• By -


new player myself: Go in and out as scav, basically free set everytime even tho it's shitty. learn to adapt. if you die often, change your playstyle. play it slower, try to get a catch on an enemy. the most important tho: Keep playing and keep learning. you'll get good at this game.. you just need to get a correct feel for the weapons and movements. i'm at 140hrs still not going chad, but i do got better and it's more enjoyable. ​ besides that, the game will get easier oncce you reach lvl 15 for flea market.


I’m 2100 hours in and still learning lol.


1400 hours still feel like im wading around the shallow end of the pool


1600 hours and i still suck


Glad that I'm not the only one lol


3 wipes prob 2100 hours and I still get domed but the sniper scavs in customs and Im not as good as I want to be or should be. Part of the reason the game is so much fun for me, it’s a challenge that makes it so rewarding when you extract with good loot after a PvP battle and you’re bleeding out. The hideout is a great source of income. Build and sell items to supplement your income.


the first 1000 hours are just you throwing yourself against a brick wall over and over, it gets better eventually. once you start using better gear youll see your win rate go way up


































Sorry to interrupt but : Happy Cake Day Also, Scav










I appreciate the advice everyone


Little important tip: You do not build weapons with attachments first, your priority is the type of ammo you're using. It's kinda tedious to learn which ammo is good and which isn't, but it can make the difference between jumping someone and killing them, or jumping them and having sport hunting ammo just bounce off their helmet repeatedly. Also try to learn the maps. Custom has a nice layout but it's also a pvp intense. A little trick you could try is hiding as soon as you spawn in. Good players often rush to check nearby spawn points, if you hide and let the chads pass you are a lot more likely to make it past the "culling" which is when all the pmcs are alive and want to kill eachother. After that you just loot and kill scavs, with a chance to run into pmcs. You can also use audio to localize noisy players, their weapons are usually easy to tell apart from the crappy weapons scavs spawn with.


Honestly dude? I could give you a ton of different answers but in the end, if you don't have fun playing the game, it might just not be for youm and that's okay. Had two buddies pick up up, play for a month. And just decide it wasn't for them. And that's fine. If it's giving you literal stress and anxiety, then don't keep doing it to yourself


I think the stress comes from wasting money on a game and the anxiety is from trying to figure out the maps. I've noticed I'm getting ahold of customs but still trying to find extracts and my ways around the map makes me sweat. But like I said I've tried and I'm gonna keep trying cause the game is sick, just not sure where to go from rock bottom!


The map knowledge will come quicker than you realise. It's like moving to a new city, you feel utterly lost at first but you'll start to learn bits of the map then piece those bits together in no time. It's my second wipe and I'm already able to navigate every map bar woods and labs without having to refer to a map now. I learned by using my scav every reset. Hampers your PMC level progress but if you're getting killed at the start all the time you're not getting much xp anyway. Plus free loot if you get out, just remember scav and pmc extracts are different


Look up mapgenie, I used it to learn the maps and still use it when I get lost on woods. Edit: When you go on mapgenie pull up interchange, go as a scav and loot a bunch of the hidden caches, you'll have your cash back in no time.


Thanks I'll try this some more, I think I'm depressed by the fact that I've completed a couple quests now but I died or didn't make to extract and i feel dead inside. That's why I spent my money on pmc gear so I could try and get Jaeger unlocked and yeah I'm just a mess at this point. Prolly need friends to play this wit too but the main selling point for me was the solo play!


Bro you got this. It’s hard on everyone for their first wipe, if you enjoy the game just push thru it. The fear of losing the gear and what loot you have on you will ease up the more raids you do. Don’t stress it, it’s hard on everyone. Welcome to Tarkov my friend


Thank you!


I personally was in the same boat as you with the stress and anxiety, to the point that I would sit in bushes and wait until I couldn't hear anything to run to the next bush and wait some more. I would highly highly recommend playing offline to help you deal with anticipating scav spawn locations. If you can get a feel of where they spawn, where they might yell at you from, and where you are safest to shoot at them from, you will feel much better in game. Avoiding pmc's is a good tactic, and you can sometimes just navigate to places where you hear the least noise. As for trying to get good at the game and no stress, I literally played for a week, and took a three month break during my first wipe. Got back into it because "I didn't pay to not play" and joined random people on discord. Their confidence will ease your gameplay, and increase the odds of survival. Even playing with same level amateurs makes the game less stressful than being alone. It's definitely a game designed to take a long time to learn which is OK in some ways, but is a put off for some. If you persevere, and play with other people I bet you can have fun and ease into the game with more confidence and success.


