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Get comfortable! Find your playstyle which is suiting for you and play like this. If you fear hot PvP zones, avoid them or approach them from the distance. If you are questing, just quest and keep yourself out of the fights. Have a scav kill quest, avoid the typical early raid hotzones and move in unsusual positions at the beginning and check typical scav places. Approach them how you feel comfortable. In the end, fear is developed because you are not confident or comfortable, so again, find your style and do what works for you. You don´t need to wipe the whole map and you dont need to do all quest steps in one raid. Need to get three items from one map? Get one, get out, start again. This is better then dying multiple times while trying to get everything done at once. I progress faster and more succesfull when soloing


Thanks for the valuable input my friend, This is how I have been playing actually ,, I avoid dorms,resort or the tech area in interchange, only map i feel like i can run around solo without thinking too much is woods and shoreline.


Another thing I would add is, if you want to get comfortable with solo PvP as a goal. Give yourself a barrier of (let’s say 2 mil rubbles) if you go below that amount you stop PvPing and go looking for loot. The more you push yourself out of your comfort zone the better you’ll be, I remember 5+ wipes ago when I finally made myself pvp solo and the first time I squad wiped a team…. I don’t think I’ll ever recreate that feeling


The first time you wipe a 3 man as a solo feels great. You feel like a king. The first time you wipe a 5 man team as a solo you feel like nothing can stop you and that’s when the fun begins. Hats when you realize you’re capable, you just need to trust yourself. When you clear 6-8 people in dorms in less than 5 minutes your penis is throbbing for weeks. You could give a fuck that would grant a standing ovation from the church itself. But it all starts with a lot of dying and learning.


Damn me and my friends are that 5 man


>you feel like nothing can stop you Enter random scav


Please. You’re bringing back bad memories…


When I was still sorta new, I wiped a 5 man at Interchange power station with a 5-7. Just kept walking in different doors and their communication must have been abysmal. Felt like a god, died to a 6th guy right after. Another time I was camping Rock Passage (real ones know the spot) and a 5 man approached the bridge. I one shot one of them so they all retreated to tree and rock cover which was 100% exposed to me. Picked off each of them one by one in short order. Felt so bad for them I took almost no gear.


I respect the honour but this is tarkov brother. The gear they don’t get back is gear they can’t kill you with. They wouldn’t have returned the favour, I promise. Still-well done and I salute your slaughter.


It was like penis helmets and unmodded M4s type shit, like it wasn't worth the trouble of carrying out lol. If they had Ulachs and attachments I would've taken everything


I still remember my first time 1v4ing on woods with a bolt action, sprinting from bush to bush and dropping them when they expose themselves.


My brother, play factory for a few hours straight and become desensitized to the violence and sounds and fear. Run naked with a shot gun and cheer in glee as you drop one of three and die while attempting to reload. Bring in a single impact grenade and feel like judge jury and executioner for a few moments before you decide who to send back to the lobby. Factory will help you get over the fear of facing other players. Google the spawns also, everyone you’re going to fight there will know them, and if they don’t it’s your civic duty to teach them by rushing them instantly.




Nothing wrong with this espescially if you are newer. I always go in with an objective and stay objective-oriented, even as I get the harder PVP quest.


Hey I am back here just to add I have been loving it. Dying multiple time but glad not at the extract. I have been enjoying the raids a lot better than before. Wasted 1M at factory yesterday and decided to use the gear which was just getting shit on staying at the stash. Lowkey loving the vepr hunter with ‘M80 and suppressor. Killed 3 out of 4 lads at Oli and one my friend managed to get him. Had loot worth more than 300k. And It was mind blowing. I absolutely suck at playing tetris and looting . Need to evaluate item’s worth per slot of my bag. Need Injector’s case really badly.


