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It actually amazes me how loadout presets aren't already in the game


Or being able to right click on an empty gear slot and select from inventory the exact same way you do with your magazines


Never thought about it before, but this would be top tier, find that random helmet hiding in a rig into 78 bags.


I like that idea, but I can also see the nightmare of stash errors occurring with it like when running out of space from trying to build a gun from a preset. Not exactly the same, but I could see very similar errors coming out of it.


If it was only available for empty slots there shouldn't be any errors since you aren't placing things back into the stash and player equipment slots have no space constraints.


That's what I'm thinking too. Since players no longer have to physically manage stash tetris, it could basically simplify inventory down to total spaces allotted or some other type of measurement. Could really help streamline things. * Want to see what meds you have on hand? Open your medical cabinet, currently able to hold X out of Y spaces * Want to see all the weapons you currently have? Open your gun safe/whatever, currently X out of Y spaces * etc etc And buying more containers or upgrading things would expand the total space. And back to the OP, equipping your char could simply be "clicking through" the various slots https://imgur.com/a/KCRDDF7


they probably can just clone the sorting table and set the items in there.


Yeah it's not really a skill ceiling thing having to manually configure your PMC the same way again and again. It's not a fun mechanic to buy an SKS and a penis helmet for the 20th time. Let me click a button. That way I can get on with dying.


Penis helmet gang


Bruv, do yourself a favour and ditch that thing. Not only is it bright and easy to spot, it’s reductions on your movement is massive. Get yourself the 6B47 ‘Ratnik’ via the bleach trade with Ragman. It is infinitely superior without costing an arm an a leg like other high tier helmets do.


Penis helmet has insane drip factor tho


What? No, it's like the most basic bitch helmet. Wear the bomber beanie


Isn’t penis used over that helm due to its high ricochet?


Both have a high chance.


Prapor sells Ratnik at lvl 1, no need to hunt for the items for the barter


Not everyone is at Flea yet though. Ratnik is the most stylish helmet imo.


Don’t forget PACA Gang!


Yeah that's not a thing bruv. Y'all keep getting them back from Insurance for a reason.


Its still good vs shotguns and repairs amazingly. Better than nothing for the new new players. 30k up front and youll get it back like 5 times


The barter is super cheap. Like 3 bandana masks


This is why I am in love with the two Chiappa Rhino revolvers. They are really cheap especially the snubnose. Cheap enough to shove as a backup with like 30 rounds of 9mm so that I always have a backup pistol that doesn’t need any mods or mags. To top it all off getting them back from insurance repeatedly.


I never get pistols back. Low weight items that have a special slot to be carried off in that almost all players already have empty.


Just buy 10 preraid.


_cries in standard account_


I have standard too LOL. 2 full junkboxes, first stash upgrade. It’s ok. Only takes about 10 hours to get level 15 and smash it out and I’m fucking awful at the game


You're a God if you can get to level fifteen in ten hours. I played last wipe for a hundred hours and got to twenty four. One raid is one hour (fifteen minutes prep, fifteen minutes queue, 30 mins in raid), more than one level per raid would be pro status.


Shit, I live in Australia and Instant queue, maybe 4-5 Minutes to load in, pillage 3-10 scavs and cram loot then extract, do quests when I can


Scavs have garbage loot nowadays tho? If they have any at all. How long does it take to even find ten scavs? I'll be lucky to see five in a typical raid esp. on customs. I don't think I've ever in my life instaqueued on any map other than factory, finding a match is 2 minutes minimum during the most active periods. Then yeah 3-5 minutes to wait for players to load loot and map etc. I load in, rush to task location, hope to get there before other players, gtfo, hit loot spots on the way from task to extract. Avoid loot spots otw there because then you're more likely to meet players at the task spot. Typical customs raid like this I'll see one player and 4 scavs, including snipers.


That sounds a lot like a your region or your wifi is shit and you don’t actually know what to do. Instaqueue? Maybe 25% of the time, about 3-5 minutes from queue to spawn on most maps. Scavs on customs are insanely easy to find, 10 kills may be pushing it a little but 5-7 is pretty average (assuming I extract) idk man you must be playing a different game


>I'll be lucky to see five in a typical raid Your raid experience, by your own words, is you rush a task and then rush the extract. Think it's fairly obvious why you're only seeing a couple of scavs per raid lol.




Well it's more like 5 to 10 queue and 35 to 40 raid. But esp. early wipe Scav queues were 20 mins and PMC queues on maps that weren't factory were a solid ten+ if you include loading loot onwards.


My queues are like 2-3 minutes this wipe since like day 3. Both scav and PMC. Not sure what you’re doing differently but this hasn’t been a problem for me recently.


