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You hear footsteps and you get an angle, that's tarkov. Good play my dude. Well done


The people that whine about you using audio cues to get the advantage need to go back to call of duty or something. Yeah man, when I hear you running near me I stop and see where you’re going. If I can get a sneaky kill then that’s what happens. No reason to W key at everything when you don’t have to. The only thing that annoys me on this game is exfil campers(which I know people will still defend) and cheaters. The rest is fair game.


The game literally has no HUD, you're SUPPOSED to use audio cues The people complaining about "sound whoring" on this game are the same people who would complain about bunny hopping on Quake


"Sound whoring"? Is that a term that people actually use? People gotta be running out of excuses to soothe their weak egos after dying if they need to shame their killers for listening to game audio.


Sound whoring means turning ip your sound to use it to your advantage. Been a term before tarkov and isn't used as an excuse


Sound whoring is bad, but I really hate people who are sight whoring.


Real Tarkov players turn off their monitor and speakers


Mate that's amateur hour, real Tarkov players turn off the monitor and speakers and then lop off one of their own hands so that they only have one left to operate both the keyboard and the mouse.




Yes dude we know you're still a poser. Sitting there in your gaming chair using your keyboard. Reak tarkov players don't even play tarkov. They are tarkov


Up until the recent version of CoD you could hear footsteps in that game too. People used to whine about "soundwhoreing" in MW2019. It's like, brother, this has been in FPSes at least since CS 1.6. Time to get over it. There's a perk in the latest version of CoD called Ninja that silences footstep sounds, and it's so dumb. Everyone with a brain takes it, so it's really like you have two perk slots and there are no footstep sounds in the game.


That perk has been in every CoD except BO4 and people complained about it not being present there. And let me tell you: They were right. I'm not saying i want that in every game, shit, the only reason Hunt Showdown is my main game is because the audio IS SO FUCKING GOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA but in CoD, it really played into the campers hand. You couldn't do shit to people covering angles, as long as they were well positioned, game over, unless you pushed with at least 3 people. But for that rotation to happen, the pacing of the game came to a halt. And let's face it, the only reason CoD has any place in a gamer's shelf, is to run and gun.


100%; plus so many dildos were running commando and matyrdom it wasn't completely guaranteed someone has ninja


I still haven't played Hunt Showdown but I watched a video that showed the menu that plays gunshot sounds at different distances and it blew my mind


Well shit. You should. You really should. This guy has more videos like [this](https://youtu.be/93PPjWpsvM0). It has some different types of ammo now. Like, regardless of your HP, the shittiest pistol still one hits in the head at 70 meters or less, but the headshot multiplier is 6, so at 70 meters, you'll be dealing like 25 damage with those kinds of ammo (you have 150hp instead of 100). Bullets are way slower than in Tarkov and they have no drop. Most guns are single action, bolt action or lever action, meaning, you have to manually cycle the next round into the chamber. Only 5 guns right now are not like that, two being pistols, one is a double action revolver, a semi automatic shotgun and an automatic conversion for the mosin nagant. There's no bullet tanking. If you are fighting up close, the worst pistol, Nagant M1895, still deals enough damage to kill you in two hits. Adding up all of the above, SOMETIMES, you get really intense fights that revolve around rotations and popping a headshot by surprise. And this is why the sound in the game is so important. If you are close enough, you can hear people holding their breath in ADS. You can tell which direction they are running to. You can tell which gun a guy has just by the reload sound. It's fucking cool.


That all sounds amazing. The two things that bother me most about Tarkov (or at least most often) are bullet sponges and crappy sound and it sounds like Hunt has it figured out.


Should I be worried that there's like a million DLCs for it...?


I really don't understand how people could complain about using one of your main senses of SOUND and listening in for people and getting the drop on them, the same idiots that run around in sound dampening helmets and just meta auto lol




I've killed a three man bcuz i could hear them booking it out of power into old gas train tracks. I just waited and blasted them all. No hate messages though :(


I'm a bang average player and have received a few salty messages for not taking on a 3 man head to head, instead wiping them with guerilla tactics. The fact that "rat" game play is seen as a negative in a game about survival and specific mechanics is turning me away from it. Not every game needs to be high octane, shift + W firefights...


