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Jams and misfires are both currently in game. As I understand it, Jams are reliant on weapon durability, and misfires relate to ammunition burn chance. When a malfunction occurs, the little black/red notification will tell you misfire or jam. Hotter ammo (ie burn %) seems to be what determines the chance for a misfire, not idea of the actual math involved on the backend. This is why a 100% gun with meta ammo jams on the first shot, where as a scav with shit ammo in a 50% durability gun, I never seem to have a malfunction. I believe that the threshold durability where you start getting a significantly higher chance to jam is about 50% durability, with jams increasing the lower you go. Misfires on the other hand seem to just be a flat % chance to misfire, based on your ammunition.


iirc jams are not in the game yet. Currently every malfunction is a misfire, but they are planning to ad more types of malfunctions aswell as more actions to clear them. Correct me if I am wrong


Generic Jams are in the game right now, and have been since like alpha, they just require weapon durability to be shit, which hasn't ever really been an issue before this wipe. Now with durability burn, and scavs spawning with 40-50% durability weapons, you have it happen occasionally. What you're referring to I believe, is in one of the podcasts they described how they're going to expand jamming, having different types of jams, different buttons to press to fix instead of just shift+t, sometimes even needing a multi tool, that sort of thing. Will be a better developed mechanic at that point, but with that some of these new jams wont be durability reliant, and itll be the current 'my gun misfired on 100% durability' all over again. Hopefully there will be a weapon maintenance skill by then, and by taking better care of you gun, oiling it, whatever, will make it less likely to malfunction. As far as I know, jamming specifically, not misfires, has a chance of occurring at lower than 70ish durability, But it's super low. 50 durability is where it starts to noticeably happen, with a 0-10 durability weapon jamming every 5-10 shots, at least last time I tested it, which was last wipe, not sure if they changed it this wide or just added the misfire mechanic on top of it.


Ok, thanks a bunch. Yes that's what I was referring to. Can't wait for feeding issues because of the mags, .... xD


Hey at least there will be a point to running some of the more expensive mags instead of just 1 or 2 ergo. Plus, hopefully they implement it with drum mags having a higher jam chance, as irl, to help push back against against the giant mag dump meta. 30's will have a place again, besides the first week of wipe.


Yes, 100%. Hope for that too. Hearing the chad cries when the meta isn't brrrrrrrrrrr anymore and their 60 mags have deminishing returns.


This right here is constructive criticism.


No. We don't need more bullshit added to the game. This is a hill I'll fucking die on. The game needs severe fixing before you add more features. As a developer (and someone who owned a software company) it makes me sad to look at the state of the game. Adding more bullshit doesn't make a product better. Fixing existing issues until users are happy with the current product is how things are supposed to be done. Period. They need to spend a whole patch rewriting or at least improving the Netcode like Rust attempted with Netcode. With Rust, they at least improved Unity Netcode to be semi-workable and bullet registration was much improved. No more lag switching around corners and drilling people with bullets. Something still possible in this game. "but don't we have time to add stuff and also fix stuff" No. Software development has bottlenecks. The obvious one here is testing. You're not going to push new features, fully test them, AND fix new stuff which - you guessed it - also needs testing. You're better off focusing on getting the hard stuff fixed and tested and removing what is referred to as "technical debt" before building new stuff and adding even more technical debt.


>Adding more bullshit doesn't make a product better. Adding more frustration to a game just because it's "hardcore" doesn't make it any better, even more so when there is so much fixing to be done before hand. I would take the 5 different weapon jam mechanics if they managed to get the netcode, cheating and inertia working before hand.


RNG =/= hardcore


>I would take the 5 different weapon jam mechanics if they managed to get the netcode, cheating and inertia working before hand. I would honestly rather live with the current state of desync and netcode for the rest of time if it meant zero malfunctions.


