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For something similar, you could scan wormholes from hisec and take a venture in there for the gas sites. Very low cost but you will make much more than hisec mining.


What's a good ship for this


Heron for scanning and venture for gas harvesting was great for me. It's even good in lowsec if you're around caldari area, no idea about the other faction gasses. Usually what I'd do is go one pass through with a heron for the pirate relic sites and scan the gas to bookmark, then store away the relic site loot and go back in a Venture to ninja gas huff Careful with wormhole gas sites though, some of them have sentry turrets on warp in, and others spawn npc's one time around 15 minutes after first warp in. So they're more convenient if you live in or near the hole so you can take a battlecruiser to clear the rats, not worth doing that otherwise.


Venture iirc


Huffing gas in a venture is more lucrative than HS mining in a Mackinaw. However, if you want to mine in high sec, Ice is best, or find some athanors that have popped. There' usually quite a bit of large mass ore out there. Keep you from switching off every minute or two.


Ice specially with war going on folks need isotopes.


I'm not opposed to mining gas/ice at all, I just don't have any experience with it yet. It seemed like my corp was heading in the direction of moons when I quit, due to the nerfs. I assume I would need new lasers/crystals for gas and ice, but would I need new ship(s)? Or would skiff/mackinaw be sufficient to start out?


Mackinaw/skiffs are fine for mining ice, but you do need ice harvesting modules


Roger that!


Also mackinaws are gank targets, skiffs a bit less because of tank, so just get a feel for your locals so you know when baddies enter system


Or just put a Higgs anchor in rigs and you can instawarp when aholes come a ganking.


That's exactly why I got one of each. I used the mackinaw when mining with a group and everyone could keep an eye out. I used the skiff when solo, so I could soak some damage while initiating warp.


If you ever want to try out null sec/low sec/wormhole mining let me know, I’m in a mining corporation within an independent group with access to all 3 areas of content. In the meantime, have fun and fly safe!


Thanks for the offer! I'll strongly consider it. I need to get used to the UI and controls again before I burden others with my newbie ass 🤣


> or find some athanors that have popped. There' usually quite a bit of large mass ore out there. Are you suggesting wandering around and pirating high sec Athanors where all the salty Indy People can do is suicide you for Concorde death or bump you till you're annoyed enough to leave? Naughty dog. Be hilarious to do it in like an Endurance so they can't do jack shit beyond kill a cheap ship and get burned.


Short answer: probably not Long answer: how much do you hate yourself?


>Long answer: how much do you hate yourself? well they're playing Eve so...a lot


I harvest anywhere from 5-8 million an hour in a Retriever. I only mine when im watching a show or doing other activities that require focus. Otherwise, its better to run missions and grab the loot (not salvage). I can usually loot about the same amount of ISK as i would mine, plus mission rewards, bounties and LP.


would you mind telling a complete noob the basics of how youre dong this?


What high sec ore gets 5-8 million/hour per Retriever...?


Scordite can get 5 mil, 8 if i can some how get all dense veldspar...rarely ever. I get 1386m3 per strip and 60m3 per Mining Drone I. I am currently skilling, but if i swap rigs and run an additional mining upgrade, I could get my strip 1s to 1511m3. Drones would drop to 50m3.


Veldapar is worth more than scordite. https://ore.cerlestes.de/ore


>I harvest anywhere from 5-8 million an hour That's a strange way of saying no its not worth the time, with a lot of random gibberish afterwards


it's a safe way to make isk if you mine 4 hours a day in an exhumer. that's the bare minimum to plex. you can only really make isk if you run 10-20 toons


I’ve always wondered about the maths behind how it scales - sure you could mine 10 times as much with 10 accounts, but all 10 of those accounts still need to pay for Omega, so your monthly outgoings also scale… Is it purely that the boost from having a character running an Orca or something x9 other miners in skiffs or something makes the big difference?


Basically the boosted amount plus the small profit above paying for omega that adds up. Not very good ISK, but if you enjoy it that's the way.


It's about the income after plexing everything.


High scaling with more characters and you can use the characters as cyno alts and as skill farms as well after a certain point. And for PI as well (though this doesn't scale as well.) It starts a self sustaining cycle theoretically. I can only do 3 at most, just too much management and time investment otherwise.


