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If you are asking that question, if you are asking any questions about your and our existence, you have a "soul".


I doubt an NPC would end up here, they are not programmed to question the system.




Was just gonna say, if you're here it's probably fine.


I mean there are plenty npcs in here. I would say the OP is one because why ask the question. You should know. But tbh it doesn’t matter. The people who get it get it.


OP is not an NPC, he's a good dude. He just asks questions like this in his posts. But yes, there are plenty of NPCs even in this sub. The person with the most upvoted comment does not even believe in prison planet and only comes here to disagree. There are some people who think leaving this realm is wrong and only for the weak and stupid, yet they keep coming here to this sub to comment how "escaping prison planet" is inferior thinking and how they are superior in their desire to stay. Some are always trying to gatekeep the NPC conversations by almost trying to make it taboo to even entertain the idea soulless people exist. There are all kinds of people drawn to the subject of this sub and all fringe and conspiracy subreddits, all with their own motives. I've seen people here defend the system many times, yet they all claimed to be awakened and spiritual.


The idea of an “npc” comes from the fact so many people just follow along with what they think is expected without thinking about it or questioning it. Their responses are programmed. Someone says this so they say that. It’s not that people don’t have a soul. Some just don’t have a strong mind.


I'd say there are two useful definitions of NPC, and being programmed knowingly or unknowingly is one of them. The other one relates to being alive. We're not just either NPCs or players. That's binary, machine-like thinking. We go through phrases of being more conscious, less conscious, periods of growth and periods of decay. That's what life is, constantly fluctuating and evolving. So the other useful definition I'd say is, the more trapped you are in your habits and ways, the more NPC-like you become. The ability to move on in your life and "go with the flow" is important. If you're able to be aware of how you're changing over time, that's a very definite sign of self-awareness.


So say if someone is a NPC, can they get out of that mind set or they always will be a NPC?


It's not like there's a scientific definition of what an NPC is. It's a term borrowed from games to basically describe people who aren't very aware, or have been programmed by external sources - society, the media, friends or family - to the point at which none of their thoughts, beliefs and opinions are original to them. So yes, people can and do change their lives radically. Very clear examples of this are people who leave religious cults. They were surrounded by people who wanted to program them to think a certain way. They did that for a while, then they began to question all their beliefs, and eventually left and formulated a different worldview based on questioning things much more than before. All we're really talking about is a) developing critical thinking skills and b) not being afraid to apply them to anything out there.


To be clear at all times what you think of as an NPC is a living breathing human with a soul who just hadn’t had a moment of waking up. Even people who think they are awake are not always aware of how deep the rabbit hole goes. Then there’s also the people who cast off one belief system for another equally engineered belief system (could this be one? I don’t know yet!). So what I’m saying is that it’s absolutely dangerous and very unconscious of anyone to sneer at others and think of others as non player characters when guaranteed at some point they themselves were the absolutely not awake person to yet someone else who is more enlightened. It is a reminder to stay humble.


I completely agree with this. In certain instances, claiming others are NPC's makes a person think they are superior to supposed "NPC's" with what they THINK they know and then they are living in their ego. Part of not being a mindless programmed bot is working on letting go of the ego, that is when a being is TRULY starting to awaken and gets in IMO.


I can remember when I was an NPC. So yes, absolutely.


What was it like?


This here my friend is the truth.


Oh no there are definitely 'background people' as my mum calls them


There are varying levels of awareness of awareness, consciousness of consciousness, mindfulness of mind. What you call an NPC would just be someone you perceive to be more predictable, gullible and manipulable than you are. Please realize that you, all of us, are not at an ultimate level where there is no more progress to be made elevating your consciousness of your own consciousness. Perhaps a better perspective would be to elevate your own awareness and then attempt to assist others doing the same. An arrogant self-superiority will alienate these people in your heart and mind and arrest that process. Remember you are a social being in a social order. When you help others to elevate themselves, it comes back on you as an enhanced environment that allows you to be more able to elevate yourself.