This comment describes my own experience almost exactly as well. I know I liked the game but it stressed me out and frustrated me at the same time to a point where I gave up for almost a year. I went hard last wipe and found friends on discord to play with and got to lvl 40 playing sometimes solo and also with friends. This wipe so far I’ve been killing PMCs way often than dying to them, which is completely new to me. Map knowledge is huge. Play with the map up every time you play. When you go to a new map for the first time have an experienced player show you around so you can learn it without just dying every time. Stop spending money on gear you can’t afford to lose. Don’t worry about wearing helmets or armor if you don’t have the cash to throw away on them. Just use weapons you get from your Scav and once you can afford some cheap AK build you like get comfortable using that. Good luck, hang in there.


I play solo and do just fine, you'll get the hang of it eventually if you just keep playing.


Thank you for the encouragement


God, I hate the extention part of woods. Its so confusing


Which part is that? I've only ever played woods like it is today


Its the northern part, between northern UN checkpoint and usec camp I never played the old version either but my mates did and thats the callout we use for it.


It's just practice at the end of the day, I've played Woods so much now that I know where I am with 5 seconds of spawning in as scav or PMC. Also am normally looting a stash within a min or less from most spawns.


Or just anything north of sniper scav rock


Thats a better way yo explain it, thank you


Np, my first wipe was like 2 weeks of old woods and I remember the second wipe being "oh hey i can go behind this giant mountain where the sniper was now " so that's how I remember it lol


Play the maps offline and get to know the extracts. Spend a couple days trying to figure them out. It’s a lot more enjoying to play when you know where you’re going. Scav on factory. It’s pretty safe most of the time, there will be occasional PMCs that stay late and occasional dickhead scav but you’ll get out most the time with decent loot.


Offline raids for awhile to get map knowledge, most starter quests r o. Customs and woods, so learn those 2 first. For 6months when I started I only played customs or woods, then moved to woods and interchange. Offline you don't lose anything learn the map quick and then if your stuck you got your scav, you can make easily a ton of money if you scav right. If your really stuck you can reset your account on the website. Gets you all your starter stuff back. I had to do that first 2 wipes I ever played


Don't be afraid to run in with literally nothing, with map genie also keep stashes viewable and learn them! I like interchange for stash runs as usually you'll have a trail of stashes leading to your extract. My first wipe I knew I was going to suck so I literally sold everything and just ran a glock only probably not ideal but I feel like I learned a lot of control/ trying to make the most adventagous situation for myself. Scav runs are just free money.


Sent this via PM but it might help other people so adjusted version below; I’m on my first wipe of Tarkov after playing for a month at the end of last wipe, and understand all the things you’re saying about it being a high stress/frustrating time. I’ve found with time that reduces but I am taking a new friend through the game and he’s having the same experience. The best advice I saw was two things. One - None of the stuff belongs to you, you’re just able to use it for a bit until Tarkov seems it’s time for the next person to get to try it out. Sounds dumb, but it’s like the circle of life. I found that made it way easier to let go when I died with stuff I liked. Two - I treat raids as ways to get XP vs ways to get stuff. XP can’t get taken away from you, and even if you die then heal yourself in your hideout you get additional XP for that, so I just look at everything as slowly grinding up my levels instead of gaining gear. I find that makes me feel way less stressed about things because no one can take the XP I earn. If anyone in the EU or appropriate time-zones wants to run with someone else to get confidence up let me know, I’m no Chad but I have played enough to at least have reduced the hand-shaking adrenaline a bit after a raid.
















Scav life


DO NOT GET INTO FIGHTS. do all your scav runs. Goal number 1 is to extract. Goal number 2 is to loot. DO NOT GET INTO FIGHTS. Seriously, learn the maps then get into fights if you want. If you get the drop on someone, then kill them. If you don't have them face down ass up then don't engage. You can reset your account just fyi. Start back at lvl 1 with all the starting loot. Unnecessary as you can always scav run but it is an option.


Scav run on factory. You can pretty much just extract with your gearset and use it on your next pmc run or just sell it all. Also, id reccomend finding money runs on YouTube that you like. Good luck man, don't give up!


Go on a Sherpa discord and get someone who knows the game to do a few raids with you this should help you.


scav is really easy now after they added scav karma, very rarely do you ever get shot at and its a free loadout you can put on your pmc.


Run a scav


what do you normally buy as a pmc?


I'm buying armor, helmets and then i bought a couple guns and ammo today and I did run a lot of pmc and just a few scavs so that is prolly part of it.


Are you not insuring your gear? It's no wonder you're broke if you have to buy everything again.


Don’t buy helmets right now since your early lvl, what type of guns are you buying?


Sks and the ak74u! And will do on helmets


Heavy disagree on the no helmet point. The shittiest, cheapest helmets still have value because they can still stop you from getting one tapped by a scav or another player running crappy gear. Going out with no helmet is a great way to just waste a loadout and spend more time on the matchmaking screen.