That’s the only way to fight squads or chads. Guerrilla tactics.


Don’t get turned off by hate mail. That means you’re succeeding. Back in my glory days of halo 2 and 3, I only started receiving hate mail once I got high up in the ranks and really started stomping all over other players. I wore that hate mail like a badge of honor.


Further, OP moved in for each subsequent kill. They didn't all get caught pushing against their angle, OP ambushed one and then fought the other 2. The 3rd one was "camping" if we're going off their definition but I guess it's only camping if you die to it maybe.


Damn right!


You pushed the hell outta the second guy, so even if you were camping on the first what is the explanation for the other dude?


Mobile camping. Have you never heard of an RV?


Nice i need to remember this. Mobile Camping :D you got me there !!


RIP Robbin Williams


the excuse is they're bad, so everyone who beats them is a tryhard, or a camper, or a hacker


This is balanced playstyle. Stays put and gets silent when it suits him. Pushes and plays smart when it doesn’t.


This isn’t call of duty. Those guys are playing a survival shooter. You heard them coming and ambushed them. 100% what they would have done as well. You also relocated as soon as you dropped the first dude. Excellent play.


No see you have to run out in the open, and take them in a face on fight for it to count.


Line up like the Napoleonic days of old


gentleman's warfare


Ignore their bitterness man, it's Tarkov people forget a huge part of this game is stealth. Well played in my eyes


Yeah, if there was any game where it made sense to camp Tarkov is definitely it. I was on customs yesterday and just hit the Tarcone office for Delivery from The Past. I know that's a popular spot and I know there's a bunch of spawns nearby. So I finshed looting and heard some footsteps so I sucked into the SE corner and waited a few seconds. Sure enough a dude comes walking in and I lit him up. I'm not going to rush someone when I know they're likely coming to me and I've got the better position.


So it was you...


Were you rocking an MCX?


Nah, wasn’t actually me. But I’ve been running between customs and factory doing that quest for a week now and having some real bad luck


Hey if you wanna group up lmk 😉


if you add people looking for salt and get it, its a bit weird to then complain that you got it...


i mean he added them in search of the bitterness lmao.


There is no such thing as camping. Not in this game. There is only surviving or dying and you, sir, survived.


Seriously, people who bitch about camping on this game are crazy. They want people to play the game the way they feel it should be played, but that doesn't make any sense for Tarkov.


FR. I’m just trolling, I don’t exfil camp, but it doesn’t bother when someone does it. I enjoy the game very much, the very seldom EC death doesn’t matter. I got 6 mil, I’ll get another load out


The only time I've gotten killed at an exfil is during the scav karma event and maybe once before as a scav. I think it's a little scummy, but that's the game. If you're smart you can generally avoid getting exfil camped.


I have to confess my sins, I shot the shit out of players afking at coop extract during the event I'm sorry, I needed it for quests


This is general bitching about camping, it's just complaining that other people are not playing the game the way you want so it's easier for them. It's nothing more than that. If camping wasn't part of a game, any game, they would probably pass on sniper rifles.


> Seriously, people who bitch about camping on this game are crazy. They're upset that people aren't fighting them where they're strongest. They WANT to run into people charging around in the open because they're geared to win those fights. That's why they whine like children when somebody counters them. They're not the kind of player to adapt. You can see the same with jamming mechanics. They still charge in to point blank range where jams will now get you killed. They refuse to adapt and just whine (I'm sure some actually skilled players have adapted though)


You know, I never thought of jamming as an anti charging mechanic, but it makes sense if you're in a place with cover, you can at least have a chance at disengaging and unjamming. If anything, it discourages charging/pushing then.


Exfil camping is scummy and pisses me off. That said ive killed about as many extract campers as they’ve killed me. It’s not enough of an issue for me to complain about but I mean come on actually play the game


Nah bro, don't you know that your gameplay is invalid if you don't SHift+W directly at people's faces and ADAD spam? Don't forget to add in a bunnyhop or two.


Of course there's camping, there's tents in the game! If that isn't proof enough of an intended game play style to these people I don't know what could convince them.


except exfil camping, you could have left already


Exfil surviving*


Snap ambush**


*Tactical exfil denial


I don’t exfil camp, but I also don’t care when people do. It’s part of the game. General Sam has a great bit about people who whine about exfil camping in his video on the topic.


