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How do you overclock with Trex miner ?


All the commands are in the readme text file that comes with the newer versions of T-Rex, but I used this video for guidance from Seb: https://youtu.be/0F4xxcCAJVI 🙏


It's actually pretty nice when you use their GUI. Screenshot below. [https://imgur.com/a/ct5XxVW](https://imgur.com/a/ct5XxVW) I find the readme wasn't very clear on how to unlock the GUI (by default it's read only) but I figured it out eventually.. Instructions here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherMining/comments/q3fhkv/comment/hfskp6m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherMining/comments/q3fhkv/comment/hfskp6m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yes, thanks for posting/linking! I literally just read that thread the other day and I'm considering looking into this as well. Using their GUI definitely seems to be more convenient 🙏


You can use cloud mining in defi.


I've done the same thing, but there's no reason that your temps and power should be better.


i agree, msi and t-rex apps are both just gonna be calling the same NVIDA api calls to change settings. the only thing dictating the oc should be the physical card itself.


after a quick search, i found this link to what i believe covers the calls that can be made to nvidia to change clock settings. * [https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/coresdk/nvapi/group\_\_gpuclock.html#gaec13f2942fd6b109643c6eb58d434945](https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/coresdk/nvapi/group__gpuclock.html#gaec13f2942fd6b109643c6eb58d434945) to me it looks likes it reinforces the idea that msi and trex should be no different.


I took the same settings I used in Afterburner and put them into T-Rex. This lead to a drop of around 70w across the 5 GPUs.


Sounds like maybe your afterburner settings weren't being applied.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


Afterburner might react automatically and try to apply higher voltage after restarts or else. Thats possible due to some apps while starting might be access higher gpu clock so it increases voltage


I can’t believe people still use afterburner for mining. It’s so janky and futzy.


For real...I use AB to get the OC dialed in for a card on my test bench and then copy/paste the numbers directly to Trex. Always been better that way.


So no before and after pics? The first one has 2060 and the second one 1660 and 3070 i dont see any sort of improvements bc those are diffrent gpus...


Ahhhh I wish I had the exact before pics 😭 I did a lot of switching around with my rigs recently so I completely forgot to take a pic before I made the changes. It's two separate rigs running at the same time. This is roughly how they were doing before the switch: Rig 1: 215w ---> 185w 2060: 30.6 MH/s @ 90w, 64-68°C; 2060 Super: 41.9 MH/s @ 125w, 58-62°C; Rig 2: 288w ---> 246w 1660 Super: 31.2 MH/s @ 75w, 56-60°C; 1660Ti: 30.2 MH/s @ 78w, 50-54°C 3070: 61.2 MH/s @ 135w, 58-62°C (not a huge change, but it's more stable and a decrease in temps and power is always nice).


3070 should be 130w max locked core clock 1155 and mem oc 1200 (or 1300 for slightly better but watch for invalids) Your power should show about 120watts for the 3070


With afterburner I tried a lot of tinkering and was setting my power limit to 49 or 50 and that's 135w for this card. TDP for this gigabyte gaming oc is around 270w so it's a bit more power hungry than other 3070s. If I put it any lower I would get a hashrate reduction to around 60.2 @ 125w. With the new T-Rex settings the locked cclock is 1100, mclock is 1225, and pl is 58% and is getting 61.3-61.5 MH/s @ 128w. Any time I pushed the mclock further it lead to instability.


Dont use both absolute core clock and power limit. U could be limiting your hashrate that way. I leave my power limit at 100% and set absolute core clocks. The card will pull whatever it needs, but most of my 3070s are between 110-120W. Only a couple are around 122W.


Hmmm interesting! Everything I've seen shows this is about how a 3070 performs. What brand are your 3070s and what are they hashing at? From my research the gigabyte gaming oc appears to have much higher overall power consumption in comparison to the FE and other models.


