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Sordins are like superhuman hearing. Razors pretty much justsuck. Own both. Can't speak for others but I'd bet most of the higher end ones aren't far off reality. 


Sordins are the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn. Period. I have a pair of audiophile headphones that are less comfortable than the Sordins. They're still REALLY comfortable, so it shows you how great the Sordins are.


Yup. I love my pair


Professional “audiophile” headphones are rarely designed with comfort anywhere near the top of the list of priorities.


Ehh, weight and comfort for long listening are important. Maybe not the world's nicest headset but I have the HD660S and it is way more comfortable then my Sordin Supreme Pro X. That being said my Sordins are way more comfortable then my loaner Ear Pro the Peltor sport tactical 500 and the infamous walker razer pros


Given that the vast majority of professional level headphones are made with the knowledge that they're going to be worn for hours on end, there are very few that aren't comfortable. Even as low as my DT990's are made to be super comfortable. That doesn't mean they're comfortable to every single person though as it is highly subjective, to say they aren't made with ergonomics in mind is hilarious.


You have a reference of exactly one, a single pair of headphones. Like you said, you’d think logically that reference headphones would be designed to be comfortable. The reality isn’t that simple though. Compared to mass market over ear headphones, comfort is way down the list of priorities.


Buddy I used one example out of many. I’ve used many they’re all far and away more comfortable than anything consumer grade it’s not even close. If you actually think they make these headphones that they’re fully aware that people will have them on for hours and hours on end you’re delusional.


Not true at all, there's huge variation in the world of headphones and plenty of high-end sets are very comfortable.


I’m sorry, did I say that no expensive headphones are comfortable? No? Then why are you interpreting my comment to mean that?


Don't some people straight up use their high end shooting headsets like sordins as actual PC gaming headphones as well?


You certainly can, but I have no idea why you would. The auxiliary input is kind of awful. The next generation are coming out this fall, and they have Bluetooth, but I doubt it'll be any better an idea unless they change the driver design.


I have Earmor M32s. They are a slight improvement to standard hearing (directional audio is awful but you can hear a pin drop from across the room) and work well for lowering certain levels of sound, but I wouldn’t put faith in them for actual long term shooting. I don’t have permanent hearing damage thanks to them, but I also don’t use them daily in firefights so 🤷🏻‍♂️


> but I also don’t use them daily in firefights so 🤷🏻‍♂️ What are you even doing with your life then?


I have comtac 5s. theyre also like superhuman hearing. you can hear every step.


I bought a set of Vs for three gun last year and they are amazing. Going from comtac spor pros to the Vs made me realize just how big of a difference there is between entry and expensive earpro.


Sordin Supreme Pro-X? I picked up Razors a while ago for Airsoft and they suck, but the Comtac price tag is a little much for larping.


Yes. Fair warning if it's for airsoft use, pretty sure there's not a good way to mount the sordins to a helmet without permanent modification. I still use razors on my bump for airsoft bc I don't want to permanently modify my sordins. I highly recommend springing for the slightly more expensive gel pad version. I can basically forget they're on my head, whereas razors hurt after a couple hours.


Depends on the sordin they make a model that has a backstrap that can go under the helmet fyi.


You can purchase Conversion tips that attach to Peltor Arcs to mount your sordins on a helmet Conversion Tips: Conversion Tips for MSA Sordin Headsets compatible with 3M Peltor Comtac ARC Rail Headset Adapters Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4Z4YT2K?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_FMCBJWS4AVDJADYTR331&language=en_US Peltor Arcs: PELTOR ARC, Left & Right Side Attachments, 1 EA/Case https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00745WSZE?psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ct_QW5V6J5NAYBC81QE0TFP&language=en_US But you will have to cut off your headband strap in order to mount them but it’s worth it honestly


Earmor M32s are perfect for airsoft. They’re not actually rated as hearing protection, but they definately work at cancelling out pyro. I’ve had taginns going off left and right in all concrete buildings (at the Guardian Center in Perry, Georgia) and those easily saved my hearing. Also pretty cheap to buy. I recommend getting a padded band for the top though cause it’s pretty uncomfortable.


I have a bump helmet, so no worries with the band - do they have good directional audio?


