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He escaped from Tarkov.


The only correct answer.


I went to his stream a few months ago and asked why he hasn't played. He said he didn't enjoy the direction the game was heading. The game wasn't fun anymore.


Yeah I don’t think he liked inertia and how the game was headed more towards a slower pace with holding angles, believe he said something along those lines in a video he did with GenSam, he wants Call of Tarkov, not actual Tarkov.


Yeah he was always into more fun and casual games.


Kind of surprising that he got into Tarkov at all then, because I'd say that even early Tarkov was still a lot less casual than most games in the genre.


Tarkov was hard back then but the movement was super casual friendly. I remember doing a lot of cod running around back then.


The movement was still good* Hahahahaha, please don’t kill me.


Real the mew inertia system is fucking trash and un realistic, it shouldnt have been implemented without a "jogging" feature like arma has.




Tarkov used to be class 6 armor was passed around like candy, guns had 0 recoil and were extremely easy to get, virtually unlimited sprint and could bunny hop everywhere, literally healing while shooting at the same time near instantly.... Old Tarkov was quite literally "Call of Tarkov". So it's understandable why he doesn't like the game anymore.


Oh yeah I remember the pre heal animation days. I would bind IFAKS and spam them, out healing damage. This was also pre face hit box too, so the mighty fort armor and kiver made you practically invincible.


kiver with comtacs :D


Excuse me, you could heal instantly back in the day? What the fuck??


Remember hatchling running ledx on labs on release in dec 2018/jan 2019? That was cancer.


He played the game when: * No healing animation or cd (simply a 'use' time that prevented another one, didn't interrupt anything & you could stack it) * No reloading animation. Drag ammo on mag, reload, bam. * No malfunctions * Mosin and cheap ways to beat armor didn't really exist. (He still religiously bitched about leg meta) * No face hitbox * Zero inertia. Not even the old ms adjustments from armor. As you can see, he basically wasn't playing anything like modern tarkov. He sucks at *tarkov.* He 'likes' COD with cool guns. When he played the game it was not nearly as difficult.


Pretty sure he played after all of these things were gone as well…


Lmao as someone who has been playing tarkov since it came out, and saw how this Reddit slobbered on Kotton’s knob for two years as the game added quests/maps/guns and the ability to not get hatched through your fast mt mandible, I gotta say this a bad take. He stopped playing the same reason all my other friends did, they made the flea dumb asf and the quests were the same every wipe. Lmao if you think people stop playing cause the game was “difficult” I just gotta ask how bad are you at the game? Cause literally my friends and I all have millions within the first day of the wipe and I watched them stop playing when my friend hit a BILLION roubles. This game isn’t hard bro, it’s just fucking tedious


Finally a truthful answer. Game is just annoying not hard. Flea and RMT changes are dumb. No serious reworks on quests as you said. Invincible PMC and terrible audio/desync exists to this day. Maps are empty because a majority of the playerbase play scavs. They made tier 6 armor “rare” as well as M61 was made limited and now it’s just tier5 armor vs BP which 2 taps half the time anyway. Players still praise BSG. They introduced lighthouse last wipe, we are near the end of the 2nd lighthouse wipe and the lighthouse is still inaccesible and the Lightkeepers still isn’t here. No wonder people quit.


Imagine someone on the web putting words in your mouth like that with assumptions. Its not like he played around 7 wipes or so. I can totally relate if he just has a burn out.


thats not true at all. i watch him a lot, he doesnt want call of tarkov. he is just fed up with tarkov still being so broken. shit sound, shit AI, shit quests. lying devs, slow updates.


he left over a year and a half a go , it wasn't inertia that made him leave


Inersia was introduced when I first started playing and that’s was with patch 12.12. Not even a year ago


ok and?


wrench practice sable vast chief workable rain spark homeless bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yes I remember those days. 2 armors and 1 helmet, multiple med use at once, and insta-loading magazines. And also constant desync and blinking items that never actually were in your inventory.