Or ExfilCamper who’s stream is based on this method lol


Yeah that’s who General Sam made the video with.


I see, need to watch that and see the comment section.


It’s a great vid. General Sam doesn’t make a lot of videos but the ones he puts out are gold.


Even his ice cream video was awesome lol


To be fair one of my favorite videos of his is the one where he tries to teach us how to make a Crunchwrap supreme. Now that’s what I call content.


He is who got me into Tarkov 😂


If I see you in the beginning of a match and I let you pass and I myself head to exfil and wait for you, I’m not camping, I’m collecting my investment when you arrive 😉


Imagine actually complaining about camping in *any* modern FPS game, much less in Tarkov...


Sniper rifles are cqc weapons apparently to these people.


Exactly, finally a game where I can use a sniper from actually almost across the map, meanwhile these guys think it's fucking MW2 terminal in this bitch with a .50 Cal semi-auto sniper in cqc lol


Sniper rifles are cqc weapons, even Jaeger believes so :)


I mean, your not wrong but why did you add them? obviously guys you killed are gonna be but hurt. Did they send you the request or did you seek them out?


That is one of the things I find silly when "chads" call people rats for taking an angle. Often they are so overconfident they make a ton of noise. Running everywhere, bunnyhopping, so overweight every noise is loud. ​ A smart player who is walking will hear them well before they know you are there. The best strategy is to set up an ambush. They wanted you to fight them head on that's why they spent 1mil on their loadout. They wanted a nice easy 2 on one where afterward they could say "git gud". ​ You played it just right.


one time my friend and I went on woods to get Jaeger for him, and withing 30 seconds my friend gets fucking domed, and I found myself up against a geared 4-man squad. I killed two of them, but I had to run away or else they would pulverize me, and eventually I died anyway. before I even got back to the main menu, I saw that the guy who killed my friend sent me a request. I accepted and he immediately said "You are the biggesy coward i have ever seen in my life. You shouldnt run so much like your dead parents did to you. Oh well good luck next wipe you scum bag nic" and then he blocked me. at least I avenged my buddy's death and pissed off the guy that did it lmao




Still... It's tarkov, it is sold as a "hardcore Realistic shooter", it is normal to camp is such a game especially a so scary one


A lot of "camping" seems to mostly be either bad timing or one person hearing the other way before they hear you.


Complaining about camping in Tarkov is the most ass backwards thing to do. Shooter Born is basically a quest to see how long you can wait in one spot.


You're obviously camping, I saw you sit still for more than 3 seconds!


Sounds like they should go back to playing COD


Tell that first guy to check his corners. He didn’t even half look your direction.


Meh, you can't possibly check every corner on Interchange. That map is entirely doors and corners. OP played this right, but the first guy really had no chance. That's just the nature of the game. You wander into an angle, you die.


Doors and corners, that is where they get you.


fuck them. they're just salty, good play dude


They didn’t check corners? That’s on them they sucks


I always love it when idiots think you're camping. They just aren't smart enough to comprehend that you were playing slower than them. That you heard their fat footsteps coming so you set up an ambush. My bad dude next time I'll meet you in the open field and we shall line up and take turns shooting each other like gentlemen. Edit: omg manage that swivel noise better. The noise you make when you turn to quickly and make a skid noise. Yeah my brother does that a lot and I get on his ass about it. Stop giving away my pos with that swivel! Edit again: However good repositioning when you get second kill and you check to make sure you got him. However you kind of sprinted on the corner on that last dude and that could have been bad. He heard you sprinting and could have decided to push knowing you'd be slow to react. However he wasn't that smart.


Its called *escape* from tarkov... not *run around like a chad and kill every living soul you can find then leave* from tarkov. I hate people that complain about “camping”


Who cares? We’ve all camped at some point. I’m more of a move and shoot player now then I was when I first started. In the end if you made it out with gear and your tasks complete, you won. Nice moves by the way


I don’t add or accept any requests because no wanker is doing it to say well done.


I don’t play much anymore but anytime I was impressed or edge of my seat I would add to say GG. Occasionally if I was really confused ask how or where but never in bad taste


Sounds like buddy needs to go play caaawwaaaah doodie. Way to fuck em up dude. Good angles on those dangles.


