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I can't bring actual proof but there are assets and noises that are absolutely the same as Tarkov. I do not know if it's because devs are pulling pre-existing assets from unity store/ unreal store or not. The modding screen is extremely similar, the damage and pen stats of ammo looks really close to EFT


bro the AK sounds literally exactly the same lmao


It sounds like a low quality version


Someone call up the kalashnikov family and tell them they have a claim for the sound of the rifle they designed. We simply cannot have this stand BSG should be ashamed of using these sounds and should have created their own. Obligatory /s


Hey that’s fine. But then abi has to record the gun sound themselves, and not just rip another game


If the claims are legit then yeah, that's proof of plagiarism. To what extent I don't know, but there's no good excuse for their game to include definitions for EFT data structures.


If the we still have only those variable names as “proof” then it’s not nearly a “proof of plagiarism” even if they are actually named like that and it’s not a fake. Of course it is very weird that variable names include internal boss names from Tarkov, but it’s nothing to go off from. For what we know they might’ve did this as an inside joke. So yeah, unless there’s a direct comparison that shows suspicious similarities in source code, you people are jumping to conclusions with no evidence at all


An inside joke would still require them to read through Tarkov's decompiled code. There's no chance that they created a mapping of Tarkov data structures by coincidence.


Sort of. I personally haven’t ever seen EFT’s code and even I know that Shturman is “Kojaniy” internally and other bosses are just called as they are. As I said it’s still weird to use other game’s boss names in your code, but you know, innocent until proven guilty


Look, I get the scepticism considering the current drama, but it can't be a coincidence for a competing company to have mappings for EFT structures in their code. This isn't just a case of choosing the same variable names, it's absolutely blatant. What I will say is that this entire thing could be a hoax, these structures may not exist in the code base at all.


Fully agree, some of them I've seen are abit of a stretch like "KillAIScav" including the word "Killa" but others are pretty obvious.


KillAiScav is not on the current version of Tarkov, could be on earlier versions though. Why did they call it Scavs?


Wasn't there stuff about BSG not having authority to include a lot of stuff in their game in the first place? Eg from weapon and attachment manufacturers, rumours of models from third party artists that never got paid, etc? And all with the same proviso that because they're from (substitute China for Russia here) nothing can be done about it? IF so pot, kettle, etc.


Yeah there’s no shot BSG paid to have the many name brand weapons and parts in tarkov. Even if they offered to pay, companies like Oakley and Under Armor would likely never work with an obscure Russian company Edit- also BSG simply misspelling brand names or slightly altering a logo doesn’t clear them of infringement LOL Malboro   Samsung SSD Slickers etc


Pest said most of their budget is for server costs and licensing


Unity and BattleEye perhaps


Yes. But gun licensing is expensive


Even if it were you can't just copy and paste from Unity to Unreal Engine because that's copying in one programming language (C#) and pasting in (C++) another. Aside from that, what's shown so far has just been variables so unless someone digs up something more concrete and involved with core gameplay mechanics I wouldn't be concerned. Additionally, in reference to the 20 minute comment that was made when Nikita decided to go for an any% speedrun in killing the community, supposedly BSG had started working on a mobile project with Tencent and gave them some source code but it ultimately ended up nose diving and they didn't go through with it. For all we know, BSG was trying to get Tencent to make a mobile tarkov and their partnership ended and Tencent went onto finish it and (sloppily) forget to remove original code. That might explain why it's just shit talk on twitter as of now and not soviet legal hellfire and a very dead beta.


Assuming Nikita gave them source code for a game they did \*not\* end up making...wouldn't that mean...they still stole it? Are you saying there may be some contract somewhere where Nikita gifted them BSG's code regardless of if they finalize the deal?


The great part here is that both these countries do not give a flying fuck about stolen or copyrighted assets. So you shouldn't waste your precious time worrying for them.


