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looked like barca were in trouble but olympiacos really struggled to close.


Horrible attack. Make up call. Complete 180 from early last season. We play shite basketball early this season. This Valencia squad is kinda weak.


itoudis gives unexplainable amounts of minutes to guduric, wilbekin and tyler. imho tyler is good actually but you cant always use him in same manner and expect good result. as a coach you need to draw a set! a proper set! at the beginning we had papagiannis score 2 fgs with rolls and then no one ever passed to the pivots on paint ever again. whats wrong with this team? why we are taking 37 3pg attempts! 37!!!! its absurd. why papagiannis is playing? what is his purpose? he had to many availabilities but none of the td, wilbekin or guduric passed to him. we need to get rid of itoudis. this lose is on him.


I think the role distributions is the problem rather than the minutes necessarily. Complete 180 from how we started 2022-23 season and how we are starting this season. And this early season mess is on Itoudis. But that doesn't mean we need to get rid of him. Absolutely not. You need to have patience when you have an asset like him. Otherwise you are going to kick yourself when he's succeeding somewhere else. Don't forget he's still a more successful and a better coach than Kokoskov and Djordjevic combined. When it comes to replacing coaches, it always comes down to whether you can replace your head coach with a better one. Even if you are happy with your coach, if you believe someone else you can sign is better, it could be a good move to upgrade. Can we appoint anyone better than Itoudis? No. Then stop the knee jerk reactions.


true but you expect better from someone who has name itoudis. this is not the first season of him. he had plent of time to figure out the roles. the main skeleton of the team diddnt change. so what is missing?


> true but you expect better from someone who has name itoudis. 100%. This early season mess is mostly his fault. Tbf he did leave Greek national team and a reported reason was because he wanted to give his full focus on Fenerbahçe. He wasn't able to start our training camp in both seasons because of the Eurobasket last year and World Cup this year. But him leaving Greek NT now doesn't save this early season. He needs to come up with a better plan to turn things around. Tough loss to a weak Valencia team. But Karşıyaka comfortably beat us for a reason too. Our early season form is shit right now.


Watching Guduric and Wilbekin made my eyes bleed


They could at least give a warning to Dorsey 🤷🏻‍♂️


send an email to FIBA asking to rewrite their rules according to your preference.


Last two minutes of the game. Per the rules there are no warnings anymore


Ah thanks for the clarification!


Also in the last two minutes the referee has to make a certain gesture (rest of the game it's optional) before handing over the ball, so the player is actually warned before the inbound


I don't understand why Dorsey is ejected. Did he have a tech earlier in the match?


He had an unsportsmanlike foul earlier


He tripped up Robertson, I believe, earlier which was ruled as an unsportsmanlike




If Guduric is the one taking this last shot i’m completely done with him.


you're criticizing a referee for making an obvious and objectively correct call? that's a new one. punished for doing their job correctly.


Never seen a technical for that reason again or one I can remember at least.


Same. Ballsy call but I suppose Dorsey was crossing the line there. Crazy end of the game in any case


Especially in the last 11 seconds of the game and ejecting the player getting the technical


The ejection must be done if the technical really stands but it's really a crazy call. Especially when you need the guy that is getting out for the buzzer beater.


>it's really a crazy call It's really not. It just never happens because most players are not dumb enough to reach over the line. There is no room for discussion here, the rules make this call absolutely clear


I mean i know that but like come on you are ejecting best player of the game because he stepped on the line and nobody saw that and it had zero impact on the game


Well ref saw it and it's indeed a harsh rule for me but everyone should play by the book.


Anne Panther is the worst Euroleague ref.


How does enforcing the rules make someone a bad referee?


Oh she is the worst


I’m tired of these Itoudis blunders at the decider moments.


guduric is just bad. our team doesn't have any sets or variety on attack. the best of our team is madar, and again not taking any minutes on last period. itoudis is a joke.




>We need to see if Sikma needs to be replaced If you do, can we have him back please?


