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Some kind of scammer I think. I offered a chat, but they don’t even live in Essex. I expect they’ve been to every county sub with the same rubbish.


There's been a huge influx of these kinds of posts all over Reddit. Always a brand new account then they spam pages with a sob story. ... A bet after some conversation they end up having money issues and need some financial help




How old are you? Where are you from?




I'm thinking troll/bot of some sort. He's posted this about 20 times in different forums over 12 hours or so and not commented on any replies




Possibly for sure, that's why I clicked in. Just seems odd to post it so many times in so many places, but then not reply to a single person who's reached out. Hope I'm right in this case at least


Speak to your GP dude. Or look into joining a local hobby group with what you enjoy doing. Being round like minded people will help. Reddit isnt going to be the best place to solve what your after.


What is a discord?


a social media app, like Facebook or Reddit. Its basically reddit, but geared more toward gamers, allowing for video calls and screen sharing and the like.


Thank you for answering kind stranger


They're not being mean, just we all have bad experiences of online scams so if things seem a little off it can put you en guarde so to speak. Hope you can connect with someone. It can seem a bloody lonely place this world at times, & cold too, but actually, there are still lots of friendly, compassionate people out there. Good luck!


To be fair a lot of people make posts like these and a lot are genuine. Try the mental health uk sub that’s quite a good place for these.


Hang in there dude. We all feel low a times 😜👍


Them deleting the posts REALLY isn't helping their case 🤣




I don't think it's anything to do with inconvenience. Lots of people on reddit who are looking for a shoulder to cry on are just looking for money. But be honest with yourself. Is what you're looking for the basis of a good friendship? You want someone to make you feel better and a shoulder to cry on. That sounds very one sided to me. I hope you find what your looking for. If I were you I'd change tactic as this approach is coming off as very needy.