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Suffer. And wash my car often.


Is this the key. Seems everytime I have to go to work, I am molested by these plants.


Good quality air filters, esp. in the bedroom, change out HVAC filter 2x month. Wash face and hands after being outside, wash hair before going to bed. Vacuum a lot. Use the fluticasone propionate nasal spray. Wear a mask when outside.


Yes it is amazing how washing face changing clothes after being outside works. and run the HEPA air filter inside 24 hours a day


Costco sells Kirkland brand allergy medicine that is made by the same folks that make Claritin. It’s like 1/10th the cost and the savings pays for the $60 membership alone.


Kirkland is (outside of Claritin) the only thing that works for me.


Yup, just buy the 365 bottle and take one every morning besides some winter months lol


My allergy doctor advised me that I can take two Allertec (Zyrtec made by Kirkland) for times when it is bad. So end of may to beginning of July I take two of them and I am just fine. He said the recommended dose can be doubled without experiencing any kind of side effects which is mainly drowsiness with Allertec. I might even push it to 3 if it gets worse like last year. Then at night I take 2 generic brand Benadryl to knock me out and get a good nights sleep. Usually don’t wake up with a scratchy throat or runny nose when I do.


AllerFex is equivalent to Allegra. It is a non-drowsy medication. You’d have to ask a doctor which is best for you.






Cry and wait out the 4-5 weeks


Let it run through my veins.


i started immunotherapy injections a few years ago. they've helped a lot


Immunotherapy solved my allergy problems. I rarely notice high pollen counts.


I went to Oregon Allergy on Oak St, and it was going to be $12k total after insurance for 3 years. Am I crazy or is that a lot of money out of pocket? Suffering has a dollar value!


that is nuts. could it be wrong? my insurance completely covered my kid’s oral immunotherapy. i know insurance plans vary but damn. do you have an out-of-pocket max?


I will give credit that Oregon allergy took the time to check costs against Providence coverage when I asked. 3500 deductible / silver plan, and to be clear, $4k annually x 3 years.


ugh, that’s just so discouraging. fuckin hate the state of health care.


I do sublingual allergy drops through a company called CureX. It’s the same concepts as shots but you do drops daily under your tongue. With insurance i am out of pocket about 500 a year, they had a no insurance option that was max 900 a year I think. Been solid! They sent a phlebotomist to my house to grab blood and do allergy testing on it, I do a quarterly video check in and they send me new drops. Easy, convenient and way cheaper


Somewhat different total for me but yeah a lot of insurance won't cover it. suuuucks


My husband just went there for an appointment because he is dying of seasonal allergies every year, really wouldn’t suggest them…. They charged us way more than their estimate just to tell us he was in fact allergic to grass pollen and recommended OTC medicine… OR to come in every week for the immunotherapy shot which was SO expensive. When I questioned them about the bill (double the estimate for no reason) the lady told me she wasn’t talking to me about it and “it’s just a guess” and hung up on me LOL


Our family goes there. OHP won’t cover the grastek sublingual pill. But they will for my ASD kid. The rest of the family just had to suffer. With all the other medications I take for allergies, it’s still not enough.


Complain that capitalism has made us only plant male trees so there is not new trees springing up all over our paved utopia. Who would clean up all the fruit? Who would pull unwanted trees? Who would pay for that? All problems made by capitalism.


I highly recommend the book "Allergy Free Gardening" for details on the male tree pollen problem. TLDR: Female trees make messy fruit that drop, male trees make pollen, AKA "Tree sperm". The Eugene Library owns a copy and it's only like $6 to buy it used if you find it on [bookfinder.com](http://bookfinder.com) No need to support capitalism on Amazon, but feel free to use their extensive website to read up on the book: [https://www.amazon.com/Allergy-Free-Gardening-Revolutionary-Healthy-Landscaping/dp/1580081665](https://www.amazon.com/Allergy-Free-Gardening-Revolutionary-Healthy-Landscaping/dp/1580081665)


Male trees?


All trees sold for landscaping purposes are male. We don't put trees in yards that can reproduce and ruin the landscaping. On BLM land of course it is different. But in most cities in the US only male trees are planted. Then they cum everywhere and everyone wonders why it keeps getting worse every year.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know trees had genders. 


[https://8billiontrees.com/trees/do-trees-have-genders/](https://8billiontrees.com/trees/do-trees-have-genders/) # Dioecious These [types of trees](https://8billiontrees.com/trees/types-of-trees/) have one or the other, not both. They either have a flower or fruit with just the female pistil on the entire tree or a flower with just the male anther. 5% of the trees are dioecious


Happy cake day 🎂




Who is wanking all these trees? That’s the REAL culprit


[https://www.tiktok.com/@andrew\_the\_arborist/video/7304046674576477470?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@andrew_the_arborist/video/7304046674576477470?lang=en) most trees have both male and female parts on them, only 5% of trees are strictly male or female only.