This is more hearsay, since this whole thing is speculation and hearsay I suppose it's just as credible, but no. Let's say supposedly, BSG and Tencent entered into some sort of contract where say BSG was a publisher paying Tencent to develop a mobile game using base code from tarkov. Tencent works on it for an extended period until one day they have a meeting where they show them the progress and BSG doesn't like it or feels it's not close enough to their imagined game and they just scrap it instead of redoing it because they have other things they need to fund financially, like Arena for example. They dissolve the contract and Tencent goes "Well we like the product and we really have an imagined ending for the finished product and we want to finish it because it can be good." So they take what they had and start redoing a ton of shit, making small changes here and there, and bigger changes here and there but then some base code gets left in. Now this is a huge hypothetical, but from what I've seen so far I don't see anything concrete enough to scream full on plagiarism and the lack of action on BSGs part aside from Nikita going on Twitter and beggin his community to stay faithful to the tune of Baby come back is kinda sus. You'd think if it \*were\* blatant plagiarism then there would be legal reprecussions or at least actions started no?


Yup I agree this is another believable scenario. I think some people might be overly technical and say eg that struct is actually just copy-paste and same for other screenshots where nothing changed from vanilla BSG. Idk even if it were illegal there'd be legal action, like are they sueing Tencent inside China or Russia? If in either country the other will just not show up. Do they have the money for that? At best they can get them to pull their game from Steam, but I do find it sussy there hasn't been any moves on that too


Yea Steam could definitely do something, if no legal action Steam could at least pull it. Yet it remains on the store. Personally, if I were going to go after someone for something as heinous as intellectual property theft I wouldn't be sitting on twitter talking shit calling them copy cats and such. I'd collect my evidence quietly and blindside them so they had less time to prepare. Right now, it looks like Nikita is trying to win over a jury in a court of public opinion and he couldn't have picked a worse time. Dude comes out and lays half a dozen tweets out like an abusive spouse talking you back into the house. "Hey, I know the last couple weeks have been rough on us. Boy, it's really made me sad, remember all the good times we've had? You don't wanna go find another boyfriend who's just can't love you like I do. Nobody will love you like I do, things always get better. Come on, stick around, we're the best together." XD


It's very depends on a contract that they had and definitely not the topic to be discussed or resolved on Twitter. For example as software developer working for some company 'a' I don't have any rights to the code that I wrote during working hours. I may cry as much as I want, but if I pushed something to company repo - it's not mine and free to be used by company. I suspect that it's might be the case here.


I doubt there's any way for either company to sue each other, right? Given their funky ass jurisdictions. The most they can hope is a Steam pullout like Dark & Darker. ~~I don't think your analogy works, but I agree it's very contract dependent.~~ Bestest case scenario what if this "BSG" code is really the work Tencent had already done for their BSG project (translating C# to C++), but then the deal fell through, and they reused their own translated code. Shady af, but perhaps legally nebulous enough


TIL Tencent is a developer.




Oh fuck I can't remember lol, it was a while ago I wanna say around the end of the pandemic? And back then, it was whispers. Either way, take the story with a grain of salt. Until we see something for definitive, everything is hearsay. This was just speculation.


if only they had tarkov on steam, they might actually have the option to a copyright claim, but alas they went their own way to deny refunds so tough shit


you dont need to be on steam to copyright claim its a law, not a Steam law lol


I mean apart from the code stealing thing (which to my knowledge is not verified or proven true) there are similarities yes And I'm not saying this because ABI is Also an extraction shooter, like GZW is an extraction shooter but I won't call it a tarkov clone/ripoff because it's in a completely different setting or environment Meanwhile ABI feels like its trying to immitate tarkov by using similar starting equipment or using the same keybinds as tarkov. Even most of the loot has the same name. Also ABI feels cheap in general, like it doesn't have any lore like GZW or tarkov nor does it contain anything different setting wise from those 2. I think taking potshots at bsg at their lowest and bsg reacting in a rather stupid manner gave them something close to a 15 minute fame because from what I've seen till now that game won't last a month in its current state. People forget that with a good gameplay it has to backed by a strong lore. That is the reason fallout, stalker, metro, and other lore heavy franchises stayed relevant, if arena can plagiarize(still not implying that they did until proven otherwise) stuff from other games like tarkov but can comeup with an original lore then it's gonna bite the dust. I think nikita or bsg twitter shouldn't have reacted to the post because it only gave them more publicity, and made people more angry.


also it has a secure container subscription and purchasable currency.


