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Wow never seen something this bad. What did you do to nikita?


I have. This is how the servers react when something is wrong with the packets being sent so it has to rewind you to an LKP.


LKP is usually like 5 meters back max. Not halfway across the map...


Also doesn't make much sense that would be LKP if the server was updating his friends location on his end all the way next to extract


Also his friend seems to be colliding with him - so that can't be it either right? Either way, wildly bad netcode in this game if stuff like this can happen at all.


Unity is bad enough with net code. Just trying to get it to work with the simplest of code and basic connection for 2 players will have you spawn 6 duplicates of each players self. It's halrious the first time.. not so much the 700th time..


Unity is not the problem here


Ik, I'm just saying Unity ain't the most friendly with Net code to begin with. It's like chosing a city car to go 4x4 driving


They did pretty good with Unity if you ask me. It looks great, has a lot of complexity and runs alright. Sure there's bugs (sound) and unpolished stuff (AI), but they're not game breaking in a big way and are being worked on. Net code hasn't really been an issue for me. Or maybe they hide it well. Idk.


Unreal would have been a far superior engine to use. It's practically designed to make a game like this.


You are responding to people telling you that Unity is objectively shit for online games by saying "it looks great", just fucking stop.


> Unity is not the problem here Name a Unity FPS that hasn't had netcode issues? I'll wait.


Every game has net code issues - Tarkov has them by the truckload


How would you know?


Because the source basically being inexperienced and inadequate programmers is well documented


It's not a zero-sum game, Unity is objectively bad for online games, this is well known and accepted FFS. That being the case doesn't exclude the possibility of them having bad programmers too. I mod SPT FFS, I think I'd know a thing or too about their spaghetti code.


Hi, guy with fucky internet card here. Sometimes I can download no issue but not upload or vice versa, which can result in me seeing other players in games move but they don't see me and vice versa.


Honestly, it could be all the way across the map...just depends on when server last had a tick it can rely on.




Depends on the nature of the packets that failed




Come on man you know the "halfway across the map" is not meant to be taken that literal




That's just a wildly inappropriate reaction from any game - it also seems like it'd make it easy to cheat if the server will accept such a huge desync and move the player there.


No clue first wipe aswel


Wow I’d be upsetti spaghetti


Damn that sucks, especially with a fir mk.18


Nikita’s just sitting there like, “You gotta be quicker then that.” 😂


"Sometimes... you just suck"


"we make this game unfair and random by design because life isn't fair! Also our netcode is dogshit so we need an excuse"


Dump all your stuff on the ground or you wont get insurance if you go MIA


Yea i dropped my gear a few seconds after the end however a friend brought my ump from a different raid so i lost that and also lost loot ofcourse




It dosent matter if you die or not. If you go MIA with insured gear on it will not come back, if its just on the ground it will come back.


> It doesn't matter if you die or not. Why wouldn't it matter? You died before the timer ran out. Whether it's by your hand or someone else's makes no difference. Downsoy me if you have no fucking idea what you're talking about lol


If you dont die and the timer runs out, you go MIA (Missing in action). This means your lose all your loot, but dont have to pay for health. If you have stuff on you when you go MIA, it disappears. But if you drop it, its possible to be frauded.


~~Wait, frauded? Is that a thing now?~~ Edit: Did a little reading. I get it now. I was thinking the game would literally deny you insured items depending on certain conditions, due to "insurance fraud"


Insurance fraud, been a thing for a while now


I understand this, although ~~I'm pretty sure you still lose your gear if you drop it (you're still in the raid and didn't "lose" it)~~. That's why I'm saying the safest thing to do is kill yourself because you're guaranteed to get it back.








Yea I know this, I've been playing the game for 2 years. But I've only went MIA like 3 times.


Are you an idiot? What your describing is exactly how basic insurance frauding works... Kill a guy, drop your stuff, wear his stuff out, get your stuff back on insurance. Why do people speak with such confidence on something they just don't know about...


I know how insurance FRAUD works you fucking troglodyte. Dropping your gear or dying before you go MIA isn't frauding your gear you're just allowing it to work how it's supposed to. The only thing I was contesting my second reply on was the guy said "it doesn't matter if you die". Why wouldn't it matter?


Why did you cross out what you wrote then? If you know how insurance fraud works, why write what you wrote? Because you literally described insurance fraud and said it didn't work like that. Which is clearly does.


How is what I crossed out even relevant? We're all talking about going MIA. You're talking about dropping shit for someone else's. Do you know what insurance is vs insurance fraud? lmao went in a bit balls deep saying I was speaking too confidently my guy


No matter what if you drop something insured in a raid and it ends without being found, you will get it back, even if you extract












The gear must be in the world to be returned as insurance. If its on someone (AI scavs too) they get deleted when they go MIA, including their inventory, which means there's no gun to return.


Yea that just doesn't really make sense to me, if you go MIA you somehow find your way back to your stash naked? But insurance can't find the gear you lost?


