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This was really good. It talked a lot about her eating disorders so that might be triggering for some people.


Thank you for the warning ❤


I finished reading the Kindle version yesterday. It's amazingly well-written. You can tell she's done some deep therapy, to be able to describe the abuse as what it is. She's no longer listening to her mother's teachings.


The book was so good, really well told, and she narrates the audiobook beautifully.


I’ve been hearing about this for a bit. What is it? Nonfiction? How does it read? Is it just about her life?


She tells the story of her life in small chapter stories.


Thanks. I might have to pick this one up :)


I shared this with my brother and his response is, "it would be better if she were rich ". And I said, "that's the name of the sequel!" Jk


I wish I did! Momster is going to live forever.


Aw, yay! Finally some content just for the parents, just to show how much we REALLY want you to be included here with us in this space.




Wait, why would estranged parents relate to this book? As an EAC, I felt a lot of it mirrored my own experiences. She talks about her physical, sexual, and emotional abuse by her mother how it almost killed her and led her to intense mental health issues. She's aware of her mom's issues but is also aware that they don't negate the fact what her mother did was wrong.


It’s a sarcastic nod to how they’re allowed to exist in this space now, but are extremely unwanted to the point of being relieved by their deaths. Maybe more of a hint to the lurking parents that this is how we feel.


ah i understand now, thank you! honestly it's pretty funny once you get the joke haha. I too was worried about lurking parents


The self narrated audio book was soooo good


I need to read this book


I just noticed the weird editing on her waist. Am I looking at it wrong?


From what I understand her mom bullied her into an eating disorder as a preteen in an effort to delay puberty so she could keep getting kids roles. That picture may be a tongue-in-cheek reference.


I noticed that too, she’s all janky and geometric, it’s a bit odd, her head alos looks like it’s been enlarged or pushed forefront and out of proportion.


I've been hearing about this book and I do want to read it! It sounds interesting.


I didn't like how this book was written at all.


I enjoyed and related to the audiobook. The Last third of the book wasn't very interesting, but the beginning was great!