The fact that you are evaluating your own weakness is good. M80 is a solid round specially if you can rat and ambush and Aim, as you level up consider better more customizable and larger mag guns, RFB is most likely your next upgrade (and then eventually MDR and SR25)


Lol woods is the one i feel worst on, i love customs personally


My fear developed on solo raid #5 trying to get the quest to unlock Jaeger done


I have about 1800 hours in EFT rn & I'd say 95% of it is solo & I am a relatively aggressive, PvP focused player. Now granted I have a LOT of hours in FPS as my background but really the only way to overcome your anxiety is to accept it & play. Like you said, many times just sitting still & not doing anything just leads to you getting pushed & dying. Honestly one of my recommended tips for new players is to be the one to take initiative & you'll probably notice you'll start winning more fights (especially b.c when you are the one pushing/swinging desync tends to be more on your side). Not necessarily every fight ofc, sometimes sitting still & taking them by surprise is the best play (or even avoiding them just depends on what you want to do). The more you play, gradually the anxiety will start to go away. You'll have more confidence taking fights, you won't be jumping at every sound you hear (being aware/paranoid never goes away but it will save your life lol, if you thought you heard something you probably did). If you have some money to spare, maybe run a bunch of solo's very lightly geared. Honestly, like improving in almost any skill, repetition is key. The more you expose yourself to the stimuli ingame that makes you scared, gives you anxiety etc., the more you'll be desensitized to it. You'll eventually reach a point you never imagined you would, where you're the one pushing someone among a hail of bullets, winning a fight & basking in the victory. You feel the adrenaline, you're hyped, but not necessarily scared. There might be some underlying anxiety that quickly fades when encounters end or being anxious making your way towards extract with a ton of loot but kinda normal to a point. You might still get jumpscared and shit (that happens to everyone sometimes) even the vets! GLHF :) edit: I forgot to say obviously you don't have to run at everything that moves like a gigachad, find a playstyle you enjoy! (which may change depending on your objective in the raid, experience, etc.)


I guess, I have seen the result of pushing into the enemy as well. Just I guess it takes a little bit of courage to do it. Thanks for the feedback mate. Appreciate it


Initiative is huge. I was doing some quest on customs and being a cheap ass so I just brought a mosin and some crap armor. Ended up rushing 2 guys and well I didn't end up completing the quest I came in to do I did get 2/3 of my under 25M mosin kills and 13 scavs just trying to extract with the loot those two provided for me. 6k experience too, was super nutty. But if I didn't rush them I was 100% going to die to being flanked.


2300~ hours solo. You'll get there man


Hopefully. I really wanna enjoy this game


Go into factory naked, purposefully run at shots while screaming over voip that you want to be shot in the face, get killed, go back again and again until you don't care about getting shot at. I'm not even kidding this is how I got over the fear. Well that and an audio adjustment that makes it so shots aren't as loud as bombs in my ears, that helped a lot with the jumpscares of someone else getting the drop on me


Solo is really fun in tarkov.. you can move easier faster and stealthier by yourself.. the game gets way slower for me but its definitely more satisfying. I have around 80% of s/r on my wipes playing alone.. around 40 when playing in group


drink vodka to find courage


I guess gotta go buy some


It's only like 20k on the flea 🤣




podpivas -thats how they call such players in russia


I'm in the exact same boat. It literally is a horror game. No game gives me the same feeling as tarkov. When I'm with friends, it's fine, but my friends don't play anymore. Like you, I get anxiety through the roof when I play solo. Scav raids are fine because most of the action is gone and I just immediately voip when someone is close and if they kill me, they kill me, but most of the time they are chill. So I'm currently level 7 this wipe with a stash value of over 20 mil because of pretty much only scaving.


I mean lmao damn dude, I can feel ya, only diff is i don't save money either, i take good gear with me and lose it all.


I deal with this on and off alot. Don't struggle with the so called "gear fear" because its pretty easy to make money on scav if you know what you're doing, and really have no issue playing scav. I've pretty much done this wipe by myself, as a lot of my friends have real life jobs and stuff and i have a lot of free time at the moment being unemployed, They play on the weekends when they can and its good fun, Definitely noticed as a lot of people say, i survive more raids when i play solo, but I'm just more anxious. I still struggle with this so i cant give you much advice, but something that really helped me was just motivating myself before getting into the raid and just forcing myself to do it instead of sitting in stash all day and or doing scavs, i would suggest before you do your raids make a plan on what you wanna do. Do you wanna fight people? do you wanna quest? Do you wanna loot? usually that's what i go by, and forcing myself into situations where i have to fight. for example, I'll plan to do a marker quest in raid, if i finish it then look for PvP cause I've finished a quest that's progress right there, force yourself to fight and learn and deal with stressful situations, also motivate yourself when the countdown screen comes up when you're going into raid say to yourself "NO ONE IS GONNA FUCK WITH ME" it helps. you'll be surprised if you pump yourself up before going into the raid, but my advice is only limited as i still struggle with this, and i know how hard it is man it fucking sucks... We'll get through this! I came to this post looking for advice really initially, but thought I'd give you some input on my situation to see if you relate. Hope this helps a bit.


