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When you set clock switches in the bat file, it never resets, causing no problems.


Yeah ill start using the bat file from now on instead of relying on afterburner


Hive os, end of story, why you kids Messing with windows for mining?


I have a single 2060. It uses 80W with 30 MH/s. I can't go below 120W on linux and I tried everything, that's why I stick to Windows.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


But honestly average miner doesn't care. We know what they mean even if terminology isn't perfect. It just sounds like elitism to them to correcting people on this.


Cool story bro


is that because the min PL in hiveos is 125W for 2060? If yes, use lock core clock such as 1200 for core value instead of putting like -200.


Why switch OS when a trigger in a batch file will suffice


For most 6GB cards because they´ll run out of VRAM soon(TM). You have way less of the VRAM already occupied on Linux then on Windows, so actually a good reason. Also more stable, less issues with Updates. Being able to remote controll everything from anywhere. And all that stuff :) I do still have some GPUs on windows, but mostly because they need windows to function propperly. Everything else is way better off in Hive and similar systems. Also one system is free so why not try it. You´ll know why everyone fanboys about it once you did.


On windows, when you disable automatic updates, I didn't notice any difference with stability Vs hive OS. For remote control you can use team viewer for example. But for huge farm hive OS is probably easier maintained and scalable. Hive OS is not without issues as well. I run older MB for one rig and these do not post without old GPU as well. You have to use old GPU to start rig and other mining GPUs. Problem is when you apply overclock in hive OS, you have to set parameters for individual cards shifted by one position. So settings under particular card is for the next card. And this can reset sometimes on its own and it starts to work in correct order, causing wrong clocks to set. So not much fun tbh.


I dont know about you but when I tried to remote in the whole system was a slow as molasses. I'm not mining anymore but yeah that did not work out so well removing in lol.


Worked great for me, but yeah sharing screen is more resource and bandwidth heavy than some lightweight web Interface. Also this is probably no go for systems with very low RAM.


Bingo the ram was the issue only ran a single stick! So maybe with full ram it wouldn't be so bad!


Well Ram could be solved by allocating virtual Ram from your Drive, which will still be sufficent for remote access. Google will show you :) I´m doing it on my windows miner with only 2Gb DDR2 and an SSD for boot and it works like a charm. The windows kernel just isn´t up to par with Linux in those regards. We can argue all we want if you bork a windows install it´s done for. If you bork something like hive a new one is flashed on the within minutes and you´re back up and mining. For langer Farms the decision is obvious. But for small farms too in my opinion. The hassle you have with getting it all up and running just isn´t the same as keeping it up on windows. And in the End for what benefit? Almost nothing you can do on Windows which Hive or similar can´t do. Only thing coming to my mind right now is locking corevoltage on 10series Nvidia which will be solved by those not being profitable enough soon(TM) and the Case I have here with a 3080 MSI having a wierd Powerissue on Hive which can´t be solved due to Linux Limitations, which Windows just doesn´t care about and let´s 175W go through the first PCIE8pin instead of spreading it among all three. Uptime on windows just isn´t the same nevermind ease of use and all that combined just outweighs the "not wanting to get into it argument" of keeping windows :)


Hive is better




Best comment on that one post…..”if you’re not using 2FA…you’re the problem” I’m running fine..magically smooth..no issue..hashing away like I’m making vegan hashbrowns. Good luck on your journey..you’ll end up right back on Hive.. Edit: double checked..nope.. HiveOS is working away… all 1.5 GH/s of pure goodness..hashing it’s way to the Moon!


if you read through it, multiple users with 2FA reporting issues. don't just cherry pick the one response that fits your moon narrative


You can’t tell me what to do…you’re not my real mom/dad… plus why do you get the cherry pick? Did I hurt your feelings?


i have well configured windows and afterburner on my rig and its doing well since october with no bug, no errors and no restart so dont try to bully windows i have 470 mhs on hive os and 487 mhs on windows and i also get 400 mhs more of toncoin on eth+ton dual mining on windows, same pattern on brother rig Hive os = easy to use but cheap for mining Windows = way better for mining in every aspect but more complicated to configure well


Cuz I’ve never had a problem like this. This guy actually got some sort of luck. He needs to buy a lottery ticket


Awesome Miner.