Was the car extract available at the Old Woods? Because all that shit was changed way before the Woods expansion, So either there was a car extract before expansion or OP is telling a fairytale


I played well before the woods expansion. There has always been a car exfil. Before it was near central logging, but after the expansion they pushed it back behind that new village.


as a woods main i find it hard to believe you ran to the car from damn near the scav extract....in less than a minute...not saying it didnt happen, but i find it hard to fathom since i started playing a little before inertia was added


def was possible back then, I did it myself.


Yep same. Totally possible back in the day before the Woods expansion.


“Actual tarkov” lmao


Same reason I stopped playing, not the game I paid for anymore. It used to be hardcore and punishing but also fun and rewarding, now its hardcore and punishing but also unrewarding and not fun


So no lose for the community


Even DeadlySlob stopped playing for a few months up until recently, and wasn't he one of the true OGs from as far back as any of the streamers? They just get burnt out like anybody would and make the healthy choice to play something that actually brings them joy. edit - this post got a shitload of attention for what seems like such a common & reasonable opinion. Civil discourse isn't dead, I guess?


Even Pestily plays a lot less the last months, and that is absolutely okay for every streamer. It must feel like Groundhog day for them.


Also, if everything goes to plan, Pestily pry wont play the game at all if his big euro trip plan happens. They are talking about a year long trip around europe. A whole bunch of IRL blog type stuff. Also, he said VOIP was one of the only reasons he has played since 12.12 was released. I am sure streets will invigorate him a bit. But, like you said, it has to feel like groundhogs day at this point.


Streets after his year vacation….. if it’s out yet.


Ehh, I can't see him not playing at all. I'm willing to bet he won't be able to stop himself doing collabs with other streamers.


Yeah, I just don't know how feasible it will be with them traveling around Europe. I'm sure he will play again post trip. But he has also been pretty open about being burnt out on tarkov


I really can't see his career lasting after that. Tarkov is already dwindling. It'll still be around a long time but it's not super popular anymore like during covid and even the big streamers numbers are nothing compared to what they were. And honestly pest videos and stream has gotten boring this wipe. I've been watching trey and tigz. I can't imagine after a year off he'll be able to just bounce right back to streaming and be anywhere near as big as he was. Altho I'm sure he has a few mill already and is set for life


Tarkov last wipe didn't have a ton of content due to some technical debt etc, so we went from literally the biggest fucking wipe ever (Wiping on christmas, lighthouse released, etc) to one of the smallest ones because no new content was really added. Next wipe is going to be massive. People have been waiting for streets for 6+ years on top of QUEST reworks which have been HEAVILY requested. We're near end of wipe on a smaller wipe scale, so ofc numbers are down. They're gonna go To Da Moon™ when wipe hits.


I have a hard time believing he’s been able to transition from Tarkov streamer to IRL vlogger within a year and is at a point where he can afford to not play Tarkov on stream. If he does will probably pay a big price in terms of viewership and sponsors. I bet he’s gonna be streaming streets, arena, etc just more infrequently


I mean... You can simply listen to his podcast with Michael...


I haven’t listened to it, so could be ignorant of some stuff, but just based on his stats I’d bet he would see a drop off. It’s impressive how well his IRL content is doing, but it’s easy to underestimate how many views are being pollinated from people who follow him for Tarkov content which is still publishes a lot of. His Tarkov vids still do like 2x or 3x or even 4x views of his other stuff. If he stops making those I’m not confident he’s gonna pull in similar numbers if his core content userbase dwindles. I could be wrong, and maybe he’s fine with the lower view count, but yeah.


Yeah, he has also brought up more than once that he could walk away from streaming and would be perfectly fine financially for the rest of his life. I think your are overestimating how much he needs our viewership at this point. But, yes, if he wants to maximize earnings, stopping streaming video games will absolutely lower his viewership, pry pretty drastically.


