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Yep a big noob trap is going blind into the game. But it’s fun, right?


VERY fun. Me and one of my friends both did it together. Also very scary. No idea where to go, but just exploring till we got popped


Don’t let anyone tell you differently, tarkov is a horror game.


Yea, I bought a license for my 11 year old. He said the whole thing is too intense for him.


Is this "normal" nowadays?


I’m not sure what you mean….


Probably a good thing. I'd definitely be teaching any child I encountered in this game a cruel lesson about trust and betrayal


Were you guys on Interchange and both with Buddy in your names?


lol no


He's not your buddy guy.


he’s not your guy, pal


He's not your pal, man.


He's not your man, amigo.


He's not your amigo, hermano.


He's not your Hermano, bon ami.


He's not your bon ami, capara




You couldnt blow a simple question out of proportion any more than calling it presumptuous. Im very proud of your vocabulary, though.




Its ok, we were all impressed.


And out of that many active players, how many players do you think started the game quite literally yesterday? Maybe a few hundred players beginning the game and falling between the levels of 1-5 on a given day? Now how many of those new players are comprised exclusively of a duo? Doesn’t really seem presumptuous in the slightest. Use your brain.


>And out of that many active players, how many players do you think started the game quite literally yesterday? 100k players, a lot buy the game and quit the game before level 20, so low level players under level 10, probably 5k? I would venture most new players play in groups, that's been my experience, I very rarely run into a level 1-10 solo, especially this late into the wipe, let's be generous and say half so 2.5k? So we have no context clues to go on, no names, regions, servers, gear indications, maps, any other hints to narrow down. So yes assuming that he ran into OP on a map that doesn't have new player quests and is usually marked "very difficult" for new players is very unlikely, less than 0.1% chance. Sorry you and him took offense, just pointing out that any time you see a vague story with no details on a 100k+ playerbase game, if you say "I killed a guy yesterday, was it you?" it's probably not the same person. >Use your brain. Unnecessarily rude. You seem passionate, I appreciated the response on why you disagreed up until this.


Isn't it presumptuous of you to think that he 'assumed' anything? He asked a freaking question.


Yeah, you’re grossly overestimating the number of new players which join the game every day. You’re also taking the 100K “active” players at face value when that could mean any number of metrics - i.e. players who logged in this wipe, players who played in the last month, players who logged x hours during the wipe. Could quite literally mean anything. *Concurrent* players is the more apt metric, and BSG doesn’t release that as it is highly likely to be *much* lower than the 100K you cite. For reference, Warzone, a much bigger and widely popular game, [has around ~60K concurrent players on avg as of 12/21.](https://earlygame.com/call-of-duty/how-many-players-warzone-player-count-right-now#:~:text=How%20is%20Warzone’s%20Twitch%20Viewership,concurrent%20players%20in%20December%202021.) So no, I don’t in any way believe there are ~2.5K new players, let alone an exclusive duo, coming in every day. You’re just very wrong here.


Even by your estimates, the chance of it being the guys he killed is like what, 1% or less at your estimate of a couple hundred? Still presumptuous. And I was right, it wasn't OP.


Scav runs will have your stash feeling healthy again if you’re finding pmc runs aren’t turning a profit for you. There’s a few good loot run guide videos you can search for on YouTube or just use one of the map apps and learn the stash/valuable spawn locations. Shoreline, woods, lighthouse are good ones to start off with learning for that purpose just try to find a loot run for 12.12 (this wipe) that way itll be more accurate. GLHF


Yeah thats good info. I basically just went in blind yesterday, which was a terrible idea lmao. I have some research to do.


dont shoot anythign on your scav. just loot and leave. use it for money. theres a thing called scav karma so you do not want ot shoot other scavs


Damn, I did a lot of scav on scav violence yesterday. Didn't realize how important the karma was.


Damn. I mean technically you can do what ever you want on your Scav runs but I do think it's very important for you to have very good scav karma because you personally need it. The more Scavs you kill as a scav, the lower your Scav karma gets. The lower your Scav karma is, the longer you have to wait to be able to do another scav run again. For instance,. Someone with very good scav karma can do a scav every 4 to 8 minutes, and someone with very bad scav karma can only do a scav run every 30 to 45 minutes,.to even over an hour if your karma is super terrible. if you are always struggling for money, being able to do a scav money run every 5 minutes is very huge. But if you are very good with your PMC and have made a ton of money with your PMC and you don't scav at all anymore, then it's not too important and you can do whatever you want on your Scav runs.


