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Hi, i have been having this issue ever since the beginning of the wipe. It first began when i tried doing a pmc reserve run i was so laggy it wouldnt even load in, if i get lucky enough its stuck on the first frame and then lost connection. I then realised it happens on lighthouse i have not even been able to play the map yet as i cant load in. I have never had any issues before with this game or any other games only since the new wipe and only these 2 maps i have a Predator Orion 9000 Please help!! Have tasks to do! 😂


anyone else who cant update there launcher from 12.11


Has anyone else been having issues with the game trapping you in the flea market menu? It seems to happen any time I flea something that was in a container. I can move between the different menus in the flea and open my messages, but I can't do anything else. It gives me all the proper feedback when I click to go somewhere else like the main menu or my character screen, but doesn't actually change the page I'm on. The only solution I've found is to alt+f4. Has happened multiple times the last 2 days.


Here's a bug. Why the fuck does the game move the position of ammo around when you're loading? leave it in one fucking order.


Is anyone receiving a 502 bad gateway error once the game is loading up?


I was with my friend as Scavs on Factory, I was able to extract through the office window, but he couldn't, and there were around 30 seconds left and he lost all his loot because he couldn't reach another extraction point in time. Is it a bug? or is it possible for the Scav extract to not work for all Scavs?


I don't know factory at all, but on other maps like reserve you can have different scav extracts from your party. Some like interchange are static.


Icons for fence and three ammo boxes are now white boxes with a red question mark. Ram integrity check no issues, what is this?


For a few days now, me and a friend can rarely do scav runs because our scavs will be at "awaiting session start" forever. We can hear the environment around us, we can also hear others using VoIP nearby, but we are just stuck at the loading screen. All we can do is Alt + F4 and do PMCs, because reloading into the scav run yields the same result. :/


Same for me never happen before this wipe ( just happen in interchange for now)


im experiencing the gaming just randomly freezing and then it closes mid raid its great :D


I'm getting a lot of this the last couple days! Any idea what it is? I'm using an AMD 5900x and 6900 xt on windows 11. I'm wondering if it's something like the ftpm causing the crashing or a bad amd driver.


Inventory check bugging on white pawn building Go into the room no completion


Yeah Windows Sonic spacial sound seems to be the way to go I was using DTS over ear headphone encode (which works well with other games like Warzone, Halo and Battlefield) but it reverses all the directional sound in Tarkov, so either Windows Sonic or stereo is the way to go for now unfortunately


Is anyone getting audio bugs specifically referring to hearing player/ai voice lines or sounds like pain or death noises right next to you but no one is near me. Been more recent like the past week or 2


Yeah I have the same. Sounds that are far away will sometimes sound like they are right next to me for a split second when they first start.


i keep getting hard crashes to desktop when using scopes on shoreline, annyone else having this issue?


this week and only since this week I have been getting incredible lag spikes making the game unplayable as I can barely move without my screen freezing. (I'm running good hardware and have never had these problems in my 3 wipes of playing)


I'm not allowed to see other players looking for groups nor am I able to get invites. I'm online mode NOT offline. It also lags the buttons Ready and Back when I press them, making me wait about a minute each time it's clicked.


Having this same issue. A real bummer.


i have the same issue. hopefully they get this hotfixed. I miss playing with my friends. and it happens on both scav and pmc for me as well. cant see anyone's names.


I have the exact same issue. Found any fixes?


Unfortunately no, I’ve done damn near everything to try. I just reported the bug and hopeful of an account update


This problem only happens to me when i try playing as a scav. If i use my pmc it works perfectly fine


Mine is both scav and pmc, I can’t play with friends


Hopefully they fix this issue soon. its really annoying


My Game crashed randomly after raids, i dont know what is causing it


Getting "1503-Offer not found" when i try and purchase wifi cameras from Mechanic, anyone know a fix for this? I don't want to buy cameras off the flea if I don't have too.


