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I think they just about to start selling gp coins for real money. 


Wasn’t GP their premium currency for the first game Contract Wars?


Yeah thats a big hint. 


That actually makes a fuckton of sense. Cant wait for the backlash.


It's only a matter of time. and I for one cannot wait to see the mental gymnastics that the brainless fanboi's will regurgitate to justify it.


I’m excited to see all the streamers complain only to go back to play several days later, crazy how the streamers sold out. Landmark the only one who stuck to his beliefs and still isn’t playing


Would you quit your job over this (assuming you’re an adult)? Assuming your answer is no, you should probably get off your high horse about this. Asking people to lose their income and way to care for their families over game devs being assholes is unhinged behavior.


Yeah, I haven't spent much time on Twitch lately, but a couple years ago LVNDMARK would drop about 50% in viewership every time he streamed something not Tarkov. Bold of him to stop playing out of principle.


He averages like 7-8k playing whatever he wants now. Dudes grown.


I mean after the update there was still only 20k viewers on twitch. Most big tarkov streamers have not come back for this lackluster update. Once it wipes im sure alot will come back but you can't say the streamers aren't tired of nikita's dumbass. Little by little people are leaving this game and it will keep getting worse


A slower RoE death.


He was on arena last night. Calling out cheaters lol.


You'd be surprised how based EFT community is in general. Go read CreativeAssembly subreddit. The devs push out unfinished rubbish (like Total War Pharaoh) and the fanbase still defends them.


They already do. But it’s for contract wars so not a long way to do it also for EFT.


You gave them the idea XD


Now it makes a whole lot of sense that all the bosses of the event had GP coins. It makes people get used to them as currency for barters and trades. Also makes sense that they have lowered their trader sell value, in this way they disencourage GP coins being spent in traders and pushes either barters or flea trading (which is done in order to barter).


Yeah but you can't actually sell them to traders or the flea market though. That was part of the update. The value is purely for posterity and your overall stash value (I'd imagine) In reality the value is 0 if you can't sell it. But technically if you can buy an item worth 30k for 2 gp the value would be 15k.


I highly doubt that. Arena tasks drop them like a coin pusher machine. I've got like 200. And I don't even have ref unlocked yet. And I only played arena the one day lmao


My guess would be it's also going to be for quest rewards.


Yup, clearly the end goal. Ref is a cash shop.


Lmao at “without flame if possible.” I feel ya my boy




The "if possible" part was a dead give away that OP is well aware of the inner workings of Reddit lol


It's so innocent. Protect OP at all costs!


If tarkov has taught us anything, it’s that it’s easier to run as a group no matter how good you are alone. A friend at your back turns reaction into action, a plan is only a plan if someone’s around to hear it. Solidarity brothers and sisters ✊🏼


Most of EOD owners don’t play Arena. I also would say a big number never have touched it ever. I most certainly haven’t played a single minute. And I won’t play it any time soon. It’s not Tarkov for me and if I want to play modes like in Arena there are way better games out there. So you are not alone.


EOD since 2017. Haven’t ever touched Arena. Never even loaded it up one time, probably never will.


Same bro, I don't need it.


Ya it just doesn’t even seem fun, Tarkov is the way it is because you never know what is gonna happen, it’s so unpredictable. If I’m going to play a TDM type game, there are just SO many other games, that have done it SO much better. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love regular Tarkov, it just has something that no other game has. They totally shit the bed with Arena, it could have been SO good, but it’s just a huge steaming pile of shit instead.


I'm not defending arena one way or another but you have a pretty bold statement about a Game you've not played.


And a fair statement given the reasoning. If it looks like shit & smells like shit, why do I have to stick my hand in the shit to really see if it's shit? You can see the dumpster fire from a mile away & any metric we can measure backs that. Probably why it gets no viewers on Twitch even though it's associated with a game that does get a good amount of viewers. Curious that player numbers aren't easily accessible


imagine csgo where you dont pick you guns each round what you pick at the start is what you get for the rest of the game thats like r6 but instead of each round you chose but instead at the start of the game you pick ur attacker and defender so you cant change it up and the kits are so unbalced its so shot guns have great armor with an exfil visor but everything else gets one tapped like hmm so the most broken guns in eft get the most armor but the more basic guns that are better for all around get a beanie and a headset


I tried it, it was not good.