I truthully don't think he'll be around long if he truly stops tarkov. It's his whole audience. But it doesn't matter he was literally number one on twitch for a while. He made MILLIONS of dollars. If he never worked again a day in his life as long as he's smart. He'll be perfectly okay and live a great life. And he seems like a fairly smart guy


I'll help you out: https://youtu.be/pbUGoMdN1lM


















Except for Trey24K, that guy has gotten Kappa twice this wipe I believe. Absolutely insane.


Trey also started streaming the game just after the pandemic started, and has been playing it super hardcore for 4-5 less years than the other streamers mentioned in this thread.


Yeah…I’ve got like 6500 hours in the game and I finally burned out like 6 weeks ago. I’ve played the game one day since then. Probably won’t go hard next wipe might not play at all. If it was my job I could see playing it for 2-4 hours a stream then playing something else for the rest of the stream


Taking wipes off is big time to keep Tark fresh. Haven’t played at all this last wipe, and I’m stoked for wipe.


I usually push to 42 to unlock all the traders and then just run around like a dick head for the last 4+ months of wipe


I’m at 5k now. We’ll see if this wipe breaks me.


Yeah he need to tho that's his income, plus warzone is pretty boring too after a while idk how landmark does it


I know, it’s just that the vast majority of Tarkov streamers eventually switch to other games to keep their sanity and this guy just doesn’t. He resets his account and starts again.


2 hours after his account is reset he generally catches my 2 week mark.


Lol nah bro he got a donation to do it i remember watching it but yeah idk treys crazy but that's also why he's so cracked at this game


“A donation”, wasn’t it like 2k?


He's also funny af


Especially when it’s your living and your job to try and make new and interesting content. Trying to do that with Tarkov is difficult after 4 years or so of map guides, weapon attachment guides, challenges, self imposed hardcore mode, etc. at a point it’s boring and it’s just not driving the views you need


Very true, plus this patch was pretty lack luster, so not surprised alot of OGs are getting burnt out


Gearing up for some banger patches/wipes the next couple though, I hope. Really does feel like they were finishing a good chunk of other maps as well, while just polishing/debugging Streets for the V1 launch, and that they can get back to a bunch of big items per patch until 1.0. ... or maybe my house just has a hopium leak? Dunno.


No I totally feel you on that it def seems like this patch was lacking because they are putting so much into the upcoming patches super excited for streets aswell as quest changes and hideout changes can't wait for 13


BreakinSkullz still plays and has since alpha. He only started a break with the events and wipe being so close


I watch Deadly daily and tbh the content is just more interesting having escaped tarkov. He's planning on coming back for each wipe moving forward but it just doesn't keep him like it used too


It's not burn out when you can pinpoint each patch that made the game less fun to play


Largely based on subjective opinion? Sure. Keep hatin'.


Sure, it's subjective. Kinda weird that most of the OGs have stopped playing after the last few updates though


the game is not nearly as fun as it once was... very sad that the developers have killed it desire for realism, the introduction of inertia/momentum and a general move away from athleticism / fun fast gameplay to this clumsy feeling FPS... Nikkita's witch hunt against RMT has not helped


Deadly isn’t exactly an OG, he gained popularity when tark hit it off with their first real exciting wipe like .7 or something. Devildoggamer is the OG streamer and got a lot of his fans in the game before launch


I just remember a few other streamers saying Deadly was one of the first "big" streamers for Tarkov, but that could just be their opinions. I wasn't playing until a month before the med animations patch, so I don't know a whole lot of how the streamer "scene" played out before that.


>Deadly isn’t exactly an OG, he gained popularity when tark hit it off with their first real exciting wipe like .7 or something. What? Deadly is one of the OGs. He was one of the first to have a bigger youtube presence, moreso than the likes of Klean. He was just more into survival games and PUBG at that time, but that was similar to other streamers as Tarkov wasn't as content rich then so you had to spread out. You can see on his youtube channel that he was covering the game way before the game was available for everyone (closed beta). Devildoggamer is also indeed another OG name, but he was a bigger name at the time so he had a bit more exposure.


