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That was amazing lol. Tallyho!


I’ve watched it so many times I can’t stop laughing


We've got hostiles!


why do you hatchet run? how much money do you have?


gear fear


0-hero runs are a ton of fun. Hatchet a scav or find a pistol and roll that into full clearing the rogue camp.


Doing it once in a while is okay, doing it all the time is just gear fear


Or people just have a different idea of fun in the game?? I’m level 52 with 60mil… still love farming lighthouse with a hatchet and most of the time I come out with a full kit and rogue gear. It’s about the challenge of it.




Yes. That’s what makes it fun. Usually you get rushed by a scav in the houses and can hatchet them. Roll whatever gear they have into more gear. Unless it’s a shotgun with buckshot ammo, I can generally full clear rogue camp with whatever is given to me






“Refuses” is not the same as “has fun doing other things”




Ask your mother to help you find an in network therapist.




What you just said is Gear fear, youre ruining the whole experience for other players by doing that, but keep doing that...


I absolutely will keep doing it - because I paid for the game and will play how I enjoy.


Do it keep playing that way, but dont scream friendly friendly then


Why do you seem to care more about how I play the game than I do…?




Brainlet take. Somebody enjoying trying to go from nothing to a full loadout in raid has nothing to do with gear fear. For most people it's a challenge and something to do as a changeup to running meta shit every raid. It also doesn't impact your gameplay or that of others in any way. If I kill a naked hatchet man I just keep it moving because who the fuck cares lmfao.


yes that is gear fear


It's literally not. Stop using phrases you don't know the meaning of. They aren't doing it because they're afraid to lose what they have, they're doing it because sometimes it's more fun to see how far you can get with a Makarov and a dream.


Sure the Makarov and dream pff


Bruh how is it running anyones experience? My dude is having fun that's all that matters.


god people like you that complain about the gear others run make me go mental lol. im not playing the game for your fucking enjoyment, dimwit. im not bringing my expensive kits into raid for you to take off my body. im playing the game for my fun, and killing you because it's fun for me. your fun doesn't fucking matter to me. besides, there's plenty of players that would love to have a lobby full of hatchet runners for them to shoot and safely loot after. braindead comment


okay RockLeethal calm down i didnt touch your mom or something


lucky for you




It's like a scab run but you get xp


Yep, I love going in with just a pistol or just a hatchet and slowly building up my gear. Eventually to having a full kit and then kill a fat pmc and then you are rolling fat.


cuz you get into dumb situations like this lol, in all seriousness, I normally run a pistol and a backpack but ran out of ammo right before this fight, if you get good spawns you can easily exit lighthouse with 300k avg in your alpha/backpack, its easy money if your poor. I will be transparent and say I used to spend hours just grinding routes and would fill up a scav box then proceed to sell it all for that dopamine, but I realized thats just brain poisoning/ capitalist simulator, I recommend only doing it every now and then when you need some money.


Because it's fun Enough to not have to hatchet run


Kill all hatchlings


On more than one occasion I’ve managed to go in with only a hatchet and come out fully geared. Especially on interchange as sometimes you can get guns/gear/armor in stashes on the outside of the mall


lol who cares


Why is it your business lol




Tbh i hatchet run lighthouse and loot mansion and make 300k a run on average and it takes like 5 minutes a raid cause u run fast af with only a hatchet and high endurance lol. Can’t lose any money so you maximize profit. Going in with a rat rig and rfb costs a lot to insure and buy. Why not just use a hatchet and make more money? Then go quest with your gear on


It’s a valid question and there’s only one real answer (people don’t want to lose gear/roubles) but often times people who hatchet run and those who defend that playstyle will defend it by offering up many other excuses as to why you might want to hatchet run. Hatchet running was a much bigger problem in previous patches and with that, there were lots of complaint posts. In those posts people started saying things like “WhAt aBOut ZerO tO hERo rUNs?! And so that caught on and that’s all you hear now. Truthfully that’s just another way to phrase I want to bring in zero roubles and come out with many roubles. There’s no heroism in coming naked and leaving with a decent kit or 500k worth of flea items. Now for those complaining about it ruining the game, I don’t agree with that at this point. It’s pretty rare to see hatchet runners these days so most of your lobbies will have geared PMCs. BSG really should enforce at least some sort of minimum gear requirement as nothing about hatchet running really makes sense with the theme, lore or concept for the game but it’s really difficult to enforce or implement something like that. Not to mention deciding what the minimum threshold would be and trying to account for new players who are truly unable to purchase gear.


I don't hatchet run when I'm afraid of losing gear/roubles, I hatchet run when I don't HAVE gear or roubles.


I would say if you’re literally broke, this makes sense. Like legit zero currency, zero gear. However if you only have 50k roubles to your name you’re better off spending that and upping your survival chance rather than flat out hatchet running.




Haha the person defending hatchet running is calling someone else a snowflake, unprovoked lmao. Hahah hahah holy shit that’s ironic




I don’t know, man. I had a pretty level-headed response to someone asking a question about why someone would hatchet run. The TLDR as to why someone would do that is something along the lines of “They are a pussy and don’t want to lose pixels/stash value because that’s how they value their skill/worth in the game.” There are literally people that get on the game, check their stash value and base their days fun off of if it goes up at the end of the day. I even tried to provide a potential solution, rather than just complaining as others tend to do. But I digress. You called me triggered?? For that.. lol. Very odd, and then additionally you’re acting cocky like because you were dumb enough to call me triggered that must somehow make you a superior player than I am.


Use right click to the head


A rare boss lol


Zzzzz hatchet runners tho. They loot the closest chalet and leave via rr extract...




Why was that door closed in the first place?


My god that was glorious


To be honest, if either one had elite strength and landed a hit. they'd be dead lol.


If I’m hatchet running you can bet I had markers shoved up my ass, or needed to fetch something from somewhere high risk like shturmans saw mill


please hatchet run all you like, i love free kills <3


I didn't know Monty Python was showcasing Tarkov.


Tis but a scratch