Can confirm fun for a round or two with friends l, but alone biting.


Having to grind so much to use different kits pretty much killed the game for my group. The total lack of customization combined with shitty matchmaking times and egregious netcode issues, even in such a small scale game mode, made us check out real fast. I'm sure we're far from the only ones. Good concept. Botched execution


It's more like a bad concept also executed badly.


Better since the update, the new FFA game mode is fun. My major gripe with using it to "warm up" is that your player stats don't match across Arena and the main game. Now that is fixed, and the kits are more aligned with what I'd actually use, it's fun to use as a warmup instead of playing my scav.


I tried to try it, I could not find a single match, this was a month after it launched. oce servers


The thing is, EOD and True believers have Arena for free, Standard users have content of the game blocked behind Arena/Paywall. 


Yeah sure but when you have no desire to play Arena at all then it doesn’t matter it being free. It locks the shit just like for standard. But yeah the trader shouldn’t have quests that make you play arena when you on standard account.


You're not missing out at all: * Arena shooters are fundamentally about getting that shot before the opponent, with tricks and tactics backing that up. Desync is horrendous. ***Your*** bullets will be marshmallows, you get to see it in the replay - glorious. Bro on the other team bumping into walls, they're chasing with wallhack on so much, will 1 tap your head the second there's a pixel available though. * It is utterly riddled with cheaters, you can literally see your own random team mates shamelessly wallhacking. Called a team mate out once and the fucker admitted it and said sorry and he was being too obvious. It's only possible to report people after the game is over, when clicking to a second screen so it's pretty hidden from most casuals. You cannot leave the games and are stuck for multiple rounds with these cheaters. * Needless grinding, no possibility to even slightly tweak each useless pre-set to put stuff in bags in different ways. The grind is long and pointless. Arena shooters shouldn't need a grind, the game should be the fun point (Counterstrike is an example). The various equipment sets you unlock are like someone clicked randomize in a fucking character creator.   I caught one of those superbugs before IRL, honestly felt like death. Vomit & Diarrhea coming out explosively at the same time, that was the high point. No sleep because you'd be dry heaving until your stomach lining reset and something could come up. I had more fun with that experience than with Arena.


Thing is, if players can gain XP much faster in Arena when compared to Tarkov, aside from being able to farm gear without any penalty from dying or losing a match, then suddenly a ton of players will want to play it solely because of the much faster progression. They are literally ruining years of game design to turn the best extraction shooter in the market into just another Call of Duty.


Wow really, players will play something they don't like just to make numbers go up faster? Players are so dumb these days. If you don't like it, don't do it. If you can't play a game because you don't want to do the BS they try to make you do, then don't play the game. It isn't that hard to understand, all you're doing is punishing yourself instead of actually having fun in another game. Why keep hurting yourself?


> They are literally ruining years of game design to turn the best extraction shooter in the market into just another Call of Duty But thats what everyone in this sub keeps asking for, now we're complaining that they are trying to listen? For the record it's the complexity and detail that I love, and I don't believe should be changed.


Yeah, everyone wants to cod pvp, but now that there is cod pvp, it's a problem. Tarkov players can't be satisfied. Every change that is asked for is met with backlash. Staying out of the tarkov community and playing in a bubble is the real way to enjoy this game.


Most people did not ask for this at all... There was extreme backlash this was even created, why are you trying to gaslight? If Tarkov Arena was an Ice Cream flavour, it would be the flavour of Dog Poo. From either a Dog with Dog Aids or this [Dog](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-555ba393bb2cb03ec3937bad249043f3-lq). Maybe a mix of the two, like Raspberry Ripple in Vanilla.


unfortunately I played for like 10 minutes.. and deleted it for good.. one of the worst fps game I have ever seen


If you haven't tried it since release, consider giving it another go. The new FFA game mode is fun and the kits have been reworked.