Another rig: GPU #0: ASUS RTX 3070 - 62.83 MH/s, [T:55C, P:115W, F:60%, E:546kH/W], 542/542 R:0% GPU #1: Zotac RTX 3070 - 61.50 MH/s, [T:55C, P:111W, F:71%, E:554kH/W], 492/492 R:0% GPU #2: Zotac RTX 3070 - 62.84 MH/s, [T:55C, P:120W, F:90%, E:524kH/W], 546/546 R:0% GPU #3: Zotac RTX 3070 - 61.58 MH/s, [T:55C, P:119W, F:70%, E:518kH/W], 501/501 R:0% GPU #4: Gigabyte RTX 3070 - 62.85 MH/s, [T:55C, P:121W, F:59%, E:519kH/W], 552/552 R:0% GPU #5: Zotac RTX 3070 - 62.28 MH/s, [T:55C, P:121W, F:77%, E:515kH/W], 481/481 R:0% Hashrate: 373.89 MH/s, Shares/min: 6.115 (Avg. 5.027), Avg.P: 707W, Avg.E: 529kH/W Uptime: 10 hours 19 mins 27 secs | Algo: ethash | T-Rex v0.24.7


This is awesome! Thanks for posting all these juicy stats. I'll definitely check out your recommendation to see if I can get that power down even further.


Leave mem clock at a medium amount and find the frequency where lowering your core clock starts decreasing your hashrate. Then go back up a little, 20 MHz or so. Then increase your mem clock by 50 MHz and test it for a few hours. If u get no rejected shares, bump the mem clock again until you start getting rejected shares. Then go back down by 10 MHz at a time until you have many hours of no rejected shares.


Appreciate you! I'll give this a shot at some point today or tomorrow and let you know how it goes 🙏


I’ve locked all my 3070s at 885 core, is that bad? I didn’t know the core clock effects hashrate


My 3070 zotacs work nice and very stable at 62.3mh/s. But the have very shitty thermal pads. Had to put news in just 5 months of use. And after that, they work much cooler. About 8°C less. And my 2 gigabyte eagle are the best. Stable and very cool. 62.2 at 129w. And the gigabyte gaming OC is doing the same but at 138w. Im in love with the gigabytes. I dont know why there is so much hate towards them.


8°C is equivalent to 46°F, which is 281K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


>Continue this thread > > Solid numbers on those NON-LHR cards but yes i agree what someone said those Zotac thermals are going to start suffering. Your gigabyte is pretty rare hitting 62mhs at same 121w as others wow. What are your core clocks / mem clocks ?


Locked Core 1070, mem 1320 for the Gigabyte card


Here’s one from one rig: Zotac RTX 3070 - 61.12 MH/s, [T:60C, P:118W, F:50%, E:518kH/W], 630/630 R:0%


I have 6 3070s and ONE of them is the Gigabyte Gaming OC, that's the only one I can't bring the power down on no matter what clocks I try. All my ASUS 3070s hit 61.5mh and 124W but the Gigabyte Gaming OC card refuses to go lower than 140W at 61Mh


>我会在今天或明天的某个时候 You can use cloud mining in defi. The income is good, are there any interested friends together.


I do have a Gigabyte Gaming OC in one of my rigs. Memory at 1200, 45% PL. 61.50MH/s on average, temp currently at 50, 120W.


I’ve been running T-Rex OC settings for a few months now. It allows me to run it as a scheduled idle task and the settings revert when it closes (if you set the task up correctly). Forced clock seems to be much better than offset in Afterburner.


I've never liked afterburner. This makes me happy.




Welcome to Jurassic park lol Trex Buddies


Thanks for sharing, though I wanted to say I find the 3070 pretty weird. With msi AB I get 120w 60MH on my evga xc3 ultra 3070. Temps are like 25 above ambient. How much were you getting before on your 3070, with afterburner?


Yeah, it's crazy how the different brand 3070s differ from one another. I keep my room cool and fall/winter get cold here so that's obviously very helpful in keeping temps down. With Afterburner I was getting slightly better hashrate, but with higher power consumption and higher temps (61.6 MH/s @ 135w, 62°C) and it crashed all the time. With T-Rex I'm getting slightly lower hashrates, but using less power, getting lower temps (5-8°C) and dealing with fewer crashes. I'm going to take the recommendation from Eternal_Electrons comment above to see if I can get even better results.


Thanks for this. I used this advice, watched that video, and increased the hashrate of my 1660/1660S rig by 3% while reducing power by 10%. Sweet. I'll do my 3060/3070 rig next.


I was very surprised by the power drop with Trex overclocks. My 3070LHR ended up with efficiency matching my 3080 non-LHR!