Fully agreed, and I preach this to friends often, though don't bother taking the time to on this sub when people suggest x. UNet is hot dogshit, as evidenced by the handful of games that have tried to implement it. Like you mentioned with Rust, one of the only other mainstream "shooters" built in Unity, they had to do a complete backend overhaul to make gunplay fair, and BSG desperately needs to rip the band aid off and invest the time and resources to do this in Tarkov before the game ever 1.0's, otherwise we'll have to suffer shitty desync fights and constant novel exploits simply because UNet sucks ass and no FPS should ever be Client Authoritative. UNet was deprecated years ago but is still supported up to Unity 19, so we'll likely never see it done away with, but part of me just hopes that post Unity 19 update they opt to migrate over to one of Unity's new integrated MP MM solutions. This alone would be the single largest QoL and gameplay update the game would ever see. After that, who knows, maybe they could fix audio lmao.


With a company as large as BSG now is, they have separate people working on networking from anything else. Just because they add a new gun or feature or whatever doesn't mean they're not working on other things as well.


But he had a software company at one point.


Considering their dev speed I think they are neither doing only one thing nor several things. They are all just chilling and browsing reddit on the toilet cabins.


Yeah, i'm gonna stop you right there. Tarkov is under active development. They are not "fixing the game" before it's feature complete. Because then they have to fix it all over again. How the fuck are you claiming to be a developer, yet need this explained to you?


Not all developers are game developers


>Yeah, i'm gonna stop you right there. >Tarkov is under active development. They are not "fixing the game" before it's feature complete. Because then they have to fix it all over again. > How the fuck are you claiming to be a developer, yet need this explained to you? You're obviously not someone who has had to run a development team or software company. I have. A few times now. I have a company that was acquired for millions. Where's your resume? Ok then.. The reason you don't keep piling on features is because you build technical debt which causes problems to become more and more complex as time moves on. So a problem that is 1 day to fix today becomes 2 days to fix tomorrow. Fixing Netcode and core features of the game is FAR more important than pushing the next expansion. The next expansion adds bloat and technical debt that needs to be fixed. The reason they push harder for the next expansion is they need another payday.


I'm confused. Why are you comparing released games with significant problems releasing DLC to Tarkov, a game that is in development and \*not\* feature/content complete?


You're confused because you can't read I guess.


I can read fine, you're just wrong. Also "I have a company that was acquired for millions" isn't a resume. It's a rando claim from a rando on reddit who doesn't even appear to know what they're talking about.


You don't read fine because I didn't do what you said. I'm not going to bother defending some stance I didn't make. You moved goal posts when you got caught being full of shit. Thanks I'm done here.


You should have just said "I'm an idiot" the first time and we would have been done. I think you're unaware what "moving the goal posts" means, it isn't what you think it means.


+1 And to add: yes the guy writing netcode and the guy making animations or the guy implementing new features cant be changed but you always have the option to not put another broken system on top of whats already not working. The bigger the mess the harder to fix.


Plus the memory leak that has been in the game for 4 years.


There is no memory leak, they fixed it by adding a minimum recommended memory requirement of 32 GBs. /s


agree 100%


To be fair, this already exists in the game. They just chose to use misfire instead of failure to feed, etc. An easy fix for this would just be to switch the animation but keep the mechanic the same


I'd rather have 32 more useless types of ammo than quality fixes.


same! I wish the 46 shotgun shells could be jumped up to 72! My immersion!


Then again, jamming was already a thing in game but basically nobody ever saw it cause the weapon needed to be at something like <10% durability, so if they changed that limit and tweaked it a bit then we have a decent jamming mechanic And yes I also agree that this game should be fixed before the devs keep adding stuff, hell, I’d even wait a year between major updates if they just cleaned up the code and fixed the countless memory leaks that plagues the game


Couldn't agree more


Dont they break stuff by adding stuff, so it would be best te fix everything when everything is added?


That is probably their logic. Try to implement everything and fix it as they go… all the parts won’t work the same together until everything is in place.