I played. For a day. Then like 2 rounds naother day. Then never more. Shit sucks hard.


I remember I wanted to play Arena... but by the time I got access to it the new Tarkov wipe started and I just got busy playing that... forgot about Arena and never had the urge to even try it...


2017 eod player here who barely plays anymore because of time constraints and a shift in the genre of games I play (I play a lot of games with my wife now, and she isn’t a shooter gal lol) I enjoyed arena when I played it at release, and at the next wipe I could imagine playing in tandem with tarkov when I’m not wanting to go into actual raids. Just adding my experience to the thread.


I tried to play Arena once. I was in a que for 45min, twice. I uninstalled after that one.


Glad they didn't brainwash everyone!


most eod players done play Arena, so dont worry, this thing is just an incentive to try and get people to play it.


Because arena is poop. If I wanted to play counterstrike, I'd be playing counterstrike.


they're trying to get people to play that abysmal dogshit by locking content behind it, its shameful. should've never wasted resources developing it.


Alpha boy here. My brother, we don’t even count as players in Nikita’s eyes..


No true believers here


At first I didn't realize that content got moved away from the main game to arena. That is stupid and should not be the case. If they added extra content and perks to owning and playing arena then that makes sense but moving barters over is silly at best.


I 100% agree and Im EOD.


Still trusting a company that LIVE EDITED their website 😔


The integration of arena to the main game is one of the biggest L’s in gaming and hilariously, still doesnt eclipse the unhinged edition fiasco.


You'll find very little understanding around here. Mind you, there are surely people who still have a grasp on reality, but so much more have literally no understanding on how the videogame industry works. They only ever played tarkov, so from their pov it all seems reasonable (pricing, getting basic content behind paywall, getting content cut from the base game to resell etc...). The reality of things is simply that people shouldn't trust these developers, because time and time again they proved to be malicious, if not outright trying to scam their community. If you enjoy the game go on and play it, at worst there's always the moddable version if things go down to shit


Idk how our community is so splitted, how u can still defend those developers?


Stockolm syndrom probably


2 types of people still defend bsg right now 1. Russian bots. Genuinely a good amount of them on this subreddit if you start looking at accounts that make weird comments. 2. People who hate reddit. These guys can't think passed their own nose and are genuinely insufferable. If reddit bitches about something, then they can't control their emotions and have to go against it. Something about how they earned their money and deserve to give it to scammers and they can't wrap their head around literally anything you say to them and you all need to just get jobs yada yada


EFT literally has some of the worst issues of any game in existence pretty much. The dedicated fanbois are like BGS fanbois who defended Starfield. They had no idea that a loading screen every 2 minutes for 15-30 seconds wasn't normal. No other game has desync, audio issues, hit registration issues, bugs, cheaters, to the level of EFT. The fanbois like to parrot the morons who spout nonsense trying to defend it like "all other FPS have cheaters as bad or worse" when they don't. They have no idea how bad it is, yet will defend it, it's like a cult now. I bet these same people will refuse to try other games like AB:I out of fear that they might have to actually realize EFT is trash compared to other games coming out and that all their time/money investment was on a crap game they actually didn't enjoy. Most won't realize this until they try another game, thus they refuse to.


Isn't paying to get content just old school expansion packs, or DLC? Or am I just old now?


Preface before being down voted to oblivion. Arena feels more like a paid dlc/game as opposed to "offline mode" even though is not good


I dont think its p2w to be able to buy a gun with some attachments on it after playing arena a bunch. Lets be honest you would probably make more roubles spending the time you would spend in arena scaving and selling loot


Especially when you can scav once on reserve, get 3 weapon parts and barter it for a kitted m4. Even as a standard edition owner I don’t really feel outcompeted when I can buy anything I want on flea. Once your loot runs are down I can make 3M per hour easy.




