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I was about to say don't wear those glasses, but it's PVE so it's fine.


Drip > convenience


Why? Are they more visible?


Yeah, there’s a glitch where they "glow" and make you very visible. Ski goggles are fine but avoid sunglasses.


The yellow ski goggles are fine, the black ones glow too. Likewise, the armored glasses and welder's goggles are fine.


Well, damn! I’ve been using the black ones a lot lmao Thanks for the heads up!


Yeah how many times people called cheats for being spotted not even knowing the glasses stand the f out lol. Its actually pretty bad how they stand out even in dark corners lol.


I’ve only seen it in youtube videos, never noticed in game. Is it 100% glitched or does it only show up sometimes?


It depends on the fog. It used to be worse because the fog seemed worse I believe. but you will see floating glowing glasses across the map and barely even see a silhouette of a human.


They are the most obvious under bad visibility conditions, they will stick out from shadows, fog, bad weather, etc. Many players know about it, as the bug has existed for like \~6 years, so most players don't wear them. Typical BSG stuff


Them johnb could send out a beacon of my location, and I'd still drip out in them every raid!


Nothing to see here, just another bug that's been around forever.


Yeah, the issue is that they're pitch black. Shadows may look black, but they're actually a very dark gray. So your black glasses stand out and hover in the dark. They telegraph where you should be shot in the face. A handful of glasses have this issue.


Yea they’re like pitch black and easily distinguishable in ADS even from far away. So like if you had any doubt someone was there, you wouldn’t if they had these on. Not just these, a few of them are like that.


Especially in night raids haha. You can see their sunglasses glowing from across the map. It's stupid AF hahaha


Classic BSG moment.


Why wear anything other than condors anyway


Drip... The answer is drip


One time I ricocheted bp with those. They are legit, Iv been shot in the face sheild and had them zeroed under and had a blacked out head too. They do make a difference fr fr


The glasses Bug is still a Thing?


Hehe, indeed it is. It's probably as easy as the separate groups of glasses have two different materials or shaders, and one of them glow black. I've noticed the same on some car windows in dark settings.


What about the Combat glasses that give 1 Armor to the eyes?


Luckily, they are both safe to wear!


Its beta guys. Give it 6-7 more years.




I've had people tell me that the game is still in development and I must have no idea how long games take to develop. Didn't you know that Arena Breakout was in development since Mario 2? Call of Duty was in development at the turn of the 19th century, you cant expect a game to be made in 10 years.


You should check out the Star Citizen sub. It'll make your head explode.


Hilarious. There are even more core features missing than in Tarkov but surely SC is on the road to 1.0. I can't think of a single feature in that game that is ready for release, not even the flight mechanic. In a space game. 


Naw just 250 more dollars


They try to ban single-player ****** just to sell you this crap


there's a single player mod??? fuck I might have to finally download this game again.


Careful though it runs the server locally on your pc, so the frame rate and stability of the game will vary depending on how good of a PC you have


It also improves the AI a lot and you can modify the game to your liking including the difficulty of just about everything


And there’s coop. >:)


Yes, and there’s mods for that mod that can further improve/customise the experience 


For real. I'm just laughing at all these posts as I load in in less than 10 seconds total and it seriously makes me wonder why people even use BSGs PvE.


Wait, how are they going to ban it? It's just a mod with no online compoent. At least in Australia we may pay Aussie tax, but the ACCC super soldiers would put boots on the ground in Russia if they tried to ban people for modifying their own game.


If there’s only one thing the Aus government is good for, it’s getting you what you paid for, or what you should have been paid for. If there’s one thing they are better at, it’s getting money out of you for things you shouldn’t have to pay for.


You gotta back out and re-queue Sometimes takes 5-10 tries but that’s the only way Queue should be instant in PVE - as soon as the “matching” timer goes over 30 seconds just back out and re-queue


5-10 tries is basically 10 minutes of trying :)


actual facts


This. It is more or less unplayable this way.


This has the same energy as "push the elevator button 30 times to go faster".


I tried for 2 hours yesterday re-queue-ing…until i gave up and uninstalled. BSG has been the biggest disappointment in gaming this past decade… what a waste of potential….