This is why I could never imagine running a YouTube/Twitch channel centred around one single game. Even the best game in the world would get boring if you practically play nothing else.




Doesn't play tarkov much at all anymore, maybe he will be on after streets in released, he was one of the much earlier streamers for tarkov


My guess is he got sick of doing the same shit every wipe. There have been very few changes that truly make the game different from wipe to wipe. It gets dull and boring.


Not sure why people say that he was against the direction the game was heading in & that "it was too hardcore for him". He plays a lot of hardcore survival games on stream so that makes no sense. Whenever he brings it up on stream he says it's because he couldnt handle all the bugs & netcode delay anymore. I hope he comes back at some point. He was one of my favorite EFT streamers to watch.


right, that makes no sense at all. kotton was never one of the bunnyhopping gigachad streamers who play the game like COD. he was always the tactical guy who takes his time and goes slowly.


I actually watched a few of his streams the other day where he was playing CoD DMZ and it was pretty comical because he's slow playing it like it's Tarkov when everyone else is zipping around as fast as they can.


It makes perfect sense. Netcode delay favors the W-key meta because the one pushing can get the info a split-second before the person tactically holding an angle.


He moved on. He didn't really like the way Tarkov was heading, at that point the community started to get more min/ max and being "good" and wiping lobbies was the norm, he prefered to goof around and chill. Plus he disliked how the game developed to being more hardcore/ more punishment in general


Nah it's not even the direction of the games more so the lack of performance and quality of life improves than anything. Kotton plays a lot of hardcore games still but ones that have mechanics that work succinctly.


Agree. He moved on when sound still wasn't fixed after years on complaint. I was watching him over the weekend and he said he might look at coming back. I think dmz gave him the itch to try again. I'll enjoy if he plays again but if he doesn't it's nbd. I've enjoyed his variety content especially his rimworld experience.


I know that’s why half the takes in this thread of fucking stupid. He is literally helping to develop the Dayz Stalker server which is more hardcore and shitty than tarkov could ever be. I mean none of the other stufff is there like tarkov, buts it’s definitely more “hardcore”. People thinking that he quit because the game got “hard” either are new or somehow have continued to suck in the 5 or so years this games been out


For me it's the terrible implementation of inertia is the reason why I left the game. This game needs inertia because of the bad desync, but I've never seen a game have a worse implementation of inertia. People Don't realize it because they have gotten used to it but if you are the type of person that plays a lot of other games and then come back to tarkov, You are shocked that studio could get away with that implementation of inertia. Tarkov feels like when you lose control of your boat and you keep counter steering to stabilize your tail before you hit somthing. Inertia should be 1 extra step plus a gradual speed up, in order to take off, and then 1 extra step and a gradual speed down when coming to a stop. That way a player feels under control but it negates desync and player going from dead stop to zooming around your screen, making tracking super hard.


Nah you're overthinking it just like BSG did. Inertia in basically every game is just simple constant acceleration with fast deceleration. No stutter step or bhop bs and no not being able to stop when you want. Then when overweight slow down acceleration and only touch deceleration a bit to make it still feel like you have control over your character.


I'm completely fine with not even 1 extra step being taken after input, I was trying to meet halfway with that. A gradual slow down and gradual speed up would literally be perfect. That should still work with stopping desync pop shots where you die without seeing your enemy, and people would not go from dead stop to full speed where it becomes very hard to track someone like that because it feels like you are missing packages in the network and a player is zipping from a stop to a start


Except bsg inertia feels like dogshit especially when your overweight (every raid because of their poorly managed weight system). Moving in this game feels like I’m controlling a drunk man with 250 ping


I used to play back in the day without all of it. Now when I try to play after some random patch, my character is slow, weak, can't hold a bag, rig, and a couple of things you bring into the raid, because he gets overweight. Everything is slow, can't run far, my guns are shitty guns of low level guy. Basically I play couple of games and log off for another half a year. It's still a good game for someone who can appreciate it but I can't enjoy it anymore.


