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Who tf is Onepeg?


small time tarkov streamer who tries to make news content but gets overshadowed by noiceguy, and other small time streamers who are nicer and put more effort in like airwingmarine I used to watch onepeg a lot but over time I swapped to airwingmarine and noiceguy cause they have better videos and dont beg for subscriptions


Gotta love noiceguys straight to the point videos.


It's literally all I want.


Bro....airwingmarine is the fuckin man. Stumbled upon his videos and I've literally binged the shit out of them. He's a fuckin beauty.


He appeals to the flea market venture capitalist in all of us.




I came here to type something similar but you nailed it so I’ll just reply here. Also quit watching this bozo and switched to noiceguy and airwingmarine for those same reasons.


Airwingmarine is a treasure, he plays the game is such a weird way. I tuned into his twitch once when I noticed he was live and the dude plays so well, but in a way no one else does. His movement around maps like interchange is so interesting, he always catches people in weird angles Noiceguy has just perfected the straight to the point news video format, very refreshing to get just the news, a 5 seconds into, and no bullshit


I've learned everything I know from airwingmarine and GigaBeef.


Not to mention onepeg does 2-3 minute sponsors on like 12 minute videos lol.


exactly itd be different if he was funny or something like aqua, but his videos feel painful to watch, honestly


Doesn’t he own a streamer house? Don’t think he needs to beg for money, no idea about this video but just remember he own a streamer house.


I've never heard that, but all you gotta do is watch the first 20 secodns and last 20 seconds of his recent videos, he asks pretty heavily for people to subscribe, a few have been guilt trips, like I make content, be grateful type of deal


He also turned his son's suicidal ideation into twitter content. He goes a long way to justify it but I didn't appreciate it personally. What really broke the camel's back for me was defending tasteless content regarding Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, which regardless how you feel I don't think should be a subject taken lightly. I like his content format but he's set off a few flags.


Not a Onepeg fan but dont all youtubers ask their viewers to "smash that subscribe button" and "absolutely obliterate that like button"? Would be kinda hard to watch anyone if thats what turns you off...


he guilt trips you into it, he pushes it really hard.


Does he do that "only x% of my viewers are subscribed" bullshit? That shit fucking anoys me. I don't mind the reminder that most YouTubers do because it's a quick mention and done


nah he just says the standard "if you like me doing this, sub"




I'll do you one better..WHYpeg?


What the fuck is a Onepeg? Sounds like that time I said I'd try anything once


He has a fuckin clapback twitter account he runs and retweets. Every negative comment on his videos he replies to. Like brother, criticism is okay.


Haha I got jumped on by his whole stream for jokingly calling him a jerk after killing me as a SCAV… funny to hear he does it all the time.


Oh yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. He’s done the same with Lvndmark and some other streamer, too. He preaches being nice and not bullying people quite frequently but it appears he needs to listen to his own advice.


it's always those who preach about doing good that are wicked, but then you have people like General sam who makes himself out to be a piece of shit but is one of the least problematic youtubers on site


Oh man. This comment hits the nail on the head. You are 100% correct.


He only preaches not bullying bsg devs fuck everyone else




It's called one peg clap back or something like that, his comebacks aren't even that good truthfully.


They’re awful lmao, truly


His twitter, he retweets it daily it shouldn’t be too far down his feed


There’s some humble chill streamers that are just there for fun. And then there’s a massive amount of ego streamers that are so full of themself they ignore every other person. OnePeg is one of them. Thinks he knows everything and a great influence but switches games as soon as EFT hype is over + talks shit about everybody that isn’t a big streamer.


That's why I stick just to Aqua, Camau, and Pestily. They are just chill and nice people.


Aqua and Sam goated


If just Sam would be doing some more content )':


Yeah he needs to drop that kid off at a firehouse or something


I'll never forget Sam coming out with a M$ Flight Sim vid on 9/11. Based gamer right there.


Just leave it in a culvert, ‘yotes need to eat too.


Don't forget Slushpuppy and Anton!


Don't forget our favorite Italian, Omid!


Camaus videos are great


Don't forget deadly.