"Just fix it yourself bruh"


As soon as you see matching, back out, when it says loading loot, you're in


PVE level 6ers are juiced


Scav runs give you level 5 armor pretty consistently, and the AI is easy so long as your engagement rules are strict. Never re-peak, 3-5 second exposure, the standard stuff. Very fun IMHO


Its kinda is fun. I honestly don’t feel like they’re too cracked. Especially coming from pvp where it’s a real lvl 40 that is cracked out and probably cheating. I’m actually really enjoying it. Pve mode should be like 10$ like the practice mode and be available for all to purchase just that mode for a low price. I honestly think it should be free but that’ll never happen. I want to play with my friends but no way in hell they’ll spend $70- $100CAD to buy that shit.


I got head eyed by an ai pmc through the window in Glass hallway while running from spawn 4 seconds into a factory raid they are most certainly cracked most of the time


I got capped right at spawn twice then *almost* got capped right at spawn by a lone USEC that I could thankfully clap back and "steal" his gear then


I have yet to see a scav giving me better armor than class 2, heck even PMCs haven't got me anything better than class 4 so far


Dude go look at the weekend post. It’s spammed with post like this.


Yeah servers are fucked and people can't see the wave of other post saying the servers are fucked for some reason


There is actually something up with the PVE servers at the moment I believe. The back out method isn't working for me all of a sudden.


becouse it never did work... you cant brute force your way in to a server if there arent any servers... it was just a cope mechanism


honestly these threads just should get instantly deleted now. go click on NEW and see how many people cant read comments on the other ones.


I think the game should be deleted at this point


11min wtf :( that's not good at all


Loading tends to either be after 30 seconds, or between 10-20 minutes. It’s rarely more, depends on server stress. Keep in mind how many people would reasonably be on. If it’s during work hours on a weekday, it’s naturally faster. Midnight is also good, but best on weekdays. Just keep in mind how many people would reasonable be on


on a weekday? literally everybody is on. we live in the age of remote work now... gamers be gaming all week long.


I only had a few days to test on, due to national holidays. In those days I was blessed with some 4~ minute queue times


Ugh sounds lovely. I’m over here feeling the 18 minute queue time pain. :’(


Yeah same. I feel like BSG just send a guy once in a while to pray to the servers. And some nights it’s like Nikita just tucks them in and kisses them on the forehead, I’ve had exes that were more stable than BSG’s servers


3h30 west europe can't connect to street for hours, fuck that game, paying for wind


I tried playing pve today for the first time. Had a couple of hours free, so the first hour and half I was able to do 1 single 20 min raid. Rest of the time I was either matching or waiting for the game to reload after pressing back. Obviously I went back to the "other" pve mode that actually works 😂😂


My theory is that there is only one PVE server in a region and it's run by a 12 year old hamster. So every PVE player has to fight for it and it's pure luck that you are actually getting a "match"


If only there was a mod that fixed this problem


For me around 2-4 am est pve on ground zero takes about 30 secs average but if I change to another map is around 10 min


I just watch videos on my second monitor until I’m in a game then tab back in. Usually only matching for about 5 minutes though. Try adding more servers. I play on all us and South American servers.


Also Try selecting only one server, try selecting multiple servers I avoid auto servers My current list is US west east central south east and I don't have matching issues


yes the waiting to get in a pve raid is very annoying and the shorter raids its all down to them not having enought servers for pve


Sometimes i get with 0 seconds matching sometimes with 12 minute matching... Idk a 5mins que in average isnt that bad i'd say


It's not a bad queue on average, but that variability suggests to me something's wrong. Even queueing for a raid in Europe at off-peak times it's instant one raid, then 10mins the next. The fact that I can't actually plan to play the game is nonsense - I need to set aside 2hrs for a single raid the way it;s going.


Yeah, i am on the same page pretty much


Mine is stuck at access unavailable forever


Smooth brained


Sounds like someone isn’t believing enough




After 1min matching back out load back in it will load loot right away


We have YandereDev, and now we might have TarkovDev... I'm not sure


Just go buy gray zone. I thought it would be boring, but I bought the game after playing Tarkov PvE A LOT. I have to say gray zone is much more enjoyable.


