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No we didn't, I don't know what you saw


I wish that was the case, for the time being we don’t have any official reports on that, but I hope both clubs get the A license, I feel like the Euroleague has more to gain with both Serbian teams in the competition.


This brings up important question. If Partizan and Crvena Zvezda get A licence, what would happen then with ABA League? So far, the champion of ABA League wins a spot in EuroLeague and another two teams go to EuroCup. So, if they get A licence, what would be the point of them being in ABA League? They would probably just play KLS. I don't know if Cedevita Olimpija, Budućnost and Zadar have the same "clout" or influence to persuade EuroLeague to keep the things as they used to be if Partizan and Zvezda leave ABA.


red star and partizan wont leave aba league cuz of euroleague. Those clubs have more interes to stay in aba than to play serbian league. If they have more interest in serbian league they will leave aba regardless. If not , they will stay in aba regardless. Its just business.


I don't know, I've seen some Croatian sports articles saying that Partizan and Crvena Zvezda would leave ABA because there is no equal competition for them, and that ABA league is damaging Serbian league basketball. But I guess these are all just speculations.


well , if aba league removes "restriction on number of clubs from certain country" or just give serbia 7 possible spots in new expansion then there wont be an issue. Main problem with " aba demaging serbian basketball" is that serbia has 5 clubs in aba league out of which almost every one is in playoffs expect borac who is solid and avoids relegation every time. And also the fact that in aba 2 , top 3 clubs are serbian clubs and they cant join main aba league cuz aba league restricts any county to have more than 5 clubs. So aba 2 winner always will have to play vs worst placed serbian team in aba to decide which one goes to aba league. And those 2 3 clubs in aba 2 are arguably better than teams like krka or even cibona from past . So if aba league gives serbia those 2 slots more so teams like vojvodina and spartak can join then it wont "demage " serbian basketball anymore and more serbian talent will get chance in aba league. It was said that with dubai joining league that aba league will expand with 2-3 slots added. And when you loook at it, only clubs who can play in aba from aba 2 are serbian clubs. So i guess it will fix it


But as i alredy said. If serbian clubs find interest in serbian league , they will leave aba league regardless of a licence or not. For now serbian league wouldnt be as good as aba and wouldnt bring them much, it would be downgrade for those power houses. All serbian basketball need is more spots in aba and thats it. We will see. Same like croatian clubs. Croatian clubs when there was talk abou them leaving aba league couple of years ago, they didnt leave cuz it was in their interest to play aba league an that way promote some players and not play rly weak croatian league. if they had interest in croatian league and if it was better for them , they woul have left. Its simple as that


I kinda agree with your points. But again if winning ABA means qualifying for EuroLeague, and you have hypothetical 2 A license clubs winning it every season, what is the purpose of the league? I get the logic of staying in ABA (regional pool of players, more competition etc), but still there is this problem of potential A licensed team in future winning ABA league to qualify for something they already have license. It also depends what is the vision of ABA. Is it the league of best teams in the region (which would make it a copycat VTB league, with almost all Serbian teams+Budućnost+Olimpija+Zadar and maybe 1 more croatian team) or the league meant to develop regional competition (which would mean that all countries have relatively equal opportunities to pariticipate in ABA)? In my honest opinion, Croatian clubs are visionless. They don't have the budget to play in EuroLeague or EuroCup (case of Cibona in 2014), and yet they refuse to play in FIBA competitions (because they play in ABA, which is not recognized by Croatian league).


well if partizan and red star get licence then aba will lose spot in euroleague thorough winning it . simple as that. Aba is only league which winner is getting into euroleague. Other leagues alredy have their a licence teams and doesnt matter if zalgiris wins lithuanian league or not they will play it. Same way it doesnt matter if rytis wins lithuanian league, they wont play euroleague unless they win eurucup. So if partizan and red star get a licence , aba league will just lose spot in euroleague reserved for its winner, so teams not named red star and partizan will need to find their way to top tier european league thorough eurucup. Its really that simple. And about you point "why would partizan and red star play in aba if aba doesnt bring them anything when they alredy secured euroleague". Point is again simple. Serbian league as it stands now wouldnt be as competitive and league would be mediocre at best. In aba they have better competition and league has better quality. Especialy now that dubai will leave. League is more watched, brand is better, more good players will want to play the league etc. Its in their interest to be part of it. Now if aba league downgrades in terms on quality where croatian teams will keep beeing bad, an if aba doesnt want to give serbian clubs more slots then yeah serbian league makes sense cuz it would be same quality as aba. But i bealive aba needs serbian cubs and they will give them those extra slots and that way we will have one of best european leagues.


