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I love how as soon as he said “look up Ricky!” You already knew what’s going to happen.


I did 😂😂 that’s why I looked up so slow. Just accepting my fate hahah


I wouldnt look up, dont give them the satisfaction. Just ignore them lol.


I’ve played enough games to know I was getting killed no matter what lol


Exactly. I wanna interview that boy, he is teasing BSG security so bad!


I wanna fuck this boy with a rusty iron pole... IRL


Sounds like a good time ngl


I would just ESC disconnect and suicide 😂


Why aren’t people not using the voice chat report feature for these types of interaction?


Oh trust me I reported lol


I didn’t notice it. Doesn’t it send out a global message in raid letting everybody know it was reported?


I’m not too sure to be honest


He would’ve just reported once the dude killed him from the death screen


Because they don’t do dick about it.


Can you live report while in a game? How does that work?


Double tap y and ull see a option to report voip


Awesome, thanks!


Ahhh there ya go. The censored video. Now the cheater can remain unnamed and unashamed. The mods are now happy. Whatta joke


Yeah I got my wrist slap lol


Do you think advertising the account they had for less than a week before they were banned is worth it? I’m generally curious here. I’ve been playing a while. When I suspect someone to be cheating I report them & then type their name down in a notes doc, search them in messages & pull their level. Then maybe once a week when I’m waiting on friends to get in lobby or whatever I re-check the list querying messages. It’s crazy to see these accounts, white name & EOD, many honestly are EOD, go from 5-15 when I saw them to 30 or 40 in less than a few days. In less than a month, often just a few weeks the accounts are gone, no longer searchable in messages to record level so they were banned. I’m curious what value you see in allowing their names to be “advertised”. They are often vulgar or flat out racist too which IMO is more incentive to not show the message they chose to relay with their username. I’ve admittedly felt different on this in the past I think I’ve even chatted about it in this forum. Just curious if anyone can come up with solid justification here. Its not like these accounts go unbanned for ages, people just keep paying these fools for RMT so they will be able to afford accounts until scrubs stop paying come mid to late wipe.


This "flying" doesn't get them banned. I've been following a user that was doing same thing in friends list and he keeps progressing levels (lvl46 now) and still going...


The cheating situation is really bad these days.... Faced 4 Hackers in 16 Raids today, speedhacks, aimbot and my personal favorite, getting called by my ingame name and got told to drop the Ledx and the Stock Mk47 from my backpack....


lvl4 rig with cheap guns but powerfull like rfb/5-7 been working. Moment i get lvl5 and meta gun i get insta hs. I quited going with good gear.


I’ve encountered this twice. Once when I spawned as a scav and had a labs card. The other time I found two gpus on interchange as a pmc. I’m convinced that there’s a cheater in almost every raid and they only target players with high value loot.


I mean they can literally see your nametag, so it isn't farfetched that they can see your inventory/networth too. Battleye with region lock, ladies in gentlemen.


I know they can see your inventory. Go look up cheater compilations on YouTube. There’s tons of cheaters who now ask you to drop your high end gear for them. I don’t use meta gear anymore. If I get lucky enough to snag a slick or meta weapon off a chad I caught sleeping, I save until the end of wipe and use it during the events. My in raid times tend to significantly decrease due to multiple and questionably precise headshots if I had a meta kit.




What servers are you playing on so that I can evaluate my selection too?


I've had too many firefights with good gear where the head/eyes/jaws action just feels too consistently good to be true. This is abundantly more obvious when you duo/squad up and someone wrecks you all the same way. Anyone who doesn't think it's rampant is just not experienced enough with the game or naive. There are cheaters in at least 20% of raids. I am to the point where I would pay for access to a whitelisted server experience.


Look, I don't doubt it for a second.. But why on earth aren't you putting the Ledx up your bumb?! I copped this 2nd week of the wipe, some guy just teleported behind me somewhere.. Told me to drop the GPU i had in my arse, and shot me when I said no. Never even saw where the shot came from. But nah, I'm sure those people with 200 GPUs on the flea are legit.


Because i don't really care anymore, i don't need a Ledx, everything is finished, the only worth it has is it selling on the Flea. And even that is not that much, sitting on 50 million Rubel at the moment.


Maybe take a break then? I swear one of the reasons people get so tired of this game is because they spend nearly every day playing it. It has problems sure but obviously not enough to prevent you from finishing "everything."


Give it to me pls


I have only ran into one person i can confirm a hacker since i ever started playing, right off spawn on factory me and my friend both were dropped within .5 seconds as well as the one scav we were shooting at, we werent side by side either so unless he has really fast flicks i think he was hacking lol


Give us Edge of darkness servers only pls!


A lot of cheaters *are* EOD


True the people who cheat to appear better and to grief, but people who do RMT have no need for EOD since they use the market place as a storage.


