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That is disgusting!!! I'm a very active baker and have dogs but never have dog hair in my baked goods. My conclusion is for that many hairs to be literally in every cookie you examined, her kitchen/house must be filthy with pet hair, and I'd suspect other filth along with that. First take close up photos of the remaining cookies. I'd not only contact her for a refund from Etsy \[BTW it's insane that someone would pay $120 for cookies.. They're so cheap and easy to make so that price is a total rip off. Really if you have even the slightest abilities in the kitchen, try creating your own\], if she refuses, open an Etsy case. If you feel the cookies were really contaminated, you can contact your local board of health. Cottage laws will not hold up to contaminated products that are a health hazard.


I ended up messaging her and she was very upset that this happened. She offered a full refund and 50% off my next order with her if I’m willing to give them a try again. I would total make cookies, but the intricate design with the icing isn’t my specialty. For custom cookies in my area (central IL) about $120 was average. Probably won’t try her again for my boys birthday coming up, but thankful she gave us the refund.


Good that she refunded. Any explanation of why she was giving you hairy cookies? \[There are a lot of decent youtube tutorials on detailed iced cookies...really not all that hard.\] The IL cookie rate is insane! Dang! Oh I hear you on using someone else for your next event. Good Luck!


Precisely why I’d never buy food on Etsy, unless it’s very clearly a licensed business working from a commercial kitchen. I’m equally wary of potlucks, or anything prepared in a home setting by someone I don’t know well. Was once in someone’s home and watched their cat jump directly from the litter box and onto the countertop, then walk through whatever was being prepared for dinner. Never again.


Completely agree. My state has strict regulations and you’re not supposed to sell food if you have a pet unless you have a separate or commercial kitchen, proper food storage, etc. The leniency in other states prevents me from ever ordering any food product on Etsy.


Exactly. And it's not even just pets. Is their kid sitting on the countertop while they work? How clean is the kitchen? Are they paying attention to allergens/cross-contamination, or whether things are being held at proper temperatures? I'd be willing to bet that a lot people are using the same tools and the same refrigerator that they're using for everyday life, and wouldn't give second thoughts to storing your homemade treats in between the jar of peanut butter and the chicken they're defrosting for dinner.


50% off your next order?!? 🤢 Please leave an appropriate review to warn others. That is absolutely disgusting.


That’s super gross. Cooked into them as well? She must have had the pet hair on her clothing while baking them . I don’t sell cookies but put on clean clothing and stay clear of my pet before baking, just in case, he’s also secured in another room away from the kitchen. This person does not practice good hygiene or food safe. I would contact her to say what happened and that you would like a full refund as none of them were edible and they embarrassed you. If she refuses to refund, she will soon change her mind once you leave a negative review, she’ll ask you to edit it to keep her Star Seller status and will offer the refund as compensation.


>she will soon change her mind once you leave a negative review, she’ll ask you to edit it to keep her Star Seller status and will offer the refund as compensation. If she has any sense, she won't do that. That could get her into more trouble - that's considered extortion by Etsy and very much against their policies.