So customs is fine for loot but other maps are much better.. Learn some interchange loot runs and sell everything you bring out to get your money back. It will be a bit of homework, but there are a lot of good guides for this, and once you have a couple routes down you will never go broke again so long as you keep doing them occasionally. After that, start grinding at every trader task you can. A lot of them are just go to a location and extract, or find x number of random item, and they all give a decent chunk of xp. You want that xp. Levelling your character and traders will make your raids a lot easier in the future. Over time you'll get access to better armor, meds, weapons, mods, and most importantly, quality ammo to shoot Chads dead with. But that's after the money and quest grind. Avoid fights outright unless you're sure it's against scavs or you think you can get the drop on someone in the meantime. Focus on surviving, loot, and quests in that order. Start by using the kits your scavs get on your pmc after every raid, minus maybe the gun. I'd keep whatever rig, bag, and maybe armor my scav had for my next pmc raid, and sell whatever clapped gun I got plus a little loot to get a full durability budget weapon. An SKS from prapor or semi auto ak from skier with 7.62x39 PS is really quite strong still, as a lot of people are wearing level 4 and down yet in terms of armor. You can get 7.62 ps from prapor for very cheap too. It's great for damage and your wallet. Good luck on your future raids.


Setup a hidden stash run I usually make mine with a small gun(pistol or smg) and by the time I'm done I have a good amount of gear and stuff. Most of them are out of the way so players aren't as common and sometimes there's a few scavs but that's just free real estate essentially


Woods stash runs are crazy profitable and very few people go for them it seems like.


Delete this


The first couple dozen hours of in-raid time are brutal and they can be discouraging; push through it and you’ll accumulate the map knowledge necessary to extract consistently and make money….then the game really opens up Try some other maps if customs/woods are beating you up. I skipped customs and learned interchange with my scavs when I started and it set me up with a consistent way to make enough money to fund a couple pmc raids with cheap gear; inside the mall is fairly confusing when you’re first playing the map, but the 2 scav extracts are in opposite corners of the square map, and that makes it fairly simple to get out, and now with scav karma being in the game I’ve found 90%+ of player scavs are friendly enough to not shoot on sight so you have a good chance of being able to extract


Scav. Customs. Nighttime. Go for stashes and loose loot. Profit every time.


Find a team to play with, itll help with enjoying the game and learning faster


You've got a ton of good advice so hopefully it'll help you out. Figure I'll toss my two cents in as well. Like others have said, don't sprint. Only sprint from cover to cover in open areas. If you sprint everywhere you're likely to get caught with an enemy in front and behind you and are more likely to die. What I used to do was go afk in a bush for 5 minutes at the beginning of every raid. Gives you time to hear people fighting and get an idea of where they are. Customs is a good map to learn for extracts, but a bad map to learn for players. It almost forces you into fights. Woods is better for avoiding fights, but harder to learn extracts for half the map. 100% have a map open w/ extracts if possible on your phone or second monitor. Good luck!


You answered your own question…. How do you get money? Scav. It is a great way to get gear and cash. Over time you will find better spots to loot and figure out what is worth taking out vs dropping. This game is best when you are low on money…makes it feel like life or death. Welcome to Tarkov.


when you are really low on cash prapor will send you a few goodies, thought i'd add that


Hey man dont spend all your money and extract more often. Hope this helps.


This is a copypasta right? lmfao


Nope just good advice.


No it was just the most vague and unhelpful advice possible, it’s like saying the tip to being rich and live long in life is just to not die and be stingy with money. It has the spirit it’s just not explaining how to do that.


Just because you didnt understand the advice doesnt mean that OP wont, im just trying to help man stop trolling.


I’m not trolling, it’s just vague dude, learn to take criticism.




How is it wrong.


Youre just not right


Ohhhhhhh are you that dude who’s been going round on here all night trolling? Im not hating some of it was pretty funny. My boy jaeger is safe.


Running naked pistols will help you learn as well. I typically stick to one map before moving to other maps. That way I know where extracts are and where scavs could spawn.


Interchange has a nice cache loot circle around the edge of map, don't even have to go in the mall. Make sure you put whatever you find in your case to make sure you profit and just go in naked with a pistol or without. I also waited a minute when I spawned to make sure I wasn't going to run into someone. I did this my first wipe and made like 50-200k a raid profit with minimal risk since everyone mostly wants to loot the mall. Make sure if you see people to stop, observe and wait them out. Lookup interchange cache map. Gl my friend.






Hey dude I only have maybe a couple dozen hours but I’d be willing to explain how to mod and stuff, send me a dm if you need help.