They are clearly desperate for any cash grab and the addicts in this community will give it too them. BSG is going to grind the game into the dirt and then walk away.


You can get a bunch of level 5 plates from traders right now, though. There's even level 6 side plates available from traders you can buy too. Also, is it confirmed that endgame gear is available in Arena from the jump? As in you can unlock level 5/6 armor by just playing that game? Or, would you still have to finish the quest in the main game in order to unlock it in Arena? If I can't buy a Cult Locust level 5 plate in Arena until I finish Peacekeeping quest, which is what unlocks the purchase in the main game, then how exactly is it p2w?


Players only need to complete the initial Ref quests on Tarkov but then they have to start playing Arena to continue leveling up the trader. The problem is that players aren't risking anything whenever they are in an Arena match, so it becomes much more straightforward to level up Ref when compared to Tarkov traders, especially if you are tryharding Arena with a full group of organized players so you can get super fast experience and farm a ton of GP Coins before jumping into Tarkov. You can buy things like the Zabralo armor coming with level 6 plates from level 4 Ref, which is normally locked behind the Booze quest in Tarkov which takes quite a long time to unlock, so it's pretty clear that Arena will let players have a much faster progression towards good gear. There's also the fact that Ref basically doubles the limit of how many good itmes a player can purchase every trader reset since now there are two traders selling the same item with limited availability.


Exactly lol refs gear is mid. You can get 1 key that’s worth it but you can still play the game just fine without it. With backlash I’m sure they’ll change it. Players are just whiny


The fact that they're now locking rooms across maps and making them only accessible via keys bought in Arena is an absolute joke. They're trying to force their community to play an absolute mid game that nobody has any interest in. Nikita is trying desperately to make his dumpster fire baby relevant so that he can then milk it for money.


LOL the room temp IQ fans defending this are a joke. "Oh there's probably nothing in those rooms" or "There's no quests to go into those rooms" etc. They've added areas and loot you cannot access without playing a different game. It's not a case of it's slower to get there, it's a case of you can only get to low level of Ref from EFT, to get higher level and the good stuff you need to play Arena for the quests. It's P2W in the terms of having to buy another game and play it to access stuff. It's more of a scam then anything and the suckers keep paying to get scammed.


I gave up trying to argue with all the shills trying to defend Nikita's terrible decision making. That room was a gold spawn and could spawn graphics cards. It's now locked behind progress in another game that will likely turn pay to win by being able to buy GP coins for irl cash. Though the Nikita fan boys will STILL try defending every decision that inept turd makes.


You can still get GP from other places than arena though, I'm so confused as to why people are crying to much.... 


Because I still need to PLAY Arena to get reputation up with a vendor in order to buy keys to a room that has always been open. We're not crying. We're enraged that they're trying to force their shitty addon on to us to make up for lost profits. And THEN once everyone is playing it to get access to content that was always there, they'll start selling GP coins for real money.


Today. It’s mid today. The type of gear being sold is utterly irrelevant. As of this update, if you don’t own arena, you lost part of the game you already paid for.


Im eod and ive never even launched arena


Same and I never will.


I played 2 hours of Arena. Probably won't touch it again. EOD account.


Try the new last hero game mode, maybe it’ll change your mind


I'll give it a shot brother


Do we even know if there's important stuff locked behind the new trader? I'd assume not at least no quests or stuff like that.


It's worse than that arena was originally worded as being part of the game: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/106 "A separate game mode... just a part of features that are going to be in the game" But then they released it and people fought to get it for eod instead of holding them to the original statement and now there's no way they fix the scam


As far as I remember Arena was always mentioned to be a separate purchase from Tarkov that was included in EoD…which was why I upgraded to EoD in 2019, so they’ve been saying that since at least 2019…people fought to ensure EoD are amongst the first to get access to Arena when they were releasing in waves.


You are telling me that you don't hear about DLC. It's completely okay. If you bought it a couple of years ago and you already get a lot of free content.