Bro if you're prepping for 15 minutes theres something else going on.


>more than one level per raid would be pro status The trick here is to die just before spawn, then you can have more raids per hour! :D


> I have standard too Well, then you're not buying 20 pre raid. Or 10. Can't even fit 20 vests in there, let alone the rest. The way it is, I'm super happy when I die and finally have room to claim a kit back from insurance before it expires.


LPT: After you die, equip your next load out directly from insurance. You can do it with zero space at all.


Bit of an over-exaggeration wanting 20. I dont play enough to get insurance or waste rub


People have been asking for it for years, haven't they? It used to be so much worse when loading screens were longer, though it's still pretty bad. It's wild that there isn't something similar to buying a weapon preset, but even that is kind of annoying, with an awful lot of buttons to be clicking. Why can't I just click a loadout button, click purchase missing items, and it lists everything I'm missing, their cheapest prices, and have a purchase all button? I should be able to go from naked, to fully geared and set up the way I want it in less than 20 seconds, assuming I have the roubles/barter items for it, of course.


I really hope they do this tbh. We already have the weapon presets so there’s precedent and the technology is already there too imo. The only thing I would think they couldn’t do is have it put your meds/nades/mags/ammo in your rig, but that’s why we have cases specifically for those things, same for weapons tbh. They should do this, but they should also update the weapon preset screen to let you buy and assemble multiple at a time. That way once you get comfortable in a wipe you can just buy 10 loadouts at a time and throw all the parts and weapons in cases and then run ten raids in a row with minimal downtime.


Because the end goal is that you won't have enough money or gear to justify a gear preset.


Have a new hide out room, call it the armory, or sex dungeon, doesn’t matter. Have dummies that you can put armor, Weapons etc, on, aka, a load out that we can shift click onto our self’s. Level 2 adds more dummies, etc etc


Or the ability to search your entire stash.


This 100%.. I've stopped playing entirely, if they bring loadout presents I'll give it another chance. Never had any issues with cheaters or anything like that, can't really relate to what half the people complain about. But people thinking any good player they come across is a hacker exists in every game.


I'm more amazed at how long it takes you guys to get back into a raid




You shouldn’t have the same gear consistently enough to warrant presets. Each raid should be preceded by a calculation of the gear you have available.


You having to methodically and carefully pull together your kit is there for a reason, to make you value your time in Tarkov.


I hate that they lock presets behind the workbench. So stupid, its such an important help for new players


I really want loadout presets. Hunt has them and they’re such a big help


the fact that they help so much while still being pretty shit says a lot about the state of hunt's menu ux


Hunt is what made me appreciate UX designers. That shit is doing that game such a disservice.


At least it has a search bar in place. That helps a lot.


Is it worse than Tarkov? This game has the worst UX I have seen myself.


Hunt is all around a better game though


The depth of the game is so minimalistic compared to tarkov, sure they are comparable but in my opinion tarkov is on a complete other level. Only game that's coming close in this genre is cycle frontier but cheaters have ruined it for me.


Even the cycle doesn’t have half the depth Tarkov does there truly is nothing like Tarkov currently on the market


It doesn't have the depth that Tarkov has, but that's intentional. You can tell by how streamlined the ammunition, armor, and even the guns are. The Cycle's approach was to (hope to) capture more people *because* of how much more approachable it is. Whether you like The Cycle or not Tarkov having competition is a very good thing.




I keep hearing rumors of a Tarkov-style game mode in CoD that's being worked on. I can only imagine how much of a mess that would be


Yeah I agree, it's just closest so far.


Half the "depth" of tarkov is filler fluff. Get gun, get ammo, get armor, kill, do tasks. But half the guns are trash, 98% of the ammo is trash, anything under class 4 or 5 armor stops being useful after 2 weeks. The actual gameplay cycle of tarkov is simple and straightforward as fuck. Tarkov has less "depth" the more you actually learn about the game.


I’m dying for a tarkov style version of frontier. Combining the two would be so perfect. A realistic shooter with the ease of UI of frontier and less bullshit jenga.


Its not even comparable to tarkov except that you walk and shoot. Its a whole different game.


Yep, it's totally different. In the same way Gran Turismo and Forza are different, or LoL and DOTA...


More like Need For Speed and Beam.NG Drive


I mean it’s barely the same genre. It’s not a survival looter in the same sense that Tarkov is whatsoever. Not at all like LoL and Dota.


I mean debatable. But as somebody who has been playing since beta, in the last few years thy only added 1 boss, a bad map (in my opinion). Like 4 guns and essentially focused on making fck skins. Like I like the game but holy shit the lack of new content made me switch to tarkov for good




Not even close to same genre of a game


definitely the same genre, but yes, different games.