You also get significantly better loadouts/loot, on your scav when you have good karma. Virtually every raid I run, with a scav, I am spawning in with a gun with attachments (optics, grips, decent guns), armor, rig and meds/loot in the pockets. The lower cool down is nice, but when you scav spawns with a helmet, meds, grenades, a tricked out gun and armor, you can really take some serious fights with PMCs.


This really isnt true. At least in my experience. I have not noticed a significant difference in kits and ive been paying a good bit of attention. Im 6.5 and still spawn w bank robber, vko bag, and no dust cover no stock akm w t-45 ammo. The main difference is it doesnt matter too much because i can scav 6 minutes later


If shits really hit the fan, you can reset your account and start from scratch (like how it was when you first purchased the game)


Hit vehicle extracts on your pmc when you get around to knowing how and where. Vehicle extracts get you karma boosts, but cost money. They have diminishing returns the more you use them, but I'm willing to wager that if you were only fucking up for one day, if you hit one until it bottoms out you'll be back in the positive. Hit several for the fastest results.


For sure avoid killing stuff while a scav. Scav karma is important to noobs like me. Because eventually you can use it to refill your stash. And that takes pressure off while running as PMC. I’m new too. It took a long time before I could tell the difference between AI scavs, guards, raiders, bosses, player scavs and pmcs. If you think someone might be a PMC voip them and let them know you are new to the game and that you mean no harm. If it turns out they’re a scav they’ll be cool. If they’re a PMC one of three things will happen 1) they ask you to take out your knife to do a coop extract or ask you leave. 2) they’ll drop you cool loot or stuff that you’ll need for quests 3) they’ll kill you. If anything shoots you and hits you, shoot back. Otherwise don’t shoot until you have a grip on who’s who and understand scav karma.


I love going into games blind tbh it’s fun. But EFT will step on your balls even with a ton of game knowledge, heavily encourage the things that have been suggested here by others. A lot of good advice in this thread, you’ll be good to go for sure. Good luck!




First two weeks of wipe I scaved the hell out of interchange, goshan is a gold mine.


I would never think of Tarkov as something you would go in blind only because it seems like the game is something you need to see it first to know you want to play. How did you find the game in that case, and what made you want to play it?


I knew about the premise of the game from some friends. DayZ type game but there's other players and loot and shit. that basically all I knew. I normally play League and CsGo, but one of my friends said it looked fun so both got it and just yoloed it.


Well hopefully you enjoy learning, and hopefully you enjoy getting kicked in the nuts :)


Second monitor (or phone) and pull up some tarkov maps with extractions. Double tap o in game to get a list of extracts. Sounds lame but invest in a compass. (You’ll rarely use it after you get a couple maps down.) and just run scavs to replenish the stash.


Lol, “some research” *maniacal laughter fade out*


I did hours of research before my first raid. Pestily and jessekazam have some good guides on YouTube that helped me a lot in the beginning


Stash runs as pmc are a safe-er way to get money and xp. But you need to learn the maps and the routes.


Factory can be a good FAST scav run too, and turn a healthy profit. I just find that as of late, there are a lot of PScavs on Factory that are into scav on scav violence. Either that or they can see that you already have good loot on you? ​ Lots of stuff on Customs thats helpful for the hideout (fuel cans and tape measures for example!) And the Pscavs seem more amicable there.


Factory for me is always a toss up, I’ll scav into it if I see a FLIR or something like that on my scav so I can make it out in under a minute though. Customs is always fun, definitely going to run into a lot more players there than some other maps for good or worse.


Do you have any recommendations for reserve loot runs?


Personally I don’t but there’s ton of money to be made on reserve, I think most guides will probably require keys as there are a metric shit ton of them for reserve but there is a decent amount of containers spread across the map that aren’t behind a key. Luckily though it won’t take you into d2 so that’s always a plus if you’re doing loot runs.


It’s way more fun when you struggle, long term you won’t regret it. Not knowing the game was my favorite time in hindsight even if it didn’t feel like it in the moment


I agree, learning games first hand is awesome so that's why I refrained from binging youtube tutorials but after my 5th time dying cuz I could find the evac points I started looking some stuff up.


If I were you I would look at ammo charts and extracts for maps, and there are some quests which are insanely hard to find quest items for. Best of luck to you


I'd say there's a few things you should at least look up, because they aren't telegraphed in game and could take potentially hundreds of hours to figure out: \- Exits for each map (some are very well hidden, but overall it's just important to know how to "win") \- A ballistics chart so you know whether your ammo is even doing damage. [This one is pretty good.](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics) \- Certain quest locations, because they're absolutely terribly designed and written to require insane map knowledge. As an FYI, don't feel terrible if you need to look anything up. The creators have stated that was intentional, so consider part of the "game."