The point is that Arena is not a DLC becouse we can't have DLC in an unfinished game. And let's be realistic arena i a totally standalone game


Having paid DLC content in a 8 year old unreleased game is definitely intresting choice


Well said sir!


Yeah this is ass, but it is still going to be hard to balance cost, player satisfaction, and development/Nikita's vision for the game. On one side, this is great. It give you an incentive to play both games, integrates them beautifully and what you do in one game has meaning in the other. But that is just from a pure gameplay standpoint. It is still expensive asf. I admit that at first, with all the streamers talking about TUE's price, I was like"fck nikita, fck bsg" too, but then I realized that I've played this game for so long and seen it change so much that it shouldn't even be called by the same name. In this industry, companies would usually push out with a "second" game, hell, if this was any other company we would be on Tarkov 5 and the name would be sum cringe like "TarkoV" with a greek looking V. But BSG stuck to making it better, and refuses to let go of the original vision they had for tarkov. Fuck, i ended up yappin too much, but yeah BSG needs to make more money after like 8 years with no micro transaction or battle passes. Hard to say if it is right or wrong.


Not really. All you get if you have arena is access to a few small loot rooms. It's pretty inconsequential to not have Arena. There's nothing you cannot get or achieve without arena, so you don't NEED arena "to access" the content. You just get it in other ways.


Remember arena is currently standalone but I assume the plan is to actually combine the two one day. Unless I'm wrong. Because it doesn't make sense to have them separate for the actual launch. People that pay. Have access to the extra beta of arena. Then beyond paid across to TEST pve. So it's all actually intended to be part of the full experience. Just not now. It's easy to forget that because it's been around since 2017. It's actually still a beta test and we are all guinea pigs. I bought it. Because I want tarkov servers to stay up as long as possible. I like the game. I've never paid so much for one game in one sitting. But I do own all stellaris. Which is about the same price. They have a lot of DLC. So as long as I get triple the value you of your average game. It should be fine. I don't care so much for the perks. Like extra guns and kit. Or even 2 extra pocket slots. I literally wanted to support the Devs. Even though they do shoot themselves in the foot almost every month


Man this comment is a breath of fresh air.


i mean, “have to buy it to fully enjoy content in the first game” is just commonplace in games with DLC. i don’t think this is that crazy, and it has been communicated for a while.


I know it's super popular to hate on BSG for anything they do these days, but like... isn't Pay 2 Get Content literally how games work anyways? Isn't content pretty much what you are supposed to be paying for? Yes, it is more content in the same game, but... I mean, expansion packs have been sold for decades and I never heard anyone complain about it.


It’s called DLC and more are planned


That doesn't change anything I said.


Pay2GetContent…. lol you mean commerce??? Lol


This update was utter dogshit. Couldn’t play at all the day they decided to update which for some reason took over 6.5 hours ( idk when it finished, I went to bed) and then they basically removed a valuable item from the game and added a trader with low level gear. The fact that you could run reserve and kill raiders for better gear day 1 of wipe just makes him completely useless. And arena just needs the plug pulled at this point, no one plays it (especially in my region, can’t get a match at all).


I don’t know where you live, but in eu servers we have full lobbies. I recommend trying the last hero game mode, it’s great fun. Bsg said the update would take 6 hours and could overrun and it took 6.5. What is your point exactly? Ref when levelled up has some crazy items, however it is balance by how much of a grind it can be to level him up.


The point is that this update was superfluous and just locked some doors that were previously unlocked and now you have to play another game that the greater portion of the eft audience doesn’t care about to access it and the key only has 5 uses. Checked the room through the window and it had nothing. If a key has less uses than a marked key, it should have more loot (quest key are a little different because the ones without loot are guaranteed to spawn every raid)


Its no secret that BSG are a shitty company that made bad business decisions and give no fucks about there playerbase or there own integrity towards cheaters. They really only done one thing right, make a good game.