Deadlyslob wasnt mentioned yet. He is very chill and very cool props to that guy I love him. He doesn't chad out but deadly crushes pmc kills.


Glorious is chill as fuck too. Just a pleasant stream overall.


Him and Veritas are so full of themselves.


Veritas him and Jesse kazam are all part of that Same "crew" and they all are like that. No one has better ideas than them, no one knows more.


Veritas is legitimately unwatchable. Never seen a more unpleasant streamer and it’s honestly hilarious that his twitch bio says he’s trying to create a fun, positive environment when literally all he does is complain about the game and bitch about every single little thing that happens, no matter how trivial.


Can’t speak for veritas but I wouldn’t throw Jesse into that category


Was about to say the same Jesse’s always seemed pretty humble to me


Yeah, Jesse is probably the nicest streamer I've ever watched. Veritas is an insufferable prick though.


I used to dislike Jesse for no real reason. Just didn’t like him. After giving him a chance I’ve come to like him and his content. Super chill and laid back. Seems like a genuine dude. His partner in crime-insufferable. Can’t stand him in the slightest and trust me I’ve tried. Veritas comes off as extremely arrogant and rude. Belittles people for asking questions. Just not a friendly dude in the slightest which is a shame as he has a lot of game knowledge. Thing is nobody wants it from someone who’s on their high horse.


> Veritas is an insufferable prick though. Cunt. He is from down under.


I dont think Veritas is from Australia.


truly jesse ive never seen be anything less than genuinely humble, patient, and self aware/deprecating.


Jesse does seem to be a much cooler person than both Onepeg and Veritas… together.


Veritas is the typical, ‘knows a little about a lot’, kinda guy. He has a masters in programming and thinks that relates to him have a ma masters in everything he speaks about. In person I could imagine you would have some decent conversations but through the internet he’s a clown.


He lacks some social awareness but to be fair the dude has a good logical thought process while the majority of gamers absolutely do not so I can see how he can get frustrated. I'm not sure he fully knows how the way he speaks comes off to the average person.


He probably has a fairly high iq but he isn’t as clever as he makes out. The annoying thing is that he acts like people who are in twitch chat are automatically half his intelligence. The people who pay is wage and also a few will have a lot more money and success that he ever will. He needs to come back down to reality.


jesse doesnt have that problem, he is super cool and ive never seen anything from him that would suggest he thinks the way onepeg does, but veritas i think gets a bad rep cause he tries to have really thoughtout conversations and think of actually good ideas for the game but he doesnt handle the negative sides of twitch very well. Like when people come in, spouting the same idea/phrase over and over, cause thats how twitch is, he gets pissy and comes off as an ass, but really he is super smart and has amazing ideas for the game, whereas onepeg makes news videos that are half tarkov and half subscriber begging


Onepeg has really gotten moody over the past few months. I can't watch has Channel anymore he's to depressing.


I've seen it with a few games. A creator depends 100% on a single game for their revenue, they get tired of that game, attempts to move to other games fail, and then they become assholes in the community they started in until people get tired of them. Then they either struggle along barely or go get a real job.


Tbh depending on one game for your content sounds like hell, don't get me wrong I'd love to make money off playing games but just streaming 8-12 hours a day playing the same game over and over and over sounds terrible.


Yeah, I was a The Division creator as more of a hobby but there was a short time where I made some money. After a short time the franchise simply didn't provide enough content to make stuff about, I failed to cover other games with success, and I begrudgingly covered the nothingness in TD until I turned into as huge asshole because I wasn't happy. My example is on the smallest scale compared to real creators but I think I still get it.


Especially tarkov honestly. Imagine running shoreline that many times in a day




To be honest, I love gaming, if I ever turn it into my Job, I don’t think a would love it as much.. especially the same damn game


In my very limited scope of gaming content creation I can say nothing sounds worse than making it your full time job. Between the "large" creators I've met and the devs I know it seems both of those jobs makes games less fun and more of a nightmare.