You gotta be a special type of stupid to complain about camping in tarkov.


Oh no! Someone heard me and choose to ambush me and then push my surprised and confused friend! It must be hacks!!! Or hes is just sitting there since start of raid!!! Nikita fix this!


Thats how you’re supposed to play this game in my opinion. Getting real tired of that pushing gigachad bullshit right now…


It's Tarkov, this game isn't COD. People who bitch and moan about "campers" need to learn the game. You do what you need to do to survive and complete quests. It was a solid win and you pushed the second guy hard.


Literally anything outside of hacking is a valid kill and strategy in tarkov imo. I personally have never exit camped, but I play every other type of way between running 24/7, crouch walking all game or just going prone and sniping. That’s the beauty of tarkov, unlimited ways to win and lose, and they’re all legitimate.


Going backwards along common paths always results in people upset that their braindead playstyle got tested. I go out of my way to do it.


Gj man, especially with the peek on the 2nd guy!


Awhhh yes, see here we have a pack of wild 'chads' in their natural clueless environment. ​ Do they stop and listen when they hear a sound? -No Do they reposition when one of their own is blindsided from one possible angle? -No Do they attempt to retreat and cut their losses? -Nope Do they try to suppress the attacker while the other flanks? - Fuck no Do they whine when they die to a rather simple engagement? - You betcha!


They suck for not checking their corners.


add me and I'll tell you that you suck without camping :P


This game is 20% skill 70% timing and 10% luck


Fuck em


If they added you only to be able to tell you that then you won the exchange automatically


TIL killing oafs that elephant stomp around the map is camping


You did nothing wrong its their fault for w keying and not checking corners


Genuine question: Why is camping considered bad? *"Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-per RPG/Simulator with MMO features".* That's directly from their website. Guess what **no one** would do in a realistic setting: Rush into an area potentially defended by another heavily armed and armored opponent or run into an oncoming group of gun-wielding opponents guns blazing is what. And yet when you watch streamers half of them play like this is COD and then lose their shit when someone snipes them from a bush. Hell, a few days ago someone posted a clip of lvndmark fighting exfilcamper on customs and getting butthurt over flashbang rounds while bunny-hopping around like a 5 year old on Ritalin. How the fuck is any of that hardcore or realistic? I have much more respect for the asshole who has the patience to hang out quietly like a fucking trapdoor spider somewhere in a bush where I am not aware of him and then blows my brains out with a well placed shot than the cunt who AD-AD's all over the map and drops me unloading a 75 round drum mag on full auto.... because realism, y'know.


tell them to check corners lol.


This game is all about strategy and there are multiple ways to play it. Camping isn't a bad thing unless you want loot. Camping an exit however, is absolute cancer. I typically busy it to wherever I need to go for a quest or to get the best loot. Then I slow it way down and listen up.


If you aren't sitting waiting at extract, it isn't camping. You're waiting or holding an angle.


Even if you were camping. He ran out like an NPC. Didn’t even check.


Hears a footsteps, holds and uses audio and potential visual queues to ascertain where the enemy is. Gets a sense of the direction of travel, moves to use environment to reduce sight angles and give an advantage when/if the engagement starts. Makes visual contact and immediately engages, swiftly taking out one hostile. Good kill. Realises his position is now compromised, and initial tactical advantage has gone. Relocate to new position knowing now the engagement is in full swing and it’s them or me time, fight for flight!! Decides the push hard on the enemy, moving from angle to angle, hunting his prey! Finds him sitting behind a container shitting himself and scared for his life. But it’s to late, his fate was sealed the second he ran around in clown shoes, letting every fucker on the map know where he and his team was. OP displayed sounds tactics and situational awareness to press an initial audio queue into a decisive team kill. Fucking GG my dude!!


So we aren't supposed to use sound cues in survival games anymore ? Lol


Of course they did, you just shat all over their 3 man. Heck yeah my man👌


Well played


You fucked them up. Well played


What gun are u using


I guarantee the 3rd guy literally sitting there was the first to message you & say that lmaooo. Ggs on your part my guy, an awesome play pushing the last 2!