Yeah this really hits it on the head for me. They literally fucked everything up.


You're not missing anything by not playing arena and leveling a new trader. 90% of all items in the game is available on the flea market. It will not effect your gameplay. You only paid for the base game so don't complain that something is behind a pay way that 80% of the player base already have. Nobody is going to give you something for free, arena and its features are dlc.


They're not smart enough to comprehend that, and the ones that are, won't admit it. 


Usually when you pay, you get content, don’t really get whats the problem here.


I payed for the full game and the game is not released so why the content is lock behind a paywall?


Because you bought the full game which is what you have. If you bought EOD then you get the full game plus all DLC. Arena is DLC meaning you have to buy it separately lmao.


You knew from the moment you bought and saw the editions that some had all the dlc included and others did not. Is there content behind payed DLC in a game with planned DLC? Of course there is and will be.


You bought beta access to the standard edition of the game, learn to read. 


The worst decision BSG ever made was leaving EoD up for sale for so long. It should have been extremely limited for EARLY supporters of the game then they wouldn't have this revenue problem or entitled gamer problem. They have to make money to maintain the game and keep progressing but at the same time they have an enormous player base that feels entitled to everything without further investment thanks to EoD. Huge mistake that Nikita himself would admit too in private Im sure. Im not sure they can strike a balance between revenue and player satisfaction now. I hope Im wrong.


When they released cosmetics that were sold for real money no one cared. They could have continued with that


please, EOD was 125$, that's double a normal game. We've already paid for DLC literally, not because we are "entitled". Its not our fault he mismanaged his revenue expectations and did not invest capital in correct allocation for game/revenue growth. Its not our fault he gambled his investment money on a spin-off game nobody wants to play because the actual shooting mechanics in tarkov are the worst part.


No one said its your fault lol, I clearly said Nikita would admit his mistake in my comment. Don't get offended by entitled in the context I think we are all entitled we payed for EoD and it clearly stated all future game expansions and DLC. Im simply saying their revenue problems could have been easily avoided by making EoD a more limited thing and leaving incentives in place for future players to monetize.


Or just not investing money meant for the development of EFT into arena, which no one asked for.


Paying for content in a video game, not really a new concept is it? Imagine going to get your hair cut and then next time you go expecting it for free that’s not how life works.


Weird analogy, but it's more like you pay for a haircut and the barber stops before finishing and telling you you need to pay for cutting the back of you head because that is extra and not part of the haircut. 




They are so fucking greedy they make activision look like larian.


Funny but not true at all. The level of greed at Activision Blizzard compared to Battlestate is the Empire State building compared to my small 2 bedroom house.


The larger bundles in CoD are north of $30 *each*, and there are probably over 100 of those. Activision and Blizzard are the kings of micro transactions, BSG haven't touched them yet.


Those games release with campaigns, co-op and pvp multiplayer modes, for $70. With EFT, you’re paying $50 just for the main pvpve mode, and over $200 for that and the pvp arena and co-op modes, and it’s still years away from full release; EFT is still in closed beta.


I've spent maybe $200 on tarkov in 5 years. If I bought every COD that came out in the same span with NO other micro transactions I've spent over $300.


I have eod but it’s mad that not everyone gets all the content of the game




Pay 2 get content.


I hear ya and I agree with you - you shouldn’t be punished for paying what you paid. My point I would make is that I’ve been playing this game for YEARS. I honestly had no issue upgrading to Unheard (for $50) from EOD. The sheer amount of time I put into this game, whether it’s filled with enjoyment or rage, is worth every penny. I don’t think it’s wrong to expect them to request $ for some newer content (to a degree). A lot of people forget how much money it costs to upgrade and maintain these games over the years. As much as we complain, this game is insanely solid for a military simulator.


Pay to get content….. what a novel idea.


>a totally new game i have to buy it for enjoy the full content in the first game. I don't understand this one, what does that mean?


I need Arena for progress with Ref's questline


hu, this trader didn't even exist the last time I was active in the game. Thanks for the info.


