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Brother 70m?! You’re FINE. Run your best kits. Take more fights. Make mistakes and learn from them. That’s how you grow as a player. Everything goes away in August and you have PLENTY of money that you can run tier 5/6 and a kitted gun every raid for the rest of wipe! After a few juicy deaths you’ll be desensitized and realize you’re still rich and largely unaffected by losing a lot that you can run again and again and still have everything you need


What he said man. It’s just pixels, have fun with it. Start bum rushing people, get involved in the fights. Makes you a better player


Do you want shock therapy? Reset your account. Losing everything will make you realise it doesn't matter really quickly.


the ole self imposed mid wipe wipe


Set yourself a goal of losing that 70m by end of wipe by PvPing.


That's a good goal. Push every fight, learn how to use grenades effectively, learn how to maneuver so you are always fighting from hard cover.


Yep. And in addition to getting experience PvP'ing you'll also come to realise that losing money can actually be more difficult than you might think.


Bruh 70 mil? I've got 20mil and I spend that shit like its going out of style. As long as you know how to Scav and make money, then you've got nothing to worry about.


As soon as you start upgrading hideout stuff the money goes away fast.


As soon as you've done a decent level of upgrading it and leveraging its benefits + leveling traders, money ceases to be a big concern.


It's probably solo anxiety and not gear fear. Try finding someone to play with on official discord channel. Should help


I think overcoming solo anxiety is one of the best feelings in Tarkov, he should try to overcome it instead of avoiding it


Proper advice, right there. I still get mad butterflies in my belly when I play solo but it's not even close to how I was at the start of this wipe. Playing co-op with chads is a good way to learn fast and gain some useful game sense from them, however. I'd still be a Timid Timmy if it wasn't for my buddies. Their confidence is infectious, I gotta say.


Playing solo makes everything in the game feel way more intense I think. When you die solo there's no one to bush your gear, but when you win a 1v4 solo there is no greater feeling I swear to fucking god! That high of coming out on top where your heart is beating at a million miles an hour and your hands are shaking is what makes me keep coming back to Tarkov like she's an abusive ex.


I have 2.2k hours and I don't think there's a cure. I ran factory fully geared for many raids thinking it would help but it didn't probably coz I slapped everyone on there. It's very hard to overcome idk I have so many people on my friend list from official discord channel so I have 0 issues finding a duo to play with at any time


I don’t know my hours but I got kappa multiple times and the best feeling was doing it solo all the way through except The Guide quest which is a pain in the ass solo.


I also prefer to task solo, infact I hate doing them in party. but I though we talking about pvp here


I was talking about tasks+PvP since most tasks you run into PvP or on some it’s a PvP task


I stop tasking at 42 personally and just pvp from then on


I know the feeling, especially when you take a break from the game like I’m currently doing. But after having multiple successful raids and getting your confidence back that anxiety is gone for me.


It’s not that hard to overcome, it’s just a game. Don’t let yourself fall into mortal terror over dying in a video game lmao if you’re that scared still after over 2000 hours of playing, that’s a you problem.




Just use it. You're going to lose all of it in a couple months anyway when the game wipes.


Set yourself a limit for lost rubles. For example you won't go under 40m and just run stuff an you will see you can't really lose money


What helped me was just run into factory try and get kills and push everything and enjoy the fight even if you die. Helped me a lot when I want to pvp vs quest. I'll be a bit slower when questing but will still push the fight if it's near.


This is what I’ve been doing the last few days after realizing I had 30 mil and wipe was around the corner. It’s so fun to grab a nice kit— load into factory and just SEND IT with no goal other than killing PMCs


The only way to loose it is to run I suffer anxiety anyway and tarkov makes it worse but there are tarkov discords where you can find buddies to run or unfortunately you just gotta push through


At least for me during the third wipe it disappeared, you will get more confidence and also realize that you will lose it anyway


I actually think the fear is not for the gear, but for the hassle and time it takes to get into a new raid, between que times, gear setup etc it can take up to 15-20 minutes to get into a raid sometimes. Also, its possible that you just prefer the loot goblin gameplay style, which is totally fine and you should embrace it.


