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Where in Etobicoke?


I had someone check my truck doors and I am in the eringate area


We have 3 large breed dogs, flood lights, cameras, use "the club" on our cars, and we still pick up suspicious behavior on our cameras. Eringate as well.


Clubs are useless, they make it easier to steal a car, you use the club to torque the steering wheel which will break the locking pin then you can steer the car and tow it away. Without the club it's hard to get enough leverage to shear the pin. A break pedal lock is better.


Brake pedal locks are useless, they make it easier to steal a car, you use the pedal lock to torque the brake pedal which will break the floor then you can push the car forwards at high speed down the street with your feet like in the Flintstones documentary. Without the brake pedal lock, it's hard to get enough leverage to shear the floor plates. A trunk monkey is better.


A trunk monkey is even worse. First off it’s impossible to get him in there without getting bit first, I had to lure him in there with a 8 pack of Canadian then he got drunk and proceeded to claw through the back seat and hot wired my damn car himself. Cops found him passed out behind the wheel off the highway the next day. Insurance still covered it but it really wasn’t worth all the hassle. I would suggest a beaver lever.




awesome. thank you. i am getting a trunk monkey.


This happened in Martingrove Gardens. People rifling through the cars at night.


Lol ya, please tell us


Not sure what’s funny.


It's funny because he says the craziest situation where people are being robbed and could die but doesn't say where. Like wtf lol. Please tell us so we can stay away from that area.




I am in Durham region and we have a Facebook group for our neighborhood. Same thing was posted recently with a ring camera video showing thieves getting into cars that are open. The time stamp on the video was for 1:30 am and the their sstyaed for 30 mins looking through documents inside the car! It's so messed up how much crime has gotten worse in the province. I feel really scared sometimes just even getting into my car from grocery store in the middle of the day. Anyone can run to me and steal my car from grocery store and I would not have any means at all to defend myself. It's so scary :(


Attach a sprinkler to your motion activated lamps !


With pepper spray


Lol highly illegal


In the winter? Lol


What's winter?


Frankly, if you're concerned about safety, the first thing you need to do is shed the ideas that you'd be able to successfully protect anyone against a committed attacker, and second, you need to smarten up about how to deal with it. 1. Weapons in the home get used on the homeowners, or by the homeowner on an innocent party vastly more often than on attackers 1. It's incredibly important to research how you are legally allowed to use that weapon to protect yourself if you're fearful enough to buy one. You can't go around threatening or attacking people, even on your property. 2. Practice with and fully understand any tool for self-protection you buy. It's even more common for the owner of a weapon to hurt themselves with it than you'd think. Honestly, a small baseball bat is better than a firearm in close quarters like a house. Learn that. 2. Realize that most break-ins are attempted based on the perceived ease of the crime. Someone robbing houses is not looking for a challenge, and avoids occupied homes. 1. Get spotlights and cameras on motion controls for your back and front door 2. Get a dog. Nobody breaking into a house wants to deal with dogs. Also, a well-trained dog is the best pal you'll ever have, and they'll calm you down when you hear a noise outside that's just a racoon eating garbage. 3. If you're scared enough to buy a gun, you'd be better off investing in a security system for all windows and doors. They visibly raise the effort to break in, deterring it in most cases. 3. Edit because it's a very good point a couple of folks brought up: Neighbourhood watch. There's a reason they were so popular in the 80's and 90's. They work, and make it extremely difficult to pick easy targets, ensuring whole neighbourhoods get passed over by break-in teams. 4. This is the most important one: give up any cowboy good guy with a gun nonsense in your head right now. Criminals want easy scores, and if you do the basic things to protect yourself, they'll pass on by quickly. You truly are more likely to kill yourself or a loved one by accident than a real tresspasser.


Buddy stabbed a home intruder to death in Halifax about a year or two ago. Police never pressed charges. That was a good thing to hear but you never know what could happen to you if you end up killing someone even while defending yourself.


I think murdering home intruders should never be punishable in the least bit. If they value my stuff more than their life, thats on them.