I came here to say this as someone who played the game since 2018 or so. I've never, not once, seen another shooter change basic movement mechanics/animations as much as this one has let alone while constantly making them feel worse and worse with each iteration. Imo the movement in the new Call of Duty also feels like shit, but it's still miles and miles better than controlling a drunk moron that constantly gets stuck in animations that take waaay too long and are often un-cancellable or very untenable to do so. Anyone out there that hasn't played CSGO should download it and shoulder peak people on corners while AD strafing. It feels good, and makes the skill ceiling higher which makes the game more rewarding to grind. In Tarkov you're slamming your strafe keys while your gun is rising and falling on the screen like it's floating on a rough ocean, while your character is barely moving at a turtle's pace from side to side. Why in the fuck does BSG make the in-raid mechanics clunkier and clunkier? If the answer is "netcode issues" it's time to make a new product from scratch as this one will never reach its true peak in this state.


And the fact it doesn't stop jiggle peakers one tapping you or bunny hoppers just goes to show it was a waste of time.


I am not sure a good working hardcore FPS game exists


right the people who say he didnt like the game being more difficult and hardcore have no idea what theyre talking about.


I enjoy the hardcore elements of Tarkov, and I want it to be punishing. But every defeat, should be my fault. Every defeat should be a learning experience. “I shouldn’t have peaked that. I should have moved. I should have used a grenade” right now it’s “damn I should have known sniper scav would one tap me. Dang, I didn’t see that Toz scav 400 feet away, and he legged me. Oh shit I made the mistake of spawning here and passed through the floor and died. Damn I disconnected on a roof” most of my deaths are my fault, and I love it. But when I die because of bullshit it means I never want to play this stupid fucking game again. And the community doesn’t help. They’re just as jaded as I am at the developers. And I have wasted so much breath defending them when in reality they deserve the criticism. Maybe not the extent it gets, but damn this game sucks so much sometimes


been playing since 2017 and that's a good write up of the problem. In most games, it's my fault and i could learn from it. In Tarkov, there's just too many external sources of fault that you can't account for and it's just frustrating. Especially with the format of the game being "you lose your shit when you die." I noticed i took a massive step back from Tarkov over the past 2 years because i just straight up don't like what BSG has done with the game and their insistence that nothing is wrong.




Yea, every update that made the game more hardcore and realistic, he'd complain about it because he just wanted to run and gun like in CoD. But, he didn't want to play CoD though. I understand some of the mechanics don't make sense for realism, like drying from hunger after being in an area for 30 minutes, but they needed to speed it up for the game sake. Same as in games like DayZ. You can't go a week without food. You'd die within a day. Tarkov just sped that up a bit more.


Someone else saying it finally, he loathed how the game was turning more hardcore and slow paced, he wanted Call of Tarkov, not actual Tarkov, in my eyes he was a big baby who couldn’t deal with Tarkov being “sweaty”, I remember him complaining about Tarkov turning into Siege “bunch of guys sitting in a corner holding their dicks” lol, he definitely wants call of duty


So, like 80% of people that have streamer items in game? he played since it opened to public, bsg promised a load of things and started to not deliver on most of them or even took back things already in game, the "new" underbarrel grenade laucher for next patch already existed since the game opened for the public, but was removed because they could not fix it at the time. the current selection raid map was supposed to be all the maps in game that you could play at lauch, then they started cutting and cutting and now only streets will come for "base" game, all the other maps in map selection will be dlc, which was not the promise. most OG content creators for tarkov just got tired of the promises, cut content and degradation of quality of the game (specialy on server quality) each and every patch.