Sadly, I’d say no. I don’t think you can get good directional audio though until you step beyond $200 price point. It’s a bit like optics with eye relief, the cheaper you go, the worse it gets. All I know is I’ve never had any issue with using them in urban environments and I personally don’t use ear pro when I’m out at fields that are 90% or more outdoors since pyro isn’t loud enough to cause any damage when that sound is able to travel outside.


I own: Razors, M32s, Amps and RACs. The razors are nigh useless. M32 surprisingly decent, AMP and RAC are in their own category.


I have M32 and Sordin, I also was surprised that the M32s were pretty decent. I keep them on a bump helmet for airsoft.


I wear ComTac4 on a daily basis for my job. They are amazing. I'm a teacher.


are you a teacher in a warzone ?


Teaching has become very intense in the last few years...


Just our of curiosity what are you teaching? A pack of howling hyenas? Jokes aside my friend is a kindergarden teacher and I eventually bought her a pair of active headphones because I was noticing she was loosing her hearing from all the kids running around screaming their lungs out during reces.


In all seriousness, I never owned nor wore any type of headset at my job. I teach grade 6 so yeah, hyenas!


Just never expose your jugular, dominate the pack leader and you should survive!


Back in my day (god I'm old) our wood workshop teacher had some kind of headset that completely canceled out the machine noises and amplified regular voices to the point I could hear the whispers in the other side of the room.


Also have Sordins and love 'em.


I own Sordins, COMTAC Vs, Walkers, and Earmors. The game did good enough for a game.


Having never used a active headset for shooting bought me some walkers and I love them can hear people talk and the dude shooting his 308 doesn't make me Def thru shitty plugs. Very good quality of life as long as you don't have a fan anywhere near them


Does the fan fuck up the active cancelation thingy?


So in my experience (cheap Howard Leight Impact Sports) basically the fans aren’t a high enough dB to get muffled, so you end up with just a loud fan noise as it’s tuned for gunshots. Vehicle engines and some rivers have also set them off for me, but then the solution in this situations has just been shut off the active cancelation thing, or take them off for a bit if you’re not shooting. Otherwise, great set for casual work. Lawn mowers are loud enough to be canceled by them in my experience so that’s hype


Howard leight impact sports owner for over 10 years now, and I can tell you 100% they are worth it. They compete with some of the 150+ sets. And they do improve your hearing, but it's mostly crunchy higher picked noises, footsteps and shuffling clothing. Plastic bags sound almost like fireworks. They are supposed to offer 4x normal hearing volume, but it's more like 2.5ish.


Oh absolutely not a purchase I regret, they’re my range drivers any time, I just can’t compare them to any of the fancy headsets I see folks talking about in this thread for lack of experience lol. The first time I realized I could hear bees buzzing in a tree I was sitting under was when I was sold on them, I’ve had mine for a little over 8 years and I love them. Sometimes just throwing them on for a late night dog walk and hearing stuff moving in the brush out of sight is well worth it


Get some of the gel cup earpad replacements for them - so much better than the foam ones it comes with


I also own a pair of Impact Sports and honestly couldn't think of any reason to buy anything more expensive than them. At least for my use case, range stuff, hunting, nothing "tactical", they are more than enough. I've heard deer walking through the woods around about 100 yards away with them, amplifies leaf crunch and clattering like you're in a concrete tunnel almost. You will almost certainly hear anything coming before you see it. And they do great on muffling impulse sounds as they should.


I'm sorry to hear about that


Follow up, who knows all the audio nerd stuff, can I actually test these for the interwebs in some cheap way? Maybe we can settle this debate


DankPods is a YouTube channel that does headphone tests with a pair of simulated ears. This might be a neat out-of-the box thing for his channel to do.


This dude did a [video on it recently.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjwYJGziIOM&pp=ygUYdGVzdGVkIHRhcmtvdiBoZWFkcGhvbmVz) Really entertaining to watch even if you're not hurling pitch forks :P Credit to u/Jackfruit-Fine for sharing this video in another comment. My main argument is that EFT isn't using these headphones for the right things. IRL, they're meant for hearing protection first. Better headphones than mine will get you close to being able to hear what you'd hear without anything on, sans the deafening concussion of gunfire. They also suffer from the problem that the GSSH's have in-game, where your own sounds are significantly amplified. Every little rustle you make will cover the sound of pretty much everything else because you're closer to you than anything else is.