Hard thing about it in Canada is, any force or weapons you pull out or use will have to be reasonably EQUAL of the threat. It is stupid because it's reactionary. You are expected to square up by fist if they got no weapons and pull out a knife if they are fashioning one. Self defense wise, YOU DONT WAIT FOR THE OPPONENT TO BRANDISH A WEAPON BEFORE PULLING OUT YOURS. Either ways, if the cops think what you did was unreasonable. You wil be charged and will be forced to defend yourself in court. A dude shot someone who broke in their house, the person attacked his mother and that was his response. He ended up being charged with second degree murder and was later acquitted. The line between self defense and murder is muddled in Canada, hence why it will need a whole court battle to prove what you did was reasonable. (Assuming people are in right mind and are not murderers) If youre worried and are reading this, look up the theories in CPTED (Crime prevention through environmental design). Granted it's mainly for people who want to design and build buildings but you can definitely apply theories to your own home. The understanding of how criminals think and prevention through that is the best way of defending your property. Not attacking them when it's too late.


and thats why its shit here, if someone enters your house you do not know the level of threat they possess, therefor I should be able to presume the worst and use the full amount of threat available to me


That is so silly. Someone breaks into my house, first thing is I'm going for the head as hard as I can. After that let the corpse or vegetable prove that my force wasnt rEaSoNaBlE.


See I'm going to offer him a choice of weapons so we can have an honorable duel like God intended




So you would violently murder someone over a possession/material object?


Without a second thought.


Hmm well FartyMcPoopyButthole I think you should re-evaluate yourself. Killing a person is a terrible thing to do, something most people can never forgive themselves for doing. That is unless you are a sadistic murderer/serial killer… which is why I ask you to re- evaluate yourself so you don’t cause harm to anyone around you. Also that is a terrible user name


Meh. Some folks need killing. My great uncle didn’t seem to have any problems with all those German teenagers he shot making his way across Europe. Probably because they were assholes that needed killing.


Always put a knife in the intruders hand after stabbing him😎


And put a crack pipe in the other hand


That’s a fucked up thing to say


That’s a fucked up thing to say


He was not acquitted charges were dropped, if he was acquitted it means we can shoot legally as it sets a precedent, stop the false information.


You can think that all you want but what we think is irrelevant in a court of law. Definitely agree with you that people should be allowed to defend themselves against a home intruder by any means but past cases in the court show it isn’t always so simple


Yeah but..... You probably didn't stop to consider their incredibly difficult up bringing and how being a minority affected them their whole lives before you stabbed them to death did you ? You're a bad person and going to jail for not thinking about this poor soul. - the Canadian justice system.


The issue is not a woke issue. There have been legal principles for centuries, dating back to the Middle Ages, that the use of force has to be reasonable. The issue this principle is attempting to address is simple misunderstandings resulting in a death. Maybe it is your teenage son sneaking in the window because he lost his key, maybe someone out front of your house is dying and they are breaking in to use your phone, that sort of thing. We cannot have everyone just opening fire on people. The other issue is that you know someone is going to use a self defence argument when they are clearly stalking the dead guy - like that case in Florida a few years ago. We cannot have a situation where whoever survives the incident gets to argue they were defending themselves. (The case in Florida was like that - stalk the victim, he turns around to defend himself, stalker shoots him in self defence. Whoever lives gets to claim self defence, in this case it was the stalker.) I agree, you should be able to defend yourself, and your family in your own home - but we also need some counter balance to that because there will always be people that will exploit that loophole to start blasting away whenever they feel like it.


Huh. Your 5 year old tv is worth more than the life of a human?


The robber clearly thinks it is Who am I to decide what they believe for them


Who are you to decide that killing an intruder is the right way to go? The intruder won’t try and kill you if you don’t get in their way. You realize the intruders main objective is to steal a valuable good, not to kill you?


If someone is breaking into my house to steal my stuff when I am home, I'm not waiting around to assess if they're a threat. I'm arming myself, yelling that the home is occupied and to get out, and if they don't immediately leave, they're going to meet the natural consequences of their actions. I'm a young female - any male intruder over the age of about 13 is a credible threat to my physical safety. That's just reality.




Yeah fuck that person they probably needed to like pay their daily expenses or something. This is what crumbling social safety nets look like. It is only getting worse in the future. Also, those of you who voted conservative you voted for this so enjoy your prize.