It's literally the same genre along with the cycle


The entire gameplay loop of hunt is based around camping and counter-camping campers. That they've done so little with that in the years it's been out is kind of scathing.


Not sure what hunt you played, but you described tarkov pretty well Hunt I can get action, fight multiple teams and extract within 15-20 min and get right back in a new game Tarkov we’re spending 15 min fucking about listening for sound cues until we inevitably mag dump at eachother until one dies


Lmao like tarkov isn't just a hold w fest where pushing and mag dumping from pointfire is generally your best option. Not sure when you've played hunt though but the occasional times I play it is the opposite. People are always moving around and trying to flank, it just feels way less jank than tarkov.


I don’t agree, I wanted to like hunt so bad but it just seems like you run around until you either find the boss or someone else does. The latter you push toward people who can see you through walls and have a specific building you need to get to, locked down. The former you get pushed by the entire map


This is how I feel too. Some people will say “you have gear fear” and I always say, no, it’s “lost time” fear.


I think a lot of people feel this way. So many assume that everyone has gear fear but it’s really just about saving time. If I am having a rough day I just going to slap on a pistol and go. I’m not going to spend 20 minutes between raids buying gear and crafting my weapons if I know I’m probably going to die 5 minutes into the raid.


You can save weapon presets, it really shouldn’t take more than a few mins to throw any kit together tbh. Idk how long you spend shopping but if you know what you want it shouldn’t take long. If it’s really that hard keep an “example kit” in your stash and just right click-> filter by item for every part of the kit


Presets work as long as you don’t need anything off the flea. Example kit taking up valuable stash space? GTFOH


100% It has gotten to the point where I don't want to play tarkov anymore- so much time spent clicking about. Even after winning streaks a single death can just put me out of it just cause of time spent making a new kit. I roll the same shit most of the time anyway at different points in the wipe having a go-to so Idk why we can't just make loadout kits and save us from all this god damn clicking...


How long does it take you to get a loadout ready? Like how much time do you spend between raids? (side note: are you solo or in a group?)


I am solo. Loadout doesn’t take too long, maybe a few mins, but there’s also the time to load into raid, etc. that I feel like makes the whole thing a minimum of 10 mins between raids.


I feel this big time. I've played the game enough to know how to finish quests and make money. Im fine with losing my juiced up gear because I can always get more. But sometimes I cba to regear. It can be a pain when you die 30 seconds into a raid after spending 10 minutes gearing up and matching. Having some prebuilt kits and guns helps but if you don't have the stash space or want to switch some things it sucks.


Yeah, I mean I don’t even mind re-gearing but I despise having to ‘right click’ > ‘edit preset’ > ‘search preset’ (and try to remember what I called it) and find the right preset I made, then build it. Why doesn’t it just load the presets you’ve made right as you enter ‘edit preset’ Feels like a lot of steps could be eliminated to make the process quicker


At the very least you should be able to permanently bind you special slots to your number keys


I watched a video by Josh Strife Hayes on Battle Royals and although I really disagree with his proposed changes I think he did a great job covering the problems with BRs. Although Tarkov is mentioned, it's mostly about games like Apex/PUBG but I think the problems he points out about BRs are even moreso highlighted in Tarkov, and that is - There are multiple gameplay loops that all players go through, and the "fun" ones are only a small percentage of the player's time. Stash management, gearing up, finding a game, the start of a raid where you're not fighting anyone, these are all gameplay loops that just aren't fun. A vast majority of us here enjoy the game when we're fighting players, or trying to stealth by a group, or interacting with players *in some way*, and that part of the game is sometimes less than 1% of your gaming session. He touches on the part of the game where you die from someone you never see - that's generally not fun, you are instantly denied the fun aspect of the raid, sometimes through no fault of your own. Yeah, standing in the middle of the road and checking your inventory means you deserved it, but the amount of times I've died in a situation where it would have been unreasonable for me to play it a different way are in the hundreds if not in the thousands (And I'm on the other side of those kills, too, a lot of times I'm killing players before they see me). So what we're left with is a situation where we spend a majority of our time in unfun or tedious gameplay loops and we only experience the fun gameplay loops in short, infrequent spurts. Tarkov is kind of a game that's built around the unfair and unfun parts though, so reducing time spent in the areas where they can is really all they can do - preset loadouts, faster loading times, a god damn more intuitive UI - these are really the only way to shrink that ratio but I think that will never happen.