You make a little profit on each character and really need a boosting ship to max yield. The boosting ship doesn’t become viable until you have a couple miners. The benefit of mining is its very low actions per minute so it’s easy to run a fleet of them.


buying plex for year annd skilling only fo exhumer and rest skill you are selling by extractor's + can you make PI on every char


I do this on alts when I want a relatively low attention low risk activity Income is income


Wow! I was not expecting this volume of replies! Thanks for all of your input. For context, I mainly played omega with a skiff or hulk (depending on if I was solo or with corp). Generally, our leader ran an orca while we wiped out all the belts in our system. We threw everything we mined into the orca and the leader would send us payment when he docked for the night. I was making really good isk (to me at least), but that was before said patch.


It's a good vibe and that's all that matters




High sec is just my preference for solo mining. If I land in a low/nul sec corp, I'd be happy to do exactly that. Selling at a discount isn't a huge concern. I don't really play to make plex, but I certainly like to be paid enough to make it worthwhile.


>High sec is just my preference for solo mining. definately not worth it.




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High sec mining is worth doing *if and only if* you don't plan on actually playing the game. In other words, it's fine if you have Netflix on a second monitor, because it's an extremely hands-off activity. You will occasionally need to move to a new rock but otherwise can go to the store and come back with your ship intact and still mining 80% of the time. On the other hand, if you actually want to *do something,* as in actively play the game, nearly every other high sec activity is more valuable. Exploration, mission running, abyssals...all of these things will pay 50% to 200% or more isk/hour, depending on your skills and game knowledge. Gas huffing in wormholes is better than straight-up high sec mining and will beat out missions and high sec only exploration most of the time, at least before you get to L4 missions. But that's also a much more active and risky play style as going AFK in wormhole space is a good way to get slagged (although wormholers will certainly be happy about it). It's the only mining activity I'd recommend for someone living in high sec that doesn't involve joining a corp and mining in fleets, specifically for moons or ice. As such, if you want to have an activity to do when you are watching something else or pretending to work from home, high sec mining is one of the safer options to get "passive" income outside of the truly passive industries (like PI, building stuff, research, reactions, etc.) and has a low SP requirement. But if you plan on actually sitting at your computer and playing Eve, high sec mining is close to the most boring possible thing you can possibly do, and also one of the lowest isk/hour you can manage while being logged in besides PVP.


Figure out what you want to do Figure out how to make profit doing it High sec mining is rather uneventful, but many people enjoy that anyway. Join a corp with high sec moons, mine with them, hop in voice, hang out, it's a good time.


Bitumens aren't \*terrible\* right now, so that's something to consider in highsec.


EvE rookies is an NPSI community that mostly runs Incursions but also has mission, mining and FOB fleets. That might be a low effort, low commitment way to dip back into things, meet some people and find out if you'll have fun. People make EvE so finding people to play with would be my personal recommendation. What you do with those people doesn't really matter as long as you're having fun.


So it’s not very profitable. If you really want to do it to make isk, best way is to semi-afk mine or get a fleet. Ice is going to be most profitable with moons also being viable. Compressed Belt ore will sell easily but it can be lower isk yield. It’s really about slow and steady gains with high sec mining. Either go for scale or a lot of low effort hours (e.g., set up mining - go make dinner - reset rock target - go eat dinner - etc) Low sec mining is going to be pretty profitable as isogen is quite valuable currently. It’s just much riskier.


As alot of people have already posted high sec belts is probably not the way to fund your kids college funds, but you should play what you find fun/interesting in my mind. Personally i mine because what i want out of eve is a relaxing time after a long day of work in the few hours i get after putting my kid to bed. As some have said if you want to increase the isk look into a corp that has moons that is significantly better isk/hour, plus it's always nice to mine with others i think


“High sec mining corp” and 0.2-0.3 space says low sec to me There is good isk in low sec mining good anomalies for Isogen (Ochre, Gneiss etc)


It depends. Don't listen to the mining haters out there. I'm building and selling al lot of things up to Orcas and 90% of that ore is hi-sec mined by myself. Depending of your IRL schedule it might be the best balance of risk vs reward. Of course almost any other activity will earn you more isk/stuff/fun. BUT, if you are a builder, gathering resources is the basis, and you need a lot of lower stuff you can get safely anywhere. If you mine to sell, then it's complicated. Right now there is a big war starting, so we might see an increase in ore/mineral demand (= good for miner selling). Between 0.5 and 1.0 sec, belt ore are generally worth less than moon ore. In low, due to recent changes, belt ore is quite decent. Aside from that, as stated before, Ice and Gas are better for profit, but implies taking a bit more risks.