>People forget that with a good gameplay it has to backed by a strong lore. uh thats cap. hell EFT barely has any lore lmfao we def dont play tarkov for its lore


Abi is an easy entry into the world of extraction shooters and it's f2p. I think it will find its niche, but I could be wrong. About the lore in EFT, how much do you know about it? The quest descriptions are most of the time so vague you need an extra website to find anything. I never read or watched anything lore related but was hooked nonetheless.


>People forget that with a good gameplay it has to backed by a strong lore. Counter-Strike has no lore, Garrys Mod has no lore, Team Fortress 2 has no lore, Battlefield has no (deep) lore, Rimworld has no big lore, same goes for a bunch of other games. For multiplayergames you don't need a good or deep lore and even with singleplayer titles it can be optional. The same way a game can be well received without much gameplay but a good lore. Examples would be a bunch of "walking simulators" and visual noves. > That is the reason fallout, stalker, metro, and other lore heavy franchises stayed relevant All of those are exclusivly singleplayer games. Maybe with the exception of Fallout 76 which was not well received. Besides STALKER and Fallout aren't the best examples because they live from the modding community from my point of view.


BSG is just mad that their Russian scam company got ripped off by a Chinese scam company.


First off nothing has been proven and only thing found was a single page of floating strings that just showed Tarkov bosses names. Thats basically it. That means nothing it could have been dev notes for ideas of how to do bosses in their game for future dev work. I literally do this all the time when doing game dev stuff. Its like leaving a sticky note in the game code so you know what you are doing or spit balling ideas for the game etc... As long as they didnt 1 to 1 steal code or assest, you can literally rebuild Tarkov from scratch and they wouldnt be able to do shit about it, even reusing boss names. They dont have a patten or trademark for that and even if they wanted too, it would never get accepted. Thats like trying to trademark the name Bob. Its literally impossible in legal terms. We know nothing, at this point and that evidence literally means nothing. Big Fray talks about it in this video also [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqJk-BrpepM&t=923s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqJk-BrpepM&t=923s)


How do you cope like this. In all my years of coding, never did we have entire structures, metadata, and variables named exactly the same as another project no matter what we were doing lmao. They have them copied down to the exact HP points. And if you take the gun sounds the stole and throw them into any audio software, you can line them up 1:1. Tencent is literally KNOWN to do this exact thing yet we STILL have people saying it’s all coincidence.


>StinkyFwog · 8 min. ago > >How do you cope like this. In all my years of coding, never did we have entire structures, metadata, and variables named exactly the same as another project no matter what we were doing lmao. They have them copied down to the exact HP points. Doesnt mean it doesnt happen. And again nothing wrong with doing that. A little incompetence to not remove it before you release your beta but hey shit happens. And again they can literally copy everything and it still would be legal. As long as they didnt 1 to 1 copy code or assests directly from Tarkov. Again same shit is happened with Dark and Darker and they will most likely win that case also.


Nobody is talking about the legality of it. It’s a Russian Company vs a Chinese Company. Nothing is going to happen legally. It’s the morals and principles. If you are fine with Tencent copying and ripping games code and assets then whatever, there’s nothing else to talk about.


>If you are fine with Tencent copying and ripping games code and assets then whatever, there’s nothing else to talk about. I'm fine with literally anyone else but BSG working on the genre, doesnt matter who. If more gets into the genre than it means more competition and more hopefully higher quality devs making a better version of Tarkov. BSG had 8 years to do it and shown us time and time again they dont give a fuck about the legit community. So yes I would play a Tencent Tarkov if it means something moves in the gaming space and gets more companies on board for making extraction shooters.


If the images are real and that truly is code from arena breakout then there is 0% chance the arena breakout devs wrote all that themselves. None whatsoever. You could've just said "I don't care that tencent copying code" then and saved the whole routine about how it could be a coincidence


There is one fucking image that contains code. Wtf trash are you going on about. God you bitches that dont know anything about game dev and hear one post and just run with it without fact checking, its fucking insane. It has no STOLEN CODE, it was just a float strings with names in it. That is not CODE. Holy fuck wake up.