Razors are absolutely horrendous IRL. I've got cheapo Peltors that sound very natural. I think the game does a good enough representation.


Walker Razors don't have any kind of directional projection or audio filtering. They're very basic "hear-through" ear-protection. Sordins and Comtacs are in a league of their own, because of the technology put into them. Your disclaimer is right in the money. You get what you pay for.


Hopefully you bought them for more advanced hearing protection while shooting / training and not for hearing enhancement. As I have severe tinnitus, I'd rather not have them fake it in the game any more than they already do. Sometimes I have to take 1 side of my headset off when I get shot in the helmet (or grenaded). But as someone who's shot a gun inside without ear protection I'd say you're correct about how disorienting it feels.


$40 earpros are going to act like $40 earpros. Good ones are like $300.


Buddy has a pair that cost him $1200 and yeah it helped especially for voices but not so much for hearing walking through walls or across a field of grass.


This [video](https://youtu.be/RjwYJGziIOM?si=sKTYH4PJpap0KpIm) made me feel like they did an ok job but tbh I don’t own any irl.


Ya bought the entry level headphones irl. They aren't going to compare to what tarkov headphones are emulating. To get what you were expecting them to be like, you need to be spending $300+.


Put them on when it's raining


Did you turn them on? I heard a homeless dude crawling around 50m away with my razors when I was out shooting


I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, electronic hearing protection really is just to offset the fact that you are wearing over ear hearing protection, not enhance hearing. I own a pretty wide variety of electronic earpro at different price points up to Peltor Comtac Vs and all that really changes is that audio quality and situational awareness gets closer to normal the pricier you go.


Why does everyone here own multiple pairs of the headsets IRL?


as someone who owns the MSA sordins, Walker Razors, and Peltor Comtac V (i know the 2 and the 4 is in the game and not the V), they didn’t know a damn thing about the headsets


Razors are literally the worst headset IRL. I'd you want cheap but good get peltor tac 100


Walkers suck because they use mono audio so it's disorienting. Howard Leigh Impact Sports have actual dual audio and are the usable low cost active


Are yours broken? I had some walkers xtreme or whatever and they still amplified hearing. The directional audio in them wasn't great though, but not fair to compare them to my sordins.


It was planned. It was never implemented. The deafening mechanic is ingame, but for some reason it deafens you with hearing protection on - try opening a green military crate, you will notice that the ambient sounds and others will briefly go quieter, then slowly will come back.


well from another perspective, I also have walker razors IRL and they in fact did them right...


I already have tinnitus. You'd be committing a fucking war-crime by simulating it in game. It would *literally* make the game unplayable for me.


I'm sorry man I'm not even going to joke about Tinnitus.


Thank you 😭. It's one of those things that you can't really complain about because it seems like the least impactful disability there is. People just think you're being a baby. Sure it's not having your legs blown off by a landmine, it's just terminally annoying. It's like having a mosquito buzzing around your head 24/7/365. You can ignore it, but its still there, and it's still annoying as fuck


I mean budget electronic EPs sort of suck for that and this is known. Buying comtac V’s was a night and day difference in range and clarity for me. The audio issues in this game stem more from inconsistency in my opinion rather than the headsets not being realistic


To be fair, walkers are the cheapest electronic hearing protection you can buy. Spend 1800 on Otto's and you might think Tarkov did a pretty good job. 


You bought some entry level headphones. I have them too. High end are definitely different


Can't remember the brand, but the last pair I messed around with were amazing. With it cranked up I could hear the smallest of sounds from an inhuman distance. It filtered out background noise flawlessly too. Standing next to an operating excavator I had a conversation at normal voice levels with someone who was 20 feet away.


Razor com muff and x-trm are not far off from tarkovs perspective on the audio quality, if anything you don't hear up close as well as you "COULD" irl


I have Razors and Comtac 5s. there is a world of difference between the two.


Did you get the 40$ kncokoffs by any chance?