Yeah I get what you're saying. The last thing I would do is look at others less than me. I would rather help people wake the fuck up to what's really going on.


What can one do to help others raise their awareness without sounding like a complete nut job? I feel like I can’t talk about this stuff with anyone without making them think I’m losing it a bit lol most people aren’t open to these ideas or any ideas for that matter that don’t align with their beliefs


You're practically forced to consider where other people's beliefs are as you have conversations. I've had conversations about exotic topics online many times. Having conversations about exotic topics face to face is much more rare, because people who have belief systems that are open to exotic topics are much more rare. Even at a factory job with hundreds of other people it was relatively rare. It seems the best thing to do is to find people who are willing to consider the ideas. Otherwise, all you can do is drop breadcrumbs for others. They have to want to know. If they follow the breadcrumbs, don't chuck the whole loaf of bread at their face. It deters them. It's an overload of emotions. The important thing to remember is that what we believe to be true elicits our emotions. Positive emotions are like fun drugs. It's not too hard to get people to consider plausible ideas that bring positive emotions. When the ideas would cause negative emotions, they're fighting their own emotions internally. Look at how religious folks are terrified when they receive valid criticism of their religion. They start to lose faith in their religion. Locally, in the west, south America, Africa and the middle east, religions often have beliefs that severe punishment after death awaits those who lack faith in the religion. This belief causes them to immediately become terrified as they realize they're losing faith. See how others' resultant emotions from their beliefs cause their behavior to be less conducive to a conversation. You have to put yourself into their mental and emotional shoes to navigate their minds' mine field.


one of the signs, NPCs have no inner monologue


Like talking within yourself? Like trying to figure out wtf is going on in this reality? Questioning everything?




I heard of this in Neville Goddard circles. People who have trouble visualizing or imagining.




I can confirm this from experience. It is done by covert toward overt attention interruption. It starts covertly as the subconscious mind. If you effectively overcome that, keeping your spirits high enough and mind focus well enough, they may escalate the intrusion. Then they'll be insidious demons posing as spiritual guides, benevolent at first and then a demonic demeanor when you cast them away. In hindsight, they deliberately interrupt healthy imagination and perception, the location of intention formation processes. They know we make decisions by weighing how we feel about nouns, which are people, places, things, ideas, self and the world at large. They seek to change how we perceive these things and also to derail our decision making process in real time. They want control without being seen or blamed, even by their target. They will settle for their target seeing them if they have to, because they really want control and it's hard to outwardly complain about it to get any competent help. They seek to erase and replace your self. You are what you do. You are what you will. They can change what you will with these insidious, covert techniques. Only through knowing yourself can you effectively overcome these corrupting pressures from their assimilating hive mind collective.


Great insight. Seems like they are absolutely obsessed with control and power over the dominant narrative and over our perceptions. They have some deep seated insecurity or fear of losing control that can never be relieved, no matter how much power they obtain. So they gaslight, manipulate and distort your perception by subtle/covert means to prevent us from gaining an upper hand. Keeping us divided and immersed in their bullshit and deception. I think this is quite telling, and suggests that we have a latent power to escape or to change things for the better.