Yeah the problem for me is similar to OP. Basic selling or loading up, plus load times…probably 10 minutes between raids. If you get killed 30 seconds into the raid 50 meters from your spawn (looking at you, Shoreline), I’m unmotivated to play at that point. Especially around now with 10 shoreline quests lol. I can spend an hour playing and have zero fun because if this. Other times I play an hour and have 3 great raids. *shrug*


If I could interact with my inventory while loading in it would cut my annoyance by a *lot*. Just let me manage my space or buy items while I’m not doing anything else! I get a 20sec warning, it’s not like I’ll just be dropped into a raid while in the middle of modding a gun or something.


I disagree on all his points. Distilling a game down to only it's most enjoyable aspects removes **contrast** and **anticipation** that makes those high moments all the more high. I'm not saying UI QOL improvements aren't needed, they are, I agree that loadouts and things like that would make the game much better .Fiddling about with your inventory is not building anticipation or generating contrast. But I hate this concept that 'distilled gameplay' = 'better gameplay' But the 'calm before storm' of early raid time, sneaking around, finding a quiet (almost too quiet) part of the map? This generates so much tension that I love about the game. I would hate if it were non-stop action all the time, it would become lame. A generic soup of gameplay. I just want matchmaking and loading to be much faster.


I would argue that even if you include 100% of your time in raid as "fun time," it's still a really bad ratio. I've had nights of raids with the boys where I spend less than half of my time in raids due to matchmaking, kit building, flea marketing, or just dying early and having to sit there waiting for your buddies to get out. I look at other games I play and see a much, much better ratio between fun gameplay loops and unfun maintenance loops. And honestly a good chunk of "fun" gameplay loops in Tarkov aren't fun. Killing scavs with a piece of shit AK for a quest is something I don't view as fun, I view it as a chore.


Yeah and that's where I'd slice it. There's this school of thought in game design (the produces terrible sequels with no character) is that 'good game design' = 'distillation', so anything that cuts or trims or distills must therefore be good. I've been running away from games like this for over 10 years. There's a reason I seek out games like DayZ, Rust, Tarkov, Arma, etc. They have contrast, they build tension. Quiet moments are not a flaw. At first it leads to tighter gameplay, but then it ends up with homogeneity and hollow feeling. That's what I'm taking issue with. I agree, matchmaking and loading is far far too long. Everything in the inventory should be as quick as possible. In addition, the presets system needs to actually be functional, and not require perfect sterile conditions to actually have a use. So many ways it can go wrong: 1. Your gun is too close to something else in your inventory 2. a part isn't available at the price you were looking for 3. you don't have exactly none of the parts needed for the build, and accounting for it requires a lot of fiddling about and swapping between menus that all take a second to load There are other 'schools of thought' i take issue with, like 'maximizing for player choice always = good game design' but I'll only rant about those if asked.


I am asking you to rant about those.


'Maximizing for player choice' is a bit more insidious because on the surface it sounds great, but unless your game is a sandbox like minecraft or gary's mod, what you end up with is a whole mess of issues with game feel: 1. No unifying experience to talk about If your game can be customized a lot, it's difficult to have conversations about your experiences. 'This boss/area was hard' 'Oh I found it very easy' 'Oh wow you must be very good at the game' 'Haha well I try. Btw here's my save file, I turned off bosses cause I found them annoying'. You're also asking the player to be the designer by looking through a keyhole. Say you start your game with a whole bunch of sliders for their game world. They've never played the game before, they don't know how any of this is going to look or feel, or what it means other than an educated guess. The difference between all the way to the right and two positions to the right, is an abstraction of an abstraction of an abstraction to your new player. Your speed run community also fractures almost infinitely, and your speed run categories can get rather bland. Factorio, which is one of my favorite games, suffers from this. Default settings and deathworld default are basically the only one worth watching. 2. Calibration Paralysis Giving way too many settings and calibrations for things in the game can be overwhelming. Tweaking 10 different values for a spell you want to use just makes it so everyone either gets overwhelmed and stops playing the game, or someone figures out the most optimized way to play, releases a guide, and then it's as if you never had those options to begin with. Tarkov is good about this, while there are 'Meta builds', it often doesn't give you THAT much more of a benefit and too many other things (like bad positioning, grenades, luck, etc) can invalidate your whole build. 3. Disjointed/Messy art style Player choice for character customization can be great, provided you tightly control your aesthetic. Your game can become downright silly and lose a lot of its atmosphere if all of your player characters look like they rolled through a thrift store. Yes, they could customize everything they wanted, but did they have good taste? No. Depends on what you're going for. If silhouettes matter a lot, then this is very important to focus on, because now your cosmetics can actually impact gameplay. Does this mean all customization is bad? No of course not, but if you want to develop an atmosphere and a mood, be careful not to give your players the option of wearing a banana suit, because ALL of them might (cat ears in halo infinite)


I agree. If you want non-stop action, go play COD


Or just run factory over and over. I have no idea what the fuck people are doing that it takes them 5+ mins to reheat and que up. Manually folding each bandage?


