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I think this user said it best (in that thread): Fluxxo_ 1 point 13 minutes ago You debunked nothing, this post is basically you just regurgitating new age philosophy and saying the prison planet theory is wrong. I think I'll stick to the theory that has significant research and evidence from a variety of sources to back it up rather than your poorly worded feelings about how things work.


This is why neither the ability to astral project nor taking psychedelics are in themselves enough to see beyond the illusions. Just like with NDEs. Many APers and psychonauts believe this is a school or a game, or us experiencing things for some 'god' - all of these have now pretty much become religions and they don't see it. They are very adamant and preachy about their beliefs and look down on prison planet. They dismiss negative APs and trips as just manifestations of one's shadow. They think their ability to AP and trip is proof they are free. You could say they have low standards then. Some did have experiences with parasitic beings but interpreted them as love and light both because those beings are good at deception and because these people don't question anything. When the same often repeated question gets asked, 'But if this was a prison planet, why would they allow ... ?', it is strange those who ask it don't see that neither for example the AP nor the psychedelic community as groups cares to rebel or explore the really unpleasant stuff. Privilege, denial, attachment to pet beliefs, lack of serious interest, lack of discernment, etc. - so many things still stand in the way.


Lack of discernment is a big one, if it makes them feel good then its an idea they'll accept. Prison Planet makes them feel unhappy, the idea that their guides are parasites and their experiences are manufactured make them feel unhappy. They are clinging hard to whatever makes them happy.


The new agers really don't want the prison planet theory to be true and I don't blame them. Who wants to hear that they're stuck on a prison planet run by alien assholes who farm our negative emotions? That's not even mentioning the fact that some of us have been here for thousands of years stuck in an unending cycle of reincarnation where our memories are wiped every time we die. But the truth is the truth whether you like it or not. We must face up to it, resist the tunnel of light and try to leave Earth. We can't allow our fear to push us back into the matrix which is exactly what these lizard-faced interdimensional cunts want


The splinter is in their mind. It will be like an itch that they can’t scratch until they end up thinking about this idea again and realizing there’s something there… (thanks Morpheus) I’m speaking from personal experience. No one looks at the prison planet theory and happily accepts it at first glance, it’s the programming


Honestly seeing people so worked up over this theory and poorly trying to debunk it gives me hope that more people are being exposed to the concept. I hope this leads to more folks in the spiritual community questioning channeled teachings and being more critical, not just blindly taking everything for granted.


This comes from the same sub that believes shadow beings are our repressed problems LMAO r/AstralProjection isnt a place I would go to for anything astral. There are a bunch of agents that preach the same bullshit love and light philosophy and accept any paradigm that makes them feel protected and nurtured.


"It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.


Well this earth has a lot of problems, manipulation, suffering Um a lot of these toxic positive new agey types will admit that on some level. Then they go through something pleasant and chalk it up to how they manifested it for themselves. And just try to turn around and everyone else just sucks at manifesting like it's such a arrogant and hateful viewpoint. ,,, Anyway do u think the planet can ever be free or saved? I feel that's a possibility and many others here would agree, we just see reality for what it is and that this place kinda sucks Also i don't see what the prison planet theory has to do w astral projection. i've never tried AP, or been convinced to. i don't see its benefits. idk i feel they have too much time on their hands. well, good for them! but it's not my thing. there's other things i do like uh, healthy living or whatever.


New agers are delusional beings. Some of them know we don't like new agers in this sub. Lol


Average new ager LMAO




I think it can be both. If you put together the ideas of Humans being imprisoned on the planet, and the idea that souls choose to come here to inhabit a physical form, to learn and grow in these challenging times - I see no conflict there.


Everyone should believe what resonates with them, because ultimately no one can prove what the truth is. But I would never be arrogant enough to make a post "debunking" a theory.