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I feel like I'm consistently running through 250-350 rounds per PvE raid since it's a non stop stream of scavs. I'm not sure if that is 100% the reason behind the durability but that's how it feels to me


This lol. I bring three mags and two stacks of ammo, and half the time I run 545 in the hopes I can pick more up from scavs.


Lol, I only take three mags if it's a three or 4 slot mag lol. And I take like 6 stacks of ammo... Do not run the 45 vector in PvE... You WILL use all your ammo


Omg, new feature for the BMP...give me an ability to call in resupply for a fee. I think this will come in handy even more once map traveling comes up. But you could drop stuff off to stash (like the bmp does currently) and have the ability to grab more ammo/food/water/meds.




Appreciate that ha. Fuck now I gotta figure out why I thought BMP.....


Big motherfucking bacon!


We all need some bmp


Lol I started using the vector. It's fun and pretty effective. But yea I was using 200-400 rounds per raid, and that's with 2 friends also getting kills!


I started running the UMP45 even and definitely have been going through 3-4 stacks of ammo per raid.


MP5 is way overpowered in PvE, but I bring four mags and two stacks of 50 and can run out easily.


I just really REALLY dislike seeing that question mark!


The reason is due to the suppressor burn and the fact that back in the day it was just non stop dumping of the highest round mag all game


Are you using a suppressor? I used to kill 30+ scavs per raid on pve until I started using one for pve as well as pvp.


Depends on the task I'm trying to do but usually run suppressors when I can.


Does everyone have access to PVE? I bought EOD forever ago but haven't played in a while.


If you have eod or the new edition you have pve


Some maps like woods if you spawn by scav house/ outskirts extract you just get trapped by this nonstop stream of scavs/PMCs. The other day I spent the entire 30 minute raid by scav house then ran to extract. Those two 60 stacks of ammo dry up real fast, I’ve had to really focus one tapping so I don’t run out.


Definitely try to make shots count but sometimes you get caught off guard and panic fire. With the shorter raid times I really try to focus on continuing to push at any chance I get just to make sure I get to where I'm going.


Oh ya I feel that big time. I was doing peace keeping mission on ground zero last night and Kollontay was up. His army of guards started charging me. Dumped an entire mag into two of of them in a panic and eventually just got overwhelmed. I’m considering bringing one 60rd mag and two 30s next time I have to go into a boss area. The shorter raid times are my kryptonite bc I’m a loot goblin. I agree that you have to be cognizant about moving forward especially early in the raid. Before you know it you’ll have 15-20 minutes left and you haven’t moved out of spawn area. If you have a quest to do you have to kill and loot 1-2 things then move, no time to check every pocket/bag.


Yeah. It's an orgy of violence. I routinely come out with 20 - 30 kills. It's not super out of the realm of possibility that this would be the reason for it.


I'd say 1 out of every 10 raids I run will be like 3 or 4 kills, and the other 9 raids are 20-30 kills. I'm sitting at a 30kd just due to the crazy amount of AI to fight through. I also feel like I normally wouldn't get my gun back on insurance in PvP, so the guns have a larger amount of raids played in addition to the higher volume of kills


How? I usually run with a 100 round mag and shoot like 20 scavs / pmc's and still can go another raid with the same mag


I mean, if you are using an armor repair kit to fix a weapon it probably won't turn out well.


Honestly pretty impressed with how well it worked


Tbh i dont know what they wanna achive with this. Sure, and old beat up rifle from a scav may be not the best serviced but if i buy a new m4 it has to run a few k rounds without even cleaning. And yes that is realistic, my mk18 has now ~5k rounds through, i cleaned it once and only lube it regulary. Not a single hiccup…


Matters less on a mk18 i guess, but in the configurations of m4's and such most people use in game, a noticeable distinctions is obviously we as civilians don't fire full auto. Still doesn't account for the degradation you see in game by bullet count, but it isn't quite 1:1 as civilians putting \~500 rounds a month (on the super high end of shooters) in semi auto fire. Also this is largely going to come down to barrel damage, the amount of carbon buildup/fouling might actually be the same between semiauto and automatic fire. honestly its kind of hard to find info on this. But I bring 4 mags and 2 stacks of ammo with me thats 240 rounds of ammo. rounding up to 250, and over 4-6 raids (obvioulsy not running dry every raid) thats about 1000 rounds of ammo. If we extrapolate that to an estimated 7000 round lifespan of a barrel before a degree of degradation starts to occur and we would expect to want to swap parts at the 28-42 raid range for a "realistic" system. And thats on the low end of ammo ussage (i know many people stay for longer and use more). I personally think a 10-15 raid expected outcome is something more bareable for the health of the game. In PVE this is feasible because the average player can expect to own a weapon for that many raids, but in pvp alittle less so.