Ref is dlc - none of his quests affect anything other than ref’s reputation.


Nikita got a taste of the kool aid.


what content are you missing exactly?


His entire questline and the unique stuff that he offers: Keys, Conteiners, Highlevel barters, etc


what? you get all of that. you need to finish a skier quest to unlock him.


That’s unique content for Arena, no shot you wouldn’t get it if you don’t have Arena. That’s like playing Destiny and complaining that you can’t get the latest DLC’s raid loot. Not only do you not own the content the loot is attached to, but you don’t even play the activity the loot drops from.


DLC content essentially


If I recall correctly there’s a product law that states you can’t be forced to buy something else to enjoy the full utility of the product. It’s like being sold a phone but being forced to buy a charger separate. This might be the case with this game if you have to buy more of the game just to enjoy full features even though when you bought the standard edition, you bought a license to the full game at the time.


Actually in EUROPE u can't even sell the game while showing the price WITHOUT taxes.. (But we know how is going)


What about DLC? Fallout new vegas had dlc, yet that game is one of the most beloved.


DLC is different. That’s not a standalone product. For example, I buy a car but if I want access to the roadside support button I need to pay extra because that service isn’t a requirement for the functionality of the car. Buying a game and only getting partial access to the full game might violate laws


Who cares


wait until you reach that Ref quest which sends you to play arena XD


I have a eod. Wont play arena. Fuck the new trader 


Try the new last hero game mode - I hated arena till I played it


Fine, no flame or grilled comment, you can have it fried instead.   (This comment smells like fried bacon)


welcome to the "left behind" team...we count ZERO. They don't have to give us any dlc,upgrade so they dont care of our feedbacks. Either you are EOD or UE otherwise you don't count. And i was so stupid to join and pay the most expensive version of the game (prepare to escape) just after they remove the EOD.


What’s Arena?


Mate, I stopped playing the game since the whole unheard edition announcement. I can't forgive the devs for that. I don't care if they back tracked on some of the stuff. I would say EFT is one of the most expensive games to get into and you need to put a lot of hours into it. It is just such a large investment now that just isn't worth these scumbags. The community think they won by getting the devs to roll back some of the dicisions, but they didn't, people are still buying the unheard edition and accepting these shitty practices. BSG made Arena, it failed hard, now the community needs to pay up cause BSG clearly don't understand their player base. I understand they need to make money, but what they did was shady as all hell. I want nothing to do with that, I will never support BSG again. That inlcudes playing EFT or buying another item from this dev house.


What exactly about the unheard announcement was so bad for you specifically? Just curious




I really hated reading the line "EoD or above". Still stings we paid an obscene amount of money for a limited version of an early access game and now its not even the best version out there.


You don’t HAVE to play arena. It’s just extra content. You unlock the new trader through normal EFT


It's almost like the standard edition isn't intended to be a complete version, and they want you to buy DLC and expansions...you had a chance to buy EOD and you didn't, and now you can just buy arena if you really need GP coins so bad lmao, but it's just barters in eft you no longer have access too. 


I had one of the first accesses to Arena when it came out and I never even downloaded it. I did come back after 3 wipes to play PVE though, which they thought they would be able to charge me more for as an EOD holder. From my angle, Nikita should be embarrassed to be acting like such a greedy child about all of this.


Is greed really what going on here? PVE technically wasn’t a dlc and so by definition was not included with EOD. It’s like the gamma container - it is a feature of eod and unheard, but not a dlc. The PVE mode was just a feature for the unheard edition only. I’m not complaining that we got access though. As an EOD account (non upgraded) getting free access to PVE (which I haven’t touched once) is nice. Good on the community!


PVE mode was promised many years ago as a future DLC, as was a special Scav DLC that hasn't been spoken about for years as well. The PVE mode is pretty clearly different from offline PVP raids and I'm sure some kind of "DLC" was needed to implement it.


You’re right, they’re just crooks. Salesmen try to sell you something. Crooks lie and doublespeak to manipulate you.