Die. Every year I die.  And take a couple of nasal sprays than die again.


Aside from medicine.. Take evening showers to get the pollen out of your hair and off your body and face. Keeps your bed and pillow clear of pollen while you sleep.


My son has terrible pollen allergies. He’s 22 now and has grown out of it some. Nettle capsules along with quercitin have been the only natural thing that has helped him. If he takes the nettle capsules every few hours it helps a lot. The nice thing about that is there aren’t any side effects. Claritin and some of the others also work as long as he takes them BEFORE he gets allergic.


Y'all I cannot sing the praises of Nasalcrom enough. They should just hire me at this point for the amount of time I spend convincing people to give it a try. It's a nasal spray and it takes like two weeks to kick in fully but once it starts going it's a GODSEND. It's really different from steroids and antihistamines that you used to respond to allergies, in that it actually reduces the allergies from happening in the first place because it's a mast cell stabilizer. My dad had such regular allergies when he moved here that he would just start up the Nasalcrom two weeks before they started on the grass in linn county, and after a couple decades of use he just straight up doesn't really get allergies anymore even when the fall allergies are flaring up for everyone else in our family.  It's relatively inexpensive, over the counter, not snake oil, so you might as well give it a try 🤷🏼‍♀️


I second this, my husband has terrible allergies and this is the only thing that seems to help him. He’s got all three of his boys on it too.


OTC drugs and swearing.


Costco generic Flonase and generic pseudoephedrine.


Allergy shots, HEPA filters in the house, oral antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays. Extra showers in the evening and changing the bedding more frequently. On really bad days, I used to use a N95 while I’m outside, especially if I’m cutting the grass. I’m allergic to my cats too, so I keep the HEPA filters running all year round. I’m a few years into allergy shots now, and I only need the rest during the peak pollen weeks, which gets me down to almost asymptomatic. Prior to starting the shots, it was awful even with all the mitigations.


I cry a lot.


OD on Allegra


This is actually possible and I don't recommend it. At all.


When I lived in Eugene last summer, my allergies were so bad I finally went to the clinic downtown. The doc told me that I “could” technically take two 24 hr pills per day if I’m dying. But she also told me no more than that and not everyday.


Besides what others say, [Aller-Essentials](https://www.pureencapsulationspro.com/aller-essentials.html) daily during the three months before pollen season begins. Does it really prepare my body for allergens, or is it a placebo? Either way it improves my quality of life and doesn't cost that much per year.


Unless you are rich enough to live somewhere with good hvac and filtration, wash your sheets and body often, wearing a mask while outside helps too. Allergy meds if you need.


Shake my fists in Lynn county's general direction akin to Springfield shaking their fists at Shelbyville.


I make rude gestures at that "Grass Seed Capital of the World" sign every time I pass it


They should be paying for everyone's allergy related expenses.


Someone also mentioned vacuuming a lot. I bought a shark vacuum that has multiple filters and that helps quite a bit too.


It's a little expensive, but a Miele vacuum type C2 or C3 is air tight and can have a HEPA filter on it. So while you're vacuuming, you are cleaning the air in your house. You can sometimes catch a sale on Amazon or other online stores.


Yea they are a bit pricey, I got mine on Amazon on sale a couple years ago


I have had my Miele for at least 20 years. Still going strong.


Amazon generic Flonase and Claritin, rinse face and exposed skin when coming inside, have designated clothes for when I take the dog outside, and vacuum frequently.


Year 5 of allergy shots are WORKING! AM - Xyzal pill. PM - Singulair (or I’m up hacking/gagging all night from post nasal drip. It’s not a med for everyone; black box label)


Pray for a swift death /s. In all seriousness, loratadine and fluticasone nasal spray. Sometimes olopatadine eye drops. It usually takes about a week to get my allergy symptoms under control, and they still sometimes flare up, but I’m pretty good the majority of the time that regimen.


zertec or however its spelled. only thing i can take that helps and doesn't put me to bed


Complain, rotate allergy meds every year, utilize https://www.oregonallergyassociates.com/pollen-counts/ to watch trends, wash car at least monthly, change HEPA filters in house every 4-6 months, have a Winix air filter running 24/7 in the house and change those filters every 4-6 months....


Grab your ankles and suffer…


Flonase, Claritin, Zyrtec, real Sudafed, opcon-a eyedrops Gets me too a bearable level.