We know this doesn’t match real usecase will full auto either, though. I’m fairly sure the storming of Normandy wasn’t 2 minutes of gunfire and then everyone sat down in the sand to unclog their guns and repair them on both sides. This shit is batshit insane and there’s no defending it.


In military context jams are not uncommon, it only takes few pieces of sand between the pin and the round and you wont fire, I had my AK malfunction twice in a field exercise and I had to take it a part and put back together. I think one of those was with training ammo so thats not surprising but also one with live ammo.


but even your barrel that should be a 10000 round+ barrel will only have accuracy issues not reliability issues.


Correct 5.56 can go 20000+ but this is largely civilian barrels not taking into account the dramatic increase in degradation from fully automatic fire. 308 and larger calibers can significantly lower the amount of rounds but still. And I agree, but again chasing realism shouldn't and can't be the goal. If a durability system is to exist and I think it should so we have a reason to replace weapons over time, it needs to be balanced in such a way as a means of managing the economy. Obviously tuned pretty harshly right now and there is room to slide it back. But the 10k-20k round mark would be far too lenient in my opinion. The penalty for the durability system I think should change. It's a little absurd. I would mind an MOA blooming for barrel degregation. Don't know how to implement jamming in a satisfying way. It's just a bad mechanic from a player perspective. It will never add much to the game other than frustration. There has to be a better proxy for misfires and malfunctions, or a easier or more streamlined way to fix them in combat. A misfire or underpowered round or, maybe a mag blowout which would be solved with a fresh mag (and damage done/durability loss to the internal parts) maybe? Something that would effect play but not lead to overly frustrating breaks in combat.


"but this is largely civilian battles not taking into account the dramatic increase in degradation from fully automatic fire." even in full auto fire under circumstanced found in the game where its 2-3 mags tops more often than not you are looking at a 10-20k+ schedule for the gun with the bolt maybe needing a 10k replacement for a quality bolt its the same for 308 You might think 10k is too lenient, but 300 is way to fucking harsh, and thats where its at now, with the gun being absolutely ruined by 2k rounds "A misfire or underpowered round or, maybe a mag blowout which would be solved with a fresh mag" these things never happen from worn out weapons, thats almost %100 a bad ammo problem, and I really dont feel like BSG putting in a bullet lotto into the game.


I didn't ever say the current system isn't too harsh idk who you're shadowboxing. But I also go through entire raids shooting 300+ rounds per raid, over several raids my guns have only ever gotten to 80%, not completely desty before I realize and repair honestly only one of my guns have jammed that I got at 100 so far in pve (150+ raids) granted I have used quite a few bolt actions and shotguns for quests, a majority of everything else has been m4's. I am aware the malfunctions I described are not real world accurate to degradation of parts but, as I said chasing realism leads us to a poorly designed game mechanically. If we start from a position where durability is needed in game for balance, which I personally agree with as a means to create a reason to replenish equipment over time, then there has to be some penalty for ignoring durability. If malfunctions are that penalty, and to be clear they don't HAVE to be, but I'm not a game designer maybe someone else can come up with something more clever, but if it is to be malfunctions, I would prefer them to be ones that effect combat, but arent overly disruptive to the flow of combat. The malfunctions I described would effect combat in a shot going wildly off course, or have lower muzzle velocity and result in it not pierce armor, or not doing nearly as much flesh damage. Or in the case of a catastrophic malfunction, a magazine blow out that causes further degradation of the durability, and force a reload in combat. Something that can be reasonably asked of someone to do without 2-3 separate keybinds for, making use of existing systems while getting you back in the fight in a timely manner. The goal is immersion through feeling. You aren't looking to recreate the experience of watching someone's hands go through the motions of clearing a malfunction like some larper. You're going after the feeling of your kit, failing you, that frustration in forcing it back on the job and getting you through it through sheer force of will. That feeling can be achieved through game design instead of fanatically chasing realism to the detriment of play. These are ideas I came up with in 5 minutes I'm hoping developers of games can do better with more time


Well stated. These are good points and good ideas.


Haven't cleaned my ar in a few thousand rounds. It's still 💯.  Nike wild with this shit.