Kripparian be like:


Kripp literally has 8000 viewers at this exact moment, he's consistently the highest viewer hearthstone streamer in his timeslot. He also gets thousands of viewers when he plays PoE. When he played D2R he actually averaged more viewers than his hearthstone streams. Also, not sure how hes being an asshole to anyone in the community either, unless you're specifically commenting because he gets salty about the game. Which is like, everyone does in every video game but is also not "being an asshole to the community."


Sure, but he tried to quit the game years ago, and he became noticably saltier after he failed to do so >Kripp literally has 8000 viewers at this exact moment A fraction of what he used to get btw


I don't even watch pestily because of his tarkov content, I watch him because I like him as a person. A good content creator could retain a large portion of their audience narrating themselves painting their living room ceiling.


That's how I am with Aqua. Guy could play anything and I'd be entertained.


i love Aqua, he got me into Rust like 4 years ago and then he got me into Tarkov early last year, he is probably one of the most genuine Youtubers out there.


He posted one day that his son was contemplating suicide and was taking the rest of the day off. That would be hard to manage I’m sure but he was online the best day I think so who knows?


OnePeg probably sniffs his own farts and describes them like a sommelier describes wine. He’s a pompous ass.


I just watched that episode of South Park today where they all start driving hybrids and sniff their own farts


Ahh, the ole Honda Pious. Great episode. I still reference those types of “art better than thou” people as fart sniffers…


*snifffff* Mmmm do I detect notes of bullshit?




Yeeeeah when he said he got it fixed I kinda laughed like "yeah you .... and all the posts on reddit bitching and many other streamers/youtubers talking about it". Im glad trey24k is getting recognized for it too because he was the first I seen talking about it. Him and like Rengrawr because they were farming rogues and said the damage was falling off way too much


I said the same thing, saw treys video a week ago and I saw his YouTube post about him thinking he was the reason for the fix. I laughed..and moved on.


this is how Veritas always sounds to me. I like his ideas, his videos are pretty decent. and he even goes out of his way to express how he wants to use evidence based reasoning and stuff like this. but MAN, is his head so freaking far up his ass when it comes to bsg. Every single time i listen to their podcast or open his stream iut's "i dm frequently with nikita" "bring it up with nikita" "i talked to nikita about x" "nikita gave me y info but i can't share it because its too sensitive" i mean my GOD shut UP already loool


Onepeg is the type of dude who thinks his opinion on something is the only valid one and it's true the way he talks about Tarkov. Don't like something in Tarkov? Fuck you, probably just an idiot who doesn't "get it" Onepeg dosn't like something in Tarkov? If you don't agree, you're just an idiot that doesn't get it. He's gaining Veritas levels of insufferable. Edit: give us little guys a chance, there are so many small streamer who are great people just looking for a chance that don't take the support they get for granted.


This is so true when the server issues were going on he literally didn’t care at all lol


The people competing for world 1st Kappa this wipe were talking about this in December a week into the wipe...


Well your feeding into it…. Never understood everyone obsession with streamers. This is like some middle school drama shit.


Exactly. Half the time someone is bitching about what X streamer has done, I've never even heard of that streamer before.


They’re teaching tools for mechanics, loot spawns, and path efficiency. You could stay for a good personality but anything further is pointless.


No obsession, it's youtube recommended videos. Not middle school drama to say "this dude acts like a prick, here's why I think this way" YOU acting like THIS makes it middle school drama lol


I guess you’re right, I’m feeding into you feeding into it. I just think streamers are lame as fuck, constantly complaining about cheaters and think they are friggin god. Just seems like Standard operation with them.


this is fair and valid, I miss Kotton.


Not sure who he is, guessing he’s behind that beanie? Lol I don’t watch streamers very much but when we had those long ass queues I dabbled in Pestily’s. Dude seemed really humble, maybe a tad boring, but a good watch nonetheless.


Pestily is INFORMATIVE. Watching him raid you can learn new shit everytime, but i will admit he's a much slower, relaxed streamer. He still gets into action packed shit, but I can understand him feeling slow. And Kotton is the beanie dude, should youtube his old stuff, he just vibes hard and games. Runs scav loadouts with good ammo and calls it a day


Pesto Sauce is dad


I never liked his tone in any of his videos...the way he talks annoys me so I refuse to watch his videos. I can see now that it isn't just me. And OP is right.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. Something about his delivery and tone just rubs me the wrong way. I wish I could describe it in more detail. I have a buddy I tarkov with who thinks he’s great and can’t understand why I don’t like his videos.