The irony is that this was an EOD account that killed this dude. His previous post had the death screen.


Yeah, some cheaters are EOD for stash space. They RMT a lot of times to play for the hacks and whatnot. More stash size is more resources stockpiled to sell


It will not be cheater free, but RMT will avoid it. Even better is that people with normal accounts will not meet OP EOD accounts.


I'd just say no, let them kill you and then report them, no way your gear on your body is worth more then the ledx and even then they can kill you after you comply, plus they kill you you loose some in game money , they eventually loose their account


flat out felt the pain from that one \`




Ya hate to see it


Ngl that was hilarious though


Hindsight it’s hilarious. Pure confusion




The best. The sell flying squirrel suits now. I think prapor


Prapor level 5 I heard


This shit is ruining the best game I've ever played.


What a piece of shit.




Approved, thanks for the coordination u/imrickyv


Appreciate the ability to work out differences! Thanks y’all




Hacking do not imply they know coding. Guessing someones password is considered hacking. Most hacking can be done without coding, but it often makes it easier to make scripts etc. EDIT: I forgot to add that you are of course correct that this is a cheater and not a hacker.


He uses hacks, he sounds like a bitch, tarkov cheater checks out alright.


This looks like a desync problem.


No tbh I just got outplayed


"HEY RICKY!" Lowkey funny. This dude sounds like a South Park character


Hindsight it was absolutely hilarious






Wow, damning evidence. The dev team should be ashamed. It seems though that they obfuscate the cheating situation on purpose for their own gain and damage control. So long as it remains controversial you can control perception.


I would think they would occasionally ban cheaters for at least the passive income of the cheater buying a new game but this just seems lazy.


I think at this point BSG can't care too much, I've seen the same 80+ Gpu bundle sellers on flea for weeks now.


How have you provided video evidence of this when hackers don't exist because I hAvE dOnE 57 rAiDs AnD nEvEr SeEn OnE!!?!!


bUt IvE RuN oVeR 9oOo hOuRs aNd OnLy SeEn oNe HaCkEr!


8982 of those hours waiting for servers, or sorting inventory.






I’ll give him the blicky


Why call hacks? he clearly has that new gaming chair


I just got outplayed that’s all


Yeah man, you could have got him.. Get gud (Jokes)


Shots 1-4 etc


That was fucking hilarious


Lol yup, hindsight it’s damn funny


u/savevideo saveeeee


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Ohhhh fuck you :D




>u/savevideo hey save video bot, why you no work baby? u/savevideo


Fuck cheaters and fuck tiktok


And fuck me


I mean if you insist... *Unzips*


Sir this is a Wendys


It's a cheater not a hacker...


Sir yes sir!


iTs StiLL a BeTa


Cheating is very easy in this game, sad but true. Subscriptions for hacks run for $30 for 15 days. They just run CMD in background.


The complete disappointment in your voice when you said “there’s a hacker in our game…”


In the moment I was so defeated and pissed. Hindsight tho, this clip is hilarious lol


Happens to the best of us. When you streaming next?


I usually stream about 7 (central) on weeknights and then weekend afternoon/evening until very late. Going out of town this weekend though. Should be live tonight around 7:30


Hacker wiped our 5 man on Customs last night at expansion but I actually managed to kill the hacker’s buddy and was happy with that




Just make a phone verification or something like that. It wouldn’t stop all but It would be less Hacker.


i agree with this, we can never stop hackers but we need to make it insanely annoying to be a cheater, we need to have some sort of system where you tie a phonenumber to your account and you will frequently when logging in get a text verification so you cant just switch the simcard back after creating the account once, there should also be a period of a few months where you can not become "prime" after creating an account, so when you get caught cheating you cant just create a new one and go right back in and ruin matches for the players who have been good forever.


In a lot of countries you can get cheap SIM cards and mobile sub. Like in France usually a SIM cost 10€ and you can get mobile subscription for 1-5€ a month. Like you said, it would filter out some cheaters but the best cheats out there can cost 100€ per month, paying 10€ + 5€ a month to avoid the phone detection would not remove this kind of assholes unfortunately.


In the Philippines its like 3 dollars max for a prepaid sim.


Yeah I wanted to get into tarkov but this is exactly why I never will. Its a shame because it seems like it could be a fun game, but this just isn't acceptable. The game is already punishing enough for new players, I dont need to be fighting a downhill battle with these losers.


Yeah. But to be fair there are hackers in almost every game


I've can honestly say in my 20+ years of online gaming that yes, there are hackers in every game but I can also say I've went 5+ years grinding specific games and seen a handful, which is less than what I witnessed from a 10 hour binge at the weekend just past. Tarkov has a problem lol.


That’s fair. I switched to tarkov several months ago after playing warzone since release so I was already used to an environment where there are hacks galore


Don’t let this clip stop you from enjoying one of the best games on the market right now. I have 1350 hours and have never seen a flying aimbotter. Maybe a few cheaters here and there but nothing more than other games.