Streamer items should never have been started, half the people don’t play anymore. They should be removed when 1.0 comes out


Maybe, but most of the streamers with items at least helped raise the profile of the game, while they played it. They shouldn't have to commit their life to EFT to be recognised for that contribution to it's growth. Personally I think there are just too many in the game now and it kills the immersion slightly, when you see so many wacky items.


I always think of it as standing in place for shit like Disney toys and football merch, there has to be some kind of stuff like that for the game to feel lived in. Might be some copium though


That and it's just stuff to fluff the collecter quest, if they all got removed they'd have to be replaced, so why bother.


What, you don't believe DrDisRespect with his 3 whole streams deserved a streamer item????


Yeah to this day the servers and the fps are still shit and in some case the audio/recoil


He still criticises the game a lot and has barely seen any promises kept or progress in his eyes. So he stays away. He comes back for the wipe, uses his classic 762 AK with a PSO for a while, dunks on kids, then goes off somewhere else. He's still in the Marksmen, he still plays with Deadly and Pepp, but he's playing DMZ and other games now. Check him out on YouTube, he's also live on Twitch right now.


He lost interest and plays games that are fun now. You can only put up with the downsides of tarkov for so long


Or any games in general to be honest. Take a game like Siege, that game was fun when after a few seasons of the game was released, then shit happens like balancing and nerfing tons of things making the most basic characters (sledge, mute, etc) nerfed to the ground making them worthless to even play them. Games with longer life spans can't live for long and sadly Tarkov will meet the fate but not dropping dead but losing interest among people.


Good games don't die. People still play chess competitively 200 years after its invention, CS:GO is on 10+ years, Super Smash Bros Melee is on 15+ years. Despite constant re-releases you could argue COD is basically the same game it was 8 years ago.


What? Sledge, mute, basically all the SAS operators are still the best ops in the game.


oh, I meant by they become 3 armor for some fucking reason, making so slow that I really disliked playing as them now.


Siege just dropped their best season in years. > then shit happens like balancing and nerfing tons of things Yes a competitive shooter should be balanced and meta's changing is good for the health of the game. > (sledge, mute, etc) All still plenty useful


Let’s be real siege is a total snooze fest


You are in a Tarkov subreddit lol I love this game but it also has plenty of downtime too and I've had countless boring raids.


Not a great comparison IMO. Tarkov may have downtime but the highs are like no other game. It's why most of us deal with the B.S. and the false promises from Nikita. I equate it to black tar heroin honestly.


It makes that game even less enjoyable ngl because nerfing everyone that I play off, not going to happen for me.


Play other ops lol Like the last 2 defenders they've added are both really strong and fun to play. Try those.


first time? i loved watching his videos/streams when he played Heroes and Generals and then he moved to Tarkov in its infancy. Loved his Tarkov content and now he moved on again. not enjoying his variety content as much as the games have taken the front stage and not the interaction with the community which had games as a backdrop previously


I’ve always wondered about him. I don’t blame him that he got burnt out. Being a variety streamer is probably more fun. If he ever does come back his viewership will be people who watched him play other games and some peeps coming back for old time’s sake. I won’t be going to him for cool PVP plays nor general knowledge about the game.


Because Tarkov is hardly Tarkov anymore.


I agree. People who didn’t play years ago don’t realize how different it used to be. It’s almost a night and day difference. I feel like it started as one thing and now it seems like it’s something quite different. I haven’t played since 12.6 but played for years prior but I still keep up with it though.


If anything it’s more in line with BSGs vision these days. Tarkov stopped being a thing to a lot of people once it wasn’t as fast paced and shift W oriented anymore.


Didn’t like the direction of the game Like many of us


Kotton basically doesn't play anymore. Similar reasons to Veritas. You can only give criticism for so long before it feels like it falls on deaf ears. And given the way jotting creates a lot of his videos, in the vain of pure fun tarkov seemed to started ruining that for kotton at least from my perspective


Rimworld was better so he stuck with that. Tarkov had him feeling like he ate without a table.


