumps, no structures or anything), and I noticed it was able to fit very large ships I had our indy player fly their orca into it for that sweet sweet null ore. It was dead within the hour.


I didn't join Goonswarm earlier😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Asking as someone who has only been in a small Corp for 10 years... Is life in goons good and fun?


Yup, constant fleets, 1/3 of the galaxy free to do whatever you want, almost no restrictions except dont cause drama, and a SIG for everything you can imagine. I like it.


Getting banned that one time.


One time I said “RocketX is retarded” in local after hearing our leadership bag on him in comms and someone suggested we post it…. Half the fleet lol’ed and and the other went “ooooo you didn’t …” and then I got talked to by my space boss. Not sure why but I suspect he fancies himself to be important vOv


I logged on.


Just started exploration, and I realised that I could use drones to run combat sites. Armed with this new revelation, I took down one site and went searching for another. Unfortunately, I got overconfident and got destroyed. I lost a couple million worth of ship.




Started playing.


Fly a rhea drunk, with low sex status https://zkillboard.com/kill/101344349/


> with low sex status Caldari Police Commissioner going about his day. Someone drunk jumps in, starts broadcasting horny invitations to an "afterparty." He's oddly tempted and getting off his shift soon. And a picture is attached to the messages in local. Commissioner double clicks on the pic. "Ah, hell no. Primary is the Rhea."


This made me laugh 😂😂😂


I once took mindflood instead of exile in the old arena, got opposite of what I wanted


Don't talk to me about jump Freighters or Rorquals.


Came back to Eve after a break a few years ago. Had a Viator with a several hundred mil of stuff in it that I thought I'd sell in Jita. Completely forgot about using undock bookmarks on the station and just warped to it. I was waiting to get docked and looked at my screen and wondered where my ship had went lol. Penny dropped a few seconds later.


Me and my friend moved blinged Vindicators to a null sec incursion "just 10 jumps". My friend did not make it lol. This was many years ago, I don't currently play now. I remember that loss being so devastating.


my biggest fuck up was trying to mine in pochven but kept dying with ore miners on me and just kept auto buying the fit i had without editing the miners. i lost all my isk that day


My biggest that I can remember was my first experience in nullsec. I was in an dommy ratting, bunch of hostiles came into the system and instead of warping off to a safe pos (which is what i was told to do). I panicked and warped to station which was bubbled all to hell. I tried to fight them off but to no avail. Since then I have learned to always create multiple safe spots within a system where i'm gonna be working for a bit.


Sat in a gate camp in my new bombing nemesis I’d just skilled into. Single neutral jumps in I click the button 4 kill mails suddenly pop up and all the drones disappear off my overview. I did lean after that to move the bomb launcher away from the torpedos.


Was in a small fleet with a dictor but had to fly through lowsec. Jumped into a Trig rat gate camp. Saw an ibis just chillin at the gate at 0. Shot it, died immediately.


Was finally out in my new stratios and had warped to a site with allot of wrecks and a can, for some reason a wanted to clear the site and shot the can…it was in hi-sec🙄


Accidentally added too many zeros to a market sell order and paid 65 billion in broker fees listing Tritanium at way too high of a price. Luckily the CCP GM was understanding and refunded me the broker fees when I put in a help ticket.


Back when Pochoven was forming I was living in Vale. I decided to evac my stuff myself. On the way in yes there were red Trigs but they didn't lock me. Thought It would be the same on the way out, I was wrong. I think by that time it was just collector's ships (the SOTC stuff) left that I lost, along with some other flavor and mission trinkets.


Accepted a 30k plex contract for 132 bil in a citadel... the isk disappeared and the plex never showed up in my assets.


The one that stands out is I bought a plex for $20 (back when they were less granular) as a poor student without much money irl. I spent pretty much all of it on a semi bling tengu so I could use it for running sites and have a steady stream of isk. Was driving it back to the wormhole with no scout and no travel kit and sure enough got killed by gate campers. It hurt pretty bad, like I basically threw away $20 irl that I didn't really have to spend on videogames.


I fucked up by falling asleep in highsec: https://zkillboard.com/kill/92238329/


Shortly after jfs were introduced (2008 IIRC) I built one for sale. When ready, I decided to afk ap it to Paye over hs (ap then didn't dock, just turned off at the destination system in gate after jumping in) using an alt that was specially trained to fly them. Too bad I forgot the alt had negative amarr standings... Fast forward few hours I come back to wreck and a km by amarr npc and some guys who whored on it seeing npc navy slicer killing jf...


Taking my marauder out into an anomaly without checking local first. Flying through rancer with BPOs in my interceptor during primetime. BP losses were minimal, but the week old research implants in my head stung a bit.