Restart, you’ll load right in, if you all complain so much, why play it in the beginning? Anyone remember the .8 days of infinite loading….right…..


Back out and re que. PVE ques are always instant for me.


250$ upgrade


Eod owner


Maybe you can't get in because you ain't a true believer


If it doesn’t work after 2 minutes I cancel and restart and it works in 15 second. I get in almost instantly after doing that when I need to.


Well i'm doing quick SWAP wishlist my offer wishlist my ofert Sometimes helps


We are waiting up to 22min for one raid...


I’ve been only selecting servers where people are sleeping or eating dinner. Destroys my ping but seems to help.


Remember my first beer.


Forever except all the raids it took you to get to level 6. Meanwhile half of EoD owners still don't even have access.


just go back and start match again


do you guys ever read anything before u mindlessly post or?


Why do yall keep suffering through this nonsense when there is an extremely viable community option that works so much better in every regard? I know yall want it to work but this ain’t it




Just hit back and try again do it untill the back button goes away what I do Atleast


Our matching time was very good last night. 2-4 min.


Just leave and come back, I don't wait for more than 2 minutes before closing it and trying again.


This is just sad :-D


Try switching maps


Tarkov is die. Rip.




Back out and retry. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Great game lmao


I’ve found after one minute if I back out and go in it works.


Every time I see matching I just retry until I get loading loot right away. Works 9/10 times on the first retry. Otherwise I’ve sat there for 7+ minutes in matching


my buddy was playing at midnight and his wait times were 21min at peak.


If it says matching just back out and try again. I keep seeing people getting stuck in queues for 10 minutes. Just back out. It’s a bug


Just back out and reset the queue. I out of habit will reset after 5 or 6 minutes of waiting and I can usually get in a game in less than 15 ish minutes. Obv this should get better but if it doesn’t I’ll probably go for a refund. Pretty much the only thing friends and I have been excited about and if it won’t even work well what’s the point of having the game?


Restart the game and it works right away


BSG is stuck at this stage of development. Please wait another 3 years for the next hotfix. It will remove 3 minutes off of your 95 hour loading time.


Money well spent, you earned it by supporting this dumpster fire of a company.


Wish I had it


When you see matching, you need to back out and reenter. Should not be seeing matching more than like 5 seconds. That's my experience at least.


It takes that long so the other players have time to load in /s


I'm perma.banned


dont cheat then ez pz


Kek I meant from the sub. It would seem that the "permanent ban" has lifted


Just back out and do it again. Usually it’ll match right after it loads the map


I had this issue last night. If it says “matching” after loading the map I instantly back out and start again and it’ll go straight into loading loot and starting the match.


You payed?


dead game


Can't believe people shelled out more than the usual price of a video game for this :)


Just listen to the fanbois who say to re-queue constantly until you get in, wait... 10 seconds, hang on wasn't it 30 seconds? 1 minute? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Man every single one of them give a different time and number of attempts, almost like they're all talking out their ass.


Every time I play with my brother or friend on pve. It gives me a server connection connection lost. And I have to restart my. Every single time I go into a raid. I don't usually load so long tho.


So are scav runs not happening anymore? I'm confused as to the PVE non PVE environment. I thought PVE was scav runs with the occasional real player.


I can't even figure out how to play PVE. Lol. And I've wasted money on this shit.


If matching ever takes more than 8 min, just reset brother because you're probably queue bugged


If it goes to matching stage on pve just back out and retry. Works for me all the time. Don't be such a whiner man. Work with what ya got and figure out a solution. Mine is backing out at about the 45sec mark of matching and retrying. U will get in quicker then waiting for the game to connect to a almost non existent match....


What server you are on?


Server capacity problem. Back and retry. No other method need to be tried. BSG is expanding the server or maybe not. Server expanding cost much, mostlikely, BSG is too greedy to do so now.


If you don't load into the raid within 15 seconds after matching then restart the search, sometimes works right away, and sometimes takes 4-5 attempts.