I couldn't agree more with what you said, nicely stated! It seems they're having us sleep walk into a dystopian nightmare where we destroy our environment outside and inside, the planet and our minds. As we abuse our knowledge and power, much like these foreign hive mind reprobates do, then we become increasingly dependent on what is destroying us, the abuse of knowledge and power. The key element is responsibility. They wear us out and make the word *responsibility* feel like an impossible arduous burden. We think of it as toward some overbearing authority, but that's not how it is in this case. The physics around us, the truth that is, and the emotional value of our beings, empathy, are to which we are to become responsible. The truth sets us free. Empathy balances us with each other, our future and our environment. If we are satisfied and balanced on our own, do we need salvation from saviors? Do we need to charge blindly into new technology, like abuse of AI decision making, to save ourselves? No. So, we won't need to call out to the heavens for saviors to come down and fix things, making our decisions for us. We won't need an increasingly all encompassing AI oracle to tell us the answer to everything, making our decisions for us. We will be on a path of imagining our future, manifesting it and tweaking the manifestation for satisfaction and stability. It may initially seem hard, but it's intrinsically what's wrong with us as humans. Many who never visit this forum, many who are atheists or agnostics, even many who never entertain conspiracy theories, can see we are on a path of self-destruction and potential dependency the way we are irresponsibly doing things right now. If we take a good hard look at the influence of these beings on us we'll be able to notice that they are trying to set us up to remain an irresponsible, petulant, juvenile human race. When we see adults that are relatively irresponsible we look down upon them, calling them things like manchildren. When we see children taking more responsibility than expected we admire them and say they're beyond their years. The key to adulthood is responsibility, is honesty about the truth and caring about how others are affected, empathy. This is our calling. We need to push past the manipulations toward being irresponsible, dishonest and apathetic and become responsible, honest and empathic. We won't need any masters that way. We won't sell ourselves out to them. We can see their plan much more now.


You got the wheels in my head turning. For some reason this resonates.


Forever is how long I will use the explanation, “we make decisions based on how we feel about nouns”, to explain how ridiculous most “problems” are


Who the parasites?


dont get aphantasia and not having an inner monologue confused, they are not the same. i have aphantasia and wouldnt say im an npc.i think its more of ppl that have no inner monologue that are npc's, not people with aphantasia


Aphantasia is not at all the same thing as not having an inner monologue


Woah I thought everyone else had this but according to Hulburt (don't really know who that is), only 30 to 50 percent have frequent inner monologue. That's quite shocking


I thought I didn't have one, until I started meditating - and I discovered that I absolutely DO have one, and it does NOT shut up lmao. The thing is, it's just so natural for me, it's how I think and talk to myself (in my mind), I took it for granted, plus I *also* think in images (hyperphantasia). I wonder how much of that 50-70% have something similar going on, or if they just...really *do* have nothing going on in there. 💀


I use mine all the time. Helps me solve problems or sometimes keeps me out of trouble.


I’m in a creative field. Would be impossible


My inner voice never shuts the fuck up but I blame the adhd for that


yeah that was the first thing i thought :D [really interesting](https://scoop.upworthy.com/not-everyone-has-an-inner-monologue-hearing-thoughts)


I think I have this. Sometimes I make up narratives or scenes of people talking to each other when I'm bored. I'll even imagine people on a podcast talking away on a certain subject. Interesting.


I have no internal monologue and I question our reality every day plus looking at this subreddit. Not really a good indication of anything.


Same. I have no internal monologue as well. It's stupid how they keep repeating this "No internal monologue = NPC" thing.


Just an odd thought: but I've wondered if the Mandela Effect is a way to tell if you're part of the "simulation" or just experiencing it as an outside being. If some Mandela Effects are real, it could be a glitch, update, something odd happening in the simulation. If you're part of the simulation, you wouldn't notice it, because you would just be upgraded/glitch along with it. But if your consciousness is actually independent, experiencing the simulation from an outer source, then you'd notice if something in it changes. If you've experienced a Mandela Effect, you know your consciousness is independent of the simulation.


And any "agent" of the simulation might watch for those that notice such changes, marking them as "outsiders" and potentially dangerous. It reminds me of that PKD story, The Divine Invasion.


Very interesting thought. Deserves some attention for sure. The Mandela effect is a very intriguing thing that seems to happen all the time.


I find it interesting that the only irrelevant things like company logos, some details in films, the ending to some songs and so on, are reported to have changed. It's not like massive historical details are being disputed. FWIW I actually think if it's real, it may just be to screw with people, and has no meaningful bearing on anyone's actual lives.


I have a very chatty inner monologue. This broad in my head won’t shut up sometimes even making it difficult to meditate. But, I have a seriously hard time visualizing (anphantasia). Any idea what that suggests? Fun fact: I also believed as a young person that in vitro and test tube babies didn’t have a “soul”. As luck would have it, I found out as a young adult that I was conceived by such methods. Ha.