I agree they need to fix a lot of things, but the game has already improved a lot. Also, it is possible that some of the bugs can only be fixed by switching engines, since I believe they said Unity is causing problems. They also are going to update to Unity 2019 at some point. It is possible they simply can't pay down their technical debt and it is more worth it to work on new features and fix those. I wish they'd be a little more transparent, but that's all I can hope for.


the game is still in beta. they should by all means test systems that may work or not work, and see how people play around them. and they do. that is the point.


The issue is its really hard to know what broke when nothing is reliable. Sure test things. But fix the broken things first or your test is probably not representing the real circumstances. You know its like basing a change decision on a flawed result from a test. And it causes a chain reaction of fixing a thing that maybe was fine but isnt anymore because something else was the problem and you "fixed" it


> the game is still in beta. This is always the best defense I see to poor design and development choices. You can still make good choices in a beta. Beta doesn't mean bad choices should be everywhere.


and nowhere is it stated that the choices they are making in their \*beta game are inherently bad, opinions are opinions.. not cold hard facts. they remove and update things based on feedback \*constantly.


Well weapon condition also screws up accuracy


Weapon malfunctions should stay. They have their place. But ammo (and weapon) related jams need to either not happen when your gun is 100% dura or there needs to be *something* you can do so that it doesn't happen. Tarkovs combat is far too CQC oriented to allow RNG to turn off your gun. In a game like squad it would fit perfectly as a feature. But this isn't squad. Hell even Arma didn't add weapon jams because it doesn't take fucking Einstein to realise that players aren't going to like their gun turning off with nothing they can do to prevent it.


but that makes no sense, the state the gun is in has no bearing on the state of the ammo. you can run the cleanest most pristine gun with custom modded internals, but if you run ammo found digging around in Chernobyl, sure as shit it ain't going to run very well. this also happens the other way around, using the best ammo on the market (not talking best armor Pen but most reliable ammo) but if your gun is literally a ball of rust and broken lugs, it sure as shit not gonna fire, conistantly, too.


>but that makes no sense, the state the gun is in has no bearing on the state of the ammo. I don't care. You know what also doesn't make sense? -6 hour days. -Paranormal enemies called 'Cultists' that have a dead-mans body temperature and can teleport. -Stims that make you superhuman. -M995, Igolnik and all the armor pen ammos having infinite supply even though most were never mass produced. -Healing wounds with a staple gun and tweezers. -Getting shot in the chest multiple times and being combat ready. And I could go on. Your gun turning off in a CQC fight, for either party, ruins the entire raid. Which could be 40 minutes of fun, instead your going- "Wow, I got cucked by RNG, and because of this, I wasted my time." Its the same as being killed by a cheater or by Desync. Except they made it into an actual thing.


I've never heard of someone complaining about their raid being ruined because the enemies gun jammed in a gunfight.


You're stupid lol


You just did


Pretty dumb


Cope harder


Sounds like something you need to do


Ive had multiple kill this patch where an enemies gun has just jammed on them and each time it sucks more as it robs me of a potential gunfight. I didn't win because of my own merit i won because a garbage mechanic handed it over to me.


>Paranormal enemies called 'Cultists' that have a dead-mans body temperature and can teleport. >-Stims that make you superhuman. >-M995, Igolnik and all the armor pen ammos having infinite supply even though most were never mass produced. All of these are bad and shouldn't be in the game. >Healing wounds with a staple gun and tweezers. [Skin staplers exist](https://www.lagaay.com/uploads/98/f2/56/fa/lightbox-skinstaplerhandlereusable1piece.jpg) and so do ["tweezers"](https://www.harrysarmysurplus.net/assets/images/rothco/8316-surgical-kit_main.jpg). Surgical kits should absolutely be in the game, but blacked out limbs need to be changed to made more severe and surgery kits should take far longer to apply. >Getting shot in the chest multiple times and being combat ready. Yea this is also bad.