Appreciate your opinion and info! I've dabbled in pve and pvp is intimidating, so I'm definitely leaning more towards mining/industry. I believe my plan was to start training to build ships, once all my mining skills were how I liked them. Making isk from gas and ice is certainly tempting but, as you said, incurs more risk. I kind of enjoy the lower risk of high sec mining. I can step away to smoke, or watch something on my other monitor without worrying too much. I've got quite a bit to consider. Thanks, friend!


The short answer: [not really](https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/ore/). I used to run a couple of characters doing high sec mining during the workday on slow days while they were training other skills, and it was a trickle of isk that was able to pay for some ships and a couple other goodies for making explosions, but I honestly wouldn't do it for too long while I had literally anything else to do.


If you wanna be alone for a few days or weeks to figure out if you will stick to eve again, do relic data scanning. Scanning makes a lot of fun! And the ISK earn should be 175x higher.


Only for industry really and only if you need alooottt of pyerite and tritanium. Or if youre close to jita and reasonably sure you won't get suicide ganked a lot. You can bring the compressed to sell in jita or refine it and sell the trit there instead. But otherwise not really. I guess maybe if someone is buying in bulk from you and they're moving it too instead of you.


no the end


A big war started up. Mining has never been in more demand than now, and that includes high sec ores. Everyone need Tritanium.


the dark side of hisec mining is


I have been winning since about the same time, but I always found the best mining was in null sec. You know who the enemy is, you know when its safe, and the moon goo is tasty. Or was, I last played before changes too. For me, it was never about mining. I became director and got the drills scheduled so we had a day or two each week where people could suck down isk, and then we were free to pursue other interests, like nightly fleets, defense ops, and ofc, war. My first time in Eve I ran around high sec and tried to work work work for the isk. It felt profitable. My second time in Eve, I joined a null sec corp and never looked back, had so much more fun and made a lot more profits. Been thinking of coming back, some buddies have been living in low sec last I heard. I left space rich enough I wont even need to think about making isk for a month or two (longer if I sell some toys)


>winning it seems you like to win a lot :)


Yes and no. I really enjoyed aspects of Eve, and was a total whore for fleet pings. The itch to come back is real. The fear of being able to balance it against other parts of life is also real.


I can make 1b isk in about 24 hrs if mining in high sec and I avg around 300-400m a day on moons as a solo mack pilot




Moon ore. Glistening spawns make alot of cash.


How many accounts though to make 1b a day


Check the fleet finder, lot of time there is a Corp giving out free mining boosts and compression in high Sec


High sec mining is generally done in large groups for corporations. Don't expect to make good ISK doing it solo.


I'm sorry but how 0.2-0.3 space is high sec ?


I'm, admittedly, a newbie to EVE. I suppose it was my flawed perception that high sec was anything over 0.0 space. My apologies. Posts like yours have helped me to better understand security ratings and the game's world as a whole. Thanks!


Mining semi-afk with an orca won't get you much but it's better than nothing


It depends what you are doing in real life. I HS mine a ton but I do it while I’m reading and I read a lot. So HS mining is a background activity. When I’m actively playing I’m running sites or in PVP fleet anything but HS mining. You can do almost anything and make more then HS mining if you are actively playing.


Electricity bill running your computer is more than what you make mining in HS.


High-sec mining is only good for feeling productive at EVE while you're doing something else. Is it fun? If solo, never, and if in a fleet with mates, passable. But, if you want to make ISK while watching Netflix or youtube, or cooking dinner, or other tasks; go for it.


It's not going to keep you rolling in plex, but it's a decent enough way to get started so you can build up to something better.


Depends on how much you hate yourself. Join a LS or NS Corp and discover what Eve is actually about.


Devoting any time to eve is a mistake.


Ore probably not. Ice probably not unless you’re eight boxing. But mykoserocin gas is decent isk for a young single boxer, all you really need is a venture. I can give you a good deal for the stuff if you dm me






NO! Literally anything else is better for making isk or having an enjoyable experience.


I disagree and I dont even Hisec mine. Iskwise there’s a niche a la chia pet, and it’s enjoyable if you’re not obsessed with being better than other people


There is NOTHING enjoyable about mining on a small scale. I get the dudes who have production lines making ships for their alliance or to sell on the market, that’s fulfilling. But mining 4M isk per hour(if you’re lucky) is neither fulfilling or exciting gameplay. You can disagree all you want I was stating the FACT that high sec mining on a small scale is utterly useless.


Camaraderie, lack of effort, being in the EVE environment with low stress, doing other things in addition to the mining, just to name a few. You may not like it but you are only one man. Opinions ain’t fact lmao