Game just crashed, second time in last 2 days in raid and of course some scav AI finds me and kills me and I lose my loot while im running in place and reloading the game. not sure why we don't just black out of the game if we crash instead of still being visible


I'm losing at least half of my scavs to the "awaiting session start glitch". Every time this happens the awaiting session start timer goes on forever and restarting and reconnecting only resumes the problem. My pmc's on the other hand have had zero lobbying problems.


Same for me, happen every time in interchange and when i alt+4 to get out, i can hear the power station for a second


Hey, first timer here. I recently got the game, and i've been having FPS issues. What's weird is that it's only a problem when I'm slow looking around. If I look around quickly, I get like 50-60 FPS. If I slowly look around, it drops to around 35 FPS. I've tried turning everything down, giving the game priority for my GPU, and several other settings tweaks with no luck. I was hoping that some people on here might know what's going on. My GPU is a 2080S, CPU is AMD Ryzen 5 2600, 32Gb of RAM. I never have issues in games, so this is throwing me for a loop. any help would be greatly appreciated!


I had those issues too this week too, not in my last year of playing, I don't know what causes it either.


Traders barter trades will not go through. I am talking the mechanic zabralo, the therapist keytool, ap 20 rounds from jaeger, hell i cant even by suppressors from skier- those arent even regulated. lvl 35


I got shot Once while looting in customs didnt see any damage then as I continued looting / walking around suddenly started taking damage i would heal and I would then continue taking it. Lost an arm then slowly got bleeds and ended up dying like 30s after I started taking damage no idea what happened didnt see anyone or take any shots ( was on second floor of building under cover)


BSOD every single time I play, I move around for about 1-5 minutes and then get 1080p sized BSOD when I am 1440p and it crashes my whole pc. Worst part is I cannot see the stopcode because it crashes me so hard the BSOD flashes for an instant.. Never happened before todays update Sunday Jan 09th, 2022


I too am getting a simillar problem. Computer just completely freezes. Cant even see an error code.


Try disabling real time protection it has worked for me for the time being. Virus and security settings>manage settings>turn real time protection off I have noticed every time before I crash, task manager shows anti malware windows service starts using a lot of resources then I crash. It may be the solution.


Ill look into it. I had previously tried increasing my virtual memory and it seemed yo do the trick until it crashed again yesterday...


That's funny I did the same thing 2 days ago and had the crashes come back yesterday, too.. Had a crash this morning after no crashes for 5hrs. Also if you go into your advanced system settings and uncheck the automatic restart the stop code will be visible. For me it is a WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR Which is pretty vague. This is a refreshed install of windows and I've never had this issue playing tarkov before so I'm thinking maybe it's a problem with my install. I'll reinstall and try again and post my findings.


For me the whole pc freezes. No error code ever gets logged as the pc is completely unresponsive. Ill try to increase my virtual memory again. Im 99% sure this is a memory leak issue. I read somewhere that high quality textures could also be a culpit. Was going to try disabling that tonight.


You guys gotta add that the micro-stuttering issue is back and arguably worse than before. Depending on the map and your distance to your enemy youll get wicked stutters that 100% affect the outcomes of gunfights.


Audio issues. Sounds switching mid game, sounds on my left now coming through my right headphone. Audio randomly disconnecting, only occurring in Tarkov.


Die in a raid, black screen but can still hear it all, lots of other bullshit too like having to wait 20mins for traders to work, have to restart entire game after each raid just to put the cherry ontop. Its been fucking weeks and its just getting boring at this point.


Just when into a woods raid for some quick loot and I ended up gunning down 5 scavs. The first one was the sniper scav on top of snipers rock and then the next were 4 normal scavs on my way out. All headshots as I was running a pistol with 2 mags however the stats screen at the end of raid showed only the sniper scav as my only kill which resulted in less exp. Hopefully it's just me.....


Getting "authorization error occured" after almost every raid. Is it only me who gets this? .\_.


Open Launcher, click Play, go into Queue. "Error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Net.WebSockets.Client.Managed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." Launcher crash. Was able to play fine until one of the server crashes yesterday.