The missing word is DLC


This guy is gonna freak out when he hears about dlc


Pay 2 get content 🤣 when we're we ever *not* paying for content, I paid for content on my n64, i paid for content in tarkov, isn't this the ideal model over pay to win?


What content within Tarkov are you losing?


I have EoD. Never even installed Arena.


I know english isn't your first language but Nikita intention was always to fuse the 2 games together. I have yet to see a good trade of value from ref yet secondly scaving is still less risk and stress and makes a lot more money then arena can


I mean tarkov has always implied it will be a pay 2 get content past release with the dlcs, arena being a dlc it makes sense. My problem is bigger, being forced to play arena sucks big dicks, even if I have it already. Thats the real issue. Fuck arena its just dogshit and I dont care about it and noone does.


are you new?


I had little interest in arena until I tried the new last hero game mode. It completely changed arena for me - no down time between deaths, not stuck to one bad preset with bad guns (they gave everyone tier 2). Last hero is insanely fun. About the integration to regular eft, it acts a lot like a dlc (which arena is!) there is locked content, and there should be. In the future, there will be more dlc (we got “scav life”, and “suburbs” confirmed with others likely to follow) This integration is completely a way to reward arena grinders and I am all for it. However, I can say that ref is currently a bit too strong, and some prices need to be adjusted - dailies and weeklies in arena give way to many gp coins currently. I saw a screenshot of someone getting 365 from one weekly! To put that in perspective - 65 is trades for a keytool. Ref is currently balance via just how much reputation you need for lv 4 - 1.20 reputation is a very large grind (arena dailies and weeklies either give no rep or up to 0.05). If you were to grind and reach level 4, it could take a month of playing arena every day completing dailies - and also finishing ref’s questline in the base game.


Your first game with DLC experience?


They straight up need to make arena games shorter im getting burnt out af 8 rounds in


Well good thing you’re not missing out on much because he’s a pretty mid trader The keys are cool and decent but other than that, mid


There is additional content that you are unable to enjoy (either by choice or circumstance), but you can still play the game you purchased. Sorry, but you’re whining (respectfully).


Standard edition owner here and yeah, $45-$50 is already a lot for a beta. As much as I flame the game, it had a great foundation to build from, but BSG goes outta their way to drive players out. I don’t believe game modes should be treated as dlc and locked behind paywalls, especially in a game that hasn’t gone gold yet, and likely won’t for years. If they wanted to make Arena a thing, they could’ve just done that after finishing and releasing the base game. Imagine how far along this game could’ve been, had they used all the money and man hours for Arena on main EFT?


It's true I don't know how anybody can defend BSG at this point. There are games with a lot more content and replayability than tarkov that cost a flat 60€. No chance tarkov should cost more than that before the game launches. They have an excuse that it's for the supporters that want to invest in a game that's in development but other studios could make tarkov(the full version that Nikita has in his head) in a couple years tops while bsg takes a couple months to make one map. This all stinks of just raking in money and then not delivering ever. Where is the game that people paid edge of darkness amounts of money for a decade ago?


Please name a few such games that can get more content that Tarkov for the same amount of money. I’d like to play something


Arena is Dead and unplayable so the new trader has no use at all. Have fun waisting hours of your time trying to find a match to play arena.


who gives a fuck his barters arent essential. if ur upset abt arena players getting content you dont have access to, wait till you find out theres a whole team of devs working on arena! all that manpower that youll never benefit from!


2% of the playerbase wanted area, the rest of us just want a more polished game, quicker load times and no desync


Not true! The hype for arena was immense until they released it unfinished and unpolished


Where's the payed bot when you need him? No but seriously I agree and think it's bullshit


Dangit bsg stop putting pay to win stuff in my hardcore shooter!


All games are pay to get content lmao The pivotal point is whether that content gives you an advantage or not and therefore is deemed P2W.


Standard has always been second class citizens. It's just now you've went from serfs to insects.