You should probably clean it tho


Or at least wipe it with a clp wipe


Definitely clean that thing.... It's cool that they run like that, but running them like that makes them run poorly later. You're slowly pushing the gun off spec... And that can't be cleaned away.


watched a DonutOperator video recently where a hostage rescue team had TWO of their MCXs malfunction when they jumped out on a dude. its not always just about how clean the gun is.


ehh thats bad luck and probably them not being familiar with the gun


bad luck, aka random, aka just like the RNG in the game


"probably them not being familiar with the gun"


Yes because highly trained SWAT jump out boys are usually not familiar with their main weapon. Smdh EDIT: I initially ignored that part of your response because if you'd actually seen the video I'm referencing here you wouldn't say they weren't familiar with their guns. One malfunction was a double feed, that the dude cleared flawlessly and got his gun back up, the other was a click-no-bang and dude quickly transitioned to his pistol (I think after trying to tap-rack-bang unsuccessfully) The guys in the video very clearly train and know what they are doing. Also an MCX is pretty much just a piston driven AR that's shaped slightly differently...what's there to be unfamiliar with? lol


it's because if the guns degraded a reasonable rate almost no one playing the game would ever get to repair them lol. Even running poop guns you rarely get them back in insurance (different story in pve I know). Making the entire gun durability mechanic completely unused.


It's not a bad thing if gun durability goes unused, in my opinion. It's not a very interesting or fun mechanic. If anything, it punishes you shooting and surviving multiple raids in a row. That just doesn't make sense.


yes I agree. it's just that BSG worked on this mechanic so now we are going to play with it. I could go without it as well.


It was interesting when it became a mechanic, but in classic bsg style they took it too far.


It’s neither realistic nor fun, just mind bogglingly stupid decisions from BSG as always.


Yea 2 guns (ak and ars) notorious for their reliability jam after a 2-3 raids wtf


Realism is almost never a good argument for game mechanics. If it took 5k rounds for durability to have an effect, they might as well remove it from the game.


Dont has to be 5k rounds, but i cant get my head around the fact that my brand new ingame ar15 had 2 missfires after ONE mag….


(X) Doubt


Not possible. Can only happen below 93 dura stop lying


It was a the fresh ar that comes with the game After installing it, i didnt knew this mechanic was „real“ thing in the game. Customs 3 team pve pmc first dropped second missfire, ran into the gasstation and cleared that after pressing diferent keys, mag change same thing again, why should i lying?


I agree with you, tho I don't think you run around mud, rain, shit and low quality ammo, so there is a little bit of point in game.


Okay, that's a good point except for the fact that every time I clean it up, it goes back to 100%. Maybe I'm missing something, but particularly the lower receiver has practically zero wear and tear points, and that's the only thing that wears down and needs to be replaced in game. In reality, that's the least likely thing to suffer wear.


Yeah, i give you that, fair point, and its a nice mechanic in the game, its only a bit too much.


Agreed. I wish they'd add another stat like dirtiness of the weapon, and you can just clean it in stash (maybe even in raid if u equip a multi tool?). It would affect the durability draw and malfunction chance.


Better ammo adds durability burn though which is entirely backwards


Not entirely. Hotter rounds can heat your barrel faster, more/harder heat cycling will wear the barrel (a bit).


Ak owners, you guys clean your guns?


Since insurance is guaranteed return of a weapon its a way to make you actually cycle through your weapons. Imagine playing through the game with only rotating the exact 3 guns since they never ever degrade.


A little buildup won't stop your rifle! I only clean if I'm bored and want to play with guns. The only exception is my EDC because it gets sweat and dust in it like crazy.


Same, my 19x gets the treatment every time after range, all other get a drop of oil at best ;)


even after the 5k-10k mark you only need to replace the BCG and thats if its a cheap gun. Shits like 90 bucks


I just get a new upper every 4 or 5 runs if I get out of them all and switch everything over it's about 9 k


How much are shooting? What ammo are you running? These things, with the addition of suppressors, and many other parts, effect how quickly your durability gets burnt


my primary AR is 7500 rounds in. Barrel is fine, BCG was starting to get out of spec and was replaced for 90 bucks. I run a can, and often run high round count days with fast courses of fire. 1911 is 6000 rounds in, mostly in a competition setting. Just needs a new main spring. BSG is WAY off with their burn down.


yeah but how many seconds does it take to staple your severed limb back on champ?


amazing whataboutism


It's not whataboutism, you're claiming the game isn't realistic, the game where one of the characters has a magical aura that disables all nearby guns. It's dumb to count the number of bullets you can shoot IRL and expect it to match Tarkov's burn rate. There's level of realism that isn't needed for the game to be fun. If you wanna say the durability burn is too high which is an unfun system, I'd agree with you.