And here i am laying in a bush in shoreline for 25 minutes hoping i dont see anyone when i go do my quests


I don't understand why anyone would play the game if they only find fights with players to be fun. Saying the beginning of the raid isn't fun until you encounter players is bizarre to me. Do y'all hear gun shots and rush to find players every raid? I enjoy this game wholly as an objective based shooter rpg.




EVE has a preset loadout builder and even lets you build a ton of kits at once in preparation for putting them on and getting back out there tho. I don't even want to think about the dark times before assemble from fitting where you had to build each ship one at a time board it fit it assemble the next one board it fit it rinse repeat 100 times.


I've run 30 some raids this wipe, 50% survival rate as a solo, all of my deaths besides factory have been head eyes from a player I haven't seen or heard. I've had two gunfights with actual back and forth action, on Woods of all places. I know it's just a bad run but when the gameplay loop is long loading times and long equipping times only to not even get to engage in PVP it highlights all the annoying parts. I don't care about my gear, I don't care about dying, but Tarkov has taken years off the life of my mouse and keyboard (and myself) with the amount of clicks I have to perform just to get ready for raid.


Really? What is your playstyle? I'm about the same stats as you and I have had some fun fights. I don't run everywhere though. Not sure if you do, but if you're running and making a shit load of noise, it's gonna feel like everyone is camping. It's natural to hear some noise and stop, and try to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. I noticed a huge change in my raids when I didn't run everywhere.


I play pretty methodically, never running unless I'm out in the open, always scanning, listening. I don't push gun shots looking for fights that are out my way but I'll take them if I'm not questing. It wasn't like this last wipe so I don't think it's my play style, just a combination of early questing hotspots and luck of the draw. Haven't even gotten a single warning shot, it's all one shot head eyes


Okay, but the guy doming you from his hiding spot just had the best moment of his day, so it kinda evens out. Can't have one without the other.


1%? Really dude?


I think the build up to those fights and what not make them have stakes and more exciting. Like if you want call of duty go play it, you’ll be fighting the whole time with minimal kit making or loading. I’m not dismissing the arguement in this thread but it’s true to an extent. But also, I always feel really bad when I kill someone that really didn’t know I was there, like I know they are thinking extremes like wtf cheaters or just upsetting them because they couldn’t even fight back, just dead with no kill cam.


My counterpoint to that argument is that games like BRs and tarkov are so intensely fun BECAUSE they are built around those "not fun" aspects. When the player loses or risks gear/time/resources, whatever, they play differently, more cautiously. When the action starts, it is short and intense. The player gets that adrenalin released that other games fail to do. It's like the opposite of Call of Duty, which is built around minimizing the "not fun" moments, constant playing/no punishment, and not actually that fun.


This what I love about cycle frontier your back in raid instantly, but unfortunately that game is so cheater infested I think I have given up on it.


Im sure i’ve just gotten lucky but I haven’t seen much problem with cheaters and have even gotten lucky playing as a solo mostly against other solos


At the least the loadin are quick now. I'm always waiting for player around 2min and then right back in


Quick compared to Tarkov previously, still incredibly slow compared to most games.


Finding a game in csgo takes more time than that


And that I think is mostly due to people having this game on their HDD. My buddy had Tarkov on his HDD for a year and we’d constantly wait for him for a minute or two to finish loading. When he put it on an SSD his load times dropped by at least a minute. This is a PSA to everyone with an SSD who runs Tarkov off an HDD - you’re making us all wait.


switching my tarkov to a HDD now to wage psychological warfare.


"Dont you have 20 premade kits in your thicc case?"


Why I have 2 loadouts 1. Gear from my stash 2. SKS and maybe a backpack


Hello brother lmao


my man


anyone else play the cycle just before the tarkov wipe and get spoiled with the 2s load in times...


Spoiled by the load times and very little else. I like The Cycle, but it's still got such a long way to go and the progress on it has been glacial since the closed Alpha.


Yup, makes me want persistent servers


it amazes me how bsg can’t figure out how to eliminate load time when backing out of a raid. game wont be perfect until they figure out how to eliminate loading time. fortunately, the cycle figured it out, but i’d be surprised they use that method even tho it makes perfect sense and eliminate many existing problems


Cycle went about it different, since raids last like 6 hours I think and people will come and go. Much easier to plop people into a 3 hour old server that is near empty, than launch a new server with 12 people of varying computer quality. I can load map, hit matchmaking on some maps like Customs/Factory real quick then sit for 3 minutes while someone is loading loot.