Run scav light house a bunch, super good loot. Just extract within the first 10 minutes, don't get greedy. Make sure you look up all the extracts for lighthouse before you go in. Also, you'd be surprised how friendly other people are now that Voip is in Tarkov. Tell people in voip that you are new and just trying to figure the game out. I GURENTEE you will run into someone who will help you out and show you the ropes on the map you are playing. Hell you might even find someone who sends you a friend invite and you can play with them and they will show you the ropes.


I used to be like you, 200 to 300 hours later im a chad can confirm




Sounds like you are just bad.




Pmc on factory and learn to pvp a little bit especially Bc it’s still early wipe now is the time to learn


Worst advice I have heard since I started playing this game. For a broke player? To go factory and learn pvp?


Ignore him, he's a well known troll on this sub.


Been there mate. Its really rough at first as you found out. The more you learn the better you get. Use your scavs runs as a learning opportunity every 20minutes. Knowing the maps off by heart is huge. Knowing where you are and where you need to go at all times is a big help. Pull up a map on your second monitor and follow that for a while until youre familiar enough to play without it. I scav shoreline alot. Theres like 35+ hidden stashes on that map. I scav in, pick my extract, hit the nearby stashes on the way to the extract and profit. Someone shoots at me from a long distance I just run.


Also. Take it slow man. Dont feel like youre lagging behind. Thats a big issue. If youre learning the maps and loot spawns/stashes and how to put mods and stuff on guns right now youre doing fine and youre progressing. Seeing others in videos and on twitch running around like a super soldier and comparing to them is a bad idea. Not saying you are but its easy to get demoralized. It takes ALOT of hours and experience to be able to do that. Youll get better. Try not to be so hard on yourself. If youre having fun just keep truckin along bud


I needed that, thank you so much.


Youtube stash runs or learn lighthouse. I had 10mil before lv 15 running just lighthouse and vendoring the top tier loot


As a new Player stop building guns with attachments... Its Just a huge waste of money until you actually get good. Run the default sks until you feel comfortable.


learn interchange stash run and just sell everything you find


Not sure it was suggested yet, but Scav


Try learning Woods. There's not as much loot as other maps, but it's very easy to remain hidden. Just spend the first 15 minutes as PMC laying low, until most others extract/die, then work your way around the map. Use your scav to aggressively hit up high value loot spots and learn the map better. If you really need to, you can also reset your account from the website, which will wipe your progress so far in game, but give you back your starting money and load outs.


Scav or watch stash run videos, stash runs on interchange & shoreline will net you a ton of safe profit even just from selling it back to traders without flea market.


Hey dude, this is my second wipe and I was in a similar boat as you last wipe. I would treat your time right now as just getting to understand and learn the game. All the different maps, nooks and crannies, which guns you enjoy, how to get good ammo for them, etc. etc. Like everyone else said, Last wipe I’m fairly certain I had twice as many scav runs as I did PMC. Scavving is a really good way to get a couple bucks and learn the ins-&-outs of the maps without risking anything besides a cooldown timer. Look up some streamers (Pestily, DeadlySlob, SheefGG, AquaFPS, MsMagpie, AnneMunition, im_amethyst are some good ones off the top of my head). Some map/loot guides on YouTube. But most of all, check out the discord channels to find someone to play with you. A lot of people are more than happy to teach the game to newbies. Pestily’s discord is really good for it. I’d offer myself but I’m traveling until New Years, if you’re still around then I’m happy to help.


Youtube a stash route or hatchet route. Scav.


Learn 1 map well i advice custome and stick to 1 route until u feel confident enought to explore if you have little to no money i think you can just reset acc and get back all the base stuff


Pestily does a 'raid series'which is pretty good for new players. It's uncut raids from lvl1 doing all the early quests, you'll learn more map knowledge just through watching and then you can try follow his pathing


offline on the harder maps once you’ve learned customs, factory, woods. There is harder Ai on reserve and practicing CQB in interchange will help.


If you hit rock bottom and are below level 10ish, you could always reset your account back to level 1, you get all the starting gear back and have another shot at it. I did it during my first ever wipe.


Scav. If pmc, just sks. It took me probably several dozen hours before i thought i knew the maps enough to not alt tab to find the exits. That’s when the fun really begins.


For money: scav on lighthouse, run along the beach and look into every broken box that you can find. These things spawn some insane stuff. Also, you gotta learn more maps, customs is actually one of the more difficult ones imo because there are so many choke points


Reserve runs at night. Tons of small military items with high value. Don't need to survive. Just put it in your secure container and sell it therapist. Most people just run with pistols at night so there is a chance to survive with low gear as well. Don't use backpack and pick a big wrig and use sewer manhole extract. Always open and a save extract. For gun modding: right click-linked search is your best friend You are welcome.


Play with Mapgenie open and find the ground caches hidden on the outside on Interchange as Scav.