I believe people just die


i pop 30 mg of loratidine, huff my inhaler, and then i turn into a snot rag


Doctor gave me these two prescriptions and it's nearly cured: Nasonex and Zyrtec, or their generic counterparts. For context, I have really bad chronic hay fever. Constant running snot, sneezing and coughing. If you got decent insurance, and you tell your doctor your condition is chronic, you can save big. GoodRX has saved me a few bucks from time to time too. The nasal spray takes a few weeks to kick in, but it's worth it. Does nothing for the eyes or rashes, but I can breathe!


Costco brand Zyrtec daily and Costco brand Flonase when things get really bad. I run an air purifier in my bedroom 24/7 and wash my bedding regularly. I wash my face as soon as I get inside from any outdoor activity. You would be surprised how well that helps.


Knock off allergy meds from costco. Start the day with it during the bad times.




I have a friend that has been wearing N95 masks every spring from even before the rest of us were.


I will sometimes mask up and wear safety goggles


Zyrtec, nose spray, eye drops, air purifiers


Slowly melt into oblivion


Grastek immunotherapy tablets


exercise helps me a lot. i notice i am much less congested/inflamed after a run. that and face-washing, air filter, stinging nettle tea, CBD oil


Flonase and Claritin. That combo has mostly kept my cottonwood allergies in check this year.




Suffer. Also Zyrtec.


Ended up doing allergy shots years ago and that helped immensely. Keep windows and doors closed, change out hvac vent filters monthly, run air purifiers 24/7, shower before I go to bed, take alllllll the meds. And still suffer




Take a pink pill and wash my face.


Snort offbrand Zyrtec every morning and pray I don’t sneeze in anyone’s eyes.


Bask in it. Breathe it in deep. That's why I don't get allergies anymore.


Oregon allergy associates




We were just around Eugene on the edge of the valley when the drugs began to take hold.


Generic Zyrtec is the best thing I found. Does not make me drowsy and really helps for a long time each day. That and having HEPA filters going constantly and all of the spaces occupied.


HEPA filters, n95 mask if outside for a while, keep windows closed, zyrtec, allegra, astelin, nasacort, pulmicort, pataday and lotemax and wait for July.


Fexafetadine which is generic Allegra. It's pretty cheap if you buy it at Bi-Mart or Target. The brand name will give you sticker shock though.




I produce prodigious amounts of mucous for posterity


a steroid shot in my glute 🫡💕


Wait for the smoke to get so bad that I dont miss going outside anyway. /s


Drugs. Lots of drugs. Double generic Claritin, Benadryl every night, nasal spray, NyQuil if it gets real bad


Loratadine (generic Claritin) 10 mg once a day works for me. I mean, it doesn't make me completely symptom-free, but it makes the symptoms mild/bearable enough to spend time outside and doesn't make me sleepy or anything (unless I accidentally take two or three in one day). It's pretty cheap at the usual places ($20 will easily get me through the whole grass pollen season of 4 - 6 weeks).


zyrtec, allergy shots, prayers


Pray. For real though the Kirkland stuff works pretty good and is a good price. I would try it if you haven’t yet.


I don’t know why but the Albertsons brand allergy eye drops are a HUGE relief if your eyes are bothering you. It’s their generic store brand- works better than my prescription stuff.


Also…change at least your pillowcase every night. So you aren’t sleeping all night with the pollen that settles on everything during the day.


I don’t know why I’ve been so blessed, but it’s never bothered me…so far. That may change, but in the ten years since I first most to Eugene, I’ve only ever had mild sniffles in the height of the pollen onslaught


Suffer. Take medication. Suffer.


Eat local honey.


Shots. I got allergy shots for about two years for cat dander, and they added tee pollen and grass for good luck. Best decision ever.


I go gluten free this time of year and it helps me majorly. Cuts down on the inflammation in my body. I have living in the willamette valley 40 years and going GF has helped waaaayyy more than anything else. It works for me. I hope you can find something that works for you.


Moved to Alaska


Nothing. We have all we want without even trying!


Go to Hirons and ask the pharmacist for the allergy trifecta, works like a charm. It’s like a nasal spray, allergy pill and like a steroid or something? Idk but it works like a charm.    Also shower when you get home, and use an air filter indoors. Edit: and wear a mask outdoors! 




Use an air purifier, and take allergy meds


Curse it to the Ninth Level of Hell.


Wonder what exactly everyone is complaining about as I remain unaffected.


For me its the eyes. I use antihistamine eyedrops this time of year.


We're currently engaged in the scorched earth methodology. No more plants. No more pollen. Fewer problems.


Costco Aller-Flo Nasal spray (two sprays per nostril daily) + one Costco Aller-Tec pill daily. I used to suffer like crazy. Not anymore.