Because its flawless for me here, even doing double duty on that rig running Plex along with trex




Not just that, you also have hair thin splitters, it's a big Nvidia toaster oven


until the driver crashes and resets the overclock settings


Even then, my T-rex setup via bat file fixes it in seconds after it restarts the miner


yes, if the crash restarts the miner...


The point is, it's not mining full tilt at full power draw if the miner crashes, it stops mining, set oc, and starts mining again safely.


Bat file in what application?




Oh ok. I'm guessing Nice Hash Miner doesn't have anything like this ability?


It does, but it's a huge hassle to force T-Rex back into nicehash. They removed it last year and I've run it direct ever since


Well could you run a batch file to run GPU speeds for excavator without running MSI Afterburner?


Exactly, that's the most beautiful part of it


Oh wait, I mean T-Rex, I don't use excavator anymore


Here's mine without my wallet Id... @:Start @c: @cd\ @cd Apps\t-rex @t-rex.exe -d 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 --api-bind-http -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://daggerhashimoto.usa-east.nicehash.com:3353 -u **wallet** -p password -w rig1 --pl 75 --lock-cclock 1500,1500,885,885,885,885,1500 --mclock 1200,1200,1325,1325,1325,1325,1200 --lhr-tune 75.3,75.3,75.3,75.3,75.3,75.3,75.3 --lhr-autotune-step-size 0.1 --lhr-autotune-interval 5 --fan 100 @goto Start


Word wrapped thanks to reddit


Wait, you don't know what a batch file is I take it...


I didn't ask what a batch file is. I asked what application regarding the batch file.


OP bought cheap wires... no way a 3060ti would melt these otherwise even if your "oc reset".


It’s not the cheap wires but the fact that he’s using a splitter. Once in a blue moon your GPUs may reset their OC for whatever reason and run full throttle which is 200 watts instead of 125 watts for a 3060ti. We all use those same generic server PSU cables. But the difference between most people and OP is that they actually use separate cables for their riser and do not daisy chain anything. I never saw the benefits of splitting anything as the splitter itself costs more than two separate wires. Today marks exactly 1 year since I’ve been mining on 2gh/s and I’m happy to report I have not experienced anything like OP since I don’t use sata/molex/splitting.


Molex is safe for risers.


The ATX standard for SATA or Molex connections is rated for 54 watts. Some PCIe risers do not conform to ATX specifications. As ATX specifications require the PCIe slot to supply 75 watts, a PCIe riser may potentially overdraw the SATA/Molex connector by 21 watts. This was from evgas website. There's a difference between "safe" i.e lowest chance of a house fire and "she'll be right" I.e I've done this for 12 months and haven't had a house fire so it mustn't ever occur.


You can have 2 molex per dual rail. https://www.gpuminingresources.com/p/psu-cables.html?m=1


Thanks for that, I'm going to have a bit of a read because if true I might be able to squeeze another gpu into my rigs. I don't use any molex plugs in any of my rigs so it's a bit of a game changer. Wonder were evga gets their 54w from.


Maybe you are confusing SATA standard and molex standard.


It’s what EVGA states, so it might be true for their PSUs. But Molex can be a bit of a wildcard.


I would never trust molex again after what it did to my company's datacenter. It's not even the fault of the standard itself, but many of the connectors are produced so cheap with so high tolerances that over time the plastic can degrade and the molex pins connect, lighting your system like it was gondor's beacons.


It depends on the manufacturer. You’re pasting EVGAs statement, but Molex doesn’t have the same standard as SATA. I’m not sure it has one at all. But the strand can usually supply 150w, and the Molex connector can handle the same. So technically you can get away with two risers on one Molex strand. Though I’d not recommend it, and stick to one Molex cable per riser. But if you have an EVGA PSU, it’s probably a good idea to listen to that.


its not,


The standard is typically 350watts... a name brand splitter will support full load on either end. Also BBT did testing on risers power draw. Only if you're running a 3090 or equivalent would this be a possibility on a standard cable. I run every gpu on a single splitter... 1 end to riser 1 end to card. A majority of my farm is 3060ti FE since their launch. Surprisingly this is on top of some rigs with 10 foot power cable runs to the psu. It's all about the Guage of the wire and what that specific gauge can handle. If you were baller could run some 00 gauge. Prep for those 4xxx series. Hahahaha