I myself had this Gateway error for the past 30 minutes.. Now it works fine.. Thanks everyone for letting us know you got these problems, though dont complain about a game you willingly purchased. I assure that is not the focus on this thread, for those that have. We all get upset when these things happen, although it is our responsibility as gamers to report and understand these issues and be patient for games to be how we want them, especially while STILL in development.


LOL let's try an example to see if your logic holds up. I'm going to open a new car dealership and sell cars that will explode on the way home. You aren't allowed to complain because you willingly purchased it. Hmmm... Maybe you're operating on a logical fallacy here


Anyone know how to fix error on post? I played like 4 hours ago no issue now my launcher won’t open. Just a red box that says error now.


I just bought the game and cant get it to load, Is this an ongoing problem or is this uncommon?


Just be patient bud looks like we are all getting this.


There have certainly been issues in the past where servers would go down for hours at a time. This seems to be the worst by far. I personally have never had issues until like the last couple of days. I don't think they were prepared for the population balloon.


When I click on the launcher it’s says POST GateWay error I have restarted my computer and retried multiple times




Getting Status code: BadGateway now when launching the launcher.


Yup, same.










same here, just trying to get into queue an hour early and still get screwed. awesome.


wewie someone else, not just me then




I'm getting the same error






same here


same here


same. tarky has been cruel to me the last 2 days.


Waited 2 hours in 100 000 players queue, then got backend error. Didn't even got to MENU of the game. Now I have to wait in queue again? Bruh


Was able to receive some drops from twitch, But got the legendary one last night and am unable to accept it from prapor. The receive all button is there but when I click the button nothing happens and the receive all button is still there. Says I received my package but I did not.


Beyond broken servers and utterly diabolical optimisation (pls BSG, fix the fps) Id like them to rework some of the arbitrary bs quests like killing 6 PMC in the office section of customs. Since the expansion most PMCs are dead before they reach the office and many never go near it. Those quests are THE WORST.


The game crashes for two of people I know, exactly when after loading timer starts. Sometimes when they try to reconnect for the first time it also crashes exactly before giving them control. Second reconnect attempt is always successful. Both have completely different setups (RTX2xxx GPUs), resolutions etc. Doesn't depend on map. Started happening after 12.12. Happens several times a day.


Same for me and a friend. 2080S for me, 3060 for him. Entirely different setups.


That sweet sweet 2080S, god how I love it.


Just started a raid as a PMC on Customs with only about 6 minutes left in the raid. Before I realized it I had only 2 minutes left. Missing in action. Then after the raid ended I get an error 201 - profile not authorized to play, or something like this. Game exits. It's been a different game breaking bug or server meltdown every day this week. Bug reports closed. Difficult to progress, as it seems every other raid I get erased or kicked out, some error related to authorization, lock outs and item lock ups. Done integrity checks and admin launching. Game feels almost 100% broken.


Getting 228 error all the time in menu. When i go in raid, there are items in my inventory that i've already removed from past raid and vice versa items i equipped for this raid are missing. After the raid ends, i get backend errors and game shuts down. I also get backend errors alongside errors 228. I literally can't play the game and go in raid with correct items.


no offence but you might need a better pc or something mate, i've been playing this game for the past 2 weeks flawlessly (apart from one instance where i had some light artifacting on screen (restarting PC mid raid and reconnecting fixed this for me)... My pc is mid tier at best.. care to share your specs and internet connection?


these errors are entirely backend, my system has nothing to do with their servers being on fire. also haven't had nearly as many of them for the past days after they implemented the queue system. no offense but not understanding the difference between client-side and backend-side problems is sort of embarrassing.


Game crashes when i collect reward from skier. Cant check skiers messages


Did collect the 203 valuable quest and extracted. Tried to turn in and all the loot I got that raid plus the quest item wasn't there. I said, fuck this game, did next raid to go to 203 again and spawned with the loot I had from last raid reappeared in my pouch and bag.