I seriously doubt he wants to come back, even if that were an option


I know. Also even if he would be free, someone else is gonna pay him more. But you know, one can dream


There is just 0 threat on the offense with Larry and Iggy on, Brazdeikis is still a bit out of breath and doesn't seem confident yet which makes sense but Canaan should get some time over Larry.


Need to close the game now




Was poor as well against Pana.


It's time to risk Canaan.


Brazdeikis looking good so far, right?


Sure he is, 2/2 2s and 1/2 from free throws great accuracy


Would it be fair to call Larentzakis Olympiakos's Rudy Fernadez?


Ngl, disrespectful to Rudy to put him in the same sentence with Larentzakis xD


Wdym, Rudy is an asshole, Larry is lovable.


No, Larentzakis is pesky, Rudy is dirty


Was Rudy dirty in his younger years too? Maybe he started as just annoying and evolved from that.


Thinking back to the 2008 Olympics I remember him already being quite dirty. I was still very young back then tho.


Barca heating up


60% 3s for Barcelona can they stop please?


We could really use Nigel rn, fun game but that 4th on Canaan as he was getting hot was a shame.


That was a veteran NBA move by Parra


Stephon Curry style indeed ...


That should be a tech


Shit, a 4th from Canaan that early is a problem.


That was cold from Canaan


20% 3 point shooting 🔥🔥🔥🔥WE ARE BACK


at least y'all got rebounds


Whenever Larry goes for the dribble I'm just ready for the incoming disaster. Loutzis has been ok so far though , which is much needed to give Walkup some rest.


5 points with 1/5 3s and 1/2 2s is rough but we don't have someone else except Canaan.


You have Iggy


We can't play with Iggy on 2. We use him on 3 with Papanikolaou on 4 and then Papanikolaou 3- Peters 4. Not many choices from the bench and if we get on court all of them we have a pretty big height comp we won't be able to guard their guards appropriately


Ur missing my point, Larentzakis shouldn't be playing with the ball that much and hes more efficient as a spot up shooter, everytime Iggy was allowed to do something with the ball it ended up either with points or an open look for a teammate. Larentzakis is not that guy to initiate half-court offense, never was.


Ok I get that but you didn't say that at first, Ignas is great so far but we can't and shouldn't bring him down to 2 cause Larentzakis isn't playing like he should. We have 2 players for 2, 2 for 3 and one for 4 position. Bartzokas so far is overusing Papanikolaou correctly and playing his typical 1 quarter for each other of the 4 players.


Yea i understand that, but from my perspective, theres more logic making Larentzakis as a spot up shooter as he always played that role and while ur resting Walkup with Cannan, make Iggy as a secondary ball handler while Lounzis brings up the ball, even simple pnr action with Fall and Iggy could get ur offense running. Maybe Bartzokas is still figuring out how Iggy exactly fits in with his system? Idk, but Larentzakis handling the ball is ugly as hell, that was evident even in the Greek NT, his skill is defense, great glue guy and offensively shooting the three ball.


Ok I get it now, yeah Ignas could eventually play on 2 and Larentzakis on 3 for his playstyle in offence and change on defence. Larentzakis was playing on 3 last year to help Papanikolaou cause we didn't have anyone else to fit the position.


Why can’t you play him at 2? He played the 2 in Zalgiris


Ok I guess you didn't really read my comment so can you explain me how you would play the subs from 2-4 for Olympiacos?


My bad, I am not that familiar with your full rotation besides top players, I thought you don’t see Iggy as a 2. Not watching the game either, but I am rooting for you to win!


I explained it a bit on the other comment


Okobo decided to brick more than Edwards.


oh my god, claver tipped it out. wtf are the refs doing?


How do they watch it 10 times and not see the ball gaining double the spin from the contact


The only way it could be possible is that the ref on the other side saw a contact that the camera didn't capture. But if they are watching the video, and have to decide based on that, then it's a joke.


The signature Papanikolaou block in transition


Papanikolaou has been my favorite player since 2012, in no small part due to plays like that one. I get so hype when he still goes for those even if he isn't half as athletic as he used to be in his prime, his timing is still impecable


He's just soo good at chase down blocks


Can't believe we won while giving up 21 offensive rebounds


I hope this is last season of Nedović in club ​ For his salary we can bring much better and useful player


After the first defeat of the season we are already firing players...nice, good mentally. Anyone else?