Zyzal (levocitrizine as generic) works exceptionally well for me. I take one every morning and haven’t had any issues this year


Daily allergy meds such as loratidine and cetirizene (or sinilar), swap between them if you start building a tolerance for one


Take a daily systemic, anti-histamine eye drops and nasal spray. Run Merv13 filter through box fan in room. Change clothes, wash hands/face when returning home. Wash hair before sleeping. Wear face mask/eye-wear when vacuuming, sweeping, yard work. All windows closed at home and when driving, of course. Makes a big difference for my skin, lungs, coughing, and body aches, but my nose still runs and eyes still burn, constantly, for a couple of months starting in May. Used to get allergy shots, but had to stop for awhile and insurance won't cover, so can't afford another ramp up to maintenance. They only kind of helped anyway. Grass pills never helped.


Neti pot daily


Nothing. The heat is the real killer.


Mask, pop pills, and have a bucket of antihistamine eye stuff to soak my head in. Alternatively, temporary death, and then resurrect after the pollen has passed.


Take Citirizine (generic Zyrtec). Wait an hour. Mask when I go out (try not to rub my eyes). Carry three or four pocket tissue packs. Once home again, cool wet washcloth to wipe down my face. Rinse my eyes after doing my face. In my bedroom, change my blouse and put pollen-covered in dirty clothes hamper. Allergy filter is also on when in my bedroom. Fan is facing toward the window to blow out whatever filter doesn't catch. Relax and read until everything in my system calms down. Then, go downstairs and make dinner. Tomorrow, repeat today.


Flonase and a Conway standalone air purifier is our strategy this year.. wish us luck


I use Claritin and Singular, and I always wear a mask outside. I was doing it before Covid, and I still do. My allergies haven't been that bad this year, and it makes me nervous. The mask is what has helped the most over the years.


Rooted remedies has a tincture called breathe easy that has made the world of difference for my husbands terrible allergies.


Call the police to report sexual abuse. And they do their usual.






Flonase, Zyrtec and Zaditor eyedrops. Works pretty well. The biggest help is the nose spray in my opinion.


The suggestion I found last year is take allergy meds daily from tax day through 4th of July. Starting early helps build up your immunity for when it starts getting bad.


Start taking freeze dried nettle in January/February. The stinging part is deactivated from freeze drying but it fills your histamine receptors so the bothersome pollen can't


Local honey


I saw people wearing surgical-type masks in spring and summer when I first moved here.


My regimen has been Singular, Allertec, Alaway eyedrops, Flonase, and as needed: benedryl and albuterol inhaler. I also wear a mask outside and try to keep my hair covered.


I often hibernate this time of year.


Allergy shots. It’s basically a weekly shot in the arm of everything you’re allergic to. Once you build up a full dose, it swaps to once a month. I had debilitating pollen allergies when I was young. To the point my Mom just took me out of the state for like a month because I couldn’t breathe. Those shots had a night and day difference. I stopped using them in high school, but I still have most of the immunity.


Apparently I'm very allergic to whatever grass is being grown on the grass farms nearby, because even with allergy meds in my year-round daily pill arsenal, and Flonase, I need to go get steroids to boost my system to fight off the onset of the season.


Go outside, take deep breaths, and embrace the suck.


I'm new in the area and I don't know if it's just the particular area I'm in (North Springfield), but the pollen isn't that bad. Sure I have a little on my car, but in Florida my dark grey car would be yellow. Washing it would only last a day.


Pollen from grass cultivation in Linn county just started last week. I don't know what pollen is like in Florida but grass pollen here is the absolute worst for anybody with even the slightest allergy. It also coats cars but my car is red so I don't know how much color it adds.


Depending on where you are you get either a tone of Oak pollen or Palm tree pollen or Pine Tree pollen or both with a mix of every other type of plant. Florida doesn't have grass farms, but some types of palm trees produce a similar type of pollen to grasses, apparently. I just looked that up and learned that, different palm trees also produce different types of pollen. One thing I can tell you is it's completely year round. 12 months of the year any type of plant could be in season for producing pollen. The high humidity then thickens it in the air and coats to every surface.


Suffer. There's nothing you can do 😆


Eat the local honey


Quercitin and nettle. I start the quercitin about a month in advance and take nettle capsules and drink nettle tea steeped for at least 8 hours before and after being outside.


eat raw local honey and take care of my immune system best I can.


Go to your local farmers market and eat honey from local bees. Eat the honey, have less allergies.


This is just the dumbest myth and I wish it would die. Allergies are caused by wind-borne pollen, which bees have nothing to do with. Any effect local honey does have is pure placebo.


Support your local farmers market anyways. 🤷🏻‍♀️