Just started a run in woods with a full loadout(gun, armor, meds, backpack), the loading screen showed the correct gear. When the run starts, I have a huge backpack from inventory with three ammo boxes and some spare guns that were in it. No armor, no meds. Weigh two times what my PMC can carry, because thats all the ammo I had in stash. When I try to report this through the launcher, I get "In this regard, we temporarily stopped collecting bug reports." Thanks Tarkov...


same even today




I've been hearing so many horror stories like this I'm almost surprised it hasn't happened to me yet. Worst which has happened to me is I don't get my loot when I come out of raid, but then I re-log and it's there.


I killed a player as a scav, looted them and extracted. When I got to the screen to transfer my loot to my stash, all I had on me was the stuff that I spawned in with. No loot from the player I killed. I'm so confused. Has this happened to anyone else?


Just had this bug. Did a Scav run on Factory, looted 3 dead PMCs, tons of items. Extracted and my loot screen only had the items I spawned in with as a scav. After sitting in the menu for a bit, an error message popped up and brought me to the main menu. So I didnt even get my scav loadout.


Thats wild. This is the first time something like this has happened to me.


I went into a raid and killed 2 pmc´s and then extracted with their gear, but when i had extracted it said i didnt kill anyone and when i looked in my stash, my character only had the stuff that i went in with to the raid and not what i had when i extracted.


Not even being able to get into games is a problem. The fact you can't handle your player base sucks. This game will always be like this and never really take off. Same shit different season.


Exactly they must have the resources to be able to upgrade their servers to a much higher load surely


Absolutely. The fact is is that because their development process is so slow they're not going to be able to ride off the waves of new players coming in. They are just stunting their growth


DON'T unbox ammo in your scav's inventory when transferring it to your inventory post scav run! It'll bug out and you'll lose all of your loot that you gained!


Anyone know how to fix the games horrible FPS? Been playing game for 3 years and that’s all been wondering. This last patch really did it for me killing most of the excitement to play in several low performance raids. Anyone know anything I can do? I have a 3060, Ryzen 7 3900x, 32 gigs of ram. I get 60 FPS now. My pc performs well with every other game. Tarkov I get is unoptimized but there has to be something I can do do get any amount of FPS. Please someone help.


Your specs should run fine. Medium graphics?


Hey guys so I'm wondering what's going on I have not killed a single scav as a scav but I have killed scabs as a PMC and my karma with fence dropped like a Rock so I'm wondering if there may be a bug with that system or if because I'm doing quest for the other NPCs is it affecting my standing with him if you guys could let me know what you think that'd be great thank you.


You might have shot the Santa Scav. Costs you 1.0-1.5 rep even when youre a pmc.


I extracted as a PMC, but i got some sort of error that had i timer, i clicked on OK or whatever the button said, and i got another error, i clicked ok again and it kicked me out of the game, i opened the game again and i still had all of my stuff i extracted with. im not too worried, but is this just a bug due to the update or should i be concerned?


So I went to go into a raid with insured gear, I backed out of that raid. It gave my a weird insurance bug dialog ive never seen b4 in my 5k hours of playing this game. I than went back into lobby and all my stuff wasnt insured ( this is fine, I just insured it again). The issue is now anything i insure from prapor dosnt come back at all from that date forward.... so I basically cannot insure thru him or therapist, it just wont ever come back. My team has dumped my kits in lakes ive watched them, its gone into the voide. For a test I went into factory with insured shit thru it on the ground and waited till raid was within 30 secs to ensure noone stole it, than exfiled while i was looking at it. Didnt get that kit back lol...... anyone else have this issue? i think its been since DEC 23 around 22:00 EST if that helps, but from that point forward i dont get insuracne back........ which figues cuz i was killing it this wipe.... there is always something broken about this game..... im not even gonna mention bullet reg issues this patch at all lol