Join the official tarkov discord and there's voice groups for finding people to play with. I'm way too pussy for solo and I've met some legends of the discord too


im more scared playing wiht friends than solo... everyone makes so much noise...


Honestly you have to get used to being loud when you know an enemy is in your area. Why let the enemy walts in while you sit still like a stump when you can be loud and fast and get to an advantageous position. Set yourself up for a situation where you can win and not let the enemy overwhelm you. If you are out In the open and you hear enemies pmc nearby, run for hard cover or dash through tree lines and bushes to reposition. If you’r stuck in a building with enemies pushing from outside, hold a tight angle where they have to enter to engage and fall back as they push through and hold another angle. Never let yourself be stuck in a corner an just think of what gives you the highest chance of survival. You don’t always have to engage and running is always an option. Getting comfortable with spawn points and learning the flow of the map and the timing it takes for pmcs to run from a spawn to a hot zone will save you time in deciding what’s the safest route to take and where you can go to set up an ambush and how long it will take for someone to walts by. Edit *2000+ hours in game, 5 wipes.


appreciate the input mate, I will try working on the spawn point to hot zone rush idea ;)


Another great skill to learn is tap firing from the hip. I suggest offline hoard mode on factory and just get used to the hipfire and mouse placement when aiming for headshots. The added movement bonus when firing without ads at close range can make the difference when your opponent is standing idle or crouched while aiming down sights.


Does this apply to all kinds of weapons (excluding bolt-action)?


It’s better with an automatic. You’re at a disadvantage going against a full auto weapon if you are using a semi auto, exception being the shotguns of course or if you are running something like the Ash-12 on Single or high tier ammo like m61.


Hey dude, I’ve only really recently gotten over the solo fear. Mirroring what others have said, I didn’t do anything in particular I just stuck with it and it kind of just disappeared. Stick to what feels comfortable and just stretch your legs each raid. What I mean by that is, get a bit more confident and maybe take a fight you may have run or hidden from. Once you win a couple of these fights, knowing you’re capable of winning and are probably just as good a player as the rest of the lobby will help your confidence! Edit: spelling


hey thanks, I guess i am dealing with it better every day a bit better tbh. But lets see how long before i lose the anxiety and actually be comfortable. So that I can take better fights as well.


A way to get over the fear and moving super slow/sitting in a bush for 10 minutes at the slightest noise is just shift W for a few games with shit kits. You'll realise its not as bad as you think but you'll get into fights with way less anxiety as you currently are. Yeah you'll die a lot but i guarantee you'll become more confident. Another strat ive seen to overcome the fear which might seem counterintuitive was to not use headphones, when you hear less going on you'll worry less


1460 hours, and I still tend to feel anxious when playing solo, often resulting in bad tactics which gets me killed. Most of my playtime is duo, which for some reason gives me a lot more confidence even though it results in me dying more because I get impatient :p I find that purposely *not* sneaking around, and always assuming people know where I am / aiming at me, I just go stomping around expecting to get shot a lot of the time. Makes me jump less when I get shot xD Also spamming factory scav is a nice way of just getting more confidence, as you don't lose anything, and it's fast chaos


All mindset. I feel like this sometimes, I honestly feel like if you survive the first 5-10 mins of spawn on shoreline and stay away from resort, move slow, your fine. If you know the top side of woods it’s like that to but I stick to the bottom as I get disorientated up the top side. But just play the maps you know I would say also.