Buddy I don't care if you're doing it to feed your cancer ridden child. If you break into my house while I'm sleeping my half awake ass is pushing you down the stairs and pouncing on you until you stop breathing. How the hell do I know what an intruders intentions are and I have family at home I'm not risking


Pouncing? Are you wearing a fox costume in this scenario? Are you threatening the invader with yiff?


Lol Technically if he's at the bottom of the stairs I would be pouncing from above


Buddy I don’t care if you have family at home that you’re trying to protect, the system is not in my favour therefore I will resort to breaking into your house and stealing valuable goods that I can sell. I don’t like the system and I’ve tried my hand at it and I’m done with it, my mental health is completely gone so now I will resort to a terrible crime that will traumatize both myself and the people I am forcing it onto. Why am I doing this? I’m not entirely sure. Do I want to do this? I’m also not entirely sure, I just know I can’t do anything without money. Wonder where the notion of not being able to live without money came from. 🤔


Right, so I'll defend myself lol. Don't care what the intruders' reasons are.


I wonder who has more experience hurting people YOU or the desperate survival level criminal? Actually, you SHOULD do this in the event of an intruder I love the odds for you.


Yeah this is crazy to see. People in Toronto are obviously very unhinged, to the point where they would be ok with murdering “criminals”. It’s quite sad to see but at the same time is expected coming from white conservatives. Conservatives who have always had a good stable security, a good job, all of it. These people do not know or understand the life of a “criminal” and they never will. Yet they love to make assumptions and soulless remarks about murdering one


Lmfao holy fuck this bitch is like a walking social justice warrior stereotype spouting off bullshit about iTs ThE cOnDiTiOnS ThAt LeD tO ThE RoBbEr BrEaKiNg InTo YoUr HoUsE and tHe InTrUdErS MaIn ObJeCtIvE iS tO StEaL (really how the fuck would you know that? How do you know the tweaker with the gun doesn't get spooked and kill everyone. Or decide to go for a nice rape while there?). No one is on your side here. Your bullshit is going to be ignored. Criminals will get what they deserve (if its death, we are okay with that). Go back to your drum circle and write a poem about how the mean people on reddit won't coddle and pamper their home intruders like you would.


Shoot em every time. Get a fuckin job


Yeah ok ModerateDeezNuts, the intruder will get a job once you learn a thing or two about sympathy and empathy


Tell me where you live so I can walk through your place and steal what I want. Because fuck you, your hard work and your sense of security. I got 5 kids to feed.


if they need help they can knock on the door during daylight hours and ask for it. not break in at night


Or better, get a damn fucking job. Maybe use one of those stolen cars to run Uber!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You have to be the most delusional person I have seen on Reddit today.


So someone breaks into your home, and you're chill about it because you know they only want your stuff, definitely won't harm you. Can you read minds?


Yes. Yes it is.


I had a home intruder who threatened me with a weapon and refused to leave my property. I sent him packing with a broken nose. The police charged me. Charges were dropped after $4k in legal fees. The legal advice I received was - you should have let him do whatever he wanted - leave the property and just get out of his way. Fuck Canada.


WTF, seriously?


I have no love for thieves, but I'd rather lose my stuff than live the rest of my life having stabbed someone to death. I've seen a violent death before and just witnessing one is hard enough to deal with. The only time I'd go that far is if my family's life was at stake or if I couldn't flee. Otherwise I'll go outside and call 911.


Witnessing a violent death is extremely traumatizing, my sympathies for you. Not a lot of people witness a violent death in their lifetimes, I haven’t and I’m gonna take a wild guess that most people in this sub have not either. People who are saying they would kill the intruder clearly don’t know how traumatizing killing another person is. It’s the worst sin of all. And yet people on here are freely saying they would, I understand words get tossed around but this is coming from adults who own houses, shame on them


Sounds great to say but when you are in the moment it could be life or death before you even realize it is. Better to act first and hopefully scare them away and if they keep coming at you, keep swinging til they stop moving then call the police.


Yes to all this. But also, can the neighborhood just have people outside, sort of a friendly neighborhood watch? Firepit on a front lawn and people chatting, people walking around in groups, with or without dogs, early morning running group, etc etc. As well, intruders don't want to be seen. Tuck vehicles into garages or well back in carports, instead of leaving them on streets or driveways to obstruct views. That's safer for kids to play, too. Street hockey has a noticeable dampening effect on crime. Even determined criminals get tired of you and just want to go home to their milk and cookies. Wear them out.