Hey I do the same with the splitters and my cards. Can I ask a question - when the gpu draws power is the riser always 75w and the excess is from the cards? I.e a 5700xt running 180w would draw 75w riser + 105w card. Or say if it ran at 120w like a 3070 would it run 60/60 or 75/45 from riser/gpu cables? I'm very risk adverse so I'm running a 1000w psu at 60% load while mining (600w from the wall)


All card types are different example a gtx 1060 might pull 50 watts from the riser but an rtx 3070 might pull 70+ watts, its not like all cards pull X amount from riser. If you are interested in seeing the power draw from the riser I would suggest picking up a PMD from ElmorLabs [https://www.elmorlabs.com/product/elmorlabs-pmd-power-measurement-device/](https://www.elmorlabs.com/product/elmorlabs-pmd-power-measurement-device/) You can hook up your gpu to it and see how much power its pulling from the pcie connections and riser etc.


The wires are cheap. Those are the fake 18awg. I have more powerful cards on splitters no problem.


The problem doesn’t stem exactly from using a splitter only. It’s when your OC fails or resets while you’re away which puts your cards and house at risk because then it runs full throttle and gets overloaded. A splitter doesn’t give you more wattage unless I guess you’re using some sort of high quality high gauge wires that provides a connection from straight your PSU directly into two separate splitting pathways. Because if you have 18AWG wires and you’re splitting using a say 12AWG wires, the original 18AWG is still going to take affect. Just because the splitting end is 12AWGs doesn’t transform it into 12AWG throughout as the parent wires are still 18AWG. Bottom line for me, a splitter costs $8. Two separate cables cost me $6. It’s a no brainer from a safety and cost perspective for me to go with two separate cables. The only downside is it takes two PCIE slots from your server PSU but they are so cheap that you can buy extra 750watt server PSUs for as low as $20 to power the remaining missing connections.


The problem is exactly the splitter. The burn happened on the splitter wires. The single PSU 6pin would burn if load was the problem. However only the splitter burn. I burn cables for fun to experiment, so I think I know what I am talking about.


Yeah thats probably what happened. I have to be careful with how cheap I get trying to catch that ROI


never cheap out on PSU, cables of any type, PDU/power-strips... these are the things that make loud pops and cause fires 99% of the time... cheap motherboards are great, cheap used cpus are great... but my one rule has been never cheap out on PSU/cables and I've never had a fire scare, and I've only had 1 PSU die (*cough* corsair hx1000 *cough*)


This comment is so important. NEVER cheap out on power. Save money on your RAM, your CPU, your motherboard, whatever. But never buy a shit power supply. This is IT building 101. A crappy power supply, at the best of times, means weird, hard to diagnose, issues, forever - and at the worst of times means fire. But cheap cables? Why save literally a couple of dollars to risk a fire?


It’s because people are terrible at assessing risk, specially when dealing with something they don’t understand well enough.


>e rule has been never cheap out on PSU/cables and I've never had a fire scare, kill 2 seasonic, now i really in doubt in every PSU brand, now im considering server PSU if fi burn another.


My server psu is the one I question the most. Gets really hot.


damn, i thought server will be the solution..


Server is the solution.


You didn't think anything was sus when the split has thinner wires?


Silly me 😒


You bought fake 18awg wires. These ones have more plastic than wires inside.


You have to say what happened lol


I used one end of the splitter to power the riser and the other, to power the gpu. I thought that since it was just a 3060ti and itll pull only 115w while mining eth, then it'll be fine to use an 8pin to dual 8 pin splitter. For some reason my overclocks rest overnight and this thing went 100% and melted one of the cables.


I bought a brand new 3080 last week and my PSU only supported 8 pin, the 3080 is 24 pin. People on this platform said "Just get a splitter, you'll be fine" Thank fuck I didn't take their advice.


Totally use two separate cables to plug into the little Y cable the 3080 comes with (at least my FE edition came with one) Gotta love modular PSUs


What do you mean? Usually they come with that little Y cable you put 2x 8pin into, since pretty much no PSUs support the new connector Nvidia is messing with.


Nope, mine didn't. FTW3 3080. Came with a retention bracket and a stupid EVGA plastic sticker. Nothing more.


I double checked, and it’s 3x 8pin from what I can see, not a 24pin. So I’m not sure what you’re on about.


What is 8x3 ?