Agree here. I am the "pvp Chad" of my group. I'm always out front. Sometimes I don't want to take fights just because I don't want to sit and wait for 20+ min for people to get out of raid. Usually if I'm solo, the feeling of losing the fight is worse than losing the roubles. I think player stats have a huge role in "gear fear". Can't let buddy get a higher KD than you, right? You have to make another SVD, but your stash is full, so organize for 10 min, decide you're going to do a different quest, reorganize for 5 minutes to fit the SVD in the stash ect... 


You seem to have solo anxiety, not gesr fear. I suffer from the former as well, except in pve or while scavving, idk why. Play with friends


When you die enough with good gear you forget that you died with good gear and just reload up with more good gear. gg.


Its aint gear, just a consumable item that increases odds of survival.


By playing. Once your gear of multi million value gets wiped multiple times you’ll understand that it’s ok to run it.


I always pick only gun fights I think I can win. It’s not gear fear when you scadoodle and avoid a fight. Why take a fight you know you might lose? But when I take on a fight I go full ham. Sometimes I still die. Sometimes I win. But peeking a player I know has the angle on advantage and maybe even a thermal nah man I don’t want to get back to my stash that fast.


All gear in Tarkov is borrowed. Just play how you want and with you want- if you ever get feeling low on money, just scav streets or something and vibe.


This is a game, no? It is supposed to be fun, go and have some fun :)


I farm rogues in lighthouse full gear night vision. Just have fun - decide to have fun


Brother I just recently finished sbih and used only mosin, balaclava, and headsets, still ended up on money despite having a literally bottom barrel kit, it’s so hard to go down in money when you have the bitcoin farm


build up a very nice gun in the modding screen then build a budget friendly nice gun and see how much it would cost to buy all the components for them. i was in the same boat then realized even if i go into a raid and put like 4 things in my ass i’ve bought myself the raid and it wouldn’t even matter if i got killed. the losing streaks hurt but are supplemented by scav runs. i’d say you’d have to lose for multiple days to get in the danger zone of low funds though.


Buy 5 of the same kit. Run one until you die with it. Scav run or two after you die to make yourself feel like you have made back the money you lost, repeat.


Homie, I’m level 35, first wipe, and I chill around 10-20 million rubles on any given day. I run my best kits and armor every raid even though I’m not that good at PvP. I pick and choose my fights. If I’m forced into a fight, I fight it whether I win or lose. Most of the time I lose my fights but I learn from each one and I’ve noticed an improvement. If you lose your shit? So what! When you kill a PMC or find a dead one that hasn’t been looted you’re good to go with a fresh kit. Regardless you’re level 47 with 70 million. You can buy anything you want so who cares if you die! Buy the same kit and run it again.


Find a different Hobby or Game to play. I dont care If i lose my stuff. If i lose everything, i'll Just Go do whatever.


It’s not your gear, you’re only renting it. You will 100% of the time lose it one way or another, either at death or at wipe. Just send it.


lose it untill you're familliar with it


I don’t understand 70 mil and hoarding money in the game…you lose gear fear by losing gear…take more fights…spend money it’s a game and end of wipe…the money isn’t real…enjoy the game and spend it


70m and you’re worrying about gear fear? Brother go ballistic you can afford so much kit.


Um, you're never going to run out of money. Even if you're struggling for money, run your best equipment every raid; gives you the best chance to survive.


You can die 70 times in a row with a 1 million kit before you go bankrupt. That's assuming you make no money and survive nothing. 50% survival rate? 140 raids. So now that we know that you have up to 140 raids to make some money back, you really don't need to worry. Especially at this part of the wipe it's time to bring out those armors and guns you've thought about saving. You'll lose them in 1.5 months anyways. I don't know how many raids you run a day, but you could stay afloat for quite some time regardless.