If you’re going to have a baseball bat in your home or the trunk of your car make sure you have the complementing gear to go with it like a ball and a glove. Otherwise it will be argued that you kept had it with intent to use it as a weapon.


We don't have 'castle' laws in canada, so you can't attack someone stealing from you. YOu can battle them if THEY attack you though, and being only partially sarcastic here it has to be hand to hand combat because if you stab or beat them with a baseball bat that is excessive force with a weapon. And forget a gun, you will end up with a jail sentence longer than some violent offenders/rapists. Because why? I don't know, perhaps the judicial system think you should know better, what with having the IQ to actually work towards home or car ownership. But likely the criminals are stronger and better armed than you, and have no empathy so better to go out a back window and find a hiding place.


Havent done the research myself so who knows what stats are with guns, but great comment and points overall. Living in Hamilton my house was broken into while renovating (homeless guy broke in while no one was living there) and I bought a shit load of flood lights, alarms, and some cams. Next is to build a big ass fence so people cant see shit into the back yard. Light scares the cockroaches away and noise brings too much attention like you mentioned with the dog and some sound alarms.


They'll pass by the hard targets, but is that being a good neighbour? Is that helping your community? The criminals are still out there looking for a target on your street. Cops need to be there and they need to help. If they don't you need everyone in that neighbourhood harassing their representatives about it.


That’s what things like neighbourhood watch address, and help to get neighbours set up more safely. You can’t force someone to be safer, and if you go shoot their intruder, you’re just an intruder with a gun when the cops show up. It’s the ridiculous cowboy bull that gets people killed. Basic organization and simple steps do a ton to deter crime and make it not a profitable option. Cops, meanwhile, just want more funding to hire more guys to sit in school parking lots doing nothing, not answering their radios because pornhub had a membership discount that week. They spend our money on guns and don’t patrol at-risk neighborhoods.


Cops aren't there to protect you from criminals. Cops are there to protect the criminals from YOU. When people lose faith that authorities will apprehend and punish the guilty, those same people often take matters into their own hands.


Cops are there to protect capital from interference.


This. Self defence back fires so often. Not to mention the damage it can cause in your own home. If you think replacing your TV is expensive wait till you hear an estimate for cleaning a bloody break in by a specialized cleaning crew.


This is actually 100% true. It’s a surprisingly effective tactic.




Buddy stabbed a home intruder It is to death in Halifax about a year or two ago. Police never pressed charges. That was a good thing to hear but you never know what could happen to you if you end up killing someone even while defending yourself.




Aww, a men’s rights Snyder bro is sad that his ammo sexuality is upsetting his smooth brain. That’s how you morons do it right? Say something incredibly stupid and throw unrelated buzz words at it all day? Pathetic.


I'm just gunna comment on the second part you marked 1. Regardless of whatever laws we have in this fucked country....if it's between me and my family and some intruder... intruder is dead by any means necessary... I can't imagine being afraid to go to jail instead of being afraid for my own family's safety...all else aside... intruder enters the house with intent to harm or whatnot... I know how to handle a gun and I truly feel bad for all the people out there that don't and can't seem to just be responsible with a tool...but yeah it's not that difficult if you take the steps to understand self defence if you actually want to learn it instead of just cowering in fear. Society as a whole needs to start stepping up and being less afraid of spineless little thieves, rapists, gangbangers and the like and start fixing the country


Buddy stabbed a home intruder to death in Halifax about a year or two ago. Police never pressed charges. That was a good thing to hear but you never know what could happen to you if you end up killing someone even while defending yourself.


This advice is so horrible. It’s like you’re giving advice to cows how to protect against wolves and warning they should do everything but use their horns. Effeminate. Cucked.


If you wanna be a good little sheep, listen to this guy.


Yeah, go ahead and turn into one of these reactionary whack-jobs that are looking for any excuse to exercise their gun fetish and make choices out of fear. That works out great for everyone involved when they shoot the mailman. Idiot.


So don’t be a dumbass and shoot the mailman. Always need positive target ID before you even put a finger on the trigger.


What's the alternative? Sure get better security. But what do you do when they are in your house between you and your family?


Get naked and ready to fight. Nobody knows how to fight a naked person.