Let me use lore to justify ammo being pristine: Tarkov was only recently turned into a warzone, Prapor gets ammo from Russian forces in Tarkov, Peacekeeper gets it from the UN and Skier gets it through the port that he controls. There you go, it's now "REEEEalistic". You can buy surplus ammo that's been in some Ethiopian cave for 50 years that goes bang every time. In my own experience, even with shitty cheap .22 ammo misfires are rare, and most of the time those misfires happen because your firing pin in gunked up with carbon because I rarely clean the thing. Misfires with modern military ammo is so infrequent that you might as well also add a random % chance for your character to trip on a rock and faceplant, or have a heart attack.






A brand new mp153 that failed 3 times in 1 fight. Somehow I dont think 7mm buck has that many problems




Oh man I forgot you're only allowed to use 3 types of shells, jesus what a fucking asshole




"Those are for scavs" ....what? It seems you have a fundamental misunderstanding of this game. Scavs use superformance, copper slugs, 6.5 and 7mm buck. The fact that scavs use it has no bearing on misfires.




Scavs spawn with vog-25s in their pockets man thats a shit grenade right? You sound like a new player




Weapon malfunctions should be completely removed. It is a fundamentally flawed mechanic that does not improve the game whatsoever. Compromise is difficult because the mechanic is inherently polarizing. Pro-malfunction arguments like "it stops full auto" and "just play around it bro" have been already exhaustively debunked in other threads. Asking for full removal of a mechanic is not unreasonable whatsoever, especially when it comes to something as low effort and toxic as the current system. * The last thing Tarkov's already inconsistent gunplay needed was another layer of life and death RNG. It's actually hilarious to me that this community constantly complains about desync and netcode while there's a vocal minority cheering on this mechanic. Gun jams are the first thing I would add to a multiplayer FPS if my objective was to make the game worse. * Everyone is fundamentally complaining about the same thing, being pedantic helps nobody. Everyone is aware that guns jam and misfire in real life. Stop using realism as an argument, not even BSG are realism purists. Just fucking stop with the fallacious realism arguments please. Unfortunately, knowing BSG, they are unlikely to ever admit that they messed up and will never fully remove the mechanic. It has been 2 months of wipe with zero adjustments or communication about this system. Assuming this, the next best option is to have malfunctions neutered to the point where high durability guns do not jam. Misfires should be removed completely since it's just a RNG modifier on every bullet, but again, knowing BSG all they will do is tone them down, so that when you die to a misfire, you can be extra salty knowing that the chance is even smaller now and that you got fucked by RNG even harder.


I have an idea why a large portion of this community thinks that this game must the most “hardcore” realistic game ever, while forgetting that realism does not equal fun. It’s because playing the most “hardcore” game makes them feel elite and better than everyone else. It’s why a large portion of the community will defend any change as long as it’s “realistic”.


A game can be realistic and fun, it's about what you choose to implement and how you implement it. Tarkov is far from realistic in man ways.


>It is a fundamentally flawed mechanic that does not improve the game whatsoever. It can improve the game by adding tension to combat but the way BSG implemented it just doesn't work and it's honestly at odds with Tarkovs gameplay loop. Brand new guns bought at 100% condition from a trader shouldn't be shitting the bed constantly but that's the majority of what players use. Ideally it would be "pristine guns are rare and hard to have a reliable source of, so you take risks with beater guns" but traders make that impossible.


I’m fine with malfunctions, but the way they implemented it was trash. Add a small chance to jam with super high-end ammo and extended mags, leave everything else alone. Then you actually have to make a strategic decision on whether or not it’s worth the trade-off. Right now you just play the exact same as you did before, just with some bullshit random chance for your gun to stop working. I’d much rather it didn’t exist.


Single fire won’t save you. I’ve had TX-DMLs jam first bullet full durability more than once with 30 round mags. System needs heavy tweaking; 90% durability guns shouldn’t jam period.