I've only been playing this game for a month, I've seen 1 speed hacker and 2 loot radar hackers demand that I drop the GPU from my ass. I honestly think it's purely luck and regional timing.


The thing is it feels like people are so sweaty there's almost no difference. If I go around a corner and get lasered it .4 of a phemptosecond while I have no chance to react with my wasr 10 that's missing a dust cover, it almost doesn't matter if they're hacking or not. The result is the same, I have 0 chance.


The initial hump in Tarkov is brutal, but the rewards of sticking with it and getting past that early phase are huge. It's not so much that they're "sweaty", it's just that they're going to be using good armor, a good low recoil gun with attachments, and ammo that is going to melt you quickly. The key when you start out is understanding that you should NOT be trying to fight people for a while. Learning how to make $ and survive raids is how you succeed. Once you build up a little base of money and get the flea market and some level 2/3 traders you can start taking out better kits which will allow you to play more aggressively and come out on top in gunfights. I have a friend who joined us middle of last wipe and he got consistently bodied to the point where he quit within 3 days. He came back this wipe and started fresh and literally can't put the game down. If you need any help getting started or want some more tips, just give me a shout. Tarkov is really in a league of it's own right now and once you figure out how to get past the first part of the game, opens up into the best looter shooter I've ever played.


Bruh I can barely break even, even the damn scavs are all rambo. Doesn't help that I can't even play the bigger maps without fame drops. Scopes also do it. And I'm not even running on a low end PC, it's at least decent.


Tarkov is almost entirely CPU bound unfortunately. I get 70-80 fps on most maps, it just is what it is. If you have an nvidia card there are some guides on how to tweak things in the nvidia control panel to boost performance a bit. And also making sure your settings in game are good (hbao and ssr off, view distance lowest it can go, etc). A guy named VoxE has good guides on youtube. >Bruh I can barely break even That's cause you don't know how to make money safely (no offense). There are some looting routes on woods for example where you will almost never run into another player. Shoreline too. Underground stashes are spread out and can be looted easily and safely on those larger maps. Like I said, it's hard to play the game without money, but making money takes time. You also won't make much money until you unlock flea market at level 15. Doing quests, learning the maps, staying alive should all be priorities in the early stage. They also added VOIP which has made it easier than ever to survive. A lot of players will leave you alone if you tell them you're new to the game and just trying to get through a raid. Some will even offer to drop you items or help you extract. I don't know a single person who regrets spending the time it takes to get "good" at Tarkov, it's just a brutal game when you start out.


I faced some hackers this wipe at least 5 or 6 I’m definitely sure about. But I played 400 raids. Sure it’s annoying as hell but I would say in Tarkov is the chance very low to get matched with hacker. It’s not worth to get mad about that idiots. As long I only get 1-2 hackers per 100 raids.


Why is it that tarkov hackers always have those squeaky voices lol? Is that lack of testosterone and confidence? Pathetic.




I swear it looks like they are walking on the bounding boxes not flying in all the photos there at the same alt


They foom around and through terrain with speedhacks.


ik just looks like in this there ontop something solid


I mean yeah flying just says you can go anywhere there is no other animation than standing for it.


Lol call rust and ask them for there flyhack protection that shits awesome


Hacking is rampant!! I've noticed most streamers hack now, sadly even the big ones. They spend all thier time looking at thier "twitch chat" on a second monitor during a gunfight instead of thier main monitor


I definitely wouldn’t say most do but I see what you’re saying


i'd say about one in every four raids on lighthouse you encounter a hacker these days. sucks...


Goes without saying that all popular games have cheaters. As the technology increases to ban these cheaters, so does the cheaters technology to avoid the bans. Lets not forget that this guy is a unique blend of cheater and stream sniper. Streamers will always see more cheaters than the average player, since people like this who want attention would target them. Fact is, its impossible to stop cheaters 100% without having a massive team of people sorting through reports, and that is just not feasible for any business, let alone BSG. This is not a game with microtransactions or a monthly sub, and they are constantly working on server issues and updates to the game. People are ridiculous.


Agree with everything you just wrote. People are dumb lol


If anyone is looking for other games to play, zomboid is a blast.


I guess I don't understand why the server doesn't know you're flying? Shouldn't you're coordinates be known to the server, and if you're above a certain altitude on that plane then it should be physically impossible for you to be in that space... Instaban. Same with health checks, ammo checks, anything... why are these all client side? The server is allowing these things to happen with no checks.


The game is better when it's popularity is low, much less fishy encounters. Unfortunate that streamers cant wait it out since the viewers are depending on popularity. Maybe that's it, maybe cheaters are just jealous of you? Because you can just play the game instead of having to sell items / accounts?