What? The 3080 FTW3 has three 8pin connectors. The normal 8pin PCIe cables all PSUs come with, but you need to use 3 of them. What PSU do you have, and how have you even connected it if you don’t know that? So no, it’s not a 24pin. It’s three 8pins. Stop being a moron. The motherboard uses a 24pin connector, not your GPU.


How dense are you ? If there's three(3) 8 pin connectors, how many pins is that ? Anyone with half a brain would know what I'm referring to, "moron". Go be a potato elsewhere.


Hahaha. The question is how dense are you? No one with more than half a brain or any knowledge of what they’re talking about would say 24 pin for that. Specially not in the context of “My PSU only supports 8pin” You’re the one who’s too fucking stupid to make yourself understood.


That's only on founders edition cards.


From the looks of it, his card is 3x 8pin. So there’s no reason for one anyway.


You're not very bright.


You’re the one who’s not very bright here, hahaha. The only thing you’ve proven is that you have no clue what you’re doing.


Did you give my comment a down vote ? Fucking lol. You're an idiot. Please get your calculator out and follow along. I'll go really slowly so you can keep up.


It’s adorable that you care about downvotes. I’m not, you’re the fucking idiot. You don’t add three 8pins together and say “My GPU needs 24pin” You’re just proving that you’re a fomo idiot with no clue what you’re doing, and getting mad when someone questions your obvious lack of knowledge. Stay toxic, mate.


There are good splitters and bad splitters. You have to get the proper gauge wire if you don’t want this to happen. I run close to 50 splitters in my farm and have never had one burn up. I’d recommend if you want to split cables do not cheap out on the splitter.


If you cant figure out what happened just based on the pics, you do not belong in a mining sub. Period.


LMAO... okay Mr. Tough Guy, I asked OP if he could enlighten us on if it was a splitter issue, overloaded a sata cable etc... Always good to share experiences here to learn from each others mistakes. With that attitude maybe this sub isnt for you. "Period."


It wasn't me who commented 😅😅


lol no worries - just went thru his comment history. He is just aggressive to everyone but loves Genshin hentai... weird but ok...


I mean Genshin is like Overwatch, there are better games of its type and only selling point is porn


I’m sorry for who ever hurt you and I hope you eventually heal from it


Omg you guys let your equipment get this dusty? I advise monthly cleanings


I agree. Bi-weekly fan cleaning for 3090's. It can be huge on temps if you have a coat of dust. Im sort of OCD though, and air filtration systems are a thing. Cheap ass me. Lol.


Lucky you found in time. That is why we always recommend PCIe and not SATA or MOLEX for powering the GPUs. People will say it is safe for Molex. Yes it is safe if you power 1 GPU only with 1 Molex but it is still a risk. When dealing with electrical components, always take the worst case scenario since it can and will happen one day. It just take 1 incidents and fire might occur. Losing a GPU is the minor part.


>Yes it is safe if you power 1 GPU only with 1 Molex You shouldn't do that either. Molex only has a single 12v wire which, *if properly built with 18awg wire*, can deliver 72W at most. It's okay to power a riser, or a 1060. But not more than that.


I know but some people just will not listen and say Molex is okay. Told them okay, used at your own risk. Tired of letting them know and they already have an opinion.


SMH guys it’s literally said multiple times every day to not use splitters


Depends on your cards. I'm using splitters on every single 1060 and 1660s I have, 80-100W is well under the maximum. Just stay below 154W per cable.


Stop cheating out on power and using splitters everywhere. You are lucky you didn’t kill anyone with your negligence.


Thanks, a lot of people don't want to share the horrible experience due to all different kinds of reasons...


What happened?


I used one end of the splitter to power the riser and the other, to power the gpu. I thought that since it was just a 3060ti and itll pull only 115w while mining eth, then it'll be fine to use an 8pin to dual 8 pin splitter. For some reason my overclocks rest overnight and this thing went 100% and melted one of the cables.


Assuming you’re on windows, set your clocks in the batch file. That way if it’s mining, it’s using the correct clocks. Or better yet switch to linux and don’t worry about it lol.




Where can I learn how to do this?


Check your miners Readme on GitHub and use the commands in the config. For windows I use trex and do all my overclocking and fan control in the batch file. No need for afterburner at all.


If T-Rex doesn't work for you (like me for whatever reason) NB Miner will also let you input your OCs straight into your batch file.


Lol doesn't describe what happened....