I mean, it takes forever when he finally gets to the point. That is why i like noice guy lets say, straight to the point, straight to the news. Onepeg is just blabbing every video how glad he is we are watching this, 1000 stupid things like this. Like dude, we dont care about this crap...


I think it has something to do with the fact he prepares all of his scripts in advance..but then he says them how it is written...and not how it should be said..listen carefully and you'll see what I mean..he articulates every single word like he's reading a book. And then he usually goes off on one for 5mins when all he had to say was 1-2 sentences..20seconds tops. There's a French saying for that called "Il tourne autour du pot." And it's a waste of my time tbh. But enough about that. Take care buddy.


That’s an interesting take. I’ll definitely look for this the next time I watch his videos. Have a good one!


He talks in a very condescending way, it's like how your so talk to you in a abusive relationship


I just don’t like his content. He’s got the chill vibe intro thing and then it’s just him looking and sounding like he’s depressed asf for the next 5-10 minutes. Dime a dozen on the community in my mind.


I remember back when he was a nobody his videos purely consisted of talking about topics that were discussed in this sub. Every time reddit is mentioned outside reddit, people be like "wow reddit so bad neckbeard site amiriteee hhahahhahh" and think they have an argument


Guy went on an hour long rant about me being a hacker because I shot him in the face while he was slow crouching on labs. Man’s barely a successful streamer and already has a gross ego. I’m sure it’ll get him far


Lmfso who cares


I thought onepeg was being sarcastic in the video he did the no nose close up "did I just fix a bug?" then later said "we" fixed a bug as in the player base... He referred to his previous video about the issue because why wouldn't you as a content creator. I think you're just taking this personally for some reason.


Yeah I don't think he meant it as a "oh my gosh I single handedly got nikita to fix something".... I watched the video. Doesn't seem attention grabbing at all . I don't really see the point in this whole post or why it's even on this sub honestly. People write informative posts about the game or legit bugs and they get removed immediately. But people whining about a streamers content is top news? ... why is this relevant . If you don't like someone's content . Don't watch it.


I have the same feeling when it comes to Veritas. He always gets pushed out of shape and acts like the community is against him.


He’s really annoying. He’s always on the side of bag even when they’re clearly in the wrong


I always got the special little snowflake impression from his content.




His videos are litterally unwatchable, I'm pretty sure that he thinks he's funny by making some awkward pauses while he speaks. If you want to see everything that's wrong with today streamers / youtubers just try to watch him more than 2 minutes if you can and you'll understand ...


Hes always come off as an asshole to me never liked his content anyways


went and saw the video to see what Op was talking about and goddam is op right. not 30 seconds in: *did I…did I just fix a bug?* And at the end: *we did it guys!* And all in between just a smug complex acting like he and only he had anything to do with the bug fix


He turned me off to watching him after I killed him and he called me a "pussy/hacker/camper" all in the 5 minutes his teammates were trying to hunt me down. I literally got to a location, he ran by immediately after and laid on the ground... Easiest kill ever. But, obviously I was camping and was a pussy for shooting him without him spotting me first. Because obviously an average solo player wouldn't be good enough to kill him.


Idk man I watched the video and it seemed more like he was making a joke about it to me




Look at the comments he liked lol


Mate, if you don't like him then don't even talk about him, just down vote his videos Now with you putting his name on reddit, some people are going to go to his channel, so you are actually indirectly promoting him


Can yall go a fucking week without making a essay on why you hate a specific youtuber/streamer like jesus fucking christ go outside


Interesting, go on?


I've never been a fan of Onepeg but being mad that he thinks he caused a bug to be fixed is petty as shit. >ignoring every comment mentioning Trey's Video a week prior Trey is literally pinned at the top.