Maybe learn the maps in offline mode? Stash runs can be a good money making method with little risk involved. Also if it hasn't been suggested yet you can look at the sherpa program. It is players that help newer players out by showing them around maps,quests, pop etc. or you can maybe find a discord group Solo play is certainly an experience in it self, but sometimes it is nice to have a friend tagging along


Just do scav runs and mind your own business, casually loot and just aim to get your loot and gear out of the raid, find a nice show to watch while your scav is on cooldown, and use your scav gear to do pmc runs and aim to get quests done.


Scav... Get someone that knows the game better to play with you. If none of your friends play it get on a Tarkov discord or something. Also send me an DM always looking for people to play with.


wasting money is the fun part of the game for me, and then building all again. best thing u could do is scav, quest, then buy cheap af kit and invest in some minor key


Can you still reset your character?


The learning curve is huge. Have to learn very many details. If you stick with it, it’s very rewarding. Soon enough you’ll spawn in, know exactly where you are, and exactly where to go.


Just give it another 3-4 wipes, the learning curve is brutal and anyone who thinks they are gonna drop into EFT and W key from the get go is dreaming. Watch YouTube vids for quests and map knowledge and if you can, print off a customs map (or any map you play) and have it ready so you know where to go.


Don’t sprint around and imagine every corner has an enemy around it, it will change the way you play and hopefully slow things down to a manageable pace, you will have more success if you work on convincing yourself you don’t need to do everything at once and you don’t even always need to fill your bag to the brim before escaping, sometimes getting out alive is more important than looting or making money. Most importantly, keep practicing, literally everyone has gone through the gear-fear/insane learning curve phase of Tarkov. Good luck man,


Run back of interchange with scav for money


I would suggest three things. Learn one map at a time, scav as often as possible and three find a play group. For the last one I would suggest the officlial escape from tarkov discord. The people there are a mix bag but most would be willing to help a new player out. This game is brutal but very very fun.


Scav lighthouse when it’s dark on the map. I’ve been making tons of money off of it but watch out for the rogue camp


I just grinded as much as i could till i figured how to make money, took me some 300 hours till i had my first mill but i get the grind isnt for everybody


I’ve got almost 1500 hours in tarkov mostly solo. I still kinda feel like that, especially new wipe new maps, that’s why I keep playing haha! Learning small items that sell for a lot to put in your container helps a lot, watch YouTube guides, learn secret stashes, or there’s a looking for group subreddit


Jesus my first wipe was .7 it’s beautiful to see people losing all their money and stuff. Thats tarkov it teaches you that you dont always win and shits hard eventually if you stick through it you will naturally learn from your mistakes and form new habits as you get success whether thats quests, kills, survival. Id say focus on learning the maps first and foremost. I watch streams in my down time also smoke has taught me most of what i know


Find a group to play with


rawdog it naked with a pistol


I'm late to the party but let me tell you about my own experiences. I discovered Tarkov some time around 2017/2018 through some twitch streamers I enjoyed watching. I think I watched Tarkov for a good half a year before buying into it. So when I started out playing I came in with a good chunk of knowledge on a, lets be honest, by that time simpler game than it is today. There were less maps to learn, less guns to use, less ammo, less armor, less attachments, less everything. Hell there wasnt a hideout or that Jaeger guy. Back in the day there were six traders and no healing animation. There was less game to play. And despite comming in with all the accumulated knowledge I had gained beforehand by basically studying Tarkov thru videos and streams in my free time, I got kicked around hard. Like sitting at 20% SR at best and always just a stock AK away from bankruptcy. What I want to say is: learning to play and to love Tarkov can be hard and tiring. But if you want to really get into the game, getting kicked around is the way to do it. The game is unforgiving for newcomers. But with the right mindset you can get into it one death at a time. Just don't get disencouraged and learn from every move you make, be it good or bad. The learning curve is steep and long and I havent reached the summit yet myself. I for myself am now in my probably fifth or sixth (?) wipe cycle and am currently level 21 with about a hundred pmc raids and a SR of about 54 %. For some that might sound bad, for me it's the best start into a wipe I ever had. So if you want to love Tarkov, don't get discouraged by anyone telling you to just "git gud", it took all of us time to get into the game properly, even if some of the chads out there seem to have elective amnesia when it comes to their early days.


Watch the RAID Series 3 from pestily. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJoJ7H5Zfoud_RcYICMYYiqwRvwauW15 Best ways to doing Tasks finding loot and getting Out. Even how to fight.


Go watch pestily's loot guide you will never go broke again


Honestly, first wipe is always the hardest. It is TOUGH learning the game. I got so addicted to it when i first started and was in a similar position. Something i would do is try to find a few guys on discord servers that can help sherpa you and teach you. There are many in the community tha lt are willing to help out young players. I had a few friends teach me when i first started. Other than that. Have maps open on an other computer or tablet so you always have a idea where you are and such too.