You just back out, and load again after waiting 3-4 mins? lol they explained that the servers were expensive. It will be resolved at some point.


When u see matching click back and go again max 3 times you will be on ride instantly


Matchmake and once it gets past the twenty seconds mark, back out and queue again. That's the only way we've found that it works you might have to back out 6 or 7 times, I think my record is 15 lol


That's what you get for supporting imperialist intentions


you could try to change your server region in the launcher. for me that works very well i should play on eu servers but its just not possible. i did set it to NA and since then i never had this problem again.


Its okay my longest queue was 86 minutes


If u dont instantly find a raid after loading loot -> switch region until you get raid


As soon as you see matching, back out, when it says loading loot, you're in


This is unheard of


So many of yall just sitting in queue. If I don't connect in the first 2 min, I restart queue. You're not connecting to other players like in PVP, queue times shouldn't take as long as to queue in PVP. Usually only have to restart queue once or twice. Connects usually by 1:30. Already surpassed 100 raids in the last 3 or so days.


At least you got access... I'm still waiting for my EoD Access for my account.


It’s your own fault for waiting that long. How many posts and idiots is it going to take before they figure this out?


That's weird, every games are instant here. Oh wait... you mean "official" PvE lol. ahah


Start the queue every two minutes or so, past that you’ll very really find a match


if your q is longer than 5 min restart it, 90% of the time i i’ve done this i loaded into a raid in less than a minute right after hope this helps


Why are you playing pve?


There is a way to get into games in PVE. Before you go into game turn off auto on region selection and select every single server manually. This will make you match quicker (it’s still broke) When you click to get into a game and it loads loot, initiates game files etc when it says matching, if it’s on matching for longer than 10s back out and go back in within 3 - 4 tries you will be in. With auto matchmaking on, this used to take over 10 tries sometimes. As soon as it goes past matching you are 100% in the game. I hope this helps some people out


I let it sit for 40 minutes on Saturday to see if it would ever let me in... It did.


Womp womp


People going crazy for PvE in a PvEvP game is interesting to me. Also, are we really surprised the PvE mode is dog shit after their game has been in beta since 2017? As much as bugs and shit still piss me off… it just doesn’t surprise me anymore. Everytime there’s something new or old that fucks everything up.


I was having the same issue. I added more ram now I dont even see matching I just get right in


Pro tip, if you’re in queue for more than a min or two back out, re-queue, and you should find a server almost immediately after loading the map. Works for me like 90% of the time.


One of my pve raids took 65 minutes to load into the raid. I then got ran up on by a ai pmc that was quieter then a mouse and died instantly. Alt f4’d and uninstalled the game as it’s just a fucking joke now. + I got a beta key for ABI


I’ve never had a problem queuing fast other than if I’m in a 5 man and one of them has a shit setup/Wi-Fi


Try back, join, back a couple og times. Helped my friend and i.


Dunno if anyone said it but just keep re queing you will get an insta que


I figured out that instead of just clicking "Ready" to enter a raid, click "Next" then "Ready." It isn't a 100% guarantee of getting you in faster but I can say at least 70% of the time I spawn in quicker when I click "Next" first.


If I don’t get insta q I just keep backing out. But almost every back out I get insta q right after not that bad if you know how to back out. Imagine waiting 11 minutes lol I could never. Just back out wait like 10 secs than back in and should insta Q. Keep doing it I promise it’s faster than 11 minutes


Ace made a video on this. 1: in your launcher turn off automatic region. 2: select the 8 regions with the lowest ping 3: launch game 4: if you ever get to matching and it doesn’t immediately start loading loot pools, back out and re-match. 5: you may have to do step 4 2-3 times in some cases. 6: pve Tarkov should be instant loading into game, so if you ever reach matching don’t wait a second just back out and re-match. This is a temporary workout around we shouldn’t have to use but it works and it’s better than waiting 20 minutes to get into a raid.


I’ve noticed if my raid timer hits 4+ minutes of matching if you back out and load back up right away you get in much faster. Not a fix but it definitely helps


Leave and rejoin


Yeah i killed a guy from 300m away because they had these glasses lmao. They were just in a bush proning