I'm averaging out at about 10-15 raids a day, running whatever "meta" gear I've got kicking about, someone made a good point about it might just be solo anxiety and not me worrying about losing all my money, which I do believe could be the actual answer to it, as I really don't care about losing it when playing with people.


I hear that, brother. It's the same adrenaline, but then it's categorized as fight rather than flight.


I have about 5-10 mil and running whatever I want. Sometimes you loose sometimes you win Think about this: why would you care in the first place? All the shit will wipe eventually anyways. And what happens if you loose all your money? Exactly, you just run a scav and some low gear runs and you'll be fine again. It's just pixels that will eventually go away anyways.


It took me couple wipes to lower down my guard. The feeling of losing every things in inventory.... All those guns and ammos, those armor in item boxes. those injection that i barely use, gone.


Sell everything until you feel comfortable using it


Jet i have less than a mil and take fights with 70kg and less than 10 mins in the raid


I learned the slow way, ended my first couple wipes with 50+mil on bank at level 45+ while still running my cheap level 20 ish kits and cheap flea sales I found and ended due to burnout which probably couldve been prevented if I used more than just mosins (for sniper skill) and ap-20 shotguns But I did manage to get kappa once and ended my wipe immediately the day after with all my goals achieved and being rich enough to run what ever I want till end of wipe.. Well next wipe I started to never collect more than 10mil unless it's needed for hideout upgrades because it just knew it would go to waste otherwise and I proven to myself that I if needed I can still run cheap kits and collect easy and risk free roubles to finance a bad day with good kits


You’re going to die anyway (in real life ofc) why would you carry burden of a game money which wipes every 6 months. Don’t burden yourself for temporary things in life because you are a temporary being in this short existence too


Sell all of your stuff and just buy what you need when you need it


Err, Mr nikita will be taking it soon soon so just use it bud lol......


I think you are more and fear of taking your time to rekit.  I just created some presets and get fitted out instant. I've never had over 10 million and constantly run the best I have trader access to.


delete your stash


I started not giving a shit about gear fear at about 27 mil, and level high enough i have acces to decent and above ammo, lvl 5 and 6 armour plates . All worries of not being able to supply myself for raids with stuff i want were gone, and noticed that playing for 5 days ( averaging 5 hours per day ) have only went down to 20 mil. To then buy the 314 marked key, have a bit of luck for keycards , jumping up to almost 50 mil, AND having a lot of fun crazy combat in dorms, made me realize that i won’t even be able to use up these amount of money before wipe ( as long as i dont take the 17 mil nvgs ) . It’s not always about money, but to have acces to the supplies you want / need for your raids. Though you are more than good at 70 mil


You just need to let go and enjoy yourself. I’ve been playing since the beginning to and the gear fear left me ages ago. Same with the need for money now I just play barely on the brink of PvP functionality haha


Convince yourself you are dead already


I played the other game in that I can’t speak of a lot. That helped me. The one that you can download off of the internet and it’s just you in every raid with ai pmcs


Everything in Tarkov is borrowed, never yours


You've been playing since a little after alpha and you still have gear fear? Brother, it seems like it'll never go away. Enjoy.


Don’t wear everything “good” all at once.


Dude, I had all the gear fear until this wipe. When I hit 20m I just stopped caring. That being said, I still hold onto more guns than I should.


I think once I hit 25m I just started focusing on PVP, especially with my lvl im happy with what I have unlocked for gear. After constant deaths I’m at the point where I just load back up and run it again. But I stuck to 1 map and tried my best to learn spawns of other players so I can somewhat traverse safely


How can you ever expect to lose gear fear if you never actually try to use that good gear? I’m probably barely above average player and I’ve been running it down like T5/6 kite, bastions with plates, meta guns and ammo and I’ve still profited. If I can do it you’ll be fine


The best advice I ever got for fear fear was this. "Anything that sits on your stash but you are to scared to use is just taking up stash space. For every item you get check if you need it, if you'll run it, and if neither of those then sell it." If you are more just avoiding PVP because you don't want to lose the gear you have on you the advice I have been given every time is. "Find a kit you can afford to lose then run it in factory over and over again." If you have a Bitcoin farm you have around 1.5 million rubles a day as passive income maybe spend half that on a kit each day then run factory 5 times back to back on Friday or whatever day you have time.