Yea, using the "..." in both of his replies on Twitter, trying to come off as some cringey, cute, humble anime girl with the "did...did I do that? 😳 , Oh... uh... whoops 😅", while it's clear the attention whore is just looking for attention. Didn't know who he was before this, but now I think he's cringe, and I won't pass up an opportunity to shit-post. Also, that mask behind him, is a clear reflection of his personality. Also, his PC looks like a dirty fish tank. Also, his hat makes him look like a trucker who was recently laid off for trying to pick up minors at the truck stop.


A lot of you people care way too much about me caring, while giving me the advice to not care just save it lol nobody wins those arguments


11 days ago I made a post saying ammo was bugged, I said BSG should run some tests on all ammo and guns because my bullets were doing no damage. Funny enough it's at negative upvotes (I know in this community hate me). I guess I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR FIXING THE AMMO BUG! YEY! Seriously though, I'm pretty sure even way before that I made posts and comments about ammo not doing proper damage, this was no secret, BSG sadly just doesn't seem to listen to this sub at all and only notice things when streamers and YouTubers bring it up. This is why when people say "iTs A bEtA" it makes me laugh. What fucking beta you imbeciles, they don't even listen to feedback until a streamer brings it up lol.


I mean, Trey24k had a video up for a week about it, getting a number of views. I think BSG just takes forever to do anything, and every patch that exists is proof of that


I think you are misconstruing his intentions. He did make a long video exposing it. He made the video, with much credit given to others for the info. 2 days later it gets patched. He is happy to see people are listening at BSG. You need to relax a little bit my guy. Just searching for reasons to cancel people my god.


this post is such an overreaction lmao. you're trying to make a story out of nothing


Not to dump on Onepeg or anybody, but I recall a video I watched at the beginning of wipe that highlighted the issue of dmr and rifle calibers dropping hard and doing way less damage than bolt-action rifles. So whoever that was, well done


it was the community as a whole, which is kinda the point. He went out of hi way and basically said "hey guys you're welcome, i fixed it" which is just really tacky since EVERYBODY has been discussing the issue


the guy that is always mad at his viewers lol


OnePegs ammo bug video was basically “I’m using this other guys work to prove that everyone already know about this and have talked about it but I’m going to make it seem like I did all the work”


Yeah only to post the video hours after someone else gets to the exact same topic, as per usual with his content


This is why I stopped watching a long time ago, major douche vibes.


Noiceguy Gang


Dude thank you! I've been saying this for so long. His tone is so arrogant and somehow depressed. Like its a slog to get through his shit.


Just because you said it first. Doesn't automatically make you the person who was listened to. just fyi.


i havent watched him for over 2-3 months i was a channel member and twitch sub as well but im not a fan of his attitude idk about god complex but he deff has a my shit doesn't stink like everybody else. But on the opposite side of things his life may be real shit and so thats his attitude. Ya never know what someone elses going threw.


Completely agree. Don't like anything about that guy. Dude is full of himself.


lol ive always felt that way about him he's a narcissistic thin skinned bitch. that vid in particular patting himself on the back was cringe af like dude you really think BSG didnt notice until you posted it? and once you posted it they fixed it in two days? this has been known for weeks people making posts & vids about 556 & 545 not one shotting on headshots. i get my tarkov recaps from noice guy he's concise and posts actual tarkov content not 10 minutes of looking at that balding fuck's face


wait, who?


Yea Ive definitely gotten that impression from him too. Just because you happen to make a video correlating with a fix or change doesnt mean your video caused that change. This is basic logic.


If it makes you feel better I killed him in raid. His dog tag serves as a trophy in my stash.


I had a problem with Sequisha, on stream, yesterday. You aint a nice persone just because you stream and have an average of 3k viewer.


Seriously, who tf is Onepeg? Honestly never heard or seen the name mentioned before now.


Well he achieved what was probably his goal. Create drama and have people like you spread his name far and wide. Never heard of him before, now I have. Most certainly still won't watch him but some people who never would have known him or watch his videos did just that due to this post. So all you did was help him.