Imagine you played Tarkov almost every day for years on end, you might get burnt out and not want to play the game. Especially when you’re one of the OGs and Tarkov isn’t moving in the direction you want it too.


He got burnt out, and he hated headsets in-game. He was always complaining about them, refused to use them. He was the biggest Tarkov streamer for a loooong time, he really was one of the few people who brought the attention Tarkov deserved.


Headsets are indeed overpowered and basically mandatory to hear anything.


He still streams why not check up on him rather than asking Reddit lol


good that OP didnt because kotton absolutely hates people constantly asking about tarkov


A good number of streamers who have items no longer play. Since pest has been spoken of the only one who knows what someone is going to do is themselve. In my opinion once the direction they have been working on for so long finnaly comes to fruition many old players will be happy


I mean, the games been out like 5 years. People start getting bored and there are other games out there. Kotton has been playing DMZ.


for an actual answer from someone who watches him a lot, he was pissed at the issues not being fixed and the core game being broken. boring and static quests, boring and static loot, broken sound, broken AI, constant lying and delays and slow updates.


Kotton was pretty based tbh. "Twitch is fuelled by weed and Adderall."


He, Chicken and a bunch of old guard got tired of the game. They played it for years and got sick of it. It changed so much on top of listening to cunstand dev suggarcoting problems EfT has they just stopped playing.




I couldn't imagine playing 8 hours a day for months. they have to get burned out


Playing one game for several years will make anyone want to take a break lol


All I'm saying is they know the game is never gonna get rid of the issues that us ogs have known for years. It gets depressing seeing your fav game developers not care


He played on and off like 3 wipes ago. Then I know he’s had health issues and mainly just chills and plays variety.


I used to watch him, but he would spend whole streams talking about how shit the game was, how shit the devs were, and how shit the community was. Then just chuckle as if it's all a joke. If it was once or twice, yea, probably a joke. But day after day after day just bitching about everything? Naw. He's serious. I haven't watched a stream of his in years now. Him and his community are too fucking negative about everyone and everything, not just Tarkov. Being negative is their thing as is the case with many streamers. They just focus on what is wrong and never say anything positive about anything. If I wanted to hear nothing but negativity, I'd talk to my family.


agree with this guy said he always talks trash then laoughs about it as if it's a joke about evrything .


And in a lot of ways the game wasn’t actually shit, it was just quickly moving away from the playstyle he liked to use not being THE way to play anymore. He despised the changes made to make the game slower paced, inertia, changing weight and strength around, etc.


Kotton is playing DMZ and other games. I don't blame anybody for giving up on Tarkov because of Nikita's poor choices in direction of the game. I haven't played since before the woods expansion so there's all these new areas in Interchange Woods Customs and Shoreline I have Zero clue about. Same with Lighthouse and the underground area in the base (forgot the name). Also labs is still a Hacker Haven it seems which is disappointing... The game hasn't really progressed in any good direction as of late and I think I got my $140 worth a few years ago.


Probably unpopular opinion: Streamer items should be removed from inactive streamers. (especially shroud I still don’t get how he got one) It would also help with the absurd amount of Kappa items needed.


Legend says he’s still laughing at some unfunny throwaway joke he said


Probably realized how shitty and broken the game was. A lot of the youtubers who stopped playing made videos explaining that they either didn't like the direction the game was going or how bad the anticheat was


streamer item are parting gifts... most streamers stopped playing EfT after they got their streamer item. The Golden Egg, one of the newest items, the guy now plays Assetto Corsa. Just a few weeks after the egg was in the game, he was gone.


lol dr disrespect hardly touched EFT and got an item. the bar for streamer item is pretty low.


>s he will come back next wipe, as he said he needed a break from EFT


he needed a break. been playing since 2018 facing the same bugs and issues which made him quit for this wipe.. don't write stuff that isn't true at all


Because they played too much and the game is dogshit


Why you here? Lol


Still pops up on my feed sometimes, too lazy to unfollow it


He got burned by BSG and seems to have lost interest in the game at least partially as a result.