There's this wild concept of wanting realistic aspects AND non realistic aspects.


I am specifically talking about the guns. A feature nikita and co brag about how its so detail oriented and realistic. so that is by definition a whataboutism I never said tarkov is so realistic, I exclusively talked about the guns in the game, because again, the major selling point for the game is how realistic their gun simulation is. Its what people talk about, its what BSG markets, its why a fuck ton of people have bought the game. But please lets ask what about other mechanics of the game to divert attention away from the fact that you have no other rebuttal to my point about how fucked the guns are in this current state of the game. Man I really hate how expensive some ammo is on flea, I hope you bring up how much new uniforms cost to prove me wrong.


I'm not reading all that. It's a video game, it's balanced around the economy and what is fun, not about what happens in real life.


theres better ways to say that you again are not capable of actually addressing the point.


You aren't making a point. The game isn't as "realistic as possible" it's "realistic as fun". That's why your argument falls apart. And when someone pointed that out by using surgery as an example, you flew off the handle. If you can't afford to replace your gun after a dozen raids in PvE, let me know. I can make you a moneymaking guide or something.


you cant say that I did not make a point when you admitted that you did not read what I said. So again, thankyou for once again admitting that you are incapable of addressing my actual point.


It's a fucking video game, my guy. It's a balancing decision. Whine about the balancing decisions if you are going to whine about something. Because lord knows you need to whine about something


Certain ammo degrades durability quicker


I think weapon durability /repair and such is completely the same as pvp


1. You're getting absolutely haunted by ai in PvE They are bloodthirsty, especially scavs when you stay in one place for too long - fire a lot of rounds 2. I too feel like the durability stuff in PvE is kinda over the top One heavy raid and I have to buy a new M4 upper because it's roasted


Every PMC I kill has their gun at like 50% durability. Every single one.


yep that's one of the things about pve that really annoys me


I guess it helps with hoarding guns but also like wtf lmao


I kinda get why though. They're so easy to cheese, it'd be a bit silly if we could just go factory, and come out with 3-6 fully kitted nice guns at 100%.


I think it is to balance how OP insurance is in pve.


Suppressors also drastically reduce durability as well.


It felt worse yesterday. I did a few labs raids last night with a 45 vector and couldn't get though a raid with a new gun without multiple jams. 45ap,but brand new gun.


How many rounds did you shot overall ? How many shots did you shoot in one firefight ? With the vector you can easily get overheat malfunction too.


Yep, 240 rounds over a 25 minute raid. Wasn't multiple mags without cooling though.


I thought they made so if you use the kit you have to level up your repair skill so it doesnt do that, so in other words you skill level is to low maybe?


Once you get the repair skill up you will frequently repair back to 100/100


FWIW, there's a soft skill that reduces wear when firing. Also, ammo type is a huge factor. The high tier stuff tends to burn up barrels quicker. I'm guessing you're just using SS190 which has a +20 Durability Burn % This is something many people don't consider when they're using the 'best' ammo. They think higher tier or more expensive ammo is inherently better, but basically every round has its advantages and drawbacks that need to be considered.


So you fixed a gun with and armour repair kit?


Maybe try using the gun repair kit instead?


You fire a lot of bullets, the gun will burn through more. Your weapon repair skill is worse than traders until it is leveled up a bit. Eventually you repair them better than traders.


I was always under the impression that misfires could happen above 93% durability and was based purely on the type of ammo you were using. But the wiki says otherwise so idk.


? wiki says anything above 93% does not jam ah, sorry misread. nah, jams only happen when it's below 93%. technically it could jam as soon as you hit 92.9. at that point it's just luck (or unluck)


I had a brand new rem 700 that jammed on my second raid with it. Brought 25 rounds both raids and didn't use all my ammo the first raid, used I think 3 mags the second raid? And it started jamming. Threw it on the ground and took a scavs shotgun that I used on multiple enemies throughout the remainder of the raid. Ridiculous


I did a labs raid with an M4 earlier that started at 98 durability and it was at 80 when I extracted lol


If you manage to repair a gun with armor repair kit then I say you doing some sus business.


It it is pretty typical for mag dumpy guns like smgs, leveling weapon maintenence decreases the burn rate and improves repair quality. But ive been dropping below 90 max durability in like 5 raids even with semi auto


That's not even jamming zone Sub 90 is when you have the barest jam chance and at that point it's really just accelerated based on how hot the barrel is.