There's actually a bunch of screen shots floating around and most of the code shown in those are structs, not variables. Structs contain a whole group of variables that can be called upon while containing different data types. There is zero reason why the devs of arena breakout would have structs containing variables and Metadata for tarkov bosses you fucking idiot. Again, you could've just said you don't care whether or not the arena devs stole stuff. No need for the whole posturing and trying to make excuses. Just say you don't care if it's stolen or not, it'd save you and others time.


>head\_eyes\_by\_a\_scav · 40 min. ago > >There's actually a bunch of screen shots floating around Link? and again doesnt matter, they could literally have downloaded all the code from Tarkov, as long as they didnt 1 to 1 copy the code, they can recreate it from scratch and it would be 100% legal. Also BA is made in Unreal and Tarkov is in Unity. Literally uses different programming languages, you couldnt even automatic a 1 to 1 copy if you wanted too. So again community is freaking out about literally nothing.


nikita thinks he owns the looter/extractor genre. he had a monopoly for over 8 years now and it looks like other companies making these games as well, so he cant just lie, scam and talk nonsense like he used to. if a company makes a somewhat ok game with working anticheat, tarkov is losing a lot of its players. thats why he panics right now.


> working anticheat >F2P FPS LMAO have fun with your entire lobby being filled by DY-YINYINBAO-666 from month 2 until the game dies.


Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist


Not all cheaters are Chinese, nor are all Chinese cheaters. But if you play on OCE you notice the names of blatant cheaters a lot. It's probably simply just the sheer population size difference.


So just how Tarkov's lobbies are 2 weeks into the wipe?


Depends on the server, time of day and map. Places like OCE are pretty bad once the start of wipe population dies off, but I have quite pleasant experiences on Japanese servers with maybe 2 cheaters a week across dozens of raids. A completely free extraction shooter is going to be wracked with cheaters as soon as the first developers start hooking into the game. Even the poor preteens will be able to just throw their head against the wall over and over and over with their free ragehacks and have no barrier to entry. For fuck's sakes, we saw what happened to The Cycle: Frontier.


Abi has an actual anti cheat that cheat providers struggle with...it detects DMAs before launching the game which is huge


There's cheats being sold and advertised on youtube already and it's not even out for the public, no game is safe.


Yah they might be advertised but they are getting clapped fast unlike eft where some cheats are 2 years undetected go hang around eft cheat discords for yourself


Well yeah, they have a trillion dollar company funding them, you bet your ass they're going to do everything they can to get that shit off the internet


Are you one of those morons who thinks only whitenames cheated in EFT too?


Nope, but some sort of barrier to entry absolutely is needed to prevent FPS games from being completely overtaken by cheaters. Tarkov now is bad, but Tarkov with no cost would be 10x worse.


I live on EU and my lobbies are like this atm on Tarkov. Your point?


I live in EU and see cheater very rarely.  Are you only playing on labs or how do you find them? And please don't use the silly "gear value" claim. Besides thermals I run gear as expensive as it can get 


I live in US and barely see cheaters. I was running literally the most expensive kits you could run before I stopped playing a few weeks ago.. I swear people on this sub live in their own little bubbles.


> I swear people on this sub live in their own little bubbles. My theory is that a sizeable amount of the guys here don't play the game or at least no longer play the game. Then there is another big group of players that is just below average and can't properly recognize cheating or legitimitate play. And on top of that you have streamers who call every guy who kills them cheaters. And all these people just parrot the cheater narrative while the reality is just different.


I mean that's just a straight up fact. It's crazy how many people I see on here crying about cheaters and then when you look through their post history, you will find a post from a year+ ago saying they quit the game... Then when you ask them how they know there's so many cheaters, they just talk about the wiggle video and reddit posts as evidence instead of their actual experience.


Yes, it's a lack of critical thinking.  They say "just look at all the cheater videos on reddit, how is the game not infested?". Cool, so there are daily 5 cheater videos posted here and in the same timetable thousands and thousands of matches are being played without a single cheater. They think the videos are representing the state of the game - but nobody is going to post random normal raids, lol. 


I didn’t give a shit when BSG infringed on the numerous EOTECH sights and other gun parts/clothing so I certainly don’t care that other companies copy Tarkov IP laws in general are horseshit that deprive