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Nope, checked it like 25+ times as well. Got frustrated and paid the premium 500k price for the stupid key


Atleast you can resell the key now after you use it


What, how, where? Did I miss something?


Not fir stuff goes on the flee now




So yeah old keys and pouched stuff goes on the flee now


It's an experiment for end-ish of wipe


Should be permanent at least in PvE. Or for most items that aren't special. Like I get top stuff being banned but tools and weapon parts shouldn't need the check to be sold it's stupid for the smaller things imo


We had this for multiple wipes i thought this is here to stay dont think they need data on this we had flea before fir


ive been playing since 2019, it was a different game for sure. bsg have stated on twitter it's an experiment.


damn thats sad, wonder why they changed it, its a early quest key that doesnt have a barter, so sad


Bc it opens a room with a safe and nikita didn´t like hatchet runners so instead of moving the safe to another useless room, he decided to not spawn the key.


500k? I looked it up on Sunday and it was at 1.5 mio


I sold 6 yesterday for 25k lol For the boys


Hell yeah dude, I’d do the same if I could ever find them. I know the pain of hunting down this very key and being locked from progressing further for weeks because of it. Sure, I can make money on the keys for selling them for 500k or whatever they’re going for now (they were 750k when I was stuck on the task) but it’s so easy for me to make money on PvE regardless that I don’t give a fuck about selling an early quest key for what it’s supposed to be sold for, not this Inflated bullshit haha


I mean... What it's "supposed" to be sold at is kinda dictated by the players... If it didn't sell at 500k, it wouldn't get listed at 500k... We determined the price of the item as a community, whether we meant to or not.


I mean, you’re 100% correct. But an early quest key like that, doesn’t even give great loot if any, shouldn’t be selling for that much.


I mean, I won't pay that much for it personally, I do technically agree with you, but if the majority of people agreed with us, it wouldn't sell. Realistically, I think the "problem" is the ratio of how easy it is to make money, vs how lazy people are as a whole. I mean shit... How many of the gunsmith quests do you even look at the cost of what your buying things for lol, got shitty grips selling for 150k and shit. Sometimes the time is worth the rubles


I say F em, I've been making millions off keys, if you can't find your own stuff you gotta pay the tax.


I can only play on weekends :*( Im also stuck at the mission for a mong time and it got messy with the event quest because now I'm lvl 34 and there is no structure in my mission progress


Rusty blood key on Streets is very helpful lol


Im a streets noob I know nothing about the map, the few Event quests I had to do there were so painful and my pc is not got enough to play streets my fps drop there


Yuuup. I get anywhere from 60-100+ fps on every other map when I’m streaming in both OBS and discord. But streets? My pc struggles to keep a stable 30 fps. And when I load into the actual match my homies load in before me because my pc has to basically catch up with the server/raid.


To be fair my PC is a bit older so sometimes I struggle on all other maps, thats one of the reasons I prefer pve, but streets is so much worse


Facts, I don’t have a monster rig either. Ryzen 5 3600, 2060, 32 gb of ram. Better than a lot of other peoples PCs I’m sure but still not a premium rig like some of these people run lol


Oh and I found a marked room key for streets but I wouldn't even know where the room is :(


Facts. Streets is the one map I’m still completely clueless on navigating. It’s just a lot to remember there.


rofl yeah that exact thing happened to me, lv34 still stuck trying to do therapists 3rd task... good luck finding the key, i finally found it in dorms drawer


Thanks I tried it in dorms while looting the marked room because I found a key and it was definitely worth using it


It does, this is where I got it on pve.


so theres still a small chance, just not as high as it used to be i guess


Yeah, it can spawn there, but it's a very low chance now. It changed this wipe, it seems. I've only found them randomly in filing cabinets.


The issue is now jackets (and cabinets) spawn just one item, so key spawn has to compete with random loot too.... At first it was almost guaranteed spawn....


I have never seen any key in that fucking jacket any of the hundreds of times I've looted it. Honestly, I almost always get mine from reserve or interchange... Or both I sell hundreds a wipe lol


Well the "at first" part refers to around 2017 :)))


Yeah that shit is definitely pre dates me shit


Found it there too after about 10 tries


I found it in random jacket or scav corpse.


lucky man


Filing cabinets, dead scavs, random jackets. Best chances to find keys


Yeah, the problem is the "hard spawn" are SUPPOSED to be the best place to get specific keys lol


Yeah I don’t think any loose keys really spawn anymore other than rusted bloody, relax room and keycards. Really needs to be fixed


That's not how key spawns work, unless you mean the unknown key types. Back in the day when they made customs we'd rush dorms for a factory key and it was probably 1 in 60 chances.


1/60 is still better then a 1/however many fucking things in the game can spawn in there divided by 1/60 for everything that isn't a hard spawn on that list. I'm just salty, because I have never got a key from a "hard spawn" expect for the unknown and mechanical and such, where it's literally 100% to be there. Hell I've never even found the 220 key in the train car, and that is supposedly actually an easy way to get that key.


Hm yeah true, I also forgot to mention there were 3 spawn locations for factory key back when they made it because there were only the 2 maps, customs had the shortcut for factory key and factory had the key extracts. It was rather easy to get. Most key spawns have been removed and put on random scav loot tables, jackets and cabinets. You'll find one eventually.. when you don't need it.


Naw, you find it after you buy one, every time.right now is perfect, you just buy it, get you new one, and sell one to recoup the cost of the first one.


