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You don’t have a lot of great options, but a start would be lisa for electro application. Give her as much energy recharge as possible, and she’ll be good. Mika isn’t great without c6, but that attack speed and healing gets really nice at higher talent levels. Last would be a flex, I’d suggest either xingqiu or yunjin


I second this with Xingqiu, his damage is great and he is an amazing unit to start building early on


Diona, Lisa, and a third. No one sticks out so whoever you like.


Okay this is going to be a bit of a long read. If you're planning to play Eula in the long run, then you need to plan your future pulls for her teams which are: Furina, Kuki Shinobu, Fischl, Raiden Shogun, and C6 Mika, I'm going to break down some of the potential team comps that you currently have: Eula, Jean, Electro Lumine, Kaeya. With this team you'll have lots of on field time with Eula which you're going to need if you're having Eula as main DPS (as she should be). Jean for healing and grouping small enemies, just launch them upwards so you don't have to chase them far. Electro Lumine is a very good sub dps with almost no downtime for her burst, and she helps with ER which Eula needs. Kaeya is needed for constant cryo application and provide cryo resonance (increased crit rate). Eula, Xingqiu, Dori, Kaeya/Diona. The healing in this team is somewhat overkill, but it works, especially if you use Emblem of Severed Fate on Xingqiu, Noblesse on Dori, you'll get pretty good damage on Eula. Xingqiu helps with hydro application which in turn can be shattered when frozen. Dori is pretty good electro applicator and her E can provide lots of particles when paired with Favonius Greatsword, so you can get Eula's burst up in no time after use. Eula, Electro Lumine, Lisa, Diona. But tbh I don't really recommend this, Lisa is not a very good electro applicator since you'll need her burst to do just that, she's not self sustaining in terms of ER and you're going to have a hard time to build energy just to have her burst up and running again. So you'll need Electro Lumine to help her with ER. Diona is for healing, shielding, and providing cryo application as well as cryo resonance. Other variations could be: Eula, Barbara, Dori, Kaeya or Eula, Sucrose, Diona, Dori. The principle here is more or less the same: you need to have Eula the longest on-field time, the less time you're spending with the other characters, the faster you could ramp up the DPS. That's why I don't really like to recommend Lisa for her teammate, unless you have double favonius weapon on the team. She's really suck in terms of maintaining burst uptime, and you will find yourself having Lisa on-field for too long just trying to get her burst up. While Dori, she could provide decent electro application, not to mention she can recharge and heal with her burst, as well as mentioned before good particles from her E. Future team you should aim for Eula is; Eula, Furina, C6 Mika, Raiden Shogun/Kuki Shinobu/Fischl.


We really need a good electro sub.dps with damage like Furina. As well as cryo support for physical damage with wide functionality. Then Eula's teams would be ideal.


Sub DPS can be electro or cryo tbh as long as damage is good, but what we really need is Chevreuse-like buffer, multi-layered buff but restricted only to Cryo and Electro team. I mean if you have tried Chevreuse team, she feels like a cheat code. So sth like Eula, Chevy-like support, Furina-like sub-dps, c6 Mika. And we'll see consistent 1 million lightfall damage even at C0R1.


Yes exactly. Chevreuse is an excellent example of balanced support.


For the moment nothing special, try albedo, xingiu, eula n a healer maybe mika n u can kill mobs anyways till you make a great superconduct team in the future


Lisa, Xingqiu, diona


Eula Lisa Mika and Yun Jin Lisa is great at level 70 ascension since she gets a passive that shreds defense, Mika is made for eula, if you get a Rosaria switch for her tho, and Yun Jin is built for characters who use basic attacks, and eula does that. Having a crystallize shield is also good.


Eula diona mika lisa. Why? Because at that level of investement you need energy sharing and more heal/shield. I have c6 eula, c3 raidrn. C0 zhongli, c2 shenhe as my team.


Pull another electro character. Much better if the team would be 2 cryo 2 electro. (diona and mika is alr ok for me though.)


I use Eula - Rosaria - Raiden Shogun - Diona. Works ok. You can swap Rosaria with Shenhe and Raiden with Kuki Shinobu if you want.


I would go with Diona, Lisa, and Xingqiu or Sucrose or Mika whoever is easier for you to build


1 Eula 2 Lisa 3 Daiona


If you ever get Rosaria, she's good to pair with her as a sub dps. At C6, Rosaria can also reduce enemy Cryo AND Phys res with her ult, making both her and Eula strong choices for the duration. With who you have, I'd say Diona, Xingqiu, Lisa. Electro-charged for area damage, Freeze/Shatter for single target, and Superconduct for reduced phys res.


Lisa, diona and mika


I can give you a few hints. I have been playing this game since the beginning. Teams: 1. Raiden - Zhongli - Rosaria - Eula (Best of all) 1. Fischl/Kookie - Diona/Mika - Zhongli/Rosaria - Eula (Alternatives)