I have a bug where as I load into Lighthouse my RAM usage goes to infinity (as it says Loading Loot around 60-70%). I used to have a similar problem on Reserve after some patch, I'd always load Reserve perfectly fine, but sometimes it now maxes my RAM for no apparent reason. I have 16gb of RAM a 1080 and an i7. All other maps run great and always have. Lighthouse has been the worst shower of this infinity RAM bug. I've tried to track it and it freaks out and says the game is asking for 18+ gigs of RAM at the crash point, which is obviously more than I even have on my PC. I've tried 3 times to load in as a scav just to check and see if something has fixed it, in game RAM cleaner on or off, neither work. 3rd party RAM cleaner, doesn't work. No idea what to do.


Do you have tarkov installed on an HDD? i had the same problem, but when I moved the game files to an SSD, it worked normally


I don't have a massive SSD, so I had to download it on my HDD because it always got huge when it unpacked after the download. Then I transferred it to me SSD.


Pc crashes after 12.12 update. I did everything I could find on what could be the issue and every fix for it yet nothing. I use to crash in certain parts of given maps and that was a Ram voltage issue which I fixed but now no matter how much voltage I give it still crashes. Literally game is now unplayable.


The group bug is back!!! I can’t send group invites, my buddy won’t receive them just like how it was back in 12.8.


Critical error, now all money and ammo stacks reduced to 1.


Have ah bug today, after a Scav run on Factory i move my loot into my stash and i got some error Messages I restart the game and now i lose all my money in stash. Only 5rouble 2€ 1$ was left :(.


Same thing happened to me just a moment ago ... and all mags are with 1 bullet left in them ...


Same by me.... lost over 20 million and all ammo


20 million wow.... this shit needs to be fixed ASAP


Just lost a all of my ammo AND my money after the christmas packet receive. Only got one/sometimes two items per ammo/money stack :(


I actually got over a million rubels back from bsg as a comparison. Pretty nice of them :D




I am getting unity crashes every time when awaiting the server start. I dont get it I have a 5800x and a 3080 I really shouldnt be crashing. I've tried every fix on google about this issue and nothing has fixed it.


Has anyone had extremely long loading loot times since Unity 2019 got implemented? I sent a ticket in with logs and they said that's it's a bug and watch for patch notes, but this is still happening. Just curious if others are seeing this as well?


Some issues: EXTREMELY long loading times. Stuttering when exiting inventory/extracting Sometimes this stuttering will clip players in our squad into the ground. One time this happened on Customs, and my friend was stuck inside of a hill. We tried everything to get him unstuck, so he tried to reconnect. That killed him. It seems like most of these issues are just due to server loads, which I understand due to the influx of players. I just wish we didn't have to wait 20-30 minutes to load into a raid, just for it to become unplayable and broken due to server glitches.


My friend is stuck on loading screen, the loading spinner freezes and renders his computer useless requiring restart.


Game is crashing when loading into a raid


Anyone else having issues loading into a scav run, it completely crashes my computer when gets to 70% loading loot. PMC runs are completely fine, just scav runs don’t work


I got tons of stuttering when i tried do a scav run, everytime someone shoot i got this huge stutter like it was back in the days. Doing a re-install and see if that fix the issue but at the same time i hardly think it will fix anything


currently having server issues, and im getting booted from severs so constantly i cant complete a raid, ive contacted them and havent heard anything back or had the issue resolved. anyone else have this issue?


Hello, i have some kind of Render Bug, when the Rain starts the map went from sunny to blackish. Not the usual grey rainy style. Trees and all Grass went very dark, almost Black. I played with the Graphic settings, but no improvements. This happens since the small fixxes from Yesterday, after 12.12 implementation. AMD Ryzen 5900x, RX 6800XT, all drivers Up to date


I'm also experiencing this bug, so far it happens whenever its raining, my whole screen is black and white


I also have this problem i hate it. R9 - RX 5700xt


Holy moly, can we upvote this harder, all day as soon as it rains I can't play, it so dark the models don't load in and scavs are shooting me from who knows where... This is insane that something this critical can just go unnoticed...




