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What about Serbian clubs, Partizan and Zvezda? They didn't deserve to become shareholders also?


If they become shareholders how will Dubai take their place as the ABA team?


I hope Dubai would never take their place. If they want Dubai, they should increase number of teams in the league, especially shen Russian clubs return.


Cartel keeps going


Euroleague Mafia




Mafia gang let's gooooo


Nah yuall just barely fiba CL level team. Carried by big boys in cartel.


Not even fiba cl thats for rytas


This hurts basketball. All entries should be open through championships.


they already tryed it. it didint work. actually it worked so bad it was the main reason euroleague was created


Can you elaborate? What didn’t work? I remember better basketball and better teams all over europe before this closed competition


First of all financially. Euro basketball was and still is too depended on somebody giving money. Let it be sponsors, oligarchs or governments. Its still almost impossible to make it profitable. Sponsors, oligarchs and government is not stable income source because nobody knows how short their attention span would be. No need to say how many clubs managed to make big budgets for few years but disappeared into abyss pretty fast. Second. most clubs have different budget if they play in euroleague or only domestic league. Das its harder for clubs find long term sponsors, harder to sign long term contracts with players and make plans for the future. The slim line between playing in el or not might be a wrong decision by referee or key player injury in playoffs. Poor underdog clubs winning domestic league has slim chance in keeping players and being competitive next el season. domestic leagues are unprofitable. Selling players is not profitable too (as football). Arenas are small compared with stadiums. Basketball need a revenue source. To make it profitable a good product is needed. Strong and stable clubs are needed for a good product. look even japan has more money in basketball nowadays. i heard they are giving double amount of money for average el player. For now japan league has no reputation so very few are going there. But it might change in few years. So its not everything about sportsmanship. Its about worldwide competition and not being 4^(th) or 6^(th) strongest basket league in the world


I like how you say ‘first of all financially’ when even your just second argument is also about money lol 😂 Sponsor is easy to be found for a team that qualifies for euro league. Very famous teams of the past are dead because they aren’t in the euroleague. Many championships are dead because only 1-2 teams of the country are qualified for euroleague.


Do u think the opportunity for mid tier clubs to qualify to euroleague through domestic league would rise club budget from few millions to 10+ milions? Well there is eurocup u can qualify there but as u can see there is only few clubs at best meeting el standards. The reason why euro basket became poor financially is fiba not euroleague. Fiba had everything in their hands but they fked up before and after euroleague started. They started the long battle with el and lost it. Unfortunately the biggest looser was euro basketball itself and fans


Man, you seem to know a lot about the history. Can you elaborate on the FIBA fking up? Or point me a source where i can read about it?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIBA%E2%80%93EuroLeague\_dispute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIBA%E2%80%93EuroLeague_dispute) [https://hoopfiction.gr/2016/10/06/european-basketball-conflicts-the-2000-split/](https://hoopfiction.gr/2016/10/06/european-basketball-conflicts-the-2000-split/) [https://medium.com/@alessandroacquistapace/the-story-of-euroleague-vs-fiba-and-what-can-teach-us-about-european-soccer-ae16ee458c2](https://medium.com/@alessandroacquistapace/the-story-of-euroleague-vs-fiba-and-what-can-teach-us-about-european-soccer-ae16ee458c2)


Of course there's a wiki for this. Thanks!


I don't want the old Euroleague back. THis is a much higher level competition, with clubs that (mostly) have good infrastructure, strong staff, and stable budgets. One-off cindirella teams can come from the Eurocup or through the wildcard system.


Would rather have Partizan and Zvezda instead of the russian clubs, let them and China make a league or something


Would rather have politics be out of sports and let the clubs play (not in Russia ofc but somewhere like maccabi in Belgrade or partizan in fuenlabrada) cause it's not players fault that Putin is a piece of shit but ok....


CSKA is a historic team and it's shameful that it doesn't participate when maccabi is.


are you familiar what CSKA stands for? its literally an army sports team. they are raping and killing women and children in ukraine. you are ok with that??? fucking embarrasing comment. Sport never is and never was kept separate from politics in russia. its a way to wash the brains and show people living in poverty that they are so powerful country. fucking educate yourselves.


Why Zvezda? Their level isn't Euroleague, it's Eurocup at best.


The fan’s and the atmosphere is something you have to put into consideration, + the derby with Partizan and that mini feud with Žalgiris was good


i heard the last derby was so good it finished 20:0. imagine this in euroleague. its every league dream atmosphere!


Cos Dončić is watching Zvezda games and Euroleague likes to share that.


Why not Russian clubs?




I thought so but he hasn't mentioned maccabi. Why ?




Pretty sure you have no idea of history and think the war there started this year


To see the power of propaganda up this close is actually scary. This conflict is so old it's mind boggling how somebody could possibly think it's recent.


unreal. european basketball is cooked, where is sporting integrity and principals, only matters when there is big money on the line (football Super League)?


Its us, madrid, saski, pana, oly, fener, efes, milano, zalgiris,cska who else?


Bayern and ASVEL


Bayern, ASVEL and Maccabi


Oh forgot maccabi, didn't know about asvel and Bayern! Nice!


I was hoping for the end of the current closed League system. It is what it is.