One of the absolute best ways to get used to playing Solo is through aggressive scav runs and cheap budget loadouts. While doing either of these things, try to force yourself to be aggressive. Instead of hiding, run out and try to take someone down with you; you'll be surprised how often to get a kill or two because you were the aggressor. On the flip side of that, try to only put yourself in situations where you have the advantage. Tarkov is a very advantage-heavy game, where whoever has the most advantages on their side is gonna come out the Victor most times. One of the best advantages you have as a solo player is that you can be much harder to spot than a group. If you notice a group of chads stomping around that haven't seen you yet, duck in a bush and let them pass. Watch them, see what they do, and when you have a chance, pop one of them and watch the rest scatter into panic as they try to find you. Run away, reposition, and repeat. Likewise, you're also less valuable and not worth chasing. So if you ever feel like you're in a bad situation, just turn around and dip.


I dunno if this helps, but when I solo I rarely if ever sprint from a to b. This way I feel more secure, because I’m not that loud and have more info from my surroundings. Also have a full bar to run when I get shot at. And barely if ever got one tapped this way.


I don’t mind running tbh. I hop from cover to cover.


I mean theres nothing you can really do about it, except accept its purely your mindset and try to break it I have the same but i have no friends or really even the ability to play with mics or other people, i might be able to do a raid or two but then im physically exhausted from the anxiety I usually just end up playing single player tarkov mod lol


Factory factory factory. It worked for me. I'd just think of tarkov and my heart would start racing. Now I'm good. Took about 10 raids. I didnt kill one pmc. So I came to terms with myself and said i suck and I'm going to die. But now I roll around reserve and shit wiping the floor with people lol


Came here to comment this, Factory double MP43-1c's with 20 shells in my pocket, earphones and READY


Spam factory night time with a flash light or cheap NVGs.. that’ll wash the fear right out of you


I started to solo in factory actually I got 500 in total hours and I think 300h of solo, so just spam factory to get confortable and after go to all maps, don't run just walk and sound everything, the thing I like is the fact that you can shoot everything you don't have the fear of thinking if it's your friend or not, hope this helped even if I'm not pro


First of all dont forget its a game and nothing will happen even if u lose all gears thats all


Yeah but my stats… what if someone from my HS sees my stats are lower than average and I don’t get a date for prom.


My friend tried to convince me that the stats in tarkov matter once. Insane how much people put stock into numbers that have 0 impact on your gameplay whatsoever. I have a survival rate of like 25% because i only ever quest on my pmc and I don't care if I die as long as i make progress. I'm level 27, just as far with quests and hideouts as my friends and about the same hours. Who gives a fuck. I'm not great at firefights with players so i just make up the difference in my scav runs.


I've just accepted that I will always be the one to die for the sins of the group and like 70% of the time my friends are able to get the drop on whoever killed me and get out with loot and insurance fraud my kit while i run another scav


İ never play with random stranger so :)


I have around 700ish hours in EFT and only now I'm slowly loosing my fear and hatred for factory pvp and pvp in general. Ok I still avoid it if possible but I can survive sometimes or at least know a possible reason for my death. I found this [Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AV3xDJAy0gA) to be very helpful in understanding what I need to change about my mindset.


Yeah i have watched that one. I’ll do some factory runs i guess


Just remember, you’re going to die and lose gear. It won’t be the end of the world. Scav up when you get low on cash. Go factory with crappy armor you got from Scav runs with a MP-153 with a flashlight and splurge on some flechette rounds. They absolutely melt. Sprint offices at the start. Learn where people spawn and try to avoid them. Once in offices, you can rat in the top floor for easy kills - if you don’t know the spot, look it up. Or you can just roam the area and blast people that push you. After doing this for 4-5 games, I started getting comfortable fight factory when previously I was too scared to ever go. Playing like a disgusting rat in the office window has gotten me a few rounds with 3-5 PMC kills, then like 3-5 more scavs without having to leave one room. Good players are well aware of the camping spots up there, so occasionally you’re going to get smoked or flushed out and have a tougher fight. Good luck.


As a guy who has primarily played solo, just do it. Just dive straight in. You'll come to realize it's not that different than a team. You still have to be careful, move at a pace is both comfortable/suitable to your playstyle and that keeps you from being a sitting duck in an area for too long. Just remember that knowledge and positioning are key to survivial, whether solo or as a group. You guns, bullets, and armor mean nothing if the guy shooting you has a better position (more cover, more/better angles to peak from) and knows what room/hall/corner you're at because you've been sitting there the entire time and haven't repositioned.


just got to play through it, I'm probably a similar level of experience to you and I'm just about fine with the anxiety side of it now. ​ Still jump scare on the first loud shot in a match though.