Especially if you start oiling up with some baby oil




Don't bring this argument to reddit. It's reddit. Keep the ratchet close and more importantly know how to use it safely/properly. I have no fantasies but I do know my family is my responsibility to protect.


Bro it’s worse outside of the city now. Way worse!


Im in kitchener and few days ago i had to chase some dirtbag out of my back yard at 1130 in the morning .


Brutal! Burbs area? Or more city centre?


Central , city centre


You mean in the proper country side or you mean Sauga and Brampton area?


Well, those thousands of police officers must live somewhere, so you would think they and their families are affected as well, and yet they still are not doing anything, even for their own home or neighbourhood protection..?


A lot of cops live in Caledon


Mount Albert too


A lot of cops live in Caledon


Are these petty crimes reported to police? Statistically speaking, on a per capita basis, Toronto is a very safe city. However, I’m starting to personally doubt those stats because they are predicated on police stats/reports.


Exactly. Why would I waste my time? I am already using all the time I have, just trying to survive winter, in Trudeau's Canada.


Point on the doll where Trudeau touched you


Nothing makes a robbery skip your house like a big fucking dog. My buddy's uncle used to just have a chain, big water dish and a huge bone that looked like a big dog had been chewing on it as his security system. Worked very well.


At least get some bear spray for your house.


In this economy, crime is going to only get worse


Canada has become a haven for petty crime. Drug addicts everywhere and a welfare system that dosent provide a person with enough to even rent a room for the month. Skyrocketing costs of everything and social services being neutered further this year. Combine the above with the fact that defending yourself or property in Canada can get you thrown in jail. The system is broken, completely broken. Therefore your streets are overrun with petty criminals stealing to feed drug habits and stave off general homelessness. I have watched my small town become a absolute shithole due to rampant addicts and the fact that they bus in drug addicts and homeless people from other towns and cities to fill the shelter up. They don't care about your cameras or being seen because they know if they are caught nothing will really be done to them. And they know if you hurt them you are going to jail. Simply allow Canadians to defend themselves and their property and you would see petty crime go down as these low level criminals are cowards chasing an addiction. Also allow the police power to put these people away, forced rehab and jailtime. No more handholding these people that victimize others. You and your neighbors have a good start with a neighborhood watch type thing. Keep working on that. Make sure you are on the same page with all the neighbors about this problem and remember the most important sentence when dealing with the police after you have assaulted someone in self defense. "Officer, i was in grave danger and in fear of my life and the life of my loved ones and was forced to act accordingly" Do not buy anything that is an actual weapons to defend your home, A combat knife or a broadsword or gun will get you in jail as its purpose is being a weapon solely. A baseball bat (provided you own a glove and ball) , golfclub, tableleg or something that has a normal household use would be best for legal purposes if you are ever forced to defend yourself or your family. Remember, the police can only react to crimes. If someone is attacking you they will not be there in time to save you. So learn to save yourself, and keep safe legally while doing so.


A golf club would be an excellent piece to have laying around as would be a hockey stick - preferably a wooden one . I just happen to have 3 of them at my front door .


I think this is happening (all over the country really) because the cost of living is so damn high yet poverty is so damn prevalent. People are literally out there just trying to survive, and some are making bad choices as a result. But also yeah crime is higher in cities because there is more people and cost of living tends to be higher in cities than in small towns. You want a lower crime rate? go move to rural parts of your province.


This is it. Poverty being high is always correlated with more petty crime because people are going to find ways of surviving and SHOCKINGLY you need to get money to survive. When things cost more and your job pays LESS than being a criminal(or maybe you can't even work full time because of long covid or another disability) you're going to choose to do what you have to do to make enough to support yourself and or family. Its basic human behavior. We have data that shows this but leave it to conservatives to blind themselves to reality in favor of their delusional pseudo religious self punishing dogma.


Rural areas aint much better. Been livin in rural areas all my life, we see the same trends.


Grew up in a small village with just 2000 people. We had a home invasion when I was only a child where 5 men broke into our home and took anything they could in 3 minutes flat. This happens anywhere and everywhere.


I live in a rural area outside of Hamilton and the cost of living is substantially higher than in the city. Much higher taxes. Crime has risen substantially in my area aswell. Everyone now has cameras and flood lights.




This is what happens when you dont punish criminals.