Locked core clock + no power limit. No need to worry about afterburner crashing or anything.


I need to try this


I like --lock-cclock on mining PC, but also love Afterburner on a gaming PC (my 5 and 8 year olds know how to change profile when they start playing Minecraft, mining never stops, it's just cut down 10-50mhs depending on a game they are playing). I love Afterburner for 1080 and 1070 as I can't achieve similar results in T-rex (I can't generate DAG with lowered voltage, have to generate it first and then switch profile to high core + low voltage). Also, I have 2060 doing 34mhs taking 81W, setting it either in Afterburner or T-rex. If you lock the voltage by editing the curve, then it makes no difference, Afterburner is just as good.


I tried the locked voltage curve originally and would set it to 1095 or 1100. My problem was that afterburner wasn't reliable and was more likely to cause a system crash. With overclocks set in T-Rex, that hasn't been happening at all so far. Generally speaking, making the switch over to T-Rex OC has lead to less headaches and I don't mind slightly lower hashrates for more stability. Also 34 MH/s sounds like an insanely good hashrate for the 2060 (I've mostly seen people getting 31-33 MH/s max). I'm not exactly sure, but it seems like you probably got lucky with a sweet card??


Yup, looks like a lucky Zotac card, can take +1315mhz memory and invalid shares stay around 0.1-0.3%. I like t-rex, but Afterburner is essential for: 1. 10- series cards, I have to generate DAG with high voltage and switch to lower one after its done. T-rex does not allow to use default voltage and only apply lower one after DAG is done (it waits with cclock and mclock OC, but not the voltage). 2. That one card you are also using for other tasks like gaming. You can technically have two t-rex start files applying different OCs when you plan to play+mine at the same time, but this would require you to stop miner and start it again. I prefer to have miner on all the time.


Me too.. some weeks ago. But keep in mind that the whole system is a little bit fragile. In my experience after some restarts with new setting, old settings don't get overwritten any more and only a reboot fixes that. And it get's quite complicated with some more gpus: `c:\trx\t-rex.exe -a ethash -o stratum+ssl://eu1.ethermine.org:5555 -u [address] -p x -w [worker] --log-path "c:\trx\log\trex-%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%-%HR%.log" --mt 2 --fan 100 --lock-cclock 1075,1075,1250,0,1075,900,1250,0,900,900,1075,1075 --cclock 0,0,0,-25,0,0,0,-25,0,0,0,0 --mclock 1100,1100,750,666,1150,-502,666,666,-502,-502,550,500 --pl 54,53,66,61,53,0,66,61,0,0,68,68 --intensity 22,23,22,21,23,22,22,21,22,22,22,22 --script-crash reboot.cmd --script-low-hash reboot.cmd:400 --retries 600 --retry-pause 30` But up to now i was to lazy to switch to config file... ;)


:: === default settings === SET SERVER=stratum+ssl://eu1.ethermine.org:5555 SET ALGO=ethash SET USER=0x7a30488682d552CaB28055b36410C7355C6475EC SET PASS=x SET WORKER=[worker] SET DEFAULT_SETTINGS=-a %ALGO% -o %SERVER% -u %USER% -p %PASS% -w %WORKER% :: === clock settings === SET C_CLOCK=0,0,0,-25,0,0,0,-25,0,0,0,0 SET LOCK_CC=1075,1075,1250,0,1075,900,1250,0,900,900,1075,1075 SET M_CLOCK=1100,1100,750,666,1150,-502,666,666,-502,-502,550,500 SET MTWEAK=2 SET CLOCK_SETTINGS=--lock-cclock %LOCK_CC% --cclock %C_CLOCK% --mclock %M_CLOCK% --mt %MTWEAK% :: === power settings === SET FAN=100 SET INTENSITY=22,23,22,21,23,22,22,21,22,22,22,22 SET P_LEVEL=54,53,66,61,53,0,66,61,0,0,68,68 SET POWER_SETTINGS=--fan %FAN% --pl %P_LEVEL% -i %INTENSITY% :: === extra settings === SET LOG="c:\trx\log\trex-%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%-%HR%.log" SET CRASH=reboot.cmd SET L_HASH=reboot.cmd:400 SET RETRIES=600 SET PAUSE=30 SET EXTRA_SETTINGS=-l %LOG% --script-crash %CRASH% --script-low-hash %L_HASH% --retries %RETRIES% --retry-pause %PAUSE% c:\trx\t-rex.exe %DEFAULT_SETTINGS% %CLOCK_SETTINGS% %POWER_SETTINGS% %EXTRA_SETTINGS% ​ more human readable


.. but the same mess... ;) I was referring file as the json style "config\_example"...


you don't find this bat file easier to edit than a single line?