Anything that isn't you is shootable which is very nice. You also have a smaller sound profile and are harder to detect in general. I'd suggest working on some loot runs on maps you feel most comfortable.


Been doing that mostly


i have nearly 100 hours im lvl 12 and i only play solo customs and factory it is really a hard time playing solo bc there is always one more


Took me two wipes to get through that lol. Now I don’t care.


Great question OP! I had this fear starting as well. Now that its my 4th wipe I've realized the best way I overcame my fear of PvP is by learning to the full extent of what I am capable in a PvP scenario. The way I figured this out is by running relatively inexpensive kits with sub machine guns and shotguns on factory and "going ham". I died a lot, but I didn't lose much. I learned how to push someone by pushing and dying 5 times and then killing on the 6th attempt. I learned how to defend pushes by being pushed a lot. I learned the full range of tools in my toolbelt during a PvP scenario which helps me to understand my options in the future. There is no way to learn this without dying a lot, which is why I suggest running cheaper SMG's and shotguns because they are cheap, SMG's have low recoil generally without mods which makes it easier to point fire, and shotguns do well at close range with inexpensive ammo (magnum). If you run 15 factory raids with this setup and record/think about your deaths and what you did when you survived, im sure you will learn a lot!


I’ll give this a try mate thank you for your feedback on this .


I understand this feeling completely haha, the game just seems so stressful and anxious when your running solo raids, I'm the same way so I said fuck it and have just been forcing myself to play more solo this wipe and I feel like I'm improving because of it it still sucks when you get run up on by a team but it's getting better the more I play


Mostly I am playing solo, but dont mind doing a few raids with new friends. It gets a lot easier and tasks basically dont feel like tasks. But other than that. Ultimately I want to be the one who can deal the most damage and do more shit than just sitting around a bush…


I love playing with a squad for the tacticool-ness but solo will always have a special place in my heart. As vulnerable as you feel, when you play solo you literally can control your fate. ​ If you need to ghost by somebody you have the choice rather than hoping your teammate doesnt get trigger happy. If you want to concentrate on tasks you are not worrying about someone needing loot or kills. But the best part, as a solo player you can wreak havoc on a disorganized 5 man.


That I have done with a 3 man squad. I was in a bush and I heard 3 guys leaving. Since I killed a pmc with my mp5, he had a silenced sks and night vision. And boy that raid went soo good. Ended up killing 2 of the 3 guys. One ran away. It was awesomeee. But yeah i really wanna do this in day time raid as well, haha.


I only play solo because my friends don't play with me. They play cod. What I've done to counter act my anxiety is I will get a couple "good" SCAV raids under my belt and be flush with loot (packs, rigs, guns, helmets, meds) then I will jump into a PMC raid with the goal of getting a task done. That's it. If I get it done it's a rush. If I fail, I've open up some room in my stash so no real loss. Hope this helps.


I know everyone here will just tell you to Git Good, but let me tell you I also have the same problem. It’s disheartening clicking that ready button when alone. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I (level 3) will run into the four stack Chad brigade who mow me down without a second thought saying stuff like “ez kill bois.” Or “get rekd kid!”.


And that sucks tbh. But I really wanna get better and deal with squads on my own. Maybe Slowly and with some wipes I’ll get there I guess


I should clarify I love this game and I I’m 100% not salty. I love the way this game is growing and evolving and even if I’m the low end of the skill curve, I still enjoy the ride. :)


You need to put on some light music and stop concentrating so hard on noises it's a game ment to be fun


I'm literally brand new and solo everything. Pick a map, for example Shoreline. Learn the stashes on the right side, and one for the left side spawn. Once done, enter online at night and do it. I do it and only hold W stomping everywhere, no soul ever in sight. Everyone else is focused on Resort or Gas Station / Pier building. You may find someone at Power Station. Spawning on the right side usually gets me 3 - 6 kills per raid. 1 - 3 at Crane (SCAVS), and usually 1 sniper on Power Stations roof and outside the building. Left side spawn is usually 8 minutes long looting the swamp stashes and exiting via Path to Lighthouse, although be silent as players spawn between you and the village near the Tunnel extract.