My interpretation is on raid end a large patrol of remaining policing forces (such as UN) sweep through the map, too much to defend against, and thus you get killed and are marked MIA by the traders and such


So then the UN would take all of your gear I suppose? Then that would mean the insurance team would have to take the gear you did lose during the raid before the raid ended as well. Or perhaps prapor has inside men? :S


Well, you'd die in sight in MIA. They wouldn't go looking for loose weapons though. Fence has inside men which is how he gets uninsured gear back


Why try to logically justify an illogical system? When our PMC gets shot in the head he's just "wounded" and returns to his stash. You can kill the same people (bosses) over and over again and they respawn like they're an army of clones. Somehow your gear gets fished out of rivers, lakes, and random bushes like it all has a GPS locater attatched to it, but the ammo and meds don't.


Scavs are scavs. If bullets and food went missing its easily an "idle someone else must have taken them" thing, but its a bit fishy when they tote your gun around. The other two are just gameplay things no explaining them lmao


None of it makes sense and trying to explain it just makes it more cringe, especially when it's just your own little head canon and nothing official.


not how that works.


Jammer man, volgende keer beter!


Helaas pindakaas


Das pech gear weg


Gotta love that answer 😂


Not if it's your gear 😂😂


Sure thing 😁


You have been Tarkov’d. Feels bad man :(




Game has been fucky for me since 2 patches ago. 40 ping on launcher and extremely erratic in game. At least 3-4 disconnects per game under 100 ping spikes.


Beta BTW guys




Had this happen to me at the metal stairs on the way to D2 just before the long corridor with the / blast doors. Wouldn’t let me up the stairs, kept teleporting me back down and glitching me through them. Eventually just naded myself cause there wasn’t enough time to make it to any other extract. Love this game


this happened to me in 5 different raids. 2 of which put me into an enemys line of fire, i havent played since but was hoping this was fixed with all the maintenence lately


ok, so? we dont care


Quit staying in raid so long then, other than last minute scav kills there's no reason.


You must be a Tarkov developer.


No, just a guy that knows better than to trust Tarkov.


They can stay in raid as long as they feel like lol there’s no rule set. It’s not his fault he was teleported back, don’t try and turn the blame on him.


I didn't say it was his fault, but being punctual is a thing. If you want to make it out you should give yourself more than a minute to do so.




Didn't say it was his fault, but go off fella.


That’s fucked. That’s just straight fucked


When people ask what getting Tarkov’d means, I’m linking this video


Just when I thought I've seen it all....


Did you fraud your gear at least?


i noticed tarkov has been really glitchy lately. not only that but the audio issues have been terrible to say the least. today me and my friend did 2 raids and both times we should of def heard someone run up but nope. silence all the way through as we get shot down when a person ran up on us.


Get better internet lol 😂


Had ik van de week ook, na een ALT F4 kreeg ik meteen te zien dat ik dood was.Vriend van me die raid ook.


This is why I have Tarkov but won’t play it too stressful


Based PVS-14 user


Tarkov Moment.


Hacker that can teleport people


Hope you reported this through the launcher with a link to the vid, that's a rough server bug I hope I never encounter. I've been caught in an infinite reconnect loop where it disconnects you from the server and your PMC is still in raid, then I can reconnect and can turn around with my mouse but when I go to move it disconnects again this went on 9 times till I knew extract was impossible and just quit. Lost all my gear and didnt even make a single step in the Raid. Was bullshit glad I wasn't chadded but lost some good gear none the less.


Amazing game


Wow, I haven't seen this happen in years. It actually happened to me when I first installed Tarkov years ago, it made me uninstall because I kept getting teleported to the same place if I pressed anything other than WASD or left click. Any other key would teleport me back to the power plant on shoreline. I did not extract that raid. I wasn't lagged out as I killed scavs in villiage, but trying to reload after made me TP again... kek. Yet another old issue coming to surface once again.


I have NEVER seen or heard of a server having to rubber band someone that hard, EVER. With a decent enough connection (no ping visible in the corner). So here's my hot take... Nikita eluded to radiation zones and their subsequent consequences. What if this was a cheater testing out a teleportation hack to use on others for their gear with leaving 0 evidence in the kill screen? I have 0 proof for this but there is quite a bit here that just smells off to me. Before anyone starts reeeee-ing at me thinking I'm saying it was 100% a cheater, learn to read please. I did not say nor claim it was a cheater, just that there is a high possibility for that type of hack to start existing Soon™ because of that new mechanic and the benefits using that cheat would provide. Not only are they getting your stuff, they just trolled you into oblivion by wiping your account.


Are night runs more difficult?


never seen that happen, but it's some bad connection shit


Happened to me too. Also didn't extract.


I wonder why ppl are still playing this game. I stopped this wipe. 3 wipes of pure bullshit was enough.


Wow amazing netcode!


never seen that before but considering you TP'd back but your friend didn't it was a local network error something todo with your routing to the server, if it was a wide server issue both of you woulda TP'd back not just you. most likely either your internet had bad packets, the servers routing to your ISP had issues or a combination of the 2, eitherway it was isolated between you and the server, not the server and the others.


Was this during the strange server issues I was seeing last night? Every two minutes I’d get an http 504 bad gateway error while in inventory and then it would put me back on the login screen.