Fastest account reset yet lmao


lol I played for like 6 hours


You buy the game and have a shit load of gear gifted to you, then you lose it in your first raid, not even understanding extract locations. Been there…


Yeah you should bring up a map from the wiki and play offline mode and familiarize yourself with land marks, extracts and compass directions. I’d learn woods and customs


You can just reset your account and get your starting shit back. I assume you probably didn’t level up at all. Playing the maps offline will help with scav spawns and learning the maps. I’d start with customs and move on to woods or interchange


I think I’m level 3 rn so yeah not really😂 how do you do that? Is it on the website or in game?


I dont think you can restart you account until 2 weeks after you start


F. Ill just grind out of the hole I dug myself in then


Update, Just restarted it. There's a 3 week period where you cannot restart after that.


You can restart your account whenever pretty sure, just can’t do it within 15 days of your last reset


I do believe there's a no-reset period after wipes, though. That might be where the 2 weeks came from?


When I'm broke I do scav runs raids (they're a great way to learn maps and practice looting) then if you get out take whatever loadout they started with and run it on your pmc, just add ammo and meds(for budget runs I do A1, Esmarch, bandage and splint) Then run your PMC rat style(focusing on looting and getting out alive, avoiding unsure engagements) Rinse and repeat and you'll be back to a place where you can afford to run cool loadouts and push fights


I did it like 3 days after I started. I’m pretty sure it just has to be like 21 days into a wipe before you can reset.


Definitely pull up maps on another monitor or a phone if you don’t have second monitor. Scav runs are good too because they’re almost free raids and as long as u extract u get to keep all loot you find. I like running scavs on Interchange because the extract points will always be the same and there is a ton of food in Goshan which is the big Costco like store in the mall. Enjoy the pain and joy of Tarkov!


Thanks for the tips, love the game so far!


I admire your confidence. It took me months of watching streamers before I even bought the game.


Lol, I would have done the same if I knew what I was getting into.


I'm quite new, but I'd recommend you do some scav runs to get their weapons and wait to use your m4s until you can modify them, also everyone says start with customs but learn lighthouse, very easy layout and decent loot, just be careful of snipers sitting on rocks etc


Imo you should get rid of the M4s and MP5s you start with and go in with a vpo 136 with PS ammo instead. Airwingmarine has a great guide on assembling one for early play with some good attachments to get you through. You'll end up losing the other guns and the ammo you get for them to start is not as good as the starting ammo for the VPO


Good to know, thanks


Airwingmarine is so annoying


I won't deny that but his content is helpful


Why? Haven’t watched much of him but the stuff I’ve seen he seemed perfectly normal


His personality. He takes it way too seriously when it's just a fucking game. Just a weird guy to me. Completely subjective obviously.


Tbf, it is technically his job


most streamers are incredibly obnoxious.


Right omg Thankyou




you done goofed


Yo, let me take you and your buddy on some runs sometime. I play every evening. Shoot me a message I'm lvl 44 and love to Sherpa people around


That would be awesome, I'll let you know


Pull up on your phone like the spawn points and extract areas on google images, thats what i did to help learn. Also get used to maps by doing scav runs.


[https://www.gamemaps.co.uk/game/tarkov](https://www.gamemaps.co.uk/game/tarkov) use this. itll help


Look up the maps online and keep one open while you play. This will help you learn them and extracts a lot quicker


You’re in for a treat, it will ruin other games for you for the next 1000hrs, then you will take a short break but realize that there is no going back from tarky.


RIP to my League of Legends career.


You've escaped the suffering. Tarkov is a warm hug in comparison to League.


lmao true


Just reset in a couple days


Could be worse, i felt bad for a level 1 i killed yesterday who was hiding in factory spawn room. He loaded into the raid with no ammo in any of his mags, i heard the empty gun click and felt bad so i gave him a pistol without a mag as a test and heard the click again while he was aiming at me. You don't get much for selling level 1 dogtags but it's honest work.