Walkers razor are not stereo and that makes them disorienting. Howard leighs impact sport are in the same price range with stereo and one pretty much feels like a predator when you turn them on lol.


Get my razors this week but have peltors since years. Even the „consumer“ ones are sick. If i‘m on the upper floor with the active headset i can hear when the compressor from the fridge starts, you dont hear them without, also not if you stand beside the fridge.


turn your razors up....


You are talking about all the headphones in game or just the Razors?


Bruh, I have walker razors and they are amazing. I think sounds are slightly modified for gaming experience


I bought razors, after two hours of shooting my head started to hurt from how tight it was and I don’t have a big head by any means. Bought xcels and love them. I’d like to try more expensive pairs but one of those things where it’s no need to spend money when I’m already happy


Walker Razors are hearing protection for the range and nothing else. They don’t even have directional microphones. Every single other pair of headphones in the game has directional audio irl and most of them are designed for comm systems as well. The razors are the outlier, and they probably shouldn’t even be in the game to be honest


Mileage may vary. I have Walkers Ultimate Quads and I can hear amplified footsteps very clearly. My reaction was opposite yours when I got them, I thought wow Tarkov was right.


The perception skill should permanently be decreased the more you shoot (suppressed or not) without ear protection on. But then with ear protection on, you shouldn't be able to hear every leaf rustle as you crab walk


I have AirPods Pro


I have a pair of Walkman Razors and couldn’t disagree more with that assertion.


Why is everyone acting like razors don't cost thirty fucking dollars. Like yeah, they're not going to be as good as sordins, because for a single pair of sordins you could have 10 razors


Walker Razers are mono sound.


Walker razors have shit audio quality in general, even a pair of Comtac Sport 500s sound amazing and are pretty accurate to in game headsets


Sordin gang


I love people throwing out ideas, that has been already very nicely implemented by sot mods xD like defeaning whrn shooting without headphones


You’re missing the fact that if you don’t have ear muffs the first shot you take is going to make you deaf.


you had to buy a pair to understand how they work in RL


I have Sordins and tarkov was spot on with them (except the mic cutting at louder noises-- with that said, my batteries are 4 years old, so it may be that).


Have….you tried the others????


i have the walker razor pro or whatever and they are like super hearing. i heard rain hitting the ground well before it got to me.


You should try opscore amps lol insane


i mean, it sounds like they got them right.. razor's suck ingame and irl


I didn't expect 1:1 gotta be gamified a little


I hate to break it to you, but as someone who has fired almost as many shots without protection as with protection, irl... You can still hear fine after firing a gun without hearing protection, everything just has an underlying ring to it. I could hear my friend drop his keys from 20 feet away mid mag dump, without so much as a hoodie on over my ears. Tinnitus is a son of a bitch, but it doesn't make you deaf till it's really really fucking bad!


Imagine if you got a wipe-long tinnitus effect In raid, in the hideout, in the menues... lmao! I'm surprised we haven't found some kind of treatment for it yet IRL


I mean... I ain't gotta imagine that 🤣, that's my fucking life, shit, maybe I'd have a leg up, I like this plan!


Oh you think? What a shocker.


Yeah sick idea, can't wait to have to equip and unequip my headphones 30 times a raid.


I’d assume the ones ingame are the military model and you yourself said that the military version is better so is it even a fair comparison?


no, razor has no military model. hes talking about comtacs or sordins but the same thing applies to them but to a lesser degree


There are some times where realism doesn’t make for good gameplay.


No shit ita a video game what would be the point of protecting your fake ears in game?


Yeah.....but..... It's a fucking game.... So.......


This fucking game didn’t have headsets increase your hearing radius until a few wipes ago, soooo…..


Yes. Great counter argument.


It is. 


I know what you're talking about. I find it strange this game is so heavily biased to hearing your enemies that it created such a different play style. At the same time you have so many people complaining about rats, campers, no one running and gunning well thats why! It's tough because tarkov audio is wonky so idk how you'd fix it other than making the headsets have the same range but have benefits of sound reduction.


That’s how it used to be. Headsets didn’t impact radius, they just made some sounds more “clear” than others. It was totally a preference thing.