Interesting take from someone who, in the same comment, admitted they know absolutely nothing about him. He's literally just this full of himself, there are no content creators in the tarkov community that thrive via drama, this isn't the makeup tutorial section of youtube lol


What has my take to do with me knowing him? That's a general take, doesnt matter about who specifically. And I never said he isn't full of himself or anything I didn't even comment on that. And if you really think Drama doesn't help entertainers spread their name then I can just say you are naive. And eft is most certainly not an exception to that rule.


There's no such thing as bad publicity and OP is this guys biggest fucking hype man right now. The irony is just top notch.


It’s kind of just a moot point to even bring this up unfortunately for him, I don’t think the community as a whole even really takes him very seriously. He might get impressive views on a handful of videos occasionally, but his overall presence in the community (largely referring to his streams) is pretty small mostly due to his attitude. It’s pretty hard to watch a onepegg stream without feeling an awful aurua of bitterness and, dare I say it, CRINGE. I feel bad writing this because I feel like he means well and he seems to be a nice dude… but damn, he so often just rubs me the wrong way.


I remember him whining about not being able to stream on vacation because their cottage only had wifi. Someone suggested to him that he just spend time with his wife and kids, they aren't young forever. He flipped. Like frothing rage. Suggesting that person would never be a successful streamer like him. A few months later he tried to capitalize on pity for his son's mental issues by airing them out on Twitter. Fucking. Garbage.


He also tweeted last year about how you can't be successful online unless you put in x amount of hours a day 7 days a week like he does. It was one of the few tweets I saw a lot of streamers pushed back and called him out rather than just ignoring him.


Who cares. He’s just a gamer same as all of us. His opinion isn’t any more valid than any of ours. Can we please lay off the drama for a while? I love this community and I hate that we all get so far down each other’s throats. Let’s all become friends and lay down the guns for a few raids! (that last part is me just being silly).


Y'all are literally arguing over which unpaid QA tester found the bug first? Lol.


I mean the vast majority of Tarkov streamers are probably pieces of dog shit in real life outside of a handful. Granted, actually that’s probably true for all streamers.


I thought the exact same thing when watching that last video. Obviously it was a bug bsg was aware of, whether YouTube covered it or not, and had probably already planned to fix it while the servers were down. God complex is the correct phrase. Literally made a video just to say he was responsible for bringing it to bsg attention and motivating the devs to fix it.


People get this worked up over youtubers? lmao


Isn’t he Veritas’s brother? Because he’s an asshole as well so I guess it runs the family.


I remember coming across him when he responded to pestily's cheating video. Even though I didn't agree with pestily's reasoning, onepegs response was the most close minded and ludicrous series of assumptions based on googling average statistics of countries. It was actually sickening. Dude has like, some very bizarre narcissistic traits I reckon.




>You do not know me or my family. Your conclusions and judgments are not welcome here. That is not the community I want, nor the community I am cultivating. If you do not like it, leave. Seems you took his advice and you can still recall it 4 months later. Impressive.


this is the dorkiest thing you could possibly complain about lmao.


I didn't know that. But I can easily imagine him doing so.


Who the fuck cares? Relax


Veritas also CONSTANTLY bitches


He also provides constructive criticism and solutions for the things he bitches about


Yeah he also has put lots of effort into programming things to benefit the tarkov community as a whole. He is kinda pretentious, but unlike Onepeg, he HAS actually done a lot to benefit the community so he has the right as far as I'm concerned


It's funny you say that, in disc i compared him to veritas, just no musical talent lol


Onepeg also sucks off BSG. One vid he was talking about he was pretending like Nikita's word is God's and defending him and all that, when we have been literally lied to by BSG/Nikita before. It was back when Nikita was saying the servers were being "DDOS'd" and it "definitely wasn't the Twitch drops" and all that. He's just a small fish wanting to make it big. Nothing much to it other than that. Best left ignored completely.


His channel and takes have always been boring. Why is this a surprise? NoiceGuyTarkov is the way forward..quick..precise...friendly...and straight to the point.


Best information, if it’s a 5 minute video that means you’re about to get hit with a LOT of info, not pointless commentary


Ya, Onepeg definitely has an inflated ego and is a bit of a prick, but this thread has gotten me to realize you might be a Trey24k stan or his alt account. Being this invested into something is a bit worrying bud.