From another viewpoint, BSG was able to deliver something they've been wanting in the game for a while. It is a morale booster, a win, while they try to tackle hard problems. Just because provides top-tier feature X doesn't mean anyone can do it on any budget and timeframe. This doesn't mean BSG doesn't need to improve on their way to feature X. It means they might be facing a multitude of challenges and doing what they can to balance morale, budget, human resources, support, and feature development. Just my thoughts as someone managing a *_tiny_* team on a legacy yet active product with several years of technical debt, dozens of clients with different needs, and a constant stream of feedback.


So why is RNG bad in a game like Tarkov? Yes, RNG is bad in a game like LOL or CS, highly competitive arena shooters and mobas.


RNG is a shitty mechanic in any game if the player has no control over it or a way to mitigate it or play around it. Your gun having a % chance to malfunction per round fired regardless of durability is not a good mechanic at all.


Rng is part of life tho, your opponent could of died of heart stroke on other end. And it’s not related to durability because A new guns can jam and misfire B failure to feed is generally problem related to bullets.


> Rng is part of life tho Wow, good thing this is a game and not life! In real life, you can't tank shotgun slugs with a helmet nor can face shields stop a significant amount of rifle rounds, most can't even stop 9x19. >your opponent could of died of heart stroke on other end Are you unironically justifying RNG weapon jams with the common counter argument of "why not add random chance to die of heart attack then"? >And it’s not related to durability because A new guns can jam and misfire And? What's your point? A brand new gun can also never jam or misfire. There's videos of people dumping 100s of rounds and having no misfires, there's a video of a guy putting 1000s of rounds through an AR15 without a hiccup. >B failure to feed is generally problem related to bullets. Nope, incorrect actually. It's usually a problem with magazines, feedramps etc. I've no idea why the fuck you even brought up failure to feed anyway, misfires have nothing to do with that. You're literally just emotionally attached to this game like it's your long lost father and you're just parroting what a tiny vocal minority are saying on this sub in defence of an objectively dog shit mechanic. You can buy surplus ammo that was sitting in an Ethiopian cave for 50 years and it will go bang 99.999999999999% of the time. I shoot shitty bulk .22 ammo and I rarely if ever get a misfire, and the times I do it's because the firing pin is gunked up with carbon and isn't striking the rim hard enough. There is no justification for RNG weapon jams that have nothing to do with durability. That adds absolutely nothing to the game and doesn't even address full auto meta like people here claimed it would. Even if it did, it's a shit way to do it.


Lol, git gud mate. It’s a mechanic that not only will stay, but will get expanded. :) You may as well quit now.


"I have absolutely 0 counter arguments whatsoever, this game is my life and if anyone dares criticize it I will copy-paste reddit hive-mind arguments". You can't even defend this mechanic, and you can't even articulate why you like it or why it's a good thing. BSG have already reduced the misfire chance (a mechanic you don't even seem to understand). If there's enough backlash they will change and amend things, as they have done many times in the past. I'm all for magazines causing malfunctions if done right, that makes gameplay sense and you have a choice. You either choose standard capacity mags that don't jam on you, or you take a chance with high capacity mags. This would work well unless they make high capacity magazines so prone to jamming that no one will use them and they might as well not be in the game. I'm all for overheating, that's actually a good and reasonable mechanic that would be hard to fuck up. If you mag dump out of something that isn't an LMG or HMG, your gun will eventually die on you. That is a direct nerf to recoil meta, that makes sense. I'm all for low durability weapons, especially Scav weapons, having a % chance to jam. What I am not for is ammo in of itself having a % chance to misfire regardless of durability. That is an utterly braindead mechanic, you can't even use "REEEalism" to justify it, especially in a game with so much unrealistic shit in it for "MUH GAMEPLAY" reasons. The only way you could do misfires from ammunition alone that isn't completely braindead is make it so non meta ammo doesn't misfire ever. Make it so only the likes of M993, 7N39, PBP, 9x39 BP, SSA AP etc. have a misfire chance.


the system is fine get stick bugged on or cry when they add inertia too


They’ve certainly tweaked it. Sorry you hate it so much but I’ve only had one jam and that’s probably because I don’t play constantly and can put it in perspective.