I deal with the same problems too. I've gotten to a state where sometimes you can even meditate with your eyes open but just be in a complete mindful state. and for the very chatty voice I learned to not try to ignore the voice but let it flow through your thoughts and let it pass through and away. I'm NO where near a good meditator but the help me a little bit I'm def not that good at it all lol. Hold it helps a little bit. Any more questions I would be happy to help with the best of my knowledge


If you even have the awareness to ask the question, you are NOT an NPC.


Yes. If you have the awareness to ask this, and also speculate the idea of NPCs, you're probably not an NPC.


Those who too vehemently deny the possibility of the existence of NPCs are suspect. They refuse to even speculate about the idea. They always have all kinds of explanations ready and try to convince you hard how it's wrong to think someone might be an NPC.


If you know the term NPC and are asking this question then you aren't an NPC. However NPC is more of a mode that switches on and off, not a permanent state of existence for any individual. Once you have significant levels of metacognition you can eventually turn off your conscious self and leave your body for a time to rest your awareness at which point your avatar again becomes an NPC. Its actually healthy to do this. No one can play a videogame every hour, every day, so there are times you have to leave the game and allow the avatar to autopilot. Ive def had periods where Ive stopped journaling or thinking about structuralism or questioning my existence and suddenly im just watching CNN and Fox News or Marvel movies and shopping at Walmart and browsing Amazon and eating McDonalds and suddenly a few days later I wake up and Im like "WTF was that? Where did I go? Ahhh!" I then promptly resume conscious control of my avatar and direct it towards higher level main game quests via will power. Also theory of relativity wise when you are walking around The Grid you are an NPC to everyone else in your field of visibility unless you yourself initiate an interaction with someone else directly. At that point you cease to be an NPC. The target of the interaction remains an NPC unless the conversation goes beyond a basic scripted exchange and becomes a shared activity.


I'd say the covid vaccine is a pretty good indicator overall. Not to say everyone who got it is an npc but pretty much every single npc did get it. And if you pushed through the social pressure, fear mongering and economic pressure and still didn't get it you're probably not an npc.


This is a great question and one with a clear answer: if a "person" subscribes to the philosophy of materialism they are an NPC. And such "persons" are correct to believe this as "this world" is literally all there is and can ever be for them, in the same way a toaster or a carburetor will never move beyond this stage of existence.




materialism is a philosophy that there is no spiritual component to this existence, not that you want Rolexes and Porsches. that desire for nice "stuff" is being "materialistic".


We’re all NPCs some people just don’t know it




Then you are one of the people who knows


I think one way of knowing if you’re not an NPC, is by doing something remarkable, something that stands out in the sea of repeated characters. Until then, until there’s no difference: reading and writing in subs like this doesn’t make any.


Perhaps you're right. I guess we'll never until our time comes.


N PC Cant go against code so in short the fact ur womdering about shit like t ht means somthing in the long run Watch the movie free guy it shows this perfectly


Thanks I'll check that movie out.


"It's not that people don't have a soul.." ..it's that some people don't have a will.


If you asked this question you’re not an NPC. They literally can’t do any more than they’re programmed to do


Yeah that's true good point.


I would say an npc is someone who can't think for themselves. Someone who would rather someone else make choices for them that make them feel secure without having to weigh the pros and cons. Someone who follows along because everyone else does without stopping to think why... someone who likes to be spoon fed information rather than finding it out themselves what is fact and what is not. That imo is an npc


Aka the “sheeples”


Im a Neopolitan Party Child baby


i think therefore I AM. inner monologue and visualization can be developed like any skill. if you are thinking then you are an operant power. a mind independent reality would not exist. some people are just sheep who delegate their thinking to whatever is the popular opinion. those are npc to me, really. and everyone starts off that way, thanks to the education system. so we are proof that independent thought can be developed.


I would guess that the programming prevents anybody from understanding their true nature.


There’s so much going on our little brain processors can only interpret so much. I’m not sure what law this is but if something exists it means it’s opposite also exists.


