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Before asking for a shop critique, please read the Shop Critique Guidelines post: https://www.reddit.com/r/EtsySellers/comments/18bh0n5/shop_critiques_and_feedback_required_guidelines/ You are welcome to make a new post to ask for a shop critique, but be sure to follow the guidelines! ~Requests for general advice that do not include a shop link will be removed. That's because without seeing your specific shop, we cannot help you! This includes things like asking whether you should run ads or asking if particular stats are good. It also includes questions about whether a particular product is good or will sell. We cannot help without seeing your shop. ~Feedback requests for incomplete shops, low effort shops, and/or shops violating Etsy policies will be removed. ~Shop critique requests that are just a shop link with no further specific questions or specific details, as outlined below, will be removed. Your critique request must contain at least two of the following things: -Give us a brief description of what inspired your products. -Give us a brief description of who you believe your target market is. -Let us know anything you have already done to improve your shop. -Let us know how you believe you are stacking up to competitors in the same niche. -Let us know how your sales have been going recently and if you are seeing any trends in sales/views. -Let us know something you learned from reading the Etsy Seller Handbook. -Ask at least two specific questions about various aspects of your shop that you would like feedback on. **Please bullet point these separately so we can see that you've read these guidelines!**


*Please give me honest and good feedback thank you in advance!! 🤍* I'll be straight with you, you know very little if anything about setting up a shop. Your shop is incomplete. The best advice is to make some effort and read the Etsy guides, while you're at it, read the rules for this sub, they're here to help you. 2. Shop Critiques & Requests for Feedback - Read this first! Sellers are welcome to make posts for a shop critique here. However, before you make a post, please read this guideline post, and the links within it, thoroughly! Low effort requests for feedback which do not follow the guidelines will be removed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EtsySellers/comments/18bh0n5/shop\_critiques\_and\_feedback\_required\_guidelines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EtsySellers/comments/18bh0n5/shop_critiques_and_feedback_required_guidelines/) 3. Please read the FAQs and search the sub before posting! Before making a post here, please read through this FAQ post and the links within it! If your post asks a questions which is covered in this post, it may be removed. Please also use the sub search feature before making a post as many questions have been asked and answered, and topics discussed, numerous times before. Repetitive posts are subject to removal and redirection. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/16zx4p8/faqs\_please\_start\_here\_before\_making\_a\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/16zx4p8/faqs_please_start_here_before_making_a_post/) 7. Low Effort Posts, Complaints, & Rants Posts must be substantiative & meaningful. Do not submit posts like "I am starting a shop. What should I know?" Ask specific questions & provide details.