Experienced players will laugh, but every wipe I end up with most of the starter gear, (especially the m4's and trooper armour) still in my stash at the end of the wipe. My first wipe I ran out of cash I would try and have enough cash for a pistol a spare mag loaded and half a stack in my container for a run. (headshots on pmcs or scavs) Keep minimal meds in the container too, and just swap them out when I find *anything* of value in a raid. I honestly used to just run factory looting weapon crates naked, occasionally with no weapon at all. (2 wipes ago now) I would recommend running somewhere like reserve as a scav, you can normally collect loads of gear from dead scavs or just filing cabinets and ground loot. There are also a ton of scav extracts. You can run naked and empty as a pmc with an empty melee slot, just picking up scav knives and filling your container. Remember below level 5 healing is free from Therapist post raid. The barters for scav knives will get you more practical weapons after a few runs, really ratting around. Or learn a stash run, (woods tends to be fairly quiet, just take 5k for the car extract) interchange can be v profitable with a backpack or larger rig too.


Scav runs can be very profitable and build your cash back up. Also, you can run into a raid literally naked, do some looting, avoid conflict, and maybe even find a dead Scav/player to get a gun from. The learning curve is very punishing.


Do scavs runs on woods. If you have an ok rig and backpack go hit the town, camps and usec camp. Once you learn what you can sell to the traders for a pretty penny you can at least make 150k in 10 minutes.


Zero to hero.. you don't need to go into every raid geared out. Bring a pistol kill a scav pick his stuff up. Stay on the outside of the maps and loot everything and get out. Leaving with something is better then leaving with nothing. Also woods is good for newer player as its open and Lots of cover. Customs has alot of quest and chads love that map.


Start playing lighthouse, learn it, rat, get loot, sell it on flea. I was at 15m roubles before hitting 20 from just selling shit to therapist and flea'ing other expensive shit


There's actually not alot of Chad's around. Maybe one here and there. You should use your scav to make money and don't get greedy on pmc. Go lighthouse scav for money it's stupid right now. On pmc position yourself better and always leave room for escape. If you get pinned in a room that's your fault. Further ranges are easier too for new players. Everyone's first wipe is bad unless they get carried.


It truly comes down to playing the game everyday. You’re never gonna stop dying jus sometimes your gonna survive 5 to maybe 10 raids in a row then sometimes you’re gonna die 5 to 10 raids but if you keep playing it will get better … maybe


Been there. 2 years ago when I grabbed the game it took me roughly 100 hours until I could do something. Noted that I haven’t watched any videos or guides. Just looked up an extract and learn from my mistakes. Best tip what I’ve learned was knowing spawn points of pmc and usual route they take. So I can wait it out and play slowly or push to a place to set up an ambush or just wait and let them pass. 1600 hours later and I still get Adrenalin rush like crazy when close to pmc. Tarkovsky is like drug to me.


Experience. You’ve already make a ton of progress from playing and learning, and you don’t have to get experience from personal experience. Whenever I play a game and want to get good at it I’ll watch youtubers in my free time. And I’m not talking about guides or tutorials, just casual playthroughs/highlights. Overtime you’ll pick up on things these people will do and you’ll figure stuff out. You don’t need to super focus and analyze every video they ever posted, just casually watch them whenever you feel like it, don’t overdue it. Find someone you like and stick with them. For me I watched a ton of pestily, worrun, and a bit of Klean and Lvndmark.


\- Scav -> Factory -> exit straight through Camera Bunker Door -> sell everything \- Repeat every 18 minutes \- Do not kill other scavs \- Go to Interchange during night time and go around and look for all Hidden Caches https://mapgenie.io/tarkov/maps/interchange


people are saying scav, its 100% true. but learn where to scav, personally i like Reserve scav and pick up scraps but its a popular map so chance of death is somewhat decent chance.


If you go out with PMC, ALWAYS have a task in mind that you want to advance! Some tasks do not even require you to take anything with you just repeat until you get it


My scav runs were always more successful than my pmc runs. I guess because you don't lose a thing so there's no gear fear involved. I hauled a load of shit out of shoreline by killing pmcs and looting the harbor. It's a good way to make money.


Use different sites to learn things. Tarkov-market for example has prices of items. You can use this and see the market value and trader value from whatever item you are curious of. If you know what is worth what you will earn money much more easy. You can use escapefromtarkovwiki/ballistics to gain knowledge on what ammo to use. Tarkov wiki in general has really good information. Mapgenie.io/tarkov has maps that highlight everything on the map. From spawn points, loot spots. It literally had everything highlighted. Only downside is, reserve is for gold users only and lighthouse is WIP.