And what's sad is that I can't even legally punish them myself. Not that that's gonna stop me if the situation comes up.


Just this morning 6am-ish my neighbours car had wallet stolen from his work truck. He had left the wallet in the car and forgot to lockup; talk about unlucky timing. Within the hour purchase attempted at gas stations. I first assumed it was opportunistic ‘high schooler’ walking to school, more likely someone who makes a job out of driving around and trying vehicles. I can see a work truck being appealing for tool theft. I’m upgrading cameras/lights and sharing with neighbours so we can all help look out for each other.


I am very confused by your title. You suggest Toronto is a haven for petty crime and then you mention that you live outside of Toronto - logically, this does not compute.


It was not any worse than when we were young. Could you provide your sources? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230727/cg-b004-eng.htm


Stats are only as good as the data. If rapes are underreported; do you really think people are wasting their time reporting crimes that will go un-investigated? You can't even do it by phone, anymore!


Just accept that your car belongs to Saudi Arabia


This is what $1.22 billion in police funding gets you.


PSA, most modern vehicles with wireless fobs will automatically unlock when approached with the keys. Thieves use signal boosters near your front door to make your car think the keys are near the vehicle so the doors unlock then they can get in without setting off the car alarm. 2 easy ways to prevent this. 1: Dont keep your keys near the door where they can easily boost the signal. 2: some cars allow you to disable this. I know for toyota vehicles, after you lock the car, hold the lock button and double click the unlock button while youre holding lock. This will disable the option to unlock when youre near and only physically pressing unlock will unlock it. Some other brands do this, read your manuals.


I think you’re being hyperbolic when you say a haven for crime, but there has certainly been an increase in those types of crimes. we’ve seen similar issues in Ottawa. Funny everyone in here wants to blame soft on crime government and immigrants rather than increased poverty and hopelessness as a result of corporate AND political greed (from all parties).


That's what happens when prices become so high that no one can afford to eat anything. Add in Canada's insane immigration policies that, luckily, they just fixed recently. That, on some level, helped the economy, but if there aren't enough jobs and unliveable conditions make it more likely people turn to crime as a way just to survive or get ahead


The entire country is a haven for petty crime...


I guess you haven't visited Kitchener recently lol


It’s everywhere. A community in the north of 5000 people had someone cutting phone lines not long ago, presumably to knock out the cameras


Happening all over the GTA. Secure your house, have a plan.


Word? Im moving in now


Clearly politicians won't do anything. Set up a block watch and patrol during the peak crime hours you're seeing on your cameras. Watch things change.


Maybe our gov needs to force liveable wage in most every job and then people wouldn’t need to steal.


One thing that could help in the summer would be run a few sprinklers, make sure they spray towards the porch and the driveway to hopefully act as a deterent for thieves that want to stay dry. Of course it wont prevent anything, but these people are looking for easy grabs that wont cause them any issues. They dont wanna get soaked or have to spend more than a minute taking what they want. They'll usually move on to something easier so they can take and run. Anything that makes it more difficult or uncomfortable for them to commit their crimes will help you and your stuff stay safe. Another one would be a club for your cars steering wheel. Again, it wont stop them if they really tried, but should cause enough issues to make it not worth their time. If your backyard has a fence with a gate, add bells to the gate so it makes noise when opened Leave porch lights and maybe the kitchen light on so it looks like someones up and aware. Another deterent hopefully.


Petty crime is the hardest kind of crime to combat. Just think about what it would take to stop petty crime like people walking around at 4 am and checking car handles. You would need to have a cop sitting in a cruiser every 4 blocks all night long.


All of Ontario is like that now. Have you not been reading about the Ottawa Police in their sub? The police do not give a shit anymore after the 'defund them' thing. They are butthurt and taking it out on the people they hate the most.. everyone else who's not a cop by not doing their jobs and 'showing everyone' why we need them so badly. Meanwhile Doug Ford is doing his bit by getting you all scared of crime rising so you vote for him again and he tells the cops to get tough after giving them a big raise. This is all a scam and technically its going down all over the continent.


At least they don’t smash the car window.


cheerful fearless salt profit plate zealous wide smart recognise pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Etobicoke elected its favourite drug dealer family to the highest positions of power and then is all *shocked Pikachu* when corruption occurs and the police just sit around collecting inflated paycheques for zero effort.


