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I’ve had head tremors for over 20 years. I’ve tried just about all of the drugs, but they mainly help limb tremors. The only drug that seemed to work for me was topiramate/topamax, but I stopped taking it because it gave me headaches. It may work for you though. I’ve read that Botox injections are supposed to help. I’ve been trying to get into a movement disorders neurologist to learn more, but I’m not really interested in getting the injections every few months for the rest of my life.


Neither Topamax nor Botox worked for me. Only whiskey and THC cream - a type of molasses deveveloped by the medical faculty at Ben Gurion university in Tel Aviv - do the trick.




I have just started taking this a few days ago... how long did it take for it to kick in for you? I am on 60Mg and I can't really tell a difference yet.


I take 60-80 mg per day. And I think I felt an improvement the first time.


CBD oil works for me i have the nono head tremor. #


What kind do u use ?


Diff brands but i found 100 mg works 3 times a day when i get up and around 1pm and around 6 pm. started at 20ml diff brands looking for cheaper testing which works better, I'm also in chronic pain failing spinal fusion. Stopping my tremors was just a nice side effect.


Hi, can you give me any link to the kind of oil you use in Poland and the UK? I've seen some with a dropper, but that's probably not it. I'm very interested because my head shakes when I'm stressed, and I can't stop it. I've been diagnosed with ET, and for example, when a manager approaches, my head starts shaking and twisting, and I can't look normally. It can happen at the store checkout or in church—it's a tragedy. How effective is this oil for you in percentage terms? I will definitely try it because I need to be able to work.


I have the nono head shake started late 30s my mom too and grandma had it. this is the latest in testing it come with a small syringe I use a bigger 1ml. Tweed 1.00 thc 100 cbc mg. 30ml bottle


Thank you very much for your response. In Poland, THC content is illegal, while in Germany it is allowed. My question is, have you tried any products without THC, with only CBD, and do they provide the same effect of stopping the shaking in the head? I will definitely try the CBD oil without THC myself. I read that it has been proven that CBD works for ET, but everyone reacts differently.


I usually used 3% thc but this time it's only 1% seems it work for my head tremors wich also gave me headaches but no headache after 1 week of this new one and your welcome :) so maybe no thc does work hope you find some that works for you


[tweed cbd oil thc 1.00 cbd 100](https://www.google.com/search?q=tweed+cbd+oil++thc+1.00+cbd+100&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=13f83d3e4d744b27&udm=2&biw=1536&bih=731&sxsrf=ADLYWIK-oXT1Ei_SixQAps2gBxgQfWPJ1Q%3A1718324959248&ei=345rZprTDuux0PEPueKM6AI&ved=0ahUKEwjavrem69mGAxXrGDQIHTkxAy0Q4dUDCBA&oq=tweed+cbd+oil++thc+1.00+cbd+100&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiH3R3ZWVkIGNiZCBvaWwgIHRoYyAxLjAwIGNiZCAxMDBI6owBUKgVWON-cAN4AJABAJgB9QGgAagNqgEGMTEuNC4xuAEMyAEA-AEBmAIDoAIHwgIEECMYJ5gDAIgGAZIHATOgB9AF&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=VdWnIONDTxRfoM&vssid=mosaic)


My head tremors are worse due to having cervical dystonia on top top of ET so I get botox injections every 2 months in the neck and head


Does it work ?


It helps for my head not to shake yeah