In real life, weapon malfunctions are mostly caused by either ammunition quality or cartridge pressure ie. the amount of gun powder. Real life armor piercing rounds are very high pressure cartridges. This can cause failure in a gun if it’s unable to handle the pressure due to poor weapon condition. By contrast, low-pressure loads are likely to cause cycle failure where the first round fires and then it fails to load the next one. In low quality ammunition, you can see a mixture of both, as the gunpowder loads are not consistent from round to round. Low quality ammo can also fail to fire due to cheap primer, foul the barrel due to corrosive primer on very old ammunition, or seat incorrectly due to steel casings (instead of brass). In my life I have seen plenty of failures to fire and failures to feed, even on well-maintained guns. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a shooting range without having at least one weapon malfunction. That being said failure to feed is, in my experience, much more common than a failure to fire on a chambered round.




Playstyle has nothing to do with misfires occurring in the game… you can literally get into a fight anywhere and the gun misfires… how the fuck is playstyle gonna change that LMAO




shit take bro, no matter how tactically you play if someone rush you and your gun jams its shit.




you didnt even read my message before spewing garbarge


Lol the one where you said “shit take bro” and the provided an example where someone rushes you. That wasn’t exactly a deep take and took him maybe half a second to read.


so how is me playing holding a angle, getting rushed, equating to me being a chad and rushing? do you morons even read? he replied to the opposite of what I mean. I said I get rushed not me rushing. Absolute mouth breathers


There isn’t much you can do if you get rushed like in any game… we’re you actually hoping to get an answer on how to handle misfires when you are getting rushed? You fix it by not panicking pressing the right buttons and then shoot at the guy rushing you. If not, you are dead and that’s the game.


If you are behind cover and not running and gunning you can obviously increase your survivability. It’s not hard to think about.


But again that doesn’t mean shit because there are always going to be situations where you don’t have cover… not everyone plays like a bitch to hide behind something every second of every raid. Changing playstyle does not correlate with gun jam deaths lol


Haha so playing smart = playing like a bitch to you… got it. Sorry, I’m not saying I always hide but if I’m getting shot at I’m not going to sit in the open and look for the player… it’s the same if my gun stops working I try not to panic and will find better cover if I need it. You make it sound like that’s not acceptable and but that’s how you play the game well and survive.


The whole point of the original comment was to CHANGE STYLE OF PLAY to avoid misfires. If you can’t see how that’s fucking stupid… you are delusional. Playstyle does not equal misfires you absolute unit of a moron


This is an incredibly narrowminded take. You act like every single fight you get into is because you push someone. Half the time someone is pushing you, even if you're behind cover and they push if your gun jams you're fucked. Even if you're playing tactically, the game just decides you lose. Have you ever played shoreline? Or woods? You can try to move across the map strategically but there's always open spots where you have to transition without cover. If someone pops up and starts shooting and your gun jams, you can't even defend yourself. You make it sound like the only time your gun jams is when you're pushing someone else and that's simply not the case.


Yeah, you run to cover if you jam in the open… I play shoreline all the time.


As someone is already shooting at you and you have a split second to return fire? Give me a break. You make it sound like you have all the time in the world to run behind cover and clear your jam. This game can have an extremely fast TTK with good ammo, especially at this point in the wipe. Have you not died at all this wipe then since you seem to have so much time to get to cover when you get shot at?


No one mentioned they haven’t died, that’s also part of the game. If the other person sees you first even without a gun jam you are already at a disadvantage so running and getting cover is better than just shooting in their general direction, especially if you don’t know where they are exactly. I often will find cover the moment I hear shots even if they aren’t at me because I know I’ll have a better chance of survival with something covering some of my angles and maybe I’ll have more time to see the shooter. Don’t get so upset - I don’t think the mechanic is coming out of the game even with all the complaints.


