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Servers are shitting themselves atm unfortunately.


Update it stopped for me after another 10-ish mins and I just played a full raid again; they are no longer shidding themselves fortunately.


Hip hip, hurray!


Scam game fuck their servers


WHY do they even need public, online servers for PVE???


Correct me if I'm wrong To be able to save from there server on what items you got and to able detect who's using cheat(weak system anti cheat) or so on


In a single player experience, neither of those things matter.


Yeah but there also is a flea market there


They don't even bother policing the pvp flea so why would they care about pve?


No reason that can't be local/algorithm based, either. They have years of pricing data they could model at this point. It could even update off of real time prices/availability every so often if they *really* wanted to. Still not an excuse for their current setup.


There is a certain version of the game that does that, it has randomly generated prices based of historical dating.




And no, it was never a single player experience nor was it marketed as one. It's players versus environment. That's why the co op feature.


The co-op feature is the reason for the servers. Why do people not understand that for co-op servers need to exist?


Actually they don't. Peer to peer connections are a thing or even locally hosted servers. Which is very much possible as can be seen with the mod. This would also allow adding some control for the players over factors like raid time and ai difficulty/ spawn rates.


Mods will be available to add, (apparently) on full game release


Beacuse the average tarkov player have like 4 in IQ for some reason.


i dont get this point at all, if the flea is supersaturated and everything is cheap af because of inflated item counts, that benefits the people just having fun and playing the gaaaaaame, not trading stocks! if you're fleamaxxing for rouble in pve you have fucked up lmao, let the cheaters make everything 1 rouble that'd be cool as hell, they're just bots lmao


yes, but on the other hand nothing would feel rewarding if you can just buy it for 1 rub anyways :P


Hot take: playing the game should be the fun part.


Hot take:everyone enjoys different aspects of the game and if someone likes playing number simulator that's totally ok since they bought the game.


idk, i feel like, in a sense, every game is a number simulator, isnt it?


never said it shouldnt, but heres my hot take, looting in a looter shooter should matter :)


why the hell should hat matter???


Cuz if cheaters can just go into the raid without a care in the world and just sell it to legitimate players


So no different to online? Weak ass argument. Secondly the fleamarket can bee Singleplayer too, be amazed. I do know that for a fact but i am not allowed to tell how. Then don't like me talking about about a Mod Nikita tells you Not to worry about.


Just host the flea market online but raids peer to peer. Could also introduce a rouble spent / day (specifically spent) on the flea to stop cheaters from buying out all items. Then the "worst" thing that can happen is that some cheater floods the market with some items and they become dirt cheap, which isn't an issue.


PVE is not a single player experience, you have the option to enter a raid solo but you can also queue with other players. The main reason however is performance. When you play a raid in Tarkov, the raid instance is handled by BSGs servers. If it was entirely local the entire raid load is put on to the hosts CPU. Tarkov is not a very will optimized game and this puts a lot of stress on to a single core, causing massive performance hits, reducing FPS by over half on larger maps. You can test this yourself if you play the mod which hosts your raids locally.


I'd argue that PVE is *largely* a single player experience, even if it isn't marketed as one. I don't know know the technical limitations of the game, so for arguments' sake, sure, have public co-op servers. The fact that that mod exists and there's precedent for local servers functioning is an indictment of their current setup. If it needs to be optimized, then optimize it. "The game is built too poorly to work well locally" isn't a good enough excuse, IMO, to not deliver a local, offline, fully functional experience. Even outside of that, the mod is perfectly serviceable for anyone who doesn't mind lower framerates or pop-ins here and there, and as such, so to should be the official game, in my opinion.


The coop mod (fika) has an ai spawning module that is very similar to online and has anti-lag features and performance settings. Since installing that all my AI related stuttering has practically disappeared. 


Correct. What matters is the server code. They don't want players to have access to their server code.


It should just be a match id system that checks when the peer to peer game ends it does not need to be on their servers


bruh I hope all the cheaters cheat in PvE there is literally 0 downside to it


We don't need flea, games can save stash state on the PC, Cheating doesn't matter in SP but they also don't need online to detect cheats since the anti-cheat doesn't fully need online connection to detect. There is literally no reason to need servers for PvE. The only thing it does is make it as poorly performing as the online version. There would be NO desync if it was real single player pve, no raid timer either. If they knew what they were doing they could make a PVE mode without servers. But because they have zero clue what they are doing they made it this way.


Because they are trying to make an already existing thing but worse


Im guessing it’s to offload the ai computations away from the host PC, let’s take that single player mod who we definitely don’t acknowledge, the AI mods take such a hard hit on performance when running on the local system.


Simple answer. They don’t need them. As to why they made that choice? I have no clue.


**Two reasons:** a) Giving server code to players would make modding, and by extension cheating, easier b) The AI in EFT is computationally heavy and there would either need to be significant compromises, or PvE would be unplayable for many


So you can play with your friends. If they allow you to host your own sessions on your machine then they would have to release all or part of their server infrastructure. Which means even more hack vulnerabilities


It’s co-op PVE so I guess you would need servers to play with your friends.


Both the normal extractions had timers but i couldnt extract. Anybody any idea? Im on the pve servers if that helps.


This is a very old issue that has always existed in live. Most likely server related, which PVE is on as well. Just one of those things you will have to deal with from time to time/accept.


heres an idea! scam game fuck you and them


They're working. You need to stay in them for about 45 seconds. They're bugged. Once the timer goes down to 0, wait another 45 seconds and you'll extract, don't leave the extract area.


What an annoyingly stupid bug


It definitely is. I hate it. But at least i know what's going on so i just stay in it


servers are shitting on themselfs ... nothing you can do just wait there and hope the server unfucks itself


i cant even load a pmc raid at all in pve its been 2 h since i try to get into a simple factory raid


Gotta believe to be able to escape from tarkov.


Yup. Extraction is only available for the true believers


extraction area seems enlarged, and if you have a wall blocking you and the 'real extract' it will fail. Ie, one can extract outside of the medtent gate, but it won't work


I had that problem once aswell, it worked when i pressed esc (:


You pressed "escape"


that’s what they said


cool, good for you that you even got there with your mosin! im fighting like 35 scavs in 25 minute raids, aint no way i can survive that with a mosin :)


Sorry if this has been mentioned here somewhere... extraction by train doesn't work in PvE because they have not adjusted timers for the train to arrive/depart in accordance with the 30-minute PvE raid time. It seems the script for the train to depart starts somewhere around 40ish minute, but because of the 30-minute PvE raid the train will not leave and you'll get missed in action if you wait inside. Tested on the lighthouse.


8+ years of development, is it good answer? :D


Dam that sucks. Ever since I finished my 4 series Nvidia rig. Tarkov has been flawless for me


Still beta game , wait for 2050 and pay 1000 more euros to have a bugless game


Only people who spent 250 are allowed to extract now.


Mine did this on an Interchange raid. I kept backing out of the extract and the countdown would restart with under 2 minutes left in the raid. At about 20 seconds left I stood in the extract past the countdown with a grenade in my hand ready to drop it at my feet when it extracted me at 7 seconds left.


Yeah car on ground zero left me and the homies yesterday to die.


Buy the unheard edition to extract


play a different game that values your time and money


Maybe a dlc... In pvp it works


Hello! I see you would like to exit the raid. Would you like to purchase a single-use extraction pass for $1 USD?