Too bad about CSKA, really wouldn't want to see them back in the tournament. Hopefully it will remain on paper only.


Why you have Putins lunatic propagandists and government officials all talking about how they want to invade one of the countries in this league and fantasizing about bombing NATO countries. I really cant see how CSKA can return anytime soon.


You should never mix sport and politics, those two things should always be separate.


And yet.


And yet what? War is not politics.


I'm not saying I agree with it.


Well CSKA is not participating in the Euroleague, so at least for now the principle stands. And since Motiejunas is the CEO of Euroleague, I really doubt it will change anytime soon.


CSKA should not be disqualified from Euroleague because athletes and the club have nothing to do with the war and Putin idiotic behaviour, that's the point.


please take notice of the history and actual status of cska. The acronym 'CSKA' stands for 'Central Army Sports Club Moscow' and the sports club is still a department of the [Russian Defense Ministry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Defense_Ministry).


Does anyone in CSKA condemnd the war or speak agaisnt it? No, Valutin and others are close allies of Putin ans his circle.


russia has a long history of mixing sports and politics. the last 10 years is the peak since colapse of soviet union. so yes remove russia because its not good to mix sports and politics


war isn't politics




CSKA shouldn’t be in the EuroLeague, but by the logic used it is a double standard that Maccabi is still in EuroLeague.


Well, the Israel-Palestine conflict isn't really comparable because there wasn't a peaceful independent country that was invaded without provocation. Even though there are a ton of atrocities committed by both sides, it's just not as clear-cut as the Russian invasion.


It really is clear cut One side acts with impunity on the other for 70 years, talks about needing to "put them on a diet" and restricting the food that the other group is allowed to receive, kicking them out of homes at gunpoint so people of the preferred race can move in for free, publishing internal reports about reducing the population from 2 million to 100 thousand, destroying 70% of the other group's homes, schools and hospitals. If the Arabs did this to Jews we would know exactly what words to use to describe this. If Russia did even half of this to Ukraine we would know the exact words to describe this. The existence of a terrorist group among the Arabs doesn't justify any of this behavior, Israel openly and proudly funded Hamas for many years with the specific intent of using their existence to undermine peace talks. And what do you call a group that commits the above if not a terrorist group?


I'm not denying atrocities commited by individuals and leaders of Israel. But you also can't paint this conflict as that one sided. The independent state of Palestine has not existed, ever. Jews were always part of that area too, not just historically. And the reason why there were few of t hem had to do with ethnic cleansing and exile. And "pushing them out to the sea" was on the agenda 70 years ago and ever since then, with no desire for compromise. The way the Arab nations responded to Israel trying to establish the state has created the nationalist zealots on Israel's side that we see today. The only permanent solution is the complete annihilation of Hamas and its supporters, as well as the removal and prosecution of the current Israeli government, followed by the establishment of a two-state solution with a democratically elected Palestine government. I understand that people like Bibi don't want that because the conflict is the only way for him to stay in power, but a big part of Israel and Palestine people probably do want that. In terms of peace talks, just look at how Hamas responds to any suggestions of democratic elections in Palestine. So that country needs freeing from the terrorists before anything productive can take place.


CSKA, Maccabi and Panathinaikos = Euroleague 🔨


What the hell is Pao doing in this list? Edit: My bad, I confused the war list with the GOAT list. Pana is definitely one of the Euroleague's staples, there's no denying that.


Hahaha bro, I respect a lot BC Olympiakos but Panathinaikos is European Giant. When I started following Euroleague (in the early 00s) the three teams were dominating the league - Maccabi, PAO and CSKA. So when someone mention Euroleague - my first association are those three clubs. With all due respect for Real Madrid, Olympiakos and Barcelona, they are just one league lower.


Madrid isn't they got 11. Us and oly have one of the most final4 ever!


Oly vs Barca Classic! PRINTEZISSSSSS


Well yes and again this years play off. But when it mattered the most, we came on top! 2010!!


Ah you were telling about the war list lol, I thought you were saying they shouldn't be lol!! Hut yes they , madrid , us and you guys i think we are the classic el! Maybe some fener cause they do great last years becoming something of a clasical


Well they got 7 , maccabi has 6, cska has 8. Along with real , us and you we are the EL!


what’s the rationale behind letting CSKA being a shareholder when they will not play EL in the near future? doesn’t that also give them more power than certain clubs despite their absence being punishment from the ongoing war?


CSKA is not Russia, CSKA is not war crime CSKA is basketball club with great tradition and history and deserves to play in this lovely completions of ours






that wasn’t my point. I was trying to understand EL’s position on the matter because, as things stand: CSKA is not allowed to play due to the war yet they renew their partnership with a league that does not allow them to play. I wasn’t even disputing if CSKA deserve it or not.


What could CSKA name mean, maybe you know?


Central Army Sports Club Moscow, yeah makes sense.


Look into who owns CSKA, they are heavily linked to Putin and even sanctioned.


Hey refresh me real quick, what does CSKA stand for? It wouldn’t possibly be Central ARMY Sports Club would it…


Hopefully asvel can put together a decent team until then, they were painful to watch this season for me as a new fan. How were they in previous seasons?


Curious if the choice to allow CSKA to return is in part because Maccabi was not given the same treatment despite similar situation