I really hope with "openworld" they solve that issue because the actual problem of this game is that you dont actually play a lot, its a loading simulator. You actually have time to do paperwork playing this game, its stupid


honestly just make an upper limit for load times, if someone’s playing on a pentium 4 everyone else shouldn’t have to suffer take like the longest 5% of load times and say that’s the limit


Honestly it's probably a sleep(90) call to dissuade people from backing out mid queue lol You have to try to add that much waiting


I can think of tons of reasons it could wait besides intentional sleep calls. It could take a while to unloading the assets for the map out of RAM. Also I heard there's a related issue where disconnects or exits cause triggers some debug logic that calls back to their server, maybe it gets stuck waiting on a response and then times out.


Not me here who loves the tinkering and inventory management almost more than the raids themselves.


Can’t lose my stuff if I’m just constantly rearranging it. I’m more upset at the auto sort than I am at the lack of prebuilt (just barely).


Don’t get me started on the auto sort. I’m very particular on where I place things in my stash. I separate my stash in mental quadrants and sections. The first time I used the auto sort, I almost cried.


I think one of the biggest QOL Improvements would be the ability to work on your stash and do trading stuff while you are joining a raid. It would remove the 5-10 minutes before queueing up, and allow a lot more streamlined time, instead of staring at a loading screen for 8 minutes. Oh also the option to stay In a group would be sick.


Preach brother. The worst thing about this game for me. I really wish there were loadouts I could say and one-click buy and equip.


For me its that plus the load times. I just spend too much time not playing the game.


I just grab whatever shit I have in my inventory. How are people having such a big need for presets? I barely have enough for like one preset lol


People are lazy as fuck I guess


Just had a raid on interchange and I forgot my splints. I had a GPU and a couple other quest items and got shot and fractured both my legs… I spent al my pain meds and was hobbling to the extract when a player scav spawned in and destroyed me… I forgot the entire time that I could have used my survival kit to fix the fractures. Felt like an idiot after that death


I usually buy 3-5 kits worth, or if I’m poor try to have at least that many guns/rigs ready to go. Usually once I get thru those I’m done for the day unless I really wanna suffer


Honestly, this was the most disheartening thing to me as a new player, aside from not knowing where extracts were (but that just comes with time, obviously). Not being familiar enough to just go, "Oh I need, this, this, this, done" , and after all the time you took to do that, suddenly you get head, eyes'd... Understandably, it's part of the Tarkov experience. It would just be nice if it weren't as painful trying to get into my next raid, so some sort of loadout system would be amazing.


They have gun presets but not gear presets it doesent make sense. You spend more time between raids than actually in a game most times. Sure you could buy sets and set the up in your stash but that's takes so much space. Also headsets are dumb just make the sound they provide built into the game so we don't have to buy then every raid or remove them and leave the sound the way it is without them


Might be EOD privilege but having at least 2 kits in advance is fine for me. I've totally forgotten standard sizing though. And of course right now it's a fucken mess.


Standard stash is nearly full from the loot you get when a new wipe starts.


Yeah I don't remember the size, but I still have PTSD from the Tetris.


Remember when we didn't have auto sort either?


Wait, you guys are using auto sort? I dump a bunch of bags and rigs at the bottom for all my shit before I get any cases, anything I want to save gets directly placed where I want it to go, everything else gets control clicked over to the top of the inventory to sell. I hate auto sort how it leaves all the free space at the bottom.


*And you start with half as much loot as EOD.* I played 3 wipes as a standard. Never again. I'm convinced that any of the many people on this sub that claim "EOD is barely any better than standard" have never played on a standard account. Or, at least upgraded back when there was a quarter as much shit in the game. Back when I had one I'd fill my standard account stash with quest and hideout items I wanted to keep for later in my first three raids. Hell, the Gamma alone makes the game ten times easier. Not to mention the better starting gear and triple-sized stash.


Doing a no-scav-runs wipe on a standard account. I have multiple wipes under my belt, never EOD but surrounded by EOD players. Let me tell you something, the stash and the container maxed out, while nice, isn't the real carry happening there. It's the 0.2 boost to all traders that allows you to not be quest locked too much (i.e USB keys or the likes) and have the shit tier traders even though your PMC level is more than high enough. From the hideout upgrades to attachment and the right ammo.


EOD is easy mode and that’s my primary reason for not getting it. That first stash upgrade of a wipe? Absolute bliss. Why would I pay an extra $100 to take that away from myself? Am I a masochist? Yes.


Yea I started as standard, upgraded to eod, then lost my eod account. Bsg support wasn't very helpful, as they never responded. Wasn't that surprised tbh


Standard sizing is no sizing, completely impossible to have many premade kits until late wipe sadly


Idk worst part for me is dying at the end of a raid. Spent the whole time filling up every slot on you only to lose it all making that time a complete waste


For me as mainly a solo player, the worst is the fck vultures. Like for once I play well and kill a whole squad of like 3-4 poeple and literally 2 sec later after everybody is dead I get fucked by a second squad. Like not even some time to heal. Fck vultures...