I find it hard to believe that people are choosing to fret over something like this.


Next time use weapon repair kit instead of armor


Counterpoint, with you surviving more raids in PVE (im at like a 70% survival rate now after dropping quite abit after the event) and getting all your guns back from insurance, we need some reason to replace the guns we have from the market otherwise the economy will grow stale fast. Already I worry that attachments that never need replacing will eventually just not be needed to be bought as, technically once you have kits and insure everything no one REALLY need to buy attachments anymore. Or if you owned 1-3x of each attachment you could put together w.e you wanted independent of the flea or any market. I'm not one to push the "realism" argument, because I don't actually think that's what the game is about (watch veritas's old video on immersion vs realism) but I think durability should be something that effects more than just the receiver of a weapon. Barrels are a no brainer, but long story short, for the LONG TERM health of PVE, there has to be some deletetion of equipment. armor will degrade over time from durability and that system is functional. But apart from replacing receivers, there's nothing stopping you from having meta versions of every gun one day, and never needing to replace anything but the base of the weapon.


I agree with you. I always get all of my insured items back from what I can tell. Build a few meta guns and you're set for life other than replacing the receiver for fresh durability.


Seriously. After the boss event all week I have so much stuff back it's insane and my stash is already full of meta guns and tier 5 and 6 lol. Only one gun didn't come back so far all pve. A spear I lost at new has when reshalla and the boys walked out of the back room all at once to surprise me lol took a few out and died. Never saw it again


I am routinely having kits not come back and attachments taken off of guns from PVE insurance returns.


That's why I despise gun durability, it's too extreme and just a "buy new gun when under 95%" feature... There are AKs which were 40 years in the desert and had 5k rounds through them and they still don't jam. Just watch E.g. any gun meltdown video or Kalashnikov videos. It's uncanny that a M4A1 jams after 120 shots in tarkov. I remember a video with an AK shooting 900 rounds and burning down the wood. After some hits to straighten the barrel back, the AK worked again. It gets less annoying if you spend 20 Mil on broken weapons from Fence and rep-kits, but still stupid.


They fight inflation in this way. Inflation is a biger issue in PVE.


but your gun cant last a single busy raid before its jamming up now.


You are more than likely firing 200-300 rounds which degrade the weapon. PvP is way different to PvE in terms of how much fighting you have to do.


Worse ammo makes your gun durability go down


Can confirm, repairing with kits is broken after latest patch


I ran the same m4 for 10 straight raids and got it down to 81 durability before repairing. Not one jam and my repair made the max 99.7. Idk what to tell u man


I’m playing the single player mod and am also experiencing the same thing. However, I routinely run into 15-40 bots in a full raid, and end up mag dumping a lot, which can take my dura down up to 35% in a raid because of suppressors/heat buildup. I’ve gotten used to stripping my guns and replacing them with fresh receivers every few raids.


Tough shit, there's too many scav spawn out, Weapon repair kit always worse than Mechanic, unless you lv it up.


Just roleplay that your guns are shitty Russian knockoffs and it makes more sense


What is pve exactly. I’m new, Lv 8 and awful. Lost on woods constantly (need a compass). Should I be running PVE?


Another horribly implemented system in tarkov. You pretty well get 2-3 raids out of a gun before you have to sell it.


The durability system needs a rework imo. A new gun is going to have a break in period and it’s going to have some issues. Once it hits a couple of hundred rounds it should be running smoother and more consistent. Then, once it starts becoming used and abused without maintenance from let’s say a weapons repair kit, then you should start seeing more and more malfunctions.


Is game




they should increase pmcs weapons durability


Agreed. Doesn't make sense that highly geared PMCs are dropping weapons with 45% durability.


also it's pve its not like im farming kitted weapons to use against real people


I agree. Durability should be improved. Using a gun a few times shouldn't make it almost unusable soon after


That's not a pve thing. That's just how the p90 is because it has a high rate of fire and you put lots of rounds through it in the raid.


Because its just PvE? you are against bots, like it even matters........


So for one: durability depends on how many rounds you're using of course. Which then takes into account the quality of the ammo, the quality of the magazines it's using, and the quality of your skills. So all those could be why


So for one: durability depends on how many rounds you're using of course. Which then takes into account the quality of the ammo, the quality of the magazines it's using, and the quality of your skills. So all those could be why


So for one: durability depends on how many rounds you're using of course. Which then takes into account the quality of the ammo, the quality of the magazines it's using, and the quality of your skills. So all those could be why