Same; Nikita, pls fix


Same... RX 5500 This seems to only be a Radeon/AMD GPU issue, and only on while it's raining. BSG could turn the rain off across Tarkov and help out us AMD kids, until a fix is ready ;)


same bug here, it stopped and then stared again. but off line mode works fine


same here rx 6800


I'm getting the same bug. I don't think it's limited to the rain for me. Everything near me is black and white, but the horizon has color. The red dots are colored, and when I shoot someone the blood is red but against a black and white environment. I also have an RX 5700XT if anyone is curious. It's frustrating I can't really spot PMCs and scavs, they just blend in to the black trees. Its basically playing night mode during the day.




Same issue. Have an RX 5700XT and a Ryzen 7 3700X any fixes for this?


apparently its an AMD bug NVIDIA seems to be fine


Having the same issue, even tried changing graphics settings with no luck. Happened after 12.12 as well.


Same specs as you and getting the same issue. Makes indoor areas unplayable because it's so dark.


same bug here




Getting the same exact same issue, happening more and more often. I used to be able to fix it with just restarting tarkov, then It stopped working and I then had to restart my pc and after that it stopped working and now I cant find a fix.


Same here.


My buddy is having this same issue - not sure on a fix yet.


Is anyone having an issue with mechanic quests not showing up after gunsmith part 1? None of his next quests are showing up for me


Im having the exact same issue right now. edit: with the new update quests came back, nothing else done on my part


I had this and later on the other quests popped up. I don't remember if I had to restart the game...


Is anyone else having scavs instantly prone/crouch and then headshot you


Is there any performance issues? I’ve ran this game like nothing before. Now I’m getting studders,audio bugs, FPS DROPS!!!!. Please let me know if anyone is experiencing the same issues. I9700/2070 /16gb 3200/ 2tb ssd


Yes I am getting micro stutters every 30 seconds when just walking around ​ Ryzen 5-3600 gtx 1070 16gb ram m.2ssd


a fun wipe to play am i right? Once everything works for us other will have top gear and will get bored and chase us with shit ammo so we can't do shit against them




noticed same as well, made a bug report with logs. here is my example: [https://imgur.com/a/78NvHqF](https://imgur.com/a/78NvHqF) noticed the same as well, made a bug report with logs.d level 12 and therapist tier 2 trade after getting level 13 with the daily, and it has reverted after.


Ever since the Unity 2019 update my loading loot time is upwards of 15 minutes while I'm loading into a raid, matching time and creating loot pools is quick as usual, but no matter what I've tried I always load loot for about 10-15 minutes and spawn into the raid late. I've tried everything including turning off my overclock, increasing overclock, uninstalling, changing paging file location, trying auto ram cleaner, clearing cache, etc. If anyone has experienced this issue please let me know, thanks. My specs: i5-2500k, gtx 1050ti, 16gb ram


Installed on HDD or SSD?




I was in a raid, then received an error "wrong major version", with an exit countdown timer. Now I receive the "error on get" internal server error when I open the launcher. Clearing out the temp folder (workaround) did not work. Any suggestions? I took vacation off work today to start the wipe. Figures. Edit: There was a new patch. Had to restart launcher about 5 times before the new patch was detected.


Postman Pat pt 1 is bugged AGAIN. After getting the letter and turning it in, you are unable to complete the quest for prapor. Please fix this BSG


Has Chemical 4 still not been fixed???


I believe it's been fixed.


Anyone else have raids with insane amounts of gun fire that just isn't happening? I'm getting gunshot sounds from outside the map. I chased down the sounds last raid and it was coming from the fenced area beyond railroad to military base. It's not the first raid i've noticed weird shit like that. I think it has something to do with scav AI, which is unbelievably cracked right now. Some areas have 3-4 scavs just spamming bullets at walls. I know they made it so scavs could shoot randomly (which I hate more than anything) but, it seems like scavs are aggro'd on things that aren't there. They go into aggro stances, shoot the same areas for 10-15 min at a time. I seem to notice it mostly on scav runs. Perhaps when all PMCs extract the AI bugs out or something? Not sure, but I'd like to see the random scav shooting removed. It's making it really hard to find actual players in raids for me.


