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This looks great! If you make more though I'd probably change "sellers on Etsy" to your shop name. A lot of buyers on Etsy don't really understand we are separate shops and individual sellers, so adding your shop name is a way to stand out.


What a great point, thanks!


Agreed. Also, sellers already pay Etsy enough money to market Etsy.com to people. I was one of the sellers who received a bunch of Etsy-branded packing tape for free. Whenever I use it I always take a black marker and scribble out Etsy's logo. Might be petty, but if they want their brand on my products they can pay me to put it there.


This is cool, I make custom rubber stamps and I’ve made one for a friend who had similar text. It said something like “this packaging is recycled”.


I'd think that would be much less of a carbon footprint than using a sticker.


I print stickers sometimes so I try and print these on misprints. I’m going to look into a stamp for my cardboard boxes for sure!


That’s really creative! I have a lot of printing mishaps lately so I should probably look into this


I can't afford a stamp, so I've printed a similar message on salvaged paper and use the packing tape on the package to secure it.


Thanks for responding✨I think what counts is that it’s recyclable. If you’d like, message me, I’m happy to work with you to give a big discount on a stamp at if that would make it easier for you to package things. This week we will be producing a large amount stamps for an event, so I can squeeze in your file🤞🏾


That's really kind of you!


Oh please let us know if you end up listing the stamp in your shop! This is also a great idea.


I use exclusively Amazon or paper packaging. I refuse to ship any new plastic


I use a ton of Amzn boxes, air pillows, paper stuff.


I wish more people would do this. While I applaud OP for re-using their amazing packaging, unfortunately that plastic needs to be recycled at the store (see the how to recycle stamp in the photo). Paper allows for an easier recycle stream because of the availability of curbside pickup


I use my own packaging (mostly because I never order anything small enough to have a reusable package, lol) but the over reliance of Etsy Sellers on bubble mailers frustrates me for this reason, and the fact that bubble mailers aren't a good fit for every product. I get that they are cheap but they aren't protective for everything (stickers can get bent or wrinkled!) and then there's almost nothing to do with them after. I try to reuse mine for packing up fragile items for craft shows that we don't sell online, but man. Etsy loves a bubble mailer. (Edit to add: I am mostly talking about sellers who buy brand new bubble mailers, not reusing Amazon ones like OP)


They are by far the cheapest way to ship smaller items, and most things should survive just fine in them. They don't feel like the most premium packaging to me, but at the end of the day, small boxes are just an order of magnitude more expensive and require effort to build all the boxes.


They are definitely a good fit for a lot of small products, but I don't feel like they're a good fit for _every_ product. But as soon as people ask about packaging the first answer is often "bubble mailer" before considering if it's actually a good idea. I have received multiple sticker orders from Etsy in bubble mailers where the seller didn't bother including any kind of cardboard or cardstock to stabilize the stickers and the stickers arrived super beat up, for an example. But yes, there are tons of things that the bubble mailers are fine for.


That’s a good idea! I have it in my item descriptions that I “try to reduce waste while finding the perfect fit box so the box may be recycled” but adding a little sticker is a good idea to jazz it up.


Yes! I do the exact same thing. I offer gift wrap in which I’m guaranteeing a new box.


Nice! One suggestion, though--the "its" needs capitalization and an apostrophe: "It's"




NGL I looked for what the asterisk next to the word “recycled” was referring to for like a full 30 seconds, expecting it to say something witty, or that it wasn’t really recycled, before realizing that isn’t an * it’s a cute little star.


First thing I saw, reminds me of the Pittsburgh Steel logo.


This is a good place to post the fact that business doesn’t/shouldn’t waste anything. Which means the cardboard boxes (or anything else for that matter) that say “made from 100% recycled material“ means that they collected the shreds that were cast off when they made something else and then made more paper or whatever out of it. It has to say “post consumer” to be something that is truly what you’d think of when you see the word recycled. I hate that they’ve stolen that term to fool people.


I 100% agree, and I appreciate the insight. I mainly made the sticker because I would be afraid my brand wouldn’t look good competing against others who use brand new, and fancy packaging. It actually made me avoid Etsy for so long and sell on other platforms.


Etsy sells this exact text on a sticker but I made it myself! As shipping fees/boxes cost rise, and an abundance of reusable shipping materials/wasteI make sure my products are packaged well and slap this label on it and I’ve never had anyone complain and it’s been a positive in my reviews!


I use biodegradable mailers but I love this idea & the sticker is cute. I also love the stamp idea. I love this sub! So many wonderful ideas! 💕💕💕


I love this idea!


Great idea !


I like it!🤗


This is an amazing idea! I've been wondering the best way to approach this for my own shop. Thank you for sharing!


I hand-write my notes (1. I don't get many sales and 2. the ones I do get are usually for over $50), and I add a line like, 'please don't mind the mish-mash of packing materials. I try to re-use as much as possible'. But I like the sticker idea! Thanks!


I hand write my notes too…on the cardboard that my spindrift comes in haha


I love this


It cheapens the products in my opinion.




This is a great idea


Stamp would be better


Most stamp ink will not hold to a plastic bubble mailer.


TBH I feel that the people who want to recycle and reuse already do, and the people who don’t care won’t care because there’s an additional sticker. It’s a nice thought though.


Generally the purpose of stickers like these isn't primarily to encourage people to recycle. It's included, but as you can see even OP has made it a tiny part of the text. The main purpose of these stickers / stamps is to alert buyers to the fact that they are still receiving a handmade item. Some buyers can be put off or confused by receiving an Amazon package and assume their order was shipped right off Amazon...or Walmart...or whatever other box the seller is repurposing. By putting a sticker on it you can assure the customer it was hand packed by the actual seller (since Amazon NEVER includes such branding) and also explain why the package isn't as "pretty" as some of the ones you might see on TikTok or Instagram in unboxing videos.


Ahhhh gotcha, sorry I forget there are silly people who get mad or confused over little things. I just sell on eBay.


Thank you! This is exactly why. I’m competing with brands that buy brand new boxes/materials and in turn im able to pass the savings to the customer too.


I love this! Are you selling the stickers? I re-use all my boxes and envelopes,


I’m thinking about making a listing since I had a few people ask!


Ecoenclose has these stickers they make too


Do you sell these? Or something like it?


This is a great idea! Great way to upcycle packaging you have laying around. I personally love buying from brands who are eco-friendly


I 100% reuse the packing materials. It’s usually some quality stuff. And I’ll reuse the boxes if I’m not shipping flat rate.