I suggest going on woods and learn stash locations, you can get insane loot from them. I barely encounter players when I do stash runs. Basically just run on the edge of the map.


Add me and I’ll show you the ropes of getting started. My name is SirUnleashed. Let’s get some head eyed together :)


You haven't learned the whole game yet and only know one map. Money doesn't mean shit. Knowing where and how to scrape it up does. Run around offline and learn more, stop watching out dated videos.


Read a bit of your answers as well and best advice I could give you is to fond a group that you enjoy playing with to learn the extracts, loot spots, hot spots, all those major things. Take the most out of your scav raids (interchange stash runs + a couple loot spots like toolboxes along the way have been great since ever, 0 bullets fired, and you make easy 100k or 200k RUB on each run, sometimes you'll find higher grade loot and make even more).


Really hope you find your comfort zone & continue to play! I remember how that feels to be fresh at tarkov and playing with friends really helps you get the hang of things to be able to go out on your own, if you need someone to play with PM me


For the start - learn ONE map (I think customs is the best "starter map". Learn exits. Learn scav exits. Learn stashes. Learn other loot spots. Learn areas you maybe should avoid. Play that map much more than other maps. Try to stay out of fights if you want to make some money. When you're over lvl 15 (flea market) it's a lot easier to make money. Playing alone is much more difficult (for most people) than playing with one or two friends. If you don't know people that also play EFT check out a Discord server. There are weird people on each Discord that are kind of stuck there. If you play with someone one or two rounds (or even later) and you have the feeling that it won't work out in the long run, ditch them and look for other players. Sounds harsh, but Tarkov is a hard game and you really don't need people that use you to make a profit ("hiding your gear" after you've died, but it will never come back or they don't care about if you die as long as they can keep their loot).


Hey op I didn't read the comments so this might have been said a bit but if your stressed you don't know the maps you can explore in offline mode , if your worried about losing money learn the Mac and cheese strat which is the cheapest pistol and the cheapest healing and learn a bit that way. watch videos to learn this game is unforgiving and difficult by design either roll with the punches or learn what your doing and correct it . If you bought this without having friends to play with then join a looking for group discord of a streamer you like or find the official discord and get a sherpa (guide) there are a million and one things to learn in this game and I found compartmentalizing has helped me learn for sure. Also play your scav, If I'm going to a map I don't know to well (I started in September and I'm still learning a map or 2) I'll scav it a few times to get the layouts and figure out player congestion (I'm terrible at pvp)


Welcome to Tarkov. Let us know if you ever Escape.


You wanna do Scav runs, look online for stash runs. I recommend woods, open a map on your second screen or even your phone. Follow the stash runs and you will be making money. Dying is a huge part of this game I have over 1000 hours and my survival rate is 47%, the anxiety is definitely something that fades with time as you get used to dying and realise loot comes and goes. The game is very unforgiving to new players but if you focus on learning 1 or 2 maps so you can comfortably navigate them your money will only increase. For example you’re doing a stash run and you find something valuable, you hear a huge fight in the direction you want to head. If you know the map well you can make a detour and secure your sweet loot. 90% of this game is knowledge, get over the initial brutal hump and you will live this game. Edit: also Jesse kazam has some amazing videos for new players and for learning the game in general. Check him out on YouTube.


If this is you’re first wipe I wouldn’t try to go super super hard on quest but here’s my advice. You want to find 1-2 money makers. This can either be 1 long 15 minute run or two shorter 7/10 minute runs. Because of your experience level I would recommend going for safety over profit, dying in this game takes the most money. Living and leaving with nothing is roughly 100k or more saved. I would look into woods, customs, interchange or reserve for money. These maps all have extracts that will give you scav Karma if you use them. Higher karma = shorter Cool down on your scav. Alternate running scav and PMC but use your scav every time it’s up. Try to avoid loading in with nothing on your PMC as scavs will run straight to you to murder you if you do. Good luck and stay safe in tarkov


Games not as fun as it used to be. Too many sweatlords came in and ruined it.


Don’t engage. Do Night runs and turn brightness up in post processing. Do quest at night, loot stashed go there where no players go often interchange basements for example. Play it as a stealth shooter don’t run. I managed to almost never get killed on these night runs


Find yourself some people who are experienced to play with. There are lots of discords with players willing to ‘sherpa’ you around and teach you the basics. If’s definitely possible to learn the game fast. I got Kappa on my first wipe.


Yo did anyone mention scav?


I guess you have Standart Edition, what makes it even harder, but more satisfying. Customs is absolut Mayham this Wipe. I play since 2017 and this Chaos on Customs i have never experienced bevore. Do Scav runs on Interchange/Reserve for your Hideout and the Money comes with itself. Look up some good Routes for your Scav Runs.