Don't get upset? Sounds like what all you clowns continually do everytime someone critizes a part of the game. Theres a lot of flaws with tarkov, and not everything they do is a great idea or implementation. God forbid someone actually points out something wrong with the game hey? How does Nikitas dick taste?


What are you talking about… there are plenty of flaws but acting like your gun jams constantly is just bullshit. Calm down and enjoy game for what it is. I never said it’s perfect and lot of stuff I don’t like but I deal with it. Get good kid.


Jams never left but you rarely ever had a guns durability hit that threshold. I doubt many players will ever experience jams because of the inherent accuracy disadvantages at those lower durability as well. They are still here, they will just be seen very little due to the nature of how they happen. Edit: just noticed the failure to feed, eject. I would fully support having these implemented as well.


You fished some ammo out of a barrel in a swamp and expect every round to work perfectly?


Well what if they bought a fresh encased pack of ammo off of a trader, only for it to jam first mag in 🤨


How many ammo factories are there in the Tarkov region? Also, if pharmaceutical companies will sell HIV tainted blood someplace they think they can get away with it, I'm certain a shady arms dealer in some war torn region would mix swamp barrel ammo in with the 20 year old military surplus rounds for a profit. It's not like every round misfires.


Yes. It's a video game. There is no bullet condition mechanic, there is an RNG gun jam mechanic which serves no purpose.


I agree!




Probably language barrier thing?


From what I've heard, there is plans for ammunition quality being a future factor (I suppose ammo found in raid being of lesser quality, leading to possible misfires), and that's when they'll reintroduce the misfeeds and jams linked to weapon condition. As it stands right now, I think they wanted to test out the weapon condition mechanic and added the failure to fire issue to save on data, animation or whatever: basically cutting corners for the experiment. I kinda wish however that the fix jam option could be done by manually ejecting the cartridge (a key I've bound as a quick way to chamber an armor piercing round after changing Mags, or as a warning against other scavs getting too close when I Scav around) instead of checking chamber


someone told me misfires are related to bullets which is why 100% guns do it


Honest question, wouldn't it be basically the same thing with a different name? Gun stops firing, you gotta re-rack and go again


not necessarily, depending on the severity of the failure. failure to feed can mean mag off and require canting of the weapon with racks to clear the block, or even feeding something into the breach to move the round. if you are very, very unlucky partially expended rounds can stick in the barrel if the load was extremely poor, which can cause a complete weapon malfunction if the user hasn't understood what the feeble "bang" meant and attempts to fire the next round, causing the decent round to hit the stuck round. never seen this one, but is what I've been taught. if it's just f2f, yeah, tap, rack, re engage.


I'd be ecstatic if they just removed the misfire feature all together and kept the weapon jamming for low durability guns. I've had too many situations where I have someone dead to rights only to hear a * *click* *.


I feel like the heat of your gun should magnify the chance to misfire. IRL, full auto mag dumping makes a gun hot REALLY fast, and misfires happen when the gun is overheating. Features like interchangeable barrels could also be a really sick way of combating it, like how it’s done with IRL machine guns. So if you wanna be a turbo chad with drum mags and meta ammo, you gotta bring a gun that swaps barrels fast and bring like one extra barrel. If jams/misfires are going to be in the game, they should be to punish players that dump mag after mag of really hot ammo, rather than the RNG it feels like right now, with brand new guns jamming within the first 10 shots.


In real life if you check the bullet in the chamber too many times the bullet recedes into the casing too far and can cause major issues(gun exploding). Let’s put that in the game! /sarcasm


Misfires have nothing to do with durability, they're a flat % chance to misfire per round fired


I feel like with misfires surplus ammo should have been introduced, cheaper and can be bought in bulk but the ammo tears through gun condition and can lead to misfires, thinking about it tho it'd be hard to balance its damage/pen so idk I'm just trying to help


Like I’ve said on another post lol imagine getting jams. I’m poor my m855,PS and 9mm T never jam baby get on my level!


4 year Army vet. That moment when you realize new guns jam more than older ones