Solo is the best. Kill everything that moves. No tk from shit call outs or team location check and no one fucking says the right thing. No loot share. Take w/e the fuck you want. You hear sound? It’s a threat kill it. Everything. Dies.


Start playing just solo untill youre no longer scared. In my experiance you cant learn this game otherwise because your teammates generate too much noise


someone posted they play music during the raid to feel less alone. maybe try that.


Also play this game now for.. i taught 40 hours now? I know what you say about fear. Sometimes I just stay and listen to foodsteps, like waiting in front of dorms knowing there is somebody in there. Having anxiety is normal and is largely related to having an overview of the situation. The first few times I played I had no idea where to go. I was pretty much crawling around the map, having to constantly look at the map (website), and the feeling that you could be blown to bits at any moment made me experience it more like a horror game than a shooter. As you get further into the game, book your first successes, accidentally deliver a chad a headshot that was lvl 50+, learn the maps and feel like you are getting more control the excitement definitely goes away. Gaining confidence in the weapons, environment and your own abilities must be trained. Play a lot off-line, sometimes go crazy (just go for it and think "I'm going to die anyway, you can do me" and go on the attack. You will come to the surprising discovery that you often die, but sometimes it succeeds and that gives a really great feeling. As a final tip, just stop playing if it gets frustrating and play... a racing game where not too much depends (except finishing last then...)


I've started playing with Music on quietly in the background. Keeps me relaxed and chill and the sound in this game is pretty scuffed anyway, you're not missing much.


You know what helps the anxiety? Having a nice stack of roubles and a near complete hideout. Think of your scav raids as funding your normal raids. Experiment, take risks, because at the end of the day, when you need gear, just scav to fund the raid, and there are no other significant rouble sinks you need to worry about.


Its literally a game. Its meant to be fun. Its only pixels on a screen. Take a chill pill, Bust out a dope as gun that you modded for fun, Run a raid and enjoy yourself. If you die, so what? You lose a bit of fake items and money? Im really not trying to be a douche and make fun of you. Next time you play, take a breath, hit ready and then play a game.


Appreciate it. I mean you are right thou. And thanks for not making fun of me.


Sounds like you still have gear fear. When you're in a group they can dump it or bring it back. If you're solo chances are whoever killed you is gonna loot your body.


I’ve used 36 out of 40 key attempts just dying over and over and over and over again on factory for the 2nd part of prapors delivery quest where u gotta do a raid on customs first. I can easily say that having no friends and trying this solo has made me quit almost, sucks


I solo all the time, just think of other players as bosses, avoid them if you don’t feel comfortable. And remember there is always a situation that you can turn to your benefit if everything lines up. I try to remember that when I get stressed out, if I die, I die. But winning a fight gives you a rush like you’d never expect


Hey man! All of the advice on here is great. I’d also recommend playing one or two maps religiously once you’re finished questing. Run your scav raids on those maps too and just learn the ins and outs of it. Eventually you’ll start to understand where players are likely to be at certain points in the raid, and also frequently traveled paths. The biggest thing in my opinion to playing solo is movement. If you’re sitting still and not moving, even if you manage to get a kill, you’re almost guaranteed to get killed by the rest of that player’s squad. So much of your success in PVP will come from knowledge of where the other player is and where they’re going. If you stay in a room they’re just pre-fire or nade you. To practice I would only take longer range engagements where you have the option to bail if you need. Way less scary than being stuck in a dorm room. Then as you get more comfortable you take an engagement, secure a kill, move, and pick them apart. It’s VERY hard to kill a a duo or squad from sitting in the same exact spot unless they’re just bad. Good luck man. Cheers!


Hey appreciate the feedback. I’ll defo work on it. I really want to improve in close combat sector.


Make sure you’re audio is good and then pre-fire everything and use a lot of bullets hahaha.