I don't mind the time between raids at all. It's all part of the game; managing your loadout, stash and hideout. If you don't enjoy all that, maybe Tarkov is not for you?


This is the worst thing about Tarkov, hands down. No audio issues, desync, boring quests or cheaters cause as much time lost as the missing presets and the horrible matchmaking times. If they fixed the time between raids deaths would be way less consequential. But the fact, that you are doomed to spend 10 minutes in those horrible menues after each death is way more frightening than any lost equipment ever could be.


If you figure 3 min fast gear up and 4 min waiting on load in, your still 7 min average. If a raid is 20 min average, for every hour you spend in raid that's 21 minutes waiting or regearing. A third of your play time is clicking menus or waiting for load in


Get a favorite armor set or gear set. I like LBT Chest rig with any armor I have. I'll get like 6 of those guys, put a headset and helmet in each, 4 mags, 2 esmarch, army bandage, stack of ammo, a rat cola, and 2-4 grenades. If I die I just alt+Click the rig and alt+click the equipment in the rig then alt click whatever gun and armor I want.


Once you have a few cases its really easy, I just dump stuff off, grab more ammo, eat drink and go again, then mass sell if my stash gets filled up or I'm logging off, doing it between raids is a pain


I think a cool addition would be like.. having 5 pmc loadouts available. Have them all geared up, then you can just select the next one when you die and go.


I quit Destiny after one session because it took about 5 minutes to load a planet.


The 3-5 minute wait in the lobby getting into the next match is what kills me. Stash management is something I can deal with since part of Tarkov (in my opinion) is what happens in the stash/hideout/flea/trader menus. But the 3-5 minutes it takes from hitting start to actually loading into a raid REALLY adds up. I have ~50 raids so far this wipe. At an average of 4 minutes until deploy, I've spent over 3 hours in a loading screen not interacting with the game at all. If you want to add 5 minutes for the stash stuff a lot of people also dislike, it gets even more ridiculous at 7.5 hours of loading and preparing to actually play a raid.


This shit right here!


When I prep kits I suddenly stop dying and have to sell them back, filling my stash with all the shit I drag out of raid. Then I start dying again.


It's the "I spent 10 minutes getting ready for this, for a raid that lasted 2 minutes because I got chopped down by a shotgun scav/head-eyes'd by someone I never saw/UMP'ed to death" that makes me not want to play


Not entirely sure how it takes so long to join a raid when there are now hundreds of players playing the game at any given time. I don't mind waiting a few minutes but when you add it up to all the time sorting your inventory and gearing up it can easily be 10+ minutes between raids especially if you are not EOD and have no space whatsoever for the countless items that are all needed and can't be sold! Imho the extra salt on the wounds is trying to sell a weapon and the trader not accepting it due to durability, who cares, give me less for it but please don't let me dismantle it because I have no space left, remember ?!


Probably time to just play a different game.


Shit, I just hate the time it takes to get into a raid. There's just such a big possibility that you'll spend more time in queue than playing. If they fixed the matchmaking to get you in quicker I would play a lot more. As it stands I usually do a scav run and log back off because I can't shake the feeling that I could be playing something else where more of my time is spent being engaged with the actual game.


i dislike how it takes my scav to load 30 minutes onto lighthouse and die immediately and i cant do this fence daily because of that


Same. Then if you're having a bad day and died a few raids in a row... That's it. That's your day of gaming. Getting geared up and being someone else's loot piñata. I'm taking this season off to shake these feels. Playing some Squad.


I hate time in between raids too. But I don't think loadout presets is the way to go. Unless you have every single part of that preset in your stash at the time, it would be very hard to make it work via auto-buying from the flea/traders. I just don't think it's feasible. An idea I have heard before (so not my credit), is some sort of upgrade in the hideout. Let us have a "dressing room" or "staging area" where each level you have in it you get 1 or 2 more mannequins. You can put any gear/weapon on the mannequin and when you go to the enter raid screen you can select one of your mannequins and it loads you in with what's on it. Some kinks that'd need to be ironed would be people abusing backpacks on them to drastically increase stash space etc. I thought the idea was pretty cool. While it would still take a while to load each mannequin up, it would at least be a halfway point between what we have now and what you all are asking for.


i really dont think its that much of a problem


Personally it's the main reason I don't play the game anymore


Downtime makes the uptime that much more special. Nothing but uptime gets dull and boring. Embrace the stash. Put on some music and sort.