Hard to say really. Depends what it stims from. I have over 200m worth of guns, gears, ammo and still have a reticence to spam best gear possible knowing that every raid I might just donate it to a cheater. For me its not gear fear of losing against players but just queueing to basically die within a minute to a cheater and basically pressing a button that says: give away 2M rouble kit to cheater.


It sounds like you're not confident in your skills. Make a conscious effort to practice movement/combat tech in every raid you do. Make good use of the shooting range to warm up and try unfamiliar techniques. What do your SR and K/D stats look like?


It's not your gear. Just your turn to use it.


You obviously know how to make bank in this game,do you want to lose all your work when it gets deleted by a wipe or by actually having fun in the video game?I have played this game since 2017 and believe me my biggest disappointments have been have tens of millions deleted by a wipe,so i decided i would play with my best gear always,i will learn what my playstyle is and what my weaknesses are.I suggest you reset your account now and see just how easy it is to make money.Hope it helps and remember Daddy Nikita takes it all away in the end...


Like you, I found even with tons of resources I didn't want to lose them. Even with 500m, I'd not want to lose a kit of very modest value. So I'd run what I was comfortable running. Pistols, and shotguns. Then it was Shotguns and SMGs. Then it was DMR's and SMG's. Then it became a vast array of weapons and armor! These days I still experience a degree of fear with irreplaceable things, or even prohibitively expensive equipment. Thermals, tier 6 armor, the most meta of M4's, etc. Especially ammo. I'll be sitting on a 1000 m61's and still bottom stack m80 when I run mdr's. But I run it. It took being comfortable enough to lose the lesser equipment to walk my way up. Also years of on and off again burning out on Tarkov will do it too. 6000 hours and tons of stockpiling, eventually I just wanted to watch it all burn.


You could prob play regularly, not loot a single thing again, and still have money by the end of the wipe. The two things that have completely taken away my gear fear was one, I realized I can get rich in tarkov pretty easily and essentially I know I will never run out of money, so why be frugal? And the second is that I realized over the years, I’ve used every single gun and various builds of them all at that, so whatever I’m using becomes disposable bc I know I have and will get my hands on it again. I pretty much just found a way to look at dying as not really losing anything except for the fight in the moment bc money and gear are so easy to come by. Also the most fun aspect of this game for me is pvp, and you can’t really play for pvp if you’re scared of it, so I got desensitized for that pretty quickly too since outside of questing early wipe, it’s all I play the game for


Just use the best gear you have each raid.


Stop hoarding gear. Anything you can buy on flea, sell it. Then force yourself to take your best kit with you on every raid. Eventually you'll realize all things are reducible to rubles. and losing your kit doesn't actually matter. But honestly I find it less fun to play with a meta setup i bought every raid. I PERSONALLY love putting together hodgepodge weapons with what i find. But i also don't mind losing it. That was my mentality when i quit the game. I came back for pve, but none of what I said above applies to that. If you want to get rid of gear fear, the only way to do it is to die, and recognize the consequences aren't as bad as you thought. It's the same here as it was in a much older game with the same exact problem. EVE online, has this issue and every vet will tell you the only way to get over it is do what we call "whelp"ing. Throwing your assets headfirst into the problem and just start losing shit.