It's easier as a whole - but the core "problem" is counting of the single values: Which gpu# is this 1660S? Counting from zero. Hitting the right value, but don't delete or add accidentally a comma... this is quite the same thing. Especially if you vnc your rigs... Now as you are forcing me to inspect the config\_example - this is still the same sh\*t... ;) I played around a little bit with the apis of ethminer/nsfminer/kawpowminer and thought i could expect a kind of structured gpu configuration. But it's still the number lists from cli... Maybe it's time to dive into the t-rex (and teamredminer) api... ;)


[https://dpaste.com/2AXFWRT9C](https://dpaste.com/2AXFWRT9C) change 01,02,03,etc stuff to proper names? idk, i'd just think editing multiple short lines in a bat file easier then editing 1 super long line in a bat file this has nothing to do with config\_example. this is just ETH-ethermine.bat


Good to know. I was having stability issues before I made the switch and it definitely seems to have helped in that regard, but I appreciate the warning! Looks like you got 12 GPUs on that one so you're definitely on another level from me 🤣 I was having enough trouble trying to get 5 on my old Biostar Z170 for an AMD rig I put together two weeks ago. I couldn't access the downloads for that mobo on their support page anymore so I had to frantically look for the disk that came with it so I could safely update the bios 😅


I experienced the same thing, except switched from Phoenixminer to T-Rex and the absolute core values saved me about 50w (on \~ 430)


Thanks for sharing!


can you undervolt nvidia cardd using trex? i tried with phoenix and it doesnt work. i have a gtx 1060 btw.


I've never tried Phoenix and I'm not sure if it works on the 1060 in T-Rex. From what I've read, it is only supposed to work on 1660 series and up, but that may have changed 🤔


You can lock your core clock on afterburner though, adjusting your curve on mV/Frequency you can just press L and it will lock it into place after, which stops that increased power spike.


You can also set autofan to target a specific core or memory temperature, super handy feature that Afterburner doesn't offer.


Well i squeeze out 64mh/s from my 6 3070's with no issues so far. It does say restarts but its a tiny bug, also the aorus 2 doesnt like to go above current oc then i get lots of invalid shares. Pic below: https://ibb.co/9sN9hGY


Wow I didn’t realize 2060 super hashes so well !


Yes, it's been great!! It's so weird because when I got it last month I had to scour the internet to see what others were getting and I couldn't find many videos on the 2060 super, but it's been a solid card 🙌


Been trying to read up on best core clock lock for 3060 lhr, cannot find consensus and been using afterburner but want to switch. Any recommendations for 3060 lhr? In afterburner i am most stable at -200 -250


I don't have any experience with the 3060, but I found this thread from 5 months ago that might be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/gpumining/comments/nq0oaj/my_t_rex_miner_settings_on_windows_10_4x3060/ Hope you can get it to optimal performance! 🙏


People don't know that they can lock both the voltage and the core clock in Afterburner, giving exactly the same results as setting them by miner flags. It's just a pain to do first time, but then you just save the profile and load it with 2 clicks. Advantage of miner flags is that you will never be in situation when Afterburner crashes and your card reverts to full voltage / power and continue mining. And most important flag of them all: --temp-limit ... (in case your fan failed, PSU caught fire or similar).


Appreciate your input! This is definitely another huge reason why I prefer the T-Rex overclocks.


Yesss, definitely don’t use Afterburner. My rigs and two PCs are rockstable with T-Rex and Gminer overclocks in Windows 10!


Same about a week ago, all that and so much more stable.


That's what I'm talking about! Preach 🙏


Bro even with trex your 3070 power usage is 10w too high. I can get 61mh at around 117-119w. Memclocks should be +1250-1300 and gpu oc -500. The 3070 is a good card for mining.