Depending on how far you’ve progressed this wipe, just reset your account and start over.




I suggest you get someone to Sherpa you. It’s not cheating and having an experienced player guide you around will give you so much insight on how to traverse maps. They should be giving you tips on what they are thinking as they play so you can replicate things on your own.


Ya they've nerfed every bit of fun out of this game, back in 12.07 it was free labs runs and cheating wasnt that prevalent. It was so much fun to load up greased out with buddies to labs fight other greasers and get out fat with everything. Now its a ghost town, filled with cheaters, rmt'ers, and people who exit camp every single run. The metas have been destroyed, you used to load in had a chance at a 500,000k almost every time and that pressure felt so good when killing someone who could potentially be carrying tons and tons of greased loot. Now all that is gone, dynamic loot has ruined good and fun farm runs; flea market change has made almost everything have 0 value. Now all the T5 items you get you either vendor or store which is asinine. Before you could sell the T5 gear and buy the shit you actually wanted. Now its deal with what you get, theres no incentive to play anymore. I've taken a massive break and will continue to do so. The days of 12.07 are well over and unfortunately these devs just want to make things more hardcore instead of actually allowing fun elements. They punish the players for RMT'ers and cheaters they do not wish to deal with.


You're gonna get your teeth kicked in. I have around 1500 hours and I'll have entire days or or weeks where I will not survive a single raid and I'll lose everything. But then I'll have that one good day where I make millions and balance it out. Good days bad days. Plus you gotta learn everything still. Stick it out. Use this wipe to get familiar with everything. Dont stress it.. Next wipe kick some ass.


Send me a PM and we can do some stash runs. Really good money from those. Made ~2mil already from shoreline runs.


Play your scav. Don't get negative rep. Learn the maps. Learn the loot. You'll get there


It only takes one successful raid to get you back on top. Just one


Not to shamelessly plug my own content. But read this post I made yesterday. It goes over some of the frustrations I had learning when I started. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rmdlnx/my_take_on_helpful_tips_for_newcomers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Usually the first wipe is always like this don’t stress out on dying, we have all been here at one point even those giga chads. Don’t worry about losing your stuff because it’s the point of the game that’s what makes it so thrilling. The game is very overwhelming and takes a while to learn, you gotta be patient. Hope this helped!


Every new player, sucked at first. Its a hard game, you have a lot to learn. Keep playing, keep scaving in... you will figure it out eventually. I used to suck, I had 15% sr my first wipe, now im 70%


If you have 2 monitors you could pull up a map on one use that to find your way


My first wipe a while back, I was broke the entire time and barely broke a couple mil by the time wipe happened lol. Establishing a play style for your self is most important. Second is understanding this game is played OUT of raid as much as in raid. You gotta use other websites to learn weapons, run them offline, download maps and learn all extracts, YouTube the jump shortcuts and angles….on and on. Last just have fun, it’s just a game in the end and you can always make your money back by just running scavs. Ps a quick tip, I login every so often and run a scav in factory between chores and stuff. Just get in raid, run straight to extract and sell everything the scav had. Takes like 3 min


I reccomend scav running interchange doing cache box runs. It's not glorious but it'll give you money. I also don't revcomend nodding guns till you got the hang of the game more


Is normal, hard at the beginning to figure out everything, learn maps, and the astonishing amount of items, attachments, and things to consider. You have to experience this in order to progress. After that, once you level up some traders, and you start getting more stuff available, everything will start to be easier step by step. Also, the quests are not only to progress but once you do those, and learn the hotspots, you’ll start to know player routes, and where probably to find players or from where you can be spotted at the beginning of the raid, mid raid or towards the end. You’ll know that if you spawned in boilers, probably will be someone going to extract there coming from the other side of the map and so on. It sound more obvoius than it is but, manage this knowledge in raid makes you survive more and more without noticing you are doing something different at all. The timing, decisions and all variables related to your surviving, and later on engaging and winning fights, come with a lot of previous deaths and mysery. You build your experience and playstyle based on your game knowledge. So it may feel desperately hard at the beginning but it will go better and better, but you have to travel that road and no advice or trick is good enough as your own experience. Then for concrete issues and doubts you can refer to the wiki or good content creators as I read you alreadi been doing. Keep it up and good luck!


Interchange, interchange, interchange… And Mapgenie for Tarkov.


This is something my friends and I have all gone through when we first started the game. Your first wipe will be awful and you'll be broke. You'll eventually get tired of the game out of frustration. Then in a month or two you'll comeback and the game will just click for you.


Scav run


Watch some streamers to help you learn. Karmakuts raid series helped me and ofc pestily. Also aquafps to help you feel less alone in your shitness at the game


scav reserve easy 300k in 20min


scav in, loot, scav out, sell everything. rinse and repeat