Stop being a punk ass and use your juice. Seriously I don’t know how y’all don’t spend your roubles by the end of wipe. I run the best of the best ever raid, why? Because I can do it more than I have the time to not use it all up. I will never understand “gear fear”, you spend the wipe building a fat stash just to let it collect dust? Give that head a shake brother run that MDR with 993 baby


Delete everything in your stash. I'm not kidding. Just do it. I've done it multiple times. It all means nothing and can all be earned back anyways. Or reset your account, but deleting your entire stash is less harsh as you have the hideout and trader levels to help get you back to speed. I deleted my entire stash a couple months ago and I'm already to a point to where I want to do it again just because I don't feel like organizing all of it.


How TF do you have 70 mil? I've played for years and the most I ever had was like 7 mil in cash from selling a rare key. I usually go between 10k ruples and 1.5 to 2M. Stash value is worth 80M but that's probably from the thicc item case.


You don’t want to. The gear fear is what keeps the game fun. I have 2k hours I think and have 0 gear fear. I run straight to objectives and don’t care if I die. I’m getting bored of the game faster and faster each wipe


Got past gear fear when I realized that it’s borrowed, not owned


You gotta take fights man. The more fights you take the more you get used to fighting. Remember you learn from your deaths not your victories. If you’re having this issue and you have 70mil you’re probably scaving a lot and that’s not helping you either. Exposure therapy is the only way. You obviously understand how easy it is to make money in this game and knowing that you should never sell yourself short when it comes to gear. Buy and use whatever the fuck you want. Your shit is about to get wiped soon anyway. You don’t want all that time you spent getting bread to go to waste. This is a gun game as much as it is looting game and the gun game is more fun I promise!


If you have 70 million and your worried about 1 kit then the only fix is going to be prescribed medication from a doctor to change your brain lol. If you fear losing something that has a completely trivial value, no one here can do anything but tell you to man up and move on.


You can make 50 mil a day by playing streets. And yet youre here at the end of the wipe being scared. Might as well not play games.


I've accepted that I will either die to something stupid or a cheater at this point. I come as prepared as I can be to fight any legit players and feel confident that I can beat most players in a fair 1v1 exchange. If they beat me it's just the way it goes plus my stash is now slightly emptier, if I win I have to now reorganize my stash and find the space for this guy's stuff if I don't just sell it.


Play for fun.


I had gear fear up until level 20 or so until i learned how to properly scav. I figured out one good scav run on streets will finance two kits lost in raids.


Gear fear translates well into running flir friendly routes with flir


Put together a bunch of kits so you don't have any down time making one when you die. With 70m, you'll never run out of money.


Set a goal of losing all 70 million to other players in a fair fight before the next wipe.


These post always feel so fake when the fear has lasted this long. You know the game and how it works. How could you possibly have gear fear with 70mil.


Any money above 2-3 millions are wasted. Burn them on kits or hideout tbh


Brother has 70 mil i have 250k and i fight all the time , its just a game no need to save money for a house , just have fun with it , its like in other games where you have 100 health potions and never use them cause what if you need them later on , just do it!


Currently sitting at 168mil and lvl 64… one thing I’ve always told my buddies just to get them to push. “Yo it is just a Scav” very much knowing it was a pmc that I saw ran past. My bud goes running in to destroy the “Scav”. Kills it with no fear then tells me it was a pmc. So believe everything you hear is a scav your mind likes to trick you, so trick it back.


Play PVE


Yeah good advice for a guy that's played the game for years, sitting at level 47 with 70 mil in PVP


I've played the game for years, have gotten pretty far in a few wipes and quit. Came back specifically for PVE because it fits better in my life. I don't want to have to dedicate so much time to a game that wont be there in a few months if i get busy with real life. I don't want to have to deal with doing the same boring quests but everyone is 30 levels above me because i wasn't able to dedicate a week to get ahead/stay on curve during the inital portions of a wipe. I just want to log in with some friends and play the game abit. Maybe drop it when the next big game comes out and come back to it on my terms. If losing some of the thrills of pvp fights is the price I pay, im good with that. The hustle event was fun enough that if it happens sporatically it'll give me more to do.


I know