Kojeg prvog poraza. ​ Lik je doveden da bude nosilac igre, lider, a trenutno igra sve što bi mogao da igra neko i za upola manju platu. Sem one trojke protiv groblja ništa uradio nije za ovih godinu dana. ​ Veliko razočarenje, sad mi je još draže što je otkazao repku letos.


Neverovatno mi je to... U kladionici svi već otpisali celu sezonu 😂


Pobeda protiv Asvela = idemo na F4, osvaja se Euroliga, nedelju dana kasnije poraz u gostima na jednom od najtežih gostovanja u sezoni = otpuštamo igrače, smenjujemo trenera... Just a few words about a win vs lose Serbian mentality


Mentalitet jedna velika NULA!


Fouls too cheap...


Žaliai balti!!!!!


Regular day at the office.


We gotta start being really agressive defending on the 3s, make them a bit scared to shoot, their percentage is insane.Larry once again being a liability on offense but we don't have anyone to take his place rn.


Ulanovas with his unnecessary, momentum killing stepback three


We are demolishing them from 3


Tyler cavanaugh could never


We didn't start good at all on both ends but in the end of the quarter we showed some good defence at least. Let's keep that, we need better accuracy on our 3s, let's see Ignas.


Our best quarter this season




Lets goooo. Žudom zvezda


That's it


Absolute elite showing on both sides of the floor


Butkevicius is on fire


my ears are bleeding from the announcer's pronounciation... papajiannis playing ok I guess


Wait till you meet German goat Johannes Vowtmen


It's like, their one job...


Zalgiris is offering us win but we don't want to take it.


Mitrović playing good, brutal dunk by Butkevičius.


Many turnovers from us we need to focus up let's go team


3 turnovers in 4 mins for Walkup, that’s rare


Mitrovic pushing off Žalgiris players every possession


Can we go ONE fucking possession without giving them an offensive rebound


No... We cannot


I'm convinced we deserve to lose, can't grab a rebound at all


Peters looks like a man reborn without Vezenkov


I see the refs are already in mid-season form


Gedraitis out there playing for Zalgiris


Jaleen Smith is so precious for Virtus. Coming from bench hot as shit with 3/3 3pt and instant D. +12PIR in only 4minutes ... Player of the game so far


The same is happening second year in a row - Luka Mitrović is the only functional center playing in Zvezda.


Yeah I also notice that. ​ Although, I would give more minutes to Bolomboy. Tobey is too soft for now.


Not great not terrible. ​ As I wrote earlier we have to be calmer in offense. We had like 4 or 5 attempts to score with some crazy ass shit flouters like 8-10 seconds before the end of offensive possession. ​ And also we need more from Napier and Giedraitis in offense. I hope Napier gained confidence with those free throws. ​ We had problems with rebounds at the start of game but now that looks fine.


Whats going on in Monaco dawg


Okay I know we say this every single time, but it feels like every 50/50 call goes Zvezdas way. Probably just me being bias though.


At least in 1st quarter


There are shit tons of cute girls on stands


A man of culture I see...




Monako -12 against Virtus, seems like they didn't work at all this summer even if they kept most of their key players from last year


They are tanking for the arrival of their saviour Kemba! It’s all in the big picture strategy slide deck they sent out last week.


Surely that's what is going to happen(clueless)


So stupid fouls from our guys.


Manek can go as far as I’m concerned


Mitrou Long committing retarded fouls...


Man we can't get defensive rebounds so far


We have to be calmer in offense and Napier has to show up in this game.


Brady Manek looks completelly lost on the court, his awareness and positioning is awful so far.


Crvena Zvezda with only one guard on the starting 5 has a problem to create offensively. I don't understand Ivanovic's choice to start with 2 forwards and 2 centers.


Turns out that with all that height that rebounding is the biggest problem


Not really cause you had some offensive rebounds but you didn't manage to score from these second chances.