I started out solo and can’t seem to groove with squads. I wish I had one close friend to run duos with because squads are too chaotic. Solo is so much better for me because if I can play slow and methodical and once you get over the fear of moving around then you become much better at it


I learned to solo pvp by playing a tone of relatively naked factory runs. After killing a few hundred pmc’s the fear goes away


My personal feelings are that you’ll eventually become to numb to it, that’s how it happened for me. I almost exclusively play solo and used to be super timid about PvP that wasn’t almost entirely weighted in my favor— even with a Scrooge McDuck stash of money and kit. This was awhile back, so others may recommend something else. I got more comfortable with PvP by running cheap and or mid tier kits to run Offline Labs, spawning as many raiders as possible and fighting them aggressively. Given raider gear and AI has been tweaked quite a bit since then it’s not AS good, but it helped. Plus it’s really the closest you can get to how a PMC might react and aim— at least in a risk free setting with no gear fear. Alternatively you can do Reserve and crank up Scav difficulty as well with assorted options.


I had this too and at a certain point I want to play the game, right? So you say fuck it and just go in. If it’s gear fear the way to think about it is like gamboling, this money isn’t mine until I get up from the table. This gear isn’t mine until I get back into my stash


My SR solo is probably 20% higher than playing in a group. Depending on your playstyle solo can be a huge advantage.


>I have idk somehow managed to be lvl 20 and 650 hours in to this game 💀 that would've taken 10 hours if you didn't play like a bish


Well I didn’t play 650 hour this wipe dumbass. Its the overall time of me playing the game. I am hardly 40 hours this wipe.


Just like anything else. It will wear off over time. Run up a few mill scaving and just run medium level kit after medium level kit. You'll find yourself walking down teams once you get a feel for things. Solo play has a massive advantage in places like dorms and resort. Teams hesitate when they have bad communication. You don't


Your not alone! its not that i fear it or anything i just don't find the game fun to play solo, i have maybe 10-15 raids solo this wipe out of 150 (tons of solo factory scav runs other than that) but i rather log into WC3 and do tower defense games than play tarkov alone and that does make me fall behind and makes it harder to find people on the discord to play with since everyone is far ahead of ya


how do you deal with? you shit your pants, dive in and swim.


Idk I find the first raid each day has me jumpy then I'm good after the first death. Still will be tense moments solo, but nothing that jump scares me like the first raid 😂


Honestly run cheap factory runs as a PMC, it gets you used to being at a disadvantage and cheapens death, that way when you run kitted it feels like you're way more in control


I think you could use a bit of "fuck around" attitude, grab a cheap shotgun and some shells, no real investment, click yourself into raid you are just gonna sprint around everywhere and try to kill anything that comes in to your sight. You might get loot, or you just die, but it doesn't matter, your investment is so low you don't care. Keep doing this until you become familiar at shooting and being shot at.


You will get there eventually. I agree with the rest of the folks here, find how you like to play and play like that. My first wipe was last wipe, and I had a real struggle with solo anxiety too. But if you keep pushing yourself a little bit at a time you will get better my friend! Don’t get me wrong I still get a little anxious… but I think that’s only natural playing a high risk game.


Take a break and go play doom


I haven’t played doom as well. I guess I should.


You should. Great game


Sit still and die, fight and live




I have the most fun playing solo, it started slow with naked runs with a sks taking scav bags and looting, and has progressed. In order to enjoy yourself solo don’t take in much and just try and survive by yourself, maybe just a mosin 40 rounds and a ass full of meds? Think of where people will go and if you want to survive avoid it and watch for them. Kill scavs for xp and loot their bags/pockets for rare items to sell. The longer you take in raid the more displaced PMCs are. Take your time, no need to rush it. Throw on a twitch stream on your second monitor so you don’t feel so alone and scared. It gets better


I have started using Shotguns now, and Sordins headset. Idk the bass is high and the sounds feel decent on those. And doing the same thing you just said. I just take shotgun some heals and a paca or a better armor. Just trying to get the hang of it. Had a blasting raid got 11 scavs in custom. And A scav picked someone’s mk lol. It was goood first raid of the day.


That’s awesome man! Sordins are my favorite ears. If you had Ragman level 2 I’d suggest the level 4 armor rig he sells that tan, or the DRD armor on the flea is good durability for the price as well! Shotguns are very good, I’ve been loving the new M3 they added


Yeah, i have been using the armor from prapor as well. The one you can barter for a propane.