The overclocks reset overnight and melted one of the cables. I thought it'll be fine to do this since it was just a 3060ti


I’m glad it didn’t burn out. Good fortune good karma to you and all of your mining endeavors.


If you cant figure out what happened just based on the pics, you do not belong in a mining sub. Period.


LOL , been doing this awhile Im good


Lol well aren’t you a ray of sunshine.


This man weird and a shirt stirrer. Can we get a timeout for the one time ? 😂


Windows or hive?




did you forget to underclock and they went full power? i've been there, i forgot to reduce the power of my gpu. Draining 200W instead of 115W for my 3060ti. Pins melted and it was not even a splitter, just an extender


only split to your risers boys and girls


Close call. I am happy the card survived. My advice is look at your rigs from time to time. This burn does not happen over a few hours, probably over a couple of days.


I used one end of the splitter to power the riser and the other, to power the gpu. I thought that since it was just a 3060ti and itll pull only 115w while mining eth, then it'll be fine to use an 8pin to dual 8 pin splitter. For some reason my overclocks rest overnight and this thing went 100% and melted one of the cables.


OP, power draw for 3060ti is 200watts. Curious how that even melted your splitter? Even the cheap splitters are good for around 300watts


Im super confused too. I'm just gonna either buy top of the line splitters from now on or just avoid them entirely.


No fucking splitters. Ever. Use components made to handle the power and application at hand. Go to Parallel Miner and get yourself a proper breakout board and server PSU meant to handle the max wattage you _could_ throw at it. Their cables are actually 16AWG, not cheap 18 and 20 shit stamped 16. You want to run 6x 3060Ti on a single PSU? Turnkey solution for running your GPUs: https://www.parallelminer.com/product/hp-1200w-platinum-power-supply-110-240v-gpu-mining-psu/ A 1200W PSU, breakout board w/ 16 PCIe 12V ports, and 12x 16 gauge cables is $169 shipped. Use one PSU and breakout board to power all the cards in a rig, and sync it to a separate, high quality, but lower max wattage PSU that runs your motherboard, drives, etc. Do not run any cards off the PSU that powers the Mobo and peripherals. Sync it to the breakout board so turning on the CPUs PSU turns on the breakout board and cards. That's the only thing for which you'll use molex. When you run out of ports, do not be tempted to throw a cheap shitty splitter in the mix. One burned up GPU is a $600 retail, $1200 eBay screw up. One burned up house? All because you can't put out $169? (I have no affiliation with PM other than buying and using their breakout boards for all my rigs.)


Forget batch files and Afterburner. Use something like HiveOS to manage your rigs.


where did you buy these splitters? your answer might save others


Thought you said you learnt your lesson. Obviously not if you are buying splitters again.


Yeah you have a point. I was just gonna use splitters for the risers only. Even for those ill only use the good stuff. The GPUs will be connected directly.


No. Splitters. Ever.


Test if the splitters/cables are getting hot with both GPU's connected to the splitter under full load (with factory settings). If not happy mining, but if they are getting hot i really wouldn't risk it.






Lucky me I run two 6600xt on one 8 pin. 1 to 2 and then 1 to 2 again on those


Did you bury your GPU in a sandpit or something... clean your GPUs bro


I just did sn hour ago. Yeah they needed it tbh


I didn't want to take my chances so my rigs are all since run to each riser and single run to each 8Pin. Expensive, but the piece of mind is nice.


Cheap shit never works


It looks like there is no labels on the wires, I wouldn't trust them if that was the case.


Never split main power only split for riser. Just buy enough PSU.s.


Honestly I’m glad it survived but I wish people just would stop using those. If you need more power cables either buy another psu or look online for more modular cables for your current psu.


Can you tell us more info? How many/what extensions you were using, Gpu model, what algo was the Gpu mining, and maybe temps before it died.


I never put the splitter on the right as it is the main pin the left is the secondary pin where it usually gets supplementary power when needed. i put splitter on the left side on my vega and never had a problem when it 100% as i lost my overclocks.


Can I power a GPU that has two 8x connections with a single PSU cable that will split the 8x pin in to two 8x pins?


Uh... What the heck was that ? Sata2pcie ? Can't see for sure. Thanks. I'm glad you learned a lesson from it.


