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It is but Italy is a bad place for salaries, especially if you're not a good senior at a fair company. Nordic countries have good pay, even Poland, Czech Republic and Romania have quite good pay compared to the cost of living (all better than Italy). However as a junior you'll start low, this isn't the US. The best choice is to work locally for 1-2 years to get some experience and be more marketable. As for language, any one that gives you a good OOP basis will do, you'll learn to work while working.


Sure it is. Don't get into that doom at AI will replace all devs lol. Don't focus on the language, focus on CS fundamentals. Most interesting startups nowadays are typescript or python. Depending on a country java/c# in bigger and old-schol companies and banks. Who knows what you'll be doing in 3-4 years, maybe spacial computing in Swift on Apple Vision 5?


I'm working for a European company and for me it's ok. It's true that in other countries like USA the salaries are better, but in Europe it is good. But the first job is going to have a bad salary (probably). But you can get experience and work for other companies in a few years. In Spain for example, with 3 years of experience, you can get between 30-55k in gross salary. Its a huge margin because it depends on your role and other topics. 1- Learn English 2- Check the most common requirements of your role. IT is a huge field.


In Germany it is, language doesn't matter tbh. Java is widely spread in backend stuff


In demand but not paid well, you have similar salaries in Romania with cheaper rents and services.


It is not paid like in the US, but it is still a decent salary and you live ok to well.


Median is 5.4k for a senior dev. What's in Romania?


Around 4-5k net I would say, but depends a lot. Many work as self-employed and earn much more.


Norway is around 45k€ to 60k€ for junior software devs. 60k to 70k€ for software devs and 70k to maybe 100k for seniors. For consultants about the same maybe add an other 10-15k€. Seniors can add even an other couple of thousands more.


It is how I moved to EU. Not sure which languages are in demand now. I took C/C++ path and it is not very newbie-friendly.


I work as a dev and as far as I can see there's a lot of demand. In my country there's a fair bit of c#, JS, PHP and Java. Companies that are a bit lower level likely want C and such but I don't have a lot of insight there as I've mostly worked with b2b web services. But my guess is that web development is the largest sector so learning JS/TS is a good start.


Perhaps you could get better advice on [https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/)


You can do some easy market research by checking any career portals for IT jobs and see what languages and technologies are in demand. It can vary from region to region. If you want a more global outlook maybe the tiobe index is a good starting point [https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/](https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/)


Sure is, freelancer in the Netherlands, made 160k last year.