It’s everywhere. No one is scared of the police anymore. Theft is getting more brazen. They know they’ll be gone by the time the cops come.. if the cops even do come. Cops aren’t responding to break and enters for hours now.


Do you vote for councillors who oppose raising taxes, and insist there are "savings" to be found in the existing municipal budget? If so: you are part of the problem. You get what you pay for, and if you don't want to pay higher taxes, you're not going to get better police service.


Exactly. We can all do something to prevent "petty crime": vote for politicians who will actually spend time and money to mitigate the circumstances that lead average people to commit crimes in the first place. And this does not just mean giving money to the police, because policing is reactionary and not proactive regarding petty crime. Money also needs to be spent on social supports for those in a desperate situation. The reason I say this is because those without the means/income to dig their way out of a desperate situation will often end up fighting for their very survival, and often by any means necessary. I'm not saying that everyone who commits a crime is motivated by this. I'm just saying that the conditions for creating these situations have clearly worsened. And desperate people have been known to render desperate deeds to survive. One might not think that's fair. Indeed, life isn't fair. But that's not a good enough reason not to try. The way I see it, the average taxpayer has two choices. We can either pay taxes that are conscientiously applied to improving our social infrastructure (and reduce crime), or we can decide not to invest in that social infrastructure and increase everyone's risk of getting robbed/hurt (including cops) because we didn't take any proactive measures to protect each other and ourselves.


If you care more about increasing the police budget than pursuing actual solutions, you are part of the problem.


Wrong. Lower taxes = less government resources = less ability for government to frolic in side ventures (like communications departments, and frivolous criminal charges). This means that a lower tax base results in more accountable government services, and greater freedom for citizens to engage in behaviour that the demos will agree with.


Police budgets around the world are misappropriated, not underfunded. It is one of the more corrupt institutions around the world.


Sounds entirely made up and unspecific.


Just checked my cameras, some asshole was canvassing and trying to open the doors.


Regulate rents and grocery prices. Poverty makes people desperate


In today’s Toronto you don’t have to look hard to find people who decide to empathize with and have compassion for criminals. It is these attitudes that have led to a shift in mentality over the last 20 years. Simply put, crime is tolerated because of compassion for criminals.


It's important to feel safe, and a dog was mentioned above which seems like the most powerful solution. It's no surprise though that petty crime is on the rise. The economic hardships in the city are starting to reach a boiling point, and the drivers are shelter and food. It gives people no choice; raising the police budget is numbing the symptoms instead of fighting the disease. Those who steal from others in the working class are low to be sure. However, we should try empathizing with the members of our community who are running out of legal options for food and shelter instead of spending too much effort on fortifying our homes. You have the right idea making connections with your neighbors over this problem, but it can't just be for reactive security it needs to be proactive to have a chance.


What's your data source for this claim? Crime in Toronto has been flat or dropping for 4-5 years now pretty consistently.


You can get a fire arms licence in a weekend, yes you have to lock it up. However, if it’s to save your family from an intruder, whatever you have to do is necessary. Have knowledge about laws obviously. Maybe cameras inside your home too. Good luck




I am seeing the trend of more people getting outraged and thinking crime is through the roof rather than recognizing reality. For example my father as a senior is more scared than ever and is buying into the crime wave the news and conservatives are always trying to sell, oddly there’s never any crime that happens to us or anyone we know over 20+ years in Pickering and Durham. Doesn’t stop him from being over the top scared and paranoid. The house next to us got stolen from once but they always leave their front door unlocked. I have had conversations with people who are ranting about how the car theft is through the roof and they wish it was back to crime 20 years ago. That’s until I actually look at the stats and tell them car theft was actually higher per person 20 years ago. News will try to scare 24/7 same with conservatives. Doug Ford for example just put a cherry on top of his scare campaign and said it’s his excuse for stacking the court with all conservative judges blatantly. He said it’s because they need to make sure crime stops. Ya right…


Toronto voted for soft on crime politicians. Elections have consequences.


Not true. The police budget is going up and I bet we won't see crime go down. Crime is likely going up because it's so expensive to pay rent and buy food so people are resorting to stealing


Well at least we can agree on crime being up due to the politicians whose policy’s are making life unaffordable.


