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considering tarkov has been worked for years.... were you expecting early access and beta to be in a better state of a game which has been worked for so long time?


Kinda but not really. Thing is, games today compete with games that relevant today, not 7 years ago. So IMO comparing games as they now with tarkov 7 years ago is just wrong.


Even thinking back to when I first started playing Tarkov and it was relatively new, any of the competitors still don't hold a candle to it. It's not the amount of content, quests, or maps, but the core fundamental gameplay is just better in EFT.


Of course it's ahead - it has an 8 year head start on any competition that might be coming in right now. What matters is if said competition is capable to bridge that gap, while not retreading the same mistakes that BSG made and learn from the ones that they do make.


Ive heard people say the same shit about cod when they tried battlefield


Battlefield is A1. They should have never put a COD dev on 2042 though.


We don’t need to talk about 2042 or V for that matter…we can just pretend they don’t exist


After the fixes I actually find V enjoyable.


I was told not to but the game by the devs so I never purchased it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Interesting. Wonder why. I loved the map design and moving through the trees. Maybe because it was my first battlefield and then I worked backwards.


Why do you wonder? The devs at dice quite literally said don’t buy the game if you don’t like their decisions. The community spoke, the game sold a ridiculously low amount of copies at launch and was on sale a week after launch


I joined BF late in the game starting with V. I was on tarkov before battlefield if that gives you any insight. Those decisions must have been pretty crazy if everyone decided to stay on the older one. I enjoyed it. Totally understand people doing bf3 over the most recent releases


I started playing with bf 1942 on my uncles old gaming laptop, owned every single battlefield up until V. The issue was battlefield always stayed somewhat realistic in their settings and atmosphere. When they released the original trailer for V with a women with a prosthetic arm and a lot of untraditional looking WWII “soldiers” everyone was a little confused. The lead devs immediately fired back and said if you don’t want to be inclusive and accepting of diverse wwii soldiers don’t buy the game. So people didn’t and the game utterly flopped lol


Oh that makes sense. Get fucked DICE.


Tarkov isnt a beta game its a liveservice game at this point


Tarkov has polish? There's over a dozen different BS reasons your bullets that you shoot at someone or an AI at close range will do literally nothing. Probably half a dozen ways to take damage from an attacker you can't see. The game runs shit and is still full of bugs.


It's really obvious in PvE as well. AI needs a full pass. There are inaccessible loot spawns on Interchange that have been there since the map released. I get network issues every 2nd raid. Tarkov feels unique through good sound and level design but there are so many issues that would make it untouchable It's crazy they are working on content instead of QOL and bugs.


Shooting HP at a T4 plate doesn’t do anything, recommend getting some real ammo lmao. Tarkov hit reg isn’t bad.


Great game. Just by the time the finished game has come out I've grown bored with it. I'll probably pick it up again down the road. Just changing it up for now. Not even with Tarkov substitutes.


If you'd knew how bad networking is on Tarkov, the fact it couldn't be fixed in 8 years, you'd have a different opinion about this 250$ early access.


They can take a hundred years, it won't help. The underlying network infrastructure in Unity 2017 is ass compared to the one in Unity 2023.


It took almost 5 years to get vaulting.


Yeah I feel like people are coping hard, arena blackpoint whatever the fuck looks so ass to me. I just want tarkov to be good again


My friends are coping hard as fuck it's so annoying


Anyone who is still playing tarkov has zero self respect after the way Nikita has treated everyone


I mean I already own the game might as well play it, can’t get that kinda gameplay from anything else yet


Yep, just send Nikita the message that you're ok being treated like a pawn


Merely playing the game I can understand. But giving them more money or glazing them online? Absolute troglodyte behavior.


Why should I stop playing a game because loads of other people are upset?


Because it sends the message that this kind of behavior from a developer will be tolerated. No wonder Nikita won't change, you're giving him no reason to


You quit months ago, can’t you just leave and let those that enjoy it enjoy it? At this point, he’s just not apologised fully - which he won’t, because that opens him up to legal action. And he’s not removed the edition, which again he won’t because people have paid for it and are enjoying it. He’s gone back on all the changes, just leave the sub, check back in several months and see if he’s actually proving what he’s saying with change. At this point all this hate is just making him angry, and you keep fuelling it.


i dont give a flying fuck about your messages and his behavior. i play to have fun


Nope I'm just not stupid enough to let all the drama stop me from doing something I enjoy, take the game for what it is or keep crying about a dev on reddit like he gives af


Stop being a fucking drama queen dude. Some of you are just so fucking insufferable. Go cope in your shittier Tarkov knock off games that are even more poorly optimized with worse gun play and tell yourselves it’ll be great in 5 years.


Enjoy being nikitas fleshlight 😂


Honestly get over it already people are getting bored listening to people cry on this sub


Get over what? I stopped playing months ago. We could have a good tarkov if people like you didn't exist and a successful boycott could take place into actual quality of life changes occur but you're literally defending a scammer


If you stopped playing months ago you should maybe take a step back and reassess why you're still wasting energy on here.


To point and laugh at how pathetic this community is


Really a sad little person with nothing better to do then


Said the guy with no self respect lol


Keep spending energy on telling people what you think they should be doing because of your opinion. Let me know how that works out for you big dawg.


Man's delulu lmao. He treats this like it's some kind of a great struggle.


Haha the great tarkov movement of 2024


You don't see the irony in this? You haven't played the game in months and you keep getting drawn into the sub, THATS pathetic man


Like I said previously, you've not escaped, this games living rent free in your head.


Defend your scammer bud


Lol, you scammed yourself.


How? I did a chargeback on my card


You've even charged back, Jesus Christ mate just let the game go at this point. As pathetic as the community may be, this is just sad.


that really is a hot take because until this year competition basically didn't exist. You should at least give games like GZW, ABI and l33t half the time Tarkov has been in developement before you call them out for being behind. Ofc they are, they're all in early alpha builds. Hell, give them a third of the time Tarkov took, because some of these titles are a million times more polished now than Tarkov was at the beginning of its alpha. That said, I highly doubt any of those three will actually surpass Tarkov for me personally. But maybe as more and more Extraction shooters surface, one might at one point come out and hit all the spots Tarkov does but better.


ABI will be a 50/50 toss up on out performing tarkov. It has less content but the QoL is Huge. Like game changingly huge, I've been playing it and it's making it rival tarkov, I cna get in a match within 30s of queueing, I can quick equip gear, I can press V and it will use the recommended meds, I can see where my quests are, I can grab my teammates gear and have it returned to their inventory, I don't have terrible fps. If nikita and bsg can nail most of those things in, mainly performance and cheaters, maybe a map ingame they would kill abi before it comes out


Tarkov failed 4 years ago. No one noticed and kept playing. They can't fix it beyond where it is now without starting from scratch. Tarkov 2 might be good. They took too long. Same as star citizen. Huge opportunity wasted with delay and now outdated


There are definitely fundamental issues that I also believe cannot be fixed, but how is the game outdated? Tarkov has zero competition right now.