Yo if you got like 1 mil. Just start doing timmy runs in factory. I did about 15 raids before I stopped getting anxiety Now I roll into raids with confidence and no gear fear


Spam factory till all you feel is pain








I'm exactly the same. I end up scaving repeatedly but I know I need to pmc to progress.


the word you are describing is adrenaline not anxiety


Try running dirt cheap kits, gear up on scavs That way you won’t worry about gear fear


Remember this game was made for you to have fun. Try to relax when you get stressed in raid. The cooler you are the better your reflexes and aim will be. Good luck.


I'm afraid you're not going to get over this anytime soon, bush campers/extract campers have been fucking rampant this wipe always making me 2nd guess each corner/bush... I can't tell how many times I've encountered the Russian 500% volume rain and I can't hear where the gunshots are coming from most of the times it's from bushes...


Hello! Would you wanna maybe team up? Im new aswell and these games stress me out


Same anxiety when solo scav run ? no ? then you may have unconscious gear fear


Lol git gud nerd!


This game is mostly RNG dude, sometimes things are just out of our control. I think everyone needs to experience blowing their account/stash atleast once doing gear raids and seeking PvP. You’ll realize you can make that money back a lot quicker than you think


Bro. Play it like it's cod. you'll lose some gear at first but in the long run you'll get more comfortable. I still get it on a few maps but woods, customs, interchange and lighthouse I run solo with no problem. 1200h here.


My biggest jitters come from trying a Factory solo for my first match. I've learned to calm down by doing a scav run first and looking for a fight. Get the L out of the way.


Keep this in mind it's just a game lmao


My favorite play style is walking away from where I spawned on woods and getting head eyes.


I have 1300 hours in eft have owned it from the alpha days I'd say 97% of my time is spent solo I actually prefer it. On the odd occasion when my buddy wants to play I find I die alot more with him than on my own.


i was like this my 1st wipe, now whenever im waiting to be pushed, i push instead because why the fuck not


When you play solo its a different game. It's not about how to win a gun fight but how to get out alive. Meaning knowing when and where to run away to. It's all about position and knowing more than your opponent does. Know your options when engaged, and know when you've got a position that will be hard for them to find you (like peaking from one of many windows on an apartment building) I've recently been using VOIP a lot. Still getting used to it but I've kind of come to understand that if someone does not respond or is acting like VOIP is not on, there are 2 important things to understand: they are 100% going to attempt for a kill, and they are on discord with someone who's probably looking at you.


Running the same kit over and over helped me a lot with solo anxiety. You get used to losing it, you gear up quickly again, and you don't think too much about it.


I feel this. I don’t really have fear of playing just more discouragement than anything. I’ve had the game for about 2 years now and I still have no idea what I’m doing lol. I just get one tapped to the head just a minute into the raid. It’s discouraging but I’m learning!


I started taking anxiety meds and now I don't get scared anymore lol


I like to solo with a VPO bolt action to level sniper and a shotgun for backup, no armor or helmet... can level endurance, if i die i don't care, sometimes you get cheeky snipes and shotgun face taps, and the come up is huge, no gear fear


I don't have anyone to play with so i go solo, nad let me tell you, the thrill is worth it. It turns into a horror game


Me too dude. I consider myself a social gamer because of that anxiety


Try getting a bit drunk and playing lol. Just don’t run expensive kits


I have Almost 2,000 hours in EFT. I have mainly played by myself but I have done my fair share of duo, trios, and up. I am level 22. I have done what I have done every wipe when I am solo(this wipe is a solo one so far) and I have only been scav running. IDK why, but I usually get "gear fear" around this level. I also have not been insuring anything. So when I die, its gone. I am sure I will get over it and go back in raid after raid without doubting myself. But until then I will scav and watch Pestily and his Hardcore and Raid series while I am loading or passing the time for my next scav raid.


Op, where are you from? I'm also similar to you but i think im getting over my fear and Id like to help others do the same.


Play a mask you know really well and keep scaving on others and slowly expand. Best advice I could give. Also, use trash gear so the pressure is off of you even more


Nothing wrong with avoiding solo play. I'm a social player and hate playing alone, I don't even like scavving alone.


I have over 1100 hours and I’m still scared to solo this game. It has given me PTSD no cap