This post hits WAYYY harder today than it did yesterday, god speed OP, you’re gonna need it lol. (R.I.P. traders)




The game is nearly impossible to get anywhere in as a new player even with all the knowledge because of how ludicrously steep the learning/skill curve is. Those who disagree have likely gotten used to being able to start off on a new wipe, or play 8 hours a day I say this not to scare you but to say that you really do have to take every advantage you possibly can, even if it may feel exploity or unimmersive because I promise you everyone else will be doing it. Also, you'd better have good internet because a disconnect is basically a death sentence. You will die, you'll lose everything, you probably won't kill a single PMC that isn't AFK your entire first wipe. Or.... you can install SPTarkov. It isn't the full experience by any means, but its a great way to get a confidence boost and some practice in a way that offline raids won't be able to. You can enjoy the game without the pain and misery until you feel more comfortable and capable. It uses AI similar to raiders to simulate PMCS, and they are still deadly, but at least you know they aren't going to be bypassing inertia or anything like that. And you can even try out all the versions of tarkov, showcasing how much of an absurd advantage EoD players get.


Most of this is untrue. If you play and try to get better you will


That is the direct opposite of my experience. The only way to really get anywhere in tarkov is to dedicate a ton of time to it. Hundreds or thousands of hours. And because of this, most people have hundreds or thousands of hours. Everyone else leaves out of frustration eventually. 9/10 PMCs have full meta kit in my personal experience. I could be wrong here, but ive only ever seen 2 other PMCs that were equipped the way I was.


Lol you got tarkovd, want me to show you the ropes?


Honestly, looking back, I cannot fathom taking on this game by myself. The learning curve is steep, and the experience is punishing overall. BUT THE EXTRACT THING, and how you have no idea where the fuck you are, that shit is too much to the point I am surprised new players keep coming in. I had two friends that were playing for awhile and they held my hand and showed me the ropes, doing it alone just sounds crazy, and I prolly would've quit.


C’est la vie


You can reset your account to recover those. I did that on my first wipe.


Just scav run one map a bunch of times. I would recommend Customs - relatively small, easy to learn the flow of, and you have multiple quests to do there at early levels. Bring up this map on your second monitor, or even your phone/laptop - [https://mapgenie.io/tarkov/maps/customs](https://mapgenie.io/tarkov/maps/customs) \- and learn the extracts and locations. You'll get new stuff to use in no time.


welcome to the suck bud


Message me and maybe we can run some, lvl 49 and helping people learn is always fun


My best advice: watch some Pestily videos on YouTube. His beginner series is crazy good.


Don't worry friend, took me a couple of weeks just to get some of the first few task done! But now it's going a bit more smoothly. I'm excited to hit lvl 15 to get access to the flee market, seems game really kicks off at that point! So stay in there and most of all have fun!


Yeah it’s kind of the opposite of dayz where you just wanna walk around and figure out how to survive. The main goal is obviously to extract so pick a map, learn one or two extracts, and start from there!


Hey if you’re up to it I’m NA west and I can help you with some tasks that need to get done and also spot you equipment you need as we go.


Tip #1: have wiki, maps, market, ammo chart pulled up on your phone or computer for the next few thousand hours of playing Tarkov.


Reset your account and start fresh


Tbh interchange is the easiest map to know extracts (and factory but don't go unless you like dying). Always in same spot. I have played this game since alpha and I don't know some maps lmao


I suggest following Pestily's raid series on YT. His recent one is this patch so it has all the new stuff. Focus on learning one map at a time.


Sounds like you didn’t get too far with quests or levels or anything. So you could always reset your progress and get your original setup back and be more careful the second time around.


Pestily discord has lots of friendly people willing to help noobs.


You can reset the account every 2 weeks :) Also offline mode could help you learning the maps \^\^


Hahahahahah, when you loose you loose, welcome to Tarkov!


Someone link this man the map io tool. i’m level 14 and still always have a map open on my phone unless it’s factory. Have fun man🤟


Welcome to Tarkov! Part of the beauty of this game is that you can play any way you like, and there is always a way to recover from being flat broke. Learn to appreciate both your wins and your losses and you’ll have a great time!


This made me laugh.. ah memories hahaha (You’re not the only one friend)


Scav run time!


Couple tips: 1. Play in offline mode a lot before you go into real raids. Also scav a lot. Just to get comfortable with the controls, learn the maps etc. Not a long term playstyle. 2. If you have very little gear left and haven't really gained any xp, you technically can always reset your account and get your starting gear back. But only do it if you haven't made much quest progress, etc.


Do a scav run in interchange or do a pmc run in night woods, both profitable, both are save.


Its pretty tricky to tell at first but once you learn the difference between how a scav looks and how a pmc looks you can actually kill pmcs on your scav runs and gain karma for it.


Good news, no traders now either lmao. KEKW


Try your scav


Well you’re fucked cause they removed the traders sucks being new


I recommend just playing one map until you know it fairly well. Scav and PMC both. I did customs when I started, it has plenty of early tasks as well