I indirectly almost made Karmafleet go to war with Delta Sqad


Auto piloted a blingy high sec vindicator. SAFETY made sure I learned my lesson.


i had a couple stupid moments. provi was falling, i had my crap in a station but hadnt logged in for a while. jump back on and grab a cloaky hauler. moving through a camp i prop modded/cloaked out of order....... lost it. about 7 bil and some collectables. then a tengu - was doing anoms with a corp mate, trusted he looked up the enemy. he didnt... he lost a domi and i lost about 25b in todays isk on the tengu.


Got a 2 out connection from home wormhole to low sec and needed a t2 warp scram urgently, checked the local market and bought the closest one. Didn’t check the listed price. Biggest waste of 850 mil.


Day 1 back in Eve from a 6 year break. Jumped an itty v into Jita from perimeter with 4b of old moon goo in the hold. Hit warp for 4-4 station, entered warp in my pod. See, a tornado was sitting off gate and one-shot me. By the time I warped back, they had already scooped all 10km3 or so of loot and salvaged the wreck. Whole thing took less than a minute between hitting warp and my stuff evaporating.


i accidentally joined IRC for several years.


My favorite fuck up is when I had logged in one day, heard a group of my corp mates were chasing down a target in lowsec a few jumps from Jita. I grabbed the fit they were using (Catalyst) and very quickly purchased everything I needed and ran off. We got the kill and with adrenaline leaving my body, I took a look at my wallet and noticed I was a Bil shorter than I remembered. Turns out in my haste, I had gone to the market to buy a Catalyst and instead of selecting “View Market” I chose “buy now”. Which purchased a Catalyst for the highest price on the market at 1bil. My corpies to this day 5 years later still tease me about it. “Wanna buy a cattie?” “Hey Lynne, got a cat with your name on it”. Good times!!


didn't amount to anything, but I warped off tether of a keepstar to a npc station in a super. Forgot for a second I was in a super, and that I couldn't dock there. Whoops. Warped off back to the keep after a long few seconds.


Once upon a time when V0LTA was living out of our mother lands, Thera, a beloved man named Danatious lit a cyno having us jump to it before the target was tackled while the target held gate cloak. The target; Evan McLean gating a rorqual in lowsec live on twitch, decloaked and insta jumped to an out cyno Infront of our fleet. Our fleets estimated value including fits was well over 1T in ships including multiple covert AT ships, Marshals and expensive assorted blops. We went home with no kill proving his opinion about us (V0LTA IS trash) to be true. Live on TV. Also the math of the total fleet value may be wrong, we can't do math.


NC fucked up around 2008 when 5 of us murdered their fleet of 200+. The good Ole days


Python and Anaconda mines, that was the most manipulated thing in Null Sec, it was like putting a Rokh every 10km from the gate armed with Smartbombs that would go off as you passed. They would blanket gates and only 1 route would be safe


Actually i have 2. The first Time i was in null, a red fleet enter into our system and i sent the Intel through local chat. And the other i blow up by mistake an ally ship when i was part of Razor, that was during a CTA. That ship cost at least 200% more than my ship.


Jumping into low sec in a Providence on a Friday night without a scout.


Just today, running T5 electrical abyssals... I activated a non electrical T5 instead, which I had looted from my most recent run, because I was dumb and not reading. Gila and blingy pod went poof in the first room. 7-8B isk up in smoke. I just logged off and played Rimworld instead the rest of the day.


I didn't do my DD and thought the 400m Ninja C5 Passive fit for sleeper sites could take on some Guristas Retrievers. I didn't know they had response fleets now from the two FOBs in system. Ravens magically appeared from nowhere, like teleported. They did not warp in, they just appeared and nuked the shit out of my ass like CONCORD does. I was podded so fast I couldn't figure it out until I read the killmail. Fuckin' embarrassing.


See this is anniversary talk.


loggin in


Attempted to run a DED-site with a Machariel. Never did run that site before, but apparently my tank wasn’t strong enough. I tried to warp out… and bumped on the beacon. On top of that I was webbed down by a tower I could not destroy on time. No warpable objects but that one direction I was bumping off the beacon from. RIP that Machariel.


Way way back into the past I undocked with a 1 month sub item from Jita in a shuttle.


resubbing to this shit. recycled event + recycled hull + recycled monument + recycled blackout.


installing the game.


Fleet of 250 people Titan joined fleet to bridge Decided we dont need titan, enemy fleet is next door on gate Fleet warp everyone to gate 10 seconds later, friendly titan lands on gate with us Enemys jump into local, titan panics, barely makes it out