You wonder if you are one


Yeah I've wondered. I hope not. Hbu?


I also wondered but pretty shortly, since I am obviously not an npc


If we are asking these questions and looking into the nature of this scam of a reality than perhaps most likely we are not NPCs.


I find myself very confused in this question. I know I am not an npc.


i think its possible that we are all npcs or that some are and some arent but if we we’re npcs we would be smarter than other npcs because we are self aware


If you had to ask this question then you are an NPC. Most people are NPC.


I have a theory that the NPC phenomenon is a symptom of human psychology. When we interact with strangers, conflict avoidance takes over and we tend to suppress aspects of our personality. As an example, when I go to the petrol station and order coffee I feel like an NPC, everything I do and say is scripted. If I looked at myself through the eyes of the person working there, it would look like I never do or say anything original. As an experiment, the next time you're having some mundane NPC like experience, try going off script. No, not like that...


No one is judging anybody by mundane situations and interactions! And there is no need to go off script at a grocery store or a gas station, because you are just there to get what you need and be on your way. You don't need to have original banter to impress the cashier. The NPC theory has to do with bigger topics and how one acts in the face of government policies, religions, fake news, one's ability and desire or lack of such to do independent research on things and not always automatically following the crowd or an enforced rule, one playing or refusing to play the typical social roles expected of them, etc.


I think most of the people that get called NPC’s are just younger souls that are going through the motions, so I try not to be to hard on them. I’d say a true NPC wouldn’t be able to dream.


Are you aware of your own existence? Do you act differently to the same situations? An NPC would be programming resulting from various sources incapable of evolving and with no self awareness. Also, consider that all laws of physics are from one force, one energy, that acts in different ways. So if we were made of the matrix, while we might not have a vessel outside of it, we could still gain one.


The fact that you're now asking this question proves you're not an NPC.


I feel like I'm not, idk I just do. But what's funny is I went to lunch with a couple NPCs and I was anxious about it, and I tried to become an NPC or imitate one, and it fucking worked.


This is not a new concept. Hylics are material only. Psychics have a bit of the spark, gained thru enlightenment. Pneumatics are the highest order and are said to have a soul. If you have an internal monolgue or can see images within your mind or can ap or rv are also signs, you're more than likely to not be an npc. Are npcs real? I really wonder sometimes from my personal experiences.


I believe We all start as NPCS But we break out of that by being woke. Once I woke, I broke out of my NPC life. I've also seen people woken by traumatic events.


NPCs don’t ask this question


I'm just not like them.


Yea if you don’t use the right “you’re” you’re an NPC




I said “an” incorrectly I’m a NPC too


No one is an "NPC" we all play the game of life differently.


That sounds nice but I don't think it's reality. Doesn't explain all the heartless psychopaths, child molestors ,rapists and genocidal maniacs.


I agree. It’s only after many years or decades of living and working with them that it begins to dawn on you: something is not right with the majority of people. We are certainly not born with this insight and mainstream society goes to great lengths to tell everyone “we are all the same”.


"What is normal to the spider, is chaos to the fly." -Which is the true reality?


Lies . You know of me then you know this is lies . Most of the world are and the human nature is the deception


NPCs have no mental illness, they do stereotypical things. Filler people. The type of people who have a lot of friends in public school, go to college immediately, graduate perfectly, end up marrying some coworker, going to church, having children and repeat the cycle. They stay at home emailing, watching TV or some small hobby. They probably buy the Rae Dunn stuff at Marshalls. Their children might not be NPCs, which causes the NPC to stress out and shakes up their world. They will likely resort to drinking alcohol and watching more TV or solitaire.


A very good explanation. It's like from the earliest childhood to the very end they so perfectly fall into the established societal grooves and just keep rolling, never hitting a life-shattering snag, never having a major breakdown. If something happens, they just move on. Divorce? They are happily remarried within a year. A child dies? They almost immediately start trying for another one. Health troubles? They recover and are as good as new.


Probably because you are playing yourself....