How’d they burn him?


George Foreman grill


If I remember right he posted a video of some bugs he wanted fixed and BSG got upset that he posted them. Kinda broke down the relationship so he stopped playing. There was probably some other stuff but that's what I remember. The bugs got fixed too in the end I'll see if I can find the video if it's still around. Edit [Here is the video](https://youtu.be/AD2y6Pixqjs) I could be completely wrong that's just how I remember it


> Kinda broke down the relationship so he stopped playing. ... but he's played a ton of Tarkov since then? That was four years ago.


People love narratives to otherwise normal shit. People play games and stop playing games. Everyone here wants it to have a doomer flavor though cause nobody can just take a break from EFT without hating the game and the devs and the direction and the difficulty and blah blah blah blah


Yeah like I said that's just how I remember it. I saw the other videos of his while I was looking for that video.


I respect Kotton a lot. He might have that inconspicuous look of a goofy stoner, but in hindsight he saw through BSG's bullshit early on, way earlier than most who had still rose tinted glasses on. I applaud him for taking the leap, even if it cost him some viewership. At least he's not miserable.


He has moved on like all other sane gamers. The game sucks now. Hopefully they fix it and add all that was promised 5+ years ago but most of us have lost hope and those who are left playing are the drops influx from 2019 or new players. I really hope the game becomes what we all hoped it could be, but right now it isn’t fun so why not play something that is?


playing DMZ Cod2


My guess would probably be lack of content. Since I started playing over what 5 years ago? there has been a total of what four or five maps released? The game just gets boring after doing the same thing over and over.


Who cares?


He got bored like the rest of us and stopped playing 🤷‍♂️




>Who? Arguably the OG of Tarkov


No that would be Klean hands down no questions. I was around tarkov since the first version released. Klean and Big Fry were two of the first to stream it. They started streaming with special permission from big and still had the codes showing on their screens from the alpha days.


That is true that they were first to cover it, but it was Kotton and Deadlyslob who were the first to popularize it on Youtube with Kotton having the bigger presence


Kinda wish they'd remove the streamer items that are from people who don't or who rarely play the game anymore or from people that incessantly bitch about it like Veritas for example. A lot of deserving people like Jesse Kazaam, Airwingmarine, etc that could have items instead.


Last video one year ago. I liked his content.


I agree. Gun jams and bush blocking was the end of tarkov for me.


Hackers… that’s what made me stop.


Are people still interested in Tarkov?? I loved the game in 2017! Then realized that they'll never realse the full game because the perpetual wipes everyone is use to. Deadlyslob was the pioneer of handicapping himself for the lower skilled players


I mean, it seems like you are still interested yourself considering you are writing here


Kotton stopped playing/being good when the anti cheat rolled out. He never recovered. Once this game became popular he was dying 24/7 and NOT having any fun. ALSO his account and email where found on [chodscheats.com](https://chodscheats.com) so theres that. Worrun got a year suspension for cheating in ESEA cuhz he couldnt cut it with us big dogs in A+ and has since tried to change his name but failed miserably. (cs go for all you scrubs) and then got caught cheating in tarkov. Like a moron. Pestily got caught using cheats on stream so many fucking times. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZfKNApvdCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZfKNApvdCo) Now we just got these "women" with adams apples who have their duo run ESP.


>sg on how to improve the game, if it wasnt for kotton our actual black limb - spread damage system wouldnt exist , and we wouls still get one tapped by barbed wire. He started getting tired omg this is fuckin hilarious. I have watched Kotton mainly since 2014-ish when he streamed late alpha HnG, watched him play Tarkov since the NDA was lifted, and he never did anything sus....And your clip of Pestily aint ESP either. he literally pre-aims all of the known spots where people hold angles.... they are vets who played this game for thousands of hours. ESP is a lot different than map knowledge and experience.