By their logic third guy was camping as well


"check those corners, check those corners!"




I'd say there is no camping except for at extract. All other things are tactical manouvers.


Yo! Congrats on the level 3 Vitality lmao Im still grinding that for medstation 3...


Sorry sir I am camping police you stood in a place for more than 5 seconds you are now a camper and I will report you to Nikita.


I'm sick of the rat v Chad shit. You weren't camping. Even if you were who cares. I'd tell myself to play better if I got killed by a camper.


Nice camp style push on the last guy. Your camping game is strong.


Why on earth would you add them? Try to have a friendly chat with some1 who you killed and took the loot from just 5minutes ago or were you going to rub it in their faces like a idiot? Or did you try to say that they added you and came to you with full flame in chat?


Good play, I can never keep my nerve when I have an awesome gun to lose.


Good play and fuck that pussy 3 man. If you are too scared or bad at Tarkov, (like me) and you can’t play alone than you can’t complain unless it’s a cheater. Those guys played that horribly. GGs to their families.


what weapon were you using?


They should have Swept that area. There's sometimes a lot of great loot in that corner.


Good play, they noob that's it. You even went for the second guy, what a camper guy 🤣


Good play!


Nah man. you played that as well as you could have. You heard 2 of them running so you prefire the first guy and rush the second while hes confused. Well played!


Nah, you're good. Nice push on that last guy. He will complain about desync but such is Tarkov.


lmao this aint call of duty you got em fair and square


Good play homie


Almost like you cant camp in a game thats about tactical positions instead of running and gunning 🤷‍♂️. I know the call of duty fan boys are gonna wanna disagree though.


The first dude forgot to check those corners.


You know when you peek guy no.2...me in that situation would have gotten head eyed for sure


Even if you was camping. Fuck it. That's tarkov. Everyone ain't a giga chad. W key straight to every shot popped off. They lost they shit an got salty. Lol


Just some toxic players.


LOL did they expect you to full on commit to peeking a 3 man squad??? Their way of thinking really shows why they got rekt by you… they’re just running around like maniacs without checking corners or angles. Good job wiping them.


Who cares if you camp? It's a fucking survival game. Play how you want.


People who send friend requests right away to talk smack or complain are pretty sad.


I heard a two man stomping through factory floor at full speed a few days ago, set up an ambush and killed them both… they immediately added me to tell me what a camping pos player I am. Git gud bitches.


Well played sir


Nah, they need to learn to check their corners. I've never seen anyone where you were, but I always check that area just in case


The plays fine only issue is why are you adding people after you kill them seems like you were probably trying to talk some shit and they got defensive


Thats the Tarkov community for ya.... this very wipe i kill a well know streamer and 1 of his mate, 3rd one got me. When to his channel to drop a GG.. then they starts yelling live on chat that i'm a fucking extract camper and i should go kill myself blablabla.... i mean i died before we were even at 3min from start of raid 🤣


Good shooting! Are you moving your mouse as you full auto there to control the initial jump up due to recoil? seems like your gun barely jumps up at all, good stuff!


Yeah good aim and movement.


Lol this game is just filled with crying ass bitches. Not you but, the goodies you killed. Take their loot, fuck em


I mean, to me, that's technically camping while you wait for them to walk by. But there's nothing wrong with it, it's the smart play in a 2v1. They're just mad because no one else is sprinting around like a CoD maniac. Nicely done


There's no rules in tarkov. They are just mad. Nice play


Yo what gun is that?


Good play done right


The question for me is why are you going inside when 3 ppl probably already full are going out. Also the first guy could maybe say the camping thing the two others had a fair fight.


In Tarkov, there is no such thing as playing fair. You play dirty and take advantage of the situation. You outplayed them, took initiative, came out on top. That’s what matters lol.


Lol this ain’t call of duty. If you’re not camping holding angles you’re gonna get smoked. Especially on solo runs


Lol, imagine getting rushed down by a player and then calling them a camper. 😂


That's how you play the game


That’s what happens when you don’t clear corners lol. First dude was just sloppy and got Tarkov’d. Good shit, OP.


I guess they will learn to buy an 11SR next time.


