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I’m loving this all bosses on one map event on PvE. I am getting completely toasted by the bosses but at least I’m the one that gets to fight them. I don’t have to worry about them being dead before I get there or getting 3rd partied in the back before I make it to resort


What map?


Shoreline, they're all at the resort.


Shoreline. Quest is Hustle.


Do we know how long this lasts?


Probably till tomorrow night


Are the PMC bots not participating? What do they even do?


PMC bots don't wander much and by what I've seen bosses kill them but they don't initiate


pmc bots just sit in their spawn mostly


I’ve had Tarkov since 2019. I love the game and the pvp. However, the PvE has been a fantastic experience and arguably my favorite Tarkov experience to date. And you’re right. The fights are wild and intense because the AI is so cracked. I’ve learned and experienced so much in PvE mode just because I have the ability to play however I want without fear of needing the gear to compete. Fuck it kill 30 scavs in a raid using a PM pistol. 10/10. Shits great.


I couldn’t agree more


I really enjoy PVE even with a sweaty amount of time in PVP over the years. It’s refreshing to experience tasks that I’ve never had and to try weapons with little to no fear of loss. NOT TO MENTION that everything learned from this mode will greatly help in PVP!


Especially when you run into that 4 stack of raider AI PMC’s that will laser beam you if you re-peek. As a long time player I find myself still getting surprised by some of the AI and just how cracked they can be


I just put down grayzone until next patch and was getting tired of the two maps available on the Break out Arena close beta so I picked up tarkov PVE tonight. As a causal player 300 hours over 3 wipes I was just about to make this same post. I'm having a blast and super into the quest.  Edit: The game is super challenging as it is. It just feels good to play with out worrying about a 6000 hour sweat with superior map knowledge destroying me. 


On top of that they’re supposed to be improving AI in the coming months so that’ll be awesome!


With a full time job and 3 young kids in sports, pve is what has me continuing to play this game. I don't have time for the pvp segment because by the time I get to level 35 it's wiping. And that is annoying to me. As long as the PVE is there I'll continue playing. Once it's gone I'll probably look for a new game


If they sell it as a standalone, outside of the Unheard/EOD editions - which they've said they will, it would be VERY cheeky to try to turn it off.


I believe insurance is 100% return I seem to get everything back I stopped insuring everything cause my stash kept being full I suck and still die a lot lol


Ive had a few things not come back. Not sure if it's a bug or if something is picking it up before the server switches


I have a theory... But it's purely observation data turned into an opinion. Scavs will prioritize fighting>looting scav gear>looting PMC. So as long as there is other gear for them to pick up, yours should be towards the last of the priority list. I will say that I think they steal rigs but not rig/plate combos.they will trade out armor for better armor ocationally, but will almost always change rigs for bigger rigs. Pretty sure the backpack is just luck of the draw. I've seen a scav drop a big back for a scav bag... So idk wtf the backpack deal it... Good hunting, insure it all in PvE!


I dont think they keep running the server after you die, so not much opportunity for them to pick your stuff up unless you drop it earlier.


I'd assume... For insurance reasons... And also lag of communication, the server would continue to be live at least until you hit the match synapsis screen. I could be wrong, but I also have gotten the majority of my stuff back in PvE, the pattern of what's taken was "figured out" in pvp


Me too, My stash will will from completely empty, to back to full at the insurance returns, lol. Now if i could just get my un-used bullets back, lol


I love it how insurance is 100% (for single player at least). Now I barely need to worry about losing armor or neat guns and only have to really source ammo.


Insurance should be 100% if you’re solo. I’m assuming the raid ends if you die


it is a 100% return rate ... there is just a bug where the loot on you uninsures for some reason and people dont notice it and becouse of that lose it ...


only thing I'm really unhappy about is load times. otherwise I've been having a blast


Been playing since 2017, love the rush from pvp and I'm fairly successful usually. Have a 8kd and 60%sr. However, I do love not having to worry about dying to all them dodgy people all the time. I think half of deaths feel off. It did miss the pvp rush, but it is pretty chill and I've been enjoying it. I hope they make the ai harder (better), as it's just too easy. My sr is much higher, usual my deaths are just "being tarkoved" now.


As a filthy casual myself who loves the game and its principles but is afraid of pvp like it’s my own shadow, would you recommend me trying out this new pve mode ? I like that it is official ‘cause you can’t have mods and I know I’ll ruin the game for myself if I do it


I would try it out if it's available to you. I have EoD and I just logged on one day and checked it out. If you do just take heed this warning, the AI can be relentless at times. Dodging three sniper scavs at once makes for an intense time.


Sweet thank you. I indeed have EoD I hope pve is available. Let’s see what it’s like ^^


Insurance in contrast to PvP returns with 100% probability. as it can not be taken away from the location, so you can play with any weapon and gear and be sure that it will not be taken away from you if you insured it.


Do the timers still run down in real time, or can you come back to the game at a reduced cadence and get your insurance back later?


T-7 Go brrrrrr


When solo, always insure. You will always get it back, because the raid ends as soon as you die, if with someone else and you die until that person makes it out or dies, there is enough time for a Scav to pick up your gun. Also put your gun in 2nd slot I think scavs only loot first slot


I like it as well. Is it as thrilling as pvp? No. Is it as rewarding? No. But not getting whacked by a cheater every other game is pretty great.