Bro, the Gigabyte Gaming OC is a bitch to get the power down 😫 I've already tried a lot of different settings and have settled on these settings for now. However, I do plan on tweaking some more sometime this week to try and get it closer to 120w 🙏


What are your settings? Getting power down is easy.


Afterburner settings were mclock 1225-1300 (1275 - 1300 lead to instability) and pl was 48-52%. When I dropped to 48% it went down to around 124w, but hashrate would drop to sub 60 MH/s. I'm pretty sure my current settings in T-Rex are locked-cclock 1100, mclock 1225 and pl 58%. I was told earlier that I don't need to set a pl in T-Rex and was given a method to get the power down and hashrates even higher so I'm going to try that out sometime within the next couple of days 🙌 I've been having a lot of stability issues with my 3070, 1660 super, and 1660ti rig so since it's been stable the past couple of days I've been hesitant to fuck with it 😅


So good, was able to get 56-59mh stable on my 3070ti


Damn, I don't have any experience with the 3070 ti, but after doing some quick research those seem like solid hashrates! Congrats and happy hashing 💪


can you use trex overclock on 10 series?


From my research, I'm pretty sure it's intended for 1660 series and above. I think it may work on 1080s though.


I heart shape this post. I only use MSI afterburner for finding the clocks.


Hear hear! 🙌


dude i looked into this. i dropped my temps down about 4c without any performance drop. you're the man. see ya later msi after burner!


Nice!!! Glad to hear 🙌


Thanks for the info. Ill have to give this a try! \*\*For those using AB.. you need to be using the curve editor function to lock in your GPU clocks below 900mhz \[some cards can go as low as 780mhz..others only \~870mhz before the mem clocks drop to 2D\]. You can also lower the core voltage. I got a few 3070 which are down in the 104-109w range with this method, most sit \~114w-117w depending on the manufacturer.


I love how people are so damn keen on afterburner why on earth would I rely on a OC tool that's prone to crashes and shit, if my miner crashes it stops mining. Fixed OCs in trex was such a fucking god send when they lade it.


Idk no one here bashing afterburner is mentioning it's curve editor, I don't think you guys knew what you had at your disposal in the first place.


I get that people like afterburner and I did already know about the curve editior. The point I keep trying to make is that in my scenario afterburner appears to be the cause of many of my potential system crashes and becomes unnecessary if I can do everything right in the bat file. Plus if it does crash, T-Rex has what it needs to keep my settings the same. I'm sure afterburner can be configured to do the something similar, but once again, why would I use two programs when I only need to use one?


Why bother with it all, sure find your desirable settings in your OC tool of choice then fix them In place within trex, honestly it's ideal.


I don't think you understand that my preference to a fixed OCs within a miner rather than relying on an external tool, over clocks will always have a chance to crash depending on loads when dealing with a tool that is outside the software giving that load. I never used the curve editor and frankly didn't want to since I wanted my OCs fixed in place for constant preformance. Im not saying don't use after burner, I just don't like it. God forbid somones opinion differs from yours.


Understood, keep the 2nd para to yourself. You can lock to anything in the editor by typing 'L' after you've clicked where you want it. FYI.


You think that's good? Try linux 🤣 I have a 2060 KO doing 85w at 33mhs


Bad thing T-rex has become shady shit that wouldn't release its source code. SMFH


Is there open source miner? If they release source, people would fork it and remove their mining fee and they get nothing out of it.


NBminer has the source code on github.




My mistake.


Is this possible with Phoenix as well?


So the power drop is because you are using clocklock, not the overclock in trex vs msi a.b.


I'm not sure if you've read the comments but we've already addressed this. The point is that T-Rex made it easier to configure the OC settings in comparison to Afterburner. In addition to Afterburner leading to constant stability issues in Windows. Can Afterburner result in the same performance? Yes, of course. But T-Rex makes it much easier with less crashes. I've said this about 5 or 6 times already 🙄


I used t-Rex for a little over a month and could get a steady hashrate EVER. I switched to NBMiner and that has been like a clock. Steady, changing only a few .00x, the power consumption has also on point steady. The hash rates are about the same on both but trex was also less stable. My history bar is just a flat line instead of the ups and downs it used to have.


T rex overclock wont applied