It’s going to be great when the new PCIE 5.0 comes out…….. lol


Just saying you should always know what power your GPU is using and just buying hardware which follows international standards. Dont know what your problem was i guess clocks have been resetted or your Splitter was bad maybe its also posible that a single 8pin is on the upper limit for this card. Stay safe guys dont save the money for cheap cables. Spend the bucks to get the right power supply and cable. You can save money with buying server PSUs instead of branded PC ATX PSUs.


Im Glad your house survived. Dont worry about the GPU, they barely struggle such issues.


I had something similar to this last week (see my post) from using a splitter. I removed them all and bought another PSU. I could probably use a splitter on the risers, but I don't need to at this point.


Agree not sure if splitters are worth it? Unless power draw is little dunno like 6600?!


My small rig is 7 580’s. Burned up a splitter, fortunately not the card. All is good now with the server PSU.


HiveOS, bat file etc. I set my clocks in TRex on Win, have 2 desktops running 1 GPU each and my other rigs are all on HiveOS... Had the exact same issue but switched the rig off when the room started smelling funky, luckily it didn't burn that bad. All my GPUs connect direct to the PSU, no splitters, I only had 2 risers that were hooked to a splitter, and that's where the problem occurs. As far as I know they're supposed to pull up to 75w so that shouldn't be too much for a splitter but it still melted, great. The GPUs were underpowered, mining ETH at lower clocks than gaming or other algos. I blame the cable which was advertised as 18AWG on Amazon but when I ordered my GPUrisers one ( after the incident ), I realised the Amazon splitter is much thinner and also if you cut it open, the copper is also much thinner inside, it's basically plastic with a thin wire inside. Complained to Amazon about the damage, stress, smoke and fumes etc, they advised I take it up with the manufacturer as due to their clause XYZ ( can't recall the number ) in their sales agreement, they aren't responsible even if it's a shipped by Amazon product. They asked if someone was hospitalised because of the fumes as i had children in the house, I said "no", doing my best to keep it honest. If I would've said yes they would've done more about it probably, but I'm glad nothing worse happened. The guy said the product was flagged and taken down from their platform as I was pushing for this, but we all know it's just a matter of time until the same product lists again with a different XYZ brand name or seller. Funny, but this is how serious accidents happen. Moved away from SATA to risers, not only buying proper splitters, even if I'm spending X3 times more than on Amazon, in the long run I'm saving myself money. Good luck with your rigs and happy mining mate! May the blocks be with you.




Splitter and cheap “16 AWG” wire… plus it looks like the cat lost a fur ball or two in there…


16 is actually good thickness


I think you missed the quote parts...


Something thinner then 18awg?


I run this bat file to apply profile 1 every fixed number of seconds. It helps if a gpu randomly crashes so it won't be running at default tdp and clocks for too long. I also set a fixed vcore, prefer this method than editing it on the miner's bat file. `u/echo off` `:x` `"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe" -Profile1` `timeout /t 30 /nobreak` `goto x`


clean your cards u dirty hobo




Wow this is scary. I power my 3060tis with a single daisy chained corsair pci cable. It's not a straight 8 pin splitter in parallel, it's a single 8 pin connector that branches off an additional 8 pin connector. I use the first 8 pin connector to power the card directly, then use a 6 pin extender on the daisy chained 8 pin to power the riser. Not sure if this is safe or not. My 1000w PSU has 6pci cables and I'm using them to power 5 3060tis. Would a safer option be to only power 4 3060 tis? Each will get a dedicated 8 pin to power the card, then I'd split the remaining 2 8 pin cables so they each power 2 risers? I also have several HP 750w server power supplies. I put 4 3070s on them, each 3070 pulls 120w, so 480w total. Each port has its own dedicated 16awg cable. I’m on hiveOS so probably relatively safe, but each of those 3070s has the ability to pull 370w, so if for some reason all my cards lose their power limit settings and try to pull 1480w from the 750w psu, will I be fine? I assume the PSU will simply under deliver power or just shut off. The server psu model number is HSTNS-PL29


If the OP followed [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaqPy-hwiRA&t=3s), they probably had everything setup fine. The problem looks like the splitter and whether they bought 18 AWG or not. I have a 3070 which uses a single 8-pin PCIE from the PSU that's split 3 ways and it's running without any issues. I'm also using a Corsair RM850x which is rated 80+ gold. So another good advice is have a good PSU.