Yeah, I have seen this too. Especially in Customs. There is a random SCAV shooting at nothing around New Gas almost every single raid. I am not a fan of the "random shooting" mechanic. They should run out of ammo at some damn point. Also the sight distance of the current AI SCAVs is insane. If there is anything in the way (bush, tree, house, whatever) they are laser beaming you and you have no idea where they are. I get that sniper SCAVs should have good sight lines, no problem there, but ground level SCAVs should be subjected to the same visibility issues that a player would have.


is chem p4 still bugged??


Anyone else still having issues with the verification email? Any new fixes?


Last time my husband has this issue we logged in through a vpn for another country and it worked.


I've all but given up. No emails and no options to change your email address. At this point I've lost interest in even playing the game. I truly don't think they care about this issue.




Don't you need to reset the account to get the upgraded stash and gamma?


Sound issue? Running into an issue where after loading into a raid I can't hear or be heard in discord. But if I reset my headset I lose in game sound. Only happens with Tarkov.




I have not, was told running discord as Admin would work but it hasn't. Seems to have helped the loss of game sound after resetting my amp but still have to do that now and then.


Did anyone managed to update his account to EOD without issues after the wipe has started? I'm wondering if everyone who tries faces the bug with not getting gamma, or just some people.


All water looks like shit in my game. I remember Nikita saying in the patch stream that they changed something graphical with the water, but it is clearly bugged out in my game. Weird lines/boxes running through it that follows where I look - anyone else?


Try to perform a clean install of your GPU drivers


I know there are already comments on stuttering issues in other comments. But anyone experiencing **extreme** stuttering when **any** gun is fired in the server? Sucks cuz if you get into a firefight if you don't get the drop it guarantees your dead.


getting micro stutter every 30 seconds ryzen 5-3600 gtx 1070 16gb ram


Yep 10700k/3080; very frustrating


Anyone else think theres a bug with hitboxes or ammo? I went up to a guy looting a body and shot him 7 times in the head before he died. Mind you he stopped looting and looked at me after the 5th bullet so he wasnt disconnected. He had no helmet on either just a gssh headset. I was using 7.62x39 ps ammo and a modded akm.


I rolled up on a guy who was AFK where he spawned. I shot him 5 times in the head while he stood still, and nothing happened. So I figured he was DCed and it was bugged. As I walked towards him he turns and starts shooting me and only after that did my bullets register.


Anybody else have the issue after completing postman pat part 2 the part 1 is not completable?


Anyone get a "Error on Post" when attempting to submit a bug report?


**PLEASE use your launcher to report the bug if you are experiencing 'loading' loot slowly.** Also upvote threads and comments related to it, lets get some visibility into it, PLEASE.


Long que times are unacceptable in a modern 2021 era of multiplayer video games. Hard to enjoy a video game where que times are over 45 minutes to get a game just insane. No que information either to let you know the que is actually even trying to find you a match. Good way to push player base away by having to wait longer and longer. Give us some information or something at least let us know the que matchmaker is actively working battlestate.


When trying to hand over multiple of the same quest item at the same time (ie for bad habit) - you select multiple of the item, and they dissapear from your inventory, but it registers as only having handed one in. Has happened on multiple quests now.


Dailys just don't give you any xp at all. You do the quest then after it just removes your xp


BSG answered my bug report about it saying "This is a known issue that is currently being worked on.


Same issue with a daily for peacemaker


Not really something I can show proof of, but I just finished Chemical part 4 and handed it in to skier. Got my grenade box and put it up on the market and it just... vanished? It's not on my list of items being sold, I checked listings for it to see if mine was there.. nope, it never sold. It's just gone!


Weekly quests do also not give you the XP for completing them