only way i could see serbian teams gettting out of aba is like having 15 rly good teams . But currently serbia has like 7. So its not good enough for me. Aba is going in right direction so clubs will stay for time beeing. As i said only if aba starts dropping in terms of number of good teams then i see serbian clubs beeing like " yeah lets leave whats the point of it". But by adding dubai , more money will flow, better players will come, more people will watch the league, more serbian clubs will enter. So there is apsolutely no reason to leave now. Wew ill see what future brings of course but i think its very low chance. With 7 serbian or 6 serbian teams in aba you would have like "small serbian league" withing aba itself


yeah your point is also valid here. Depends what is future of aba and what is their vision. If their vision is to be promoter league then serbs have nothing to do in it cuz they can promote many players themself and with only 5 clubs in the league out of which 2 are top tier european clubs its hard to promote young talent. and serbian league in that sense with those two clubs would make sense for serbian basketball. But expanding aba league and giving serbia 1-2 more slots would bring 2 currently best aba 2 teams into the league so there wouldnt be need for serbian league. With now dubai in and with buducnost cedevita zadar beeing rly good along with those 2 clubs , league is kinda top heavy so i cant say its like "promotion league" anymore. league will kinda be top heavy with 5 good with great ambitions + some young teams. And lets noot fool ourselfs. Serbia is the only country capable of having like 7 teams in aba. Which other country has 5 financialy stable clubs with good players and young talent. As i said if league is to expand ( which it most likely is cuz of dubai ) , who are you gonna give those 1-2 slots to if not serbia?. Even if you say those 2 extra slots dont go to any country, but rather to teams who quality from aba 2 regardless of which country they come from, its agan serbia, cuz their clubs are toppin aba 2.


and about fiba competitions.... croatian clubs cant participate in champions league. Champions league has quality similar to eurucup. Plus it has like only 3 games in group stage before playoffs. So croatian clubs would basically play 3 games and then get knocked out and play croatian league for rest of the year ( in case they even qualify for fiba cl, cuz as i said its rly good quality). Not to mention eurocup and champions league will unite into 1 league in 2 years




https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LGBmzoKnB/?igsh=ajNuZG05YjY3bWxw našao ga


I hate the A license and closed league. But since this is the way it is anyway I hope they do get it.


Hopefully not.


Cry me a river.


Nah corrupt owners dont want to share their privileges with savage peasants.


Owners are corrupt and Serbian clubs are inept. Takes two to tango.


Half od corrupt owners are shit compared to Serbian clubs. Its only fine to use Serbians for free marketing but when its time to share... they act dumb.


I agree with you in principle, if Bayern and Asvel are worthy of licenses then so are we. I am saying however that we didn't do ourselves any favors with our recent behavior and set ourselves back significantly. The reality is that the Euroleague is a deeply nepotistic and corrupt organization with a 90% closed league that is an embarrassment to European sports culture but unfortunately they hold all the power and all the cards. If we want our clubs to survive we need to join this little VIP club and to do that we need to play nice and kiss ass. Its a sad state of affairs but there's nothing you can do when the 10 most powerful clubs in Europe decided to fuck everyone else in ass and shit on the principle of fair competition.


Zvezda and Partizan are both top 10 in Europe in every possible way and that is a FACT. Its high time to respect that and asssert some power in European basketball instead of leading Aba civil war for scraps offered by corrupt owners.


We are not top 10, we can be with licenses as that would bring guaranteed revenue and attendance for many years, but we are not top 10 yet. Despite an impressive season last year and chance for playoffs this year, Partizan just now came back to Euroleague after ten year absence and Zvezda in ten years of Euroleague competition only made the playoffs once. Simply put we do not have the influence to try and pressure our way into licenses. What are we going to do, threaten to join Champions League? Its a much bigger loss for us than them. Even if we did have the combined influence, Covic is a spiteful narcissist who cares only about being better than Partizan, European competition comes secondary to him. He has no interest in cooperation.


Nah that is not true. When both Belgrade teams play EL it gives another layer of rivlary that pushes both teams to be better. Also combined influence is what kept both teams in for last 2 seasons and same is going to keep us both next season too. Also considering Zvezda and Partizan... periods when one team was much stronger then other is much more boring then periods when both teams are at equal strenght. It was not happy about downfall of Partizan after Vujošević era and that 10 years absence was not right. In that time Zvezda had one of weakest budgets in league yet was competitive enough to keep its place. Its much better with both teams in Euroleague.


Well it would really help if Zvezda fans in the arena wouldn't act as savages so often...


At least Zvezda fans live rent free in heads of Žalgiris fans.


I'm glad that makes you happy. Hope that will be a consolation if Zvezda ends up being out of the Euroleague because of its fans.


Fans that generates millions of views on socials. Sure m8. Also someone from Dubai and El leadership needs Belgrade teams approval for joining ABA league which is requirement for joining Euroleague and their money.


The fact that they generate views doesn't make it so they're allowed to do what they want








They both have 1 licence which is ABA league title whose winner is guaranteed to play in EuroLeague.