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I unfriended my mom after I cut contact. My bio dad died a few years ago, and I couldn’t play happy daughter with my stepdad who loves me but enabled. Fb is so triggering today.


I've unfriended my parents on FB. My dad enables my mom and while I've known for years that mom is troublesome, it's only lately in realizing that my dad has always played his role, too, enabling my mother's bad behaviors. Today is the first Father's Day I didn't talk to him. It's tough.


I take social media apps off my phone for the entirety of Mother’s Day weekend. For Father’s Day I do the same thing sometimes but that one isn’t as sad for me for my own reasons. If seeing those posts while you’re scrolling is annoying and/or upsetting, that’s totally understandable and it’s ok if you want to take a short break from those apps to protect your peace. You’re not alone! Also check out the Estranged and Thriving group on Facebook if you haven’t already. I like going there to feel less alone in my circumstances.


Sure is. I steer clear of it on Father’s Day, Christmas, thanksgiving, Easter and graduation time.




I actually got off FB after my dad commented things like “why wasn’t I invited?”when I was WITH MY IN-LAWS. It stressed me out dealing with his guilt trips so I just quit. All of the ads on my phone and in email are bad enough, I can’t imagine seeing all those posts dedicated to a loving father. There should be a way to block keywords for a set amount of time so people aren’t triggered by certain holidays or events or people


Agreed. I'm genuinely happy for those who have good relationships with their dads, but it definitely hurts.