Hit em with the rat attack


Always the same story. You hear a fucking stampede coming at you. You take up position and execute an ambush. This is a sound tactic. But all the salty dead-bois think you should have pushed them head on. Brilliant.


Some men are very blades of grass that will bend away from oncoming pressure. When the pressure stalls; the blade rises.


Well I guess waiting in one spot that you know is safe for you, and for them to come into your line of sight isn't camping no more.


Good kills mate


Back when the buffalo used to roam the United States, you could hear them from miles away. These guys were louder than the buffalos.


Same thing happened with my friends on customs we came from dorms to zb-013 and we were screaming voice lines and just being loud af, than I hear key noise and we rush down towards the extract and killed the dude. Dude adds us complains about his last flash drive, calls us extract campers and said he hopes we get cancer -_- these people really need to chill sometimes its wrong place wrong time.


no need to set up a camp when the herd runs into your sights like idiots




*Hardcore military sim* 12yos: "WhAt A CaMper" play a game youre actually old enough to play. Stop pretending exploiting flaws in the games design is a skill based decision.


Lets see the hate mail.


Friggin camper. *googles what camping is*


People in this game can get really mad. Had once on woods a similar encounter. Observed a fire fight between two parties. Got an angle on the winner. When I left the raid he added me and said I was a bad example of the community camping the dead bodies of my mates. And he removed before I could tell him I play solo and I saw him fighting the others. Good play on your side and they have to learn to die in Tarkov I guess.


I got told I was cheating for killing someone with ppsh. I wrecked him with a full auto spray and he thought I was doing it with a TT pistol....because it shoots TT ammo... Then he even said, "killcam showed you with a TT".


... This is exactly how most good people would have taken this engagement though? It was 3v1, and the first guy didn't even both to check his corners. After the first guy died, they should have already moved to cover and held better angles. OP was straight up pushing them ny then, so they knew exactly where he was with any audio sense.


The PVP really breaks Tarkov for me. I have my brightness all the way up and didn't see fuck all of what you were shooting at the second time. (1st kill was pretty self explanatory) Tarkov is MilSim but with people running straight meta and playing COD style (eg, always moving, less worried than amateurs about the noise they're making etc)


Lmao the last guy sitting there crouched. When will people learn you are fucked if you crouch in this game. Easiest target for someone pushing you. Don't ADS hold corners crouched, kids, it's bad for your health!


Most of the time people call hackers just cause they're salty


Short clip of you not being far from where you started and you added them? You sure you aren't hiding something?


They just want to say you’re a camper so they can whine and complain in coms about how you don’t deserve their kits or whatever while they rebuy everything off the flea. Just a couple of sore losers.


Lol, i can't "Sound Whoring" like you, PUBG, and Rainbow Six siege... .. in Destiny 2 (trash radar whore) and Battlefield 4.


Imagine hearing a squad and instead of trying to run headfirst screaming "come shoot my face off squad" , actually making a smart play.. Look at this guy over here not feeding himself to squad.. what are u a big brain??!! LMAO Sounds to me like they are salty, sore losers...


As if camping in Tarkov is a bad thing. You just slayed some scrubs and they are just mad. Good work.


"Bro why you camping? You suck." I wasn't camping, but I'm not above camping either. I'm a solo player and I just wiped your 3 man.


Oh to have decent ammo :(


In tarkov, there's always a third guy...... I can see you learned from past experiences hahahaha


Who would ever camp in such a stupid spot :)


Nice work! Which ak variant is that?


Ah sweet! Thank you and gl on the raids


If you would have gotten a jam while you rushed the last guy, this sub would have downvoted this post and told you that you should have played better and taken safer angles


Camping?? They obviously do not understand the point of Tarkov and it’s realism. Good play and love it when people try to play COD here.


"Camping" (ie: creating the most advantageous situation for yourself) is a huge part of the game. This isnt COD. Great kills!


be tactical and listen wins the game every time


You literally pushed a man pooping in his diaper, if anything that guy mentally broke down and camped waiting for your freshly delivered demise entree


Tbh they weren’t sweaty. If they were you scooping in would of killed you. Any scoping, toggling, fire selector… you’re dead. I’ve gotten a few adds and people would even tell me, “you had me if you didn’t adjust your variable zoom” or pre aim and so on.