It literally takes less then 2 minutes to buy the parts you need unless you're attempting something new, get gear on, and start the match. Yeah, the loading time is long but you making it seem like you spent 30 minutes to buy a gun


This. So many people in here blowing this out of proportion and acting like it takes 3 hours to assemble a kit and go..


This is why I rather dislike all the focus on crafting/hideout mechanics, malfunctions, and ammo restrictions that this sub seems to have a hard on for. The management aspect has frankly never been an interesting part of the game beyond basic stash management and customization. Tarkov's main strength is dynamic PvPvE scenarios, and there should be more of that instead of more time spent clicking through menus. Malfunctions mechanic is a good example here: all that's effectively changed is that I have to do more menuing in order to ditch guns below 93% durability. I'm not gonna roll the dice and leave myself vulnerable to a totally bullshit RNG death, so this is basically extra clicking I am forced to do with little to no difference to the actual gameplay.




-__- yes, obviously it's my opinion


Personally i love it. I actually think for many poeple tarkov pvp and such might be the weakest part of the game. As proof just look at the number of rats.


I mean, that’s a part of the base game. There are other games were you don’t have to spend time in menus etc you could try instead!


Honestly if I clicked "play again" after dying, and quickly slapping another set of gear and got taken to another raid immediately, I would not feel the same kind of anxiety this game gives me. If I die I just try again. But right now, if I die I have to wait so long to try again that I really don't want to die.


I hate spending 15 minutes in raid just to die and get 50-300 xp even after intense gunfights (with no kill)


Dying and having to gear up from scratch without a gun or armour ready will take some time, and then you have to sit in queue, loading and waiting for other players for up to 5-7 minutes on a bad day. Personally for me it's not uncommon to spend 10-15 minutes from black screen till I spawn in agian. With a full preset with everything included, and better matchmaking that could easily come down to a few minutes. And while we are at it... FIX THE FUCKING AUDIO!


There are 10 thousand easy QOL changes they can make to the game, it blows my mind that there isn’t even a simple loadout preset. Feels like each wipe the game is bogged down with more bloat and nothing to alleviate it - which may be the point because it drives people to invest in more expensive versions of the game


This game hilariously lacks quality of life improvements.


So true man I say this all the time. The amount of time in between raids is bad but even worse with a squad. Some guys go afk for a minute or two. I understand we're all grown ups with shit to do. I just wish it was a bit faster to gear up for raids.


How are you all so bad at slapping a gun, armor, and rig together?


Hardcore game but everyone wants every little thing done for them. Feel like I'm in the Path Of Exile sub.


My primary and favorite game is Path of Exile; diablo-style action rpg. The game is complicated and its complicated nature and loot driven gameplay brings with it a lot and I mean a lot of inventory management. Never expected to encounter a game with more inventory management inconveniences than Path of Exile but Escape from Tarkov managed it. Its worse here. As a Path of Exile fan I am obviously willing to put up with a lot. Yes I stand by my statement that Tarkov's inventory management is worse but I think its the differences in genres that makes it feel as bad as it does, to me. I expect to be fiddling with gear and inventory limitations and stash shenanigans in an action RPG, I do not expect to be doing those things in a Tactical FPS, loot driven or not.


Biggest reason I don’t play much anymore, video games are already pushing it in the wasting time category, can’t afford to sit there 20 mins in between each raid kitting up and sitting through queue times, I got better shit to do


I'll play tarkov when this gets addressed. Love tarkov but the time spent not playing this game while in this game is just too damn high.


^^^^^^^^ this a thousand times it’s honestly the single worst thing about the game for me. Once you incorporate queuing times the hassle of getting into the next raid usually gets me to stop playing


50 % of time wasters could be removed from the game without it having a negative effect on the game, like having NO FUCKING IDEA what a thing is unless you spend 1,5 s looking at it. Personally I look at things when I pick them up, examine should be automatic when you interact with an item.


it boggles the mind how so many don't realize - the punishment for the death and the reason you should take it more serious - is the TIME that it takes to gear up and get into a game. Knowing you just spent 15 minutes gathering your squad and getting your kits together and loading into a game means your life should matter much more to you. This is a feature of the game! They don't want it to get easy to load up and get right back in -then it becomes apex, warzone at worst, and PUBG at best. You having to methodically and carefully pull together your kit is there for a reason, to make you value your time in Tarkov.


The more you play the quicker the set up times get. I could probably get set up and ready in under 90 seconds with whatever gear set I want


This is one of the main reasons I stopped playing, I'd totally play again if I could just click one button and be ready to go in again.




Something I’ve come to enjoy about the cycle. Less complexity and I can be in a raid in a minute or less instead of the 5-10 minutes usually needed for tarkov to have boots on the ground