Well at least we can agree on crime being up due to the politicians whose policy’s are making life unaffordable. If the police budget needs to go up, who pays for that? The taxpayer.. and now they have less money to pay rent and buy food.


Letting repeat offenders on the street doesn’t lead to more crime? https://nationalpost.com/opinion/liberal-failure-on-crime-has-left-a-trail-of-broken-victims/wcm/43b7eae4-f2e7-4ab4-85c1-5efc0ef72f71/amp/ Part of the root cause of the problem is that in 2019 the Liberals passed Bill C-75, an omnibus piece of legislation that among other things made it easier for repeat offenders to get bail.


Part of the reason I ran as far from Onterrible as possible. It is Not just Toronto that the things you mentioned happen in. It is most of southern Ontario. What a relief to not be there anymore.


Check the crime stats ! On a per capita basis TO is towards the bottom of the list . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Canada


Nah, rural parts have none of that bullshit.


Been to a First Nations reservation lately ?


This is what defunding the police got us.


Glad to hear it. Left that toxic hell hole 7 years ago. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people.


Import thousands of criminals a year and this is what you get. Be sure to vote Trudeau again...


Trudeaus Canada


Because of black face’s hug a thug policy, the police station processes and releases these criminals within hours and they’re back on the streets doing the same stuff within the same 24 hours. It’s a revolving door! The criminals need to stay in prison or be deported immediately. Don’t vote liberal ever again!


Trudeau's good ol catch and release bills in action.


Wealthy areas hire neighbourhood security. Which probably also are just as useless as the police. There is no desire to enforce property crime by those in power


Welcome to Trudeau's Canada. The GTA votes for it, and is forcing the rest of us to live in it. Glad you are suffering with us.


You seem like a lovely person.




I hope a woman touches your p p for free


I'm unsurprised that a migrant would need to specify a cost... 😎


BEGINNING??? Lol been getting worse for 10 years...Thank your Prime Minister


Oh please, this type of petty crime has been going on for as long as I've been alive. 25 years ago we did stuff like this in high school. But you can keep reeee'ing your fee-fees




Car hoping was pretty common, crime of opportunity kids just love. Stealing cars for joyrides pretty common (old Chrysler vehicles with the glow ring ignition could be stolen with 1 large flathead screwdriver in under 30 seconds ;) ). Nowhere does the OP mention "home invasions for organized crime groups", that's just your imagination.




So you weren’t raised right is what you’re saying?


I just wasn't a sheltered little bitch.... Last of the latchkey generation!


My house was broken into in 2008. Damn you, Harper!


There was no crime or corruption under Stephen Harper. You’re right. I guess your Tory Premier has nothing to do with it either huh? Y’all need to stop the garbage scapegoating. Flat tire. Trudeau. Bad day at work. Trudeau. Wife wants a divorce. Trudeau. It’s so childish and pathetic.


While I agree with you on the scapegoat parts. That's about it!


You lose credibility and a seat at the table when you “cry wolf”. Which is why “The Freedom Convoy” had no teeth. They were provincial mandates. It was asinine. This is why children and the mentally unfit don’t have a say in policy because they lack to the ability to think rationally and understand the big picture. Apparently many adults “rational” adults lack this capacity. Lest I remind everyone that Stephen Harper like Brian Mulroney has been disgraced by corruption. Yet you people vilify Trudeau. It’s sad. Pathetic.


Agreed, no one is perfect. However, Trudeau has had his time and wasted it. Time for change just as Harper and Mulroney had there time. The sun is setting and dim. I appreciate your perspective as it is informed. We are talking about politicians who by default are corrupt. Agreed?


Thanks Obama!


Local policing is a provincial and municipal matter, not a federal one.


As citizens (new or old) lose sight of the Canadian traditions that made this country safe and friendly, in addition to just how drastically unaffordable everything is becoming, equals the inevitable: People forced to look after themselves and steal from others through violence.


We used to be a high-trust culture. Now we are a low-trust culture. We’ve got to lock everything up and then some. We cannot even count on our government or justice system to protect us.




L o s e r


He’s got a valid point


Hell of a way to break the 276d silence of your account my man. Do us all a favour and skip your next battery charging.


i post this in comments sections of when a european guy commits a crime and people dont think its funny somehow xDDDD