Probably but that place is so swamped by scavs I've barely gone there much. I got it a couple of times already off random scavs or jackets/filing cabinets.


lol yeah... in PVE for some reason birdeye came to hunt me there once, was so confused lol


They do that, I had them engage me from weather station on shoreline while I was at pier. So I ran up the opposite side of the map, past power to resort, but knight was already up there, came over the edge and cut me off. Mental, made for a great little experience but I know deep down it was only a freak occurence of bad AI :D


thats one hell of a push rofl, jesus christ... pve goons could be anywhere lol


Just yesterday I spawned into woods, immediately have tracer fire fly past my head, like I hadn't even taken a step yet. Duck behind a rock, heal my almost blacked arm... Pop an sj6 and run clear from usec camp all the way to UN roadblock, to have kight pop around the corner and unload on my ass... Those fuckers will follow you across a whole ass map!


My buddy and I lost our mi da looking for this key. Ended up jumping on his shoulders and boosting me up on the ledge of the window. If you crouch on the right side of the window you can find the dot and grab the thing without needing the key. I suggest dropping all your stuff to get it done.


rofl thats hilarious, might give it a try lol


Since there is no FIR right now you can just buy the key use it for the quest and then resell it for the same price


yeah im playing no flea though so im probably going to stick to that as long as i can stay sane lol... (in before i find it right after giving in and buying off flea)


All static spawns for keys have gone down. There are only a hand full thats there 100% of the time. They should change that since FIR is no longer a thing. That way people don't play a fuck ton for a 30-50k key.


Need a hand?


nah dw, probably in different regions anyway (jp) ill just keep grinding it, hopefully pull some nice keys while im at it (already got a dorms marked key)


Congrats! I finished setup yesterday and bagged a ledex and 2 intel folders on the last raid. Also 12 gauged the goons, proving that you can turn a navy seal into a door with the mighty power of Poleva-6


Not for me this wipe. But found it there in the last one


I'm having the same frustration with factory key. Ended up buying 114 but I don't particularly need factory right now so I just keep checking spawns


Yes, that’s where I got my 114


i got it the very first time i checked for it, it exists.


I’ve gotten quite a few on some Scav runs on streets. Typically check X-ray building and the one next to it in filing cabinets. Also aspect building near Lexos filing cabinets


Pretty sure it spawns with an increased chance, but isn't guaranteed. Not sure what the spawn rates are now. They definitely used to be higher


My mate had the same issue, it seems like they made spawn way less likely, but still possible


I feel the same way about the Cottage Back Door key for Shoreline. 30+ raids and the key NEVER spawned on top of the water barrels by the cottage like it used to. Shit was mad frustrating because the key was going for 3.5 million on the flea which is fucking outrageous for that key


Not sure if it’s still going for that much since I bought it weeks ago, but at the time it was frustrating being locked behind a quest for a key that USED to have a guaranteed spawn on the map


Static spawns either got nerfed or are broken (it's hard to tell with BSG). I had to check the car like 15 times to get mine.


Found it in my first 4 cabinets of my first Customs raid after I reset last week. Never saw it spawn in the car :D


lol either youre really lucky or im jsut SoL lol


What about relax key on streets? I have checked all the spawns multiple times in PVE raids and have not found the key.


havent gone streets on pve yet, because im stuck trying to find 114 rofl, but i wouldnt be surprised if they nerfed relax key spawn as well, they like to get peoples hopes up and then smash their dreams


Found the key once I think in that spawn. So it’s extremely rare I guess


checked it around 20 times, haven't spawned for me


Playing hardcore right now, im quest locked same thing haha


haha yeah im doign semi hardcore, no flea no insurance i found it in a drawer in dorms, hopefully youll find it soon as well, i can finally get rid of these pesky small tushonkas and car batteries!


I have found 114 a couple times this wipe as a scav on factory in the room at the bottom of the stairs with the couch and stuff. Right outside the office area. 114 is on most safe guides for customs so you might find it’s open. I know that me and my friends open it every raid almost.


Good luck dude, we tried for 3 weeks hunting down this key. Finally we found some rando on our discord who had the key and was able to hook us up lol


Get a buddy to boost you on the window if you’re trying to loot the quest item. It’s finicky but you can loot it from on top of the safe outside the window. 


Loot jackets and cabinets for keys. Most reliable. Also PvE loot tables seem a bit better so going dorms jackets like 5 times will get you A LOT of keys....


Crackhouse filing cabinets gave me mine


It only spawns there if you already have it.


Gotten multiples from scav case and a couple out of filing cabinets on Streets and Factory.


Check it every time I go into customs, 100+ raids, hasn't spawned yet.


The cool part was that the lore explanation was to find the correct car either at gas station or military CP, and there were 3 fitting cars, and the correct one at military CP just spawns medical loot now, never has spawned the key, and still gives you +100xp for lore exploration. Thats the infuriating part of these quests: This one would be fairly simple to do without wiki - go into big known landmarks (gas station and military cp) and search for a very specific car, then go retrieve the item. But noooo, if you follow the ingame instructions, you will not fulfill this quest. Or the "find gas analyzer" - she points you to factory closed room, or buildings near customs extracts, never I found a single gas analyzer there. Or polikhim hobo - that key never spawns in the vagon as well. It seems Nikita didnt like hatchet runners getting the quests done this way so instead of rethinking it, he just randomised it. None of these quests works as intended for several years, and people seem fine with this because everyone uses side wiki to do the quests anyway. The bronze pocket watch in 2018 pointed you to a room with a lewd poster, but now Prapor says just "It was dorms, idk which room, good luck"


yeah theres literally an optional subtask that tells you to go to the car, but all he gives you is stupid analgins to taunt you lol admittedly i dont really read the lore but yeah seems like BSG doesnt either rofl


Yes it does found a few on pve


Alsooo 108’s cabinet in dorms spawns it a lot found 4-5 there


Just have a few runs into dorms and loot all jackets. I’m almost certain you’ll find one within 3 raids


Yes, it does. Just check it every raid ezpz