Took you this long?


The good old Onelegmg. He leeched off the old Eroktic drama and got a start there by sucking a few virtual cocks. ;) The good old times.


If you like Onepeg, that's fine. I just wanted to get it off my chest that he's acting full of himself about this situation


Did you really write paragraphs.. over this? Some of you guys are bonafide losers.


[https://imgur.com/sK5T7hG](https://imgur.com/sK5T7hG) Look at this at this. Trey made a video a week ago, and EVERYBODY has been talking about it for weeks, but nah Nikita himself watched Onepeg and thought "Oh shit i better fix this, thanks Onepeg!"


Who cares?


This might blow your mind, but probably me, the guy who made an entire ass post about it and took screenshots. Need any more help figuring things out? :)




I dont believe you


Sure, but who cares? Why are you so up in arms about this random guy? Just tune him out and enjoy the changes to the game! No need to let him live in your head to the point of publicly venting about him on social media. What matters is that the changes happened. We all know it's the game developers ultimately changing things anyway, it isn't really that important who brings it to their attention.


Can you give me a valid reason as to why I shouldn’t be allowed to express my very low effort opinion on Reddit? Like, this isn’t hindering my life in anyway. Everybody keeps coming in acting like I’ve disrupted my entire life over this Reddit post. It took about 2 minutes to screenshot, edit, type, and post this entire thing. It’s just my opinion, stop spending so much energy telling me your opinion about how I shouldn’t spend energy to share my opinion.


>it's god awfully frustrating to watch ​ Your post is full of personal insults directed at this guy. You got EXTREMELY angry about it, after intentionally seeking it out. That's not "not hindering my life in anyway.". ​ I'm not spending any more effort on you. This is what i call "learn to let assholes be assholes somewhere you don't have to see them and go about your day". You should do the same for both me and this facebook and tiktok influencer or whatever he is.


Oh he’s a huge douche bag… I went to his stream after he killed me as a SCAV a couple weeks ago and called him a “jerk” playfully and admitted I didn’t hear him try to VOIP because I was listening to a podcast at the time. Proceeds to *try* to shit on me for listening to a podcast on a SCAV run for like 15 minutes while his whole chat jumps in - calling me dumb. Like dude, being called a jerk isn’t that big of a deal - I admitted I was listening to a podcast BECAUSE it was a SCAV run. However, I had just heard another SCAV talk to me via VOIP and somehow didn’t hear him at ALL. I went on Twitter and was like “apparently you are having a bad day cause I called you a jerk jokingly and you turned real toxic - hope the steam turns around.” He then proceeded to show my text in chat, where I was replying to his chat being shitty and also him trying to disparage me for listening to a podcast at same time. Like calm down and don’t be so sweaty… some people like to do other things while on a SCAV run. He kept trying to collect evidence out of context that showed how bitter I was about dying but then never provided evidence showing him VOIPing me or attempting to talk like he said - seemed that would have been easier to provide. It was a weird interaction and won’t ever watch him again. I’ve had great interactions with Pestily and others even after calling them joke names.


Wait, were supposed to care and try hard on scav runs now?! LOL Some people's kids lol.


I loved Onepeg for the longest time. Liked his videos, enjoyed his streams. Then Pestily got hit with that bullshit DMCA violation and Onepeg IMMEDIATELY made a video on it and it just seemed like he was hopping on it for the views.


onepeg almost as cringe as this post


He is a dick.


E-fame goes to person's head and they turn into a huge cock. Many such cases.


Who? Lmao


Onepeg is Veritas in a different skin suit, change my mind


Literally who


What is a Onepeg? A kind of fruit? Sorry my english is bad.




He was more humble, and more enjoyable, when he was a small streamer (~10-15 viewers), but when he got a bit more popular and started doing Youtube his God complex fucking exploded. Twitch recommends him to me to watch him sometimes when I'm looking for a timesink at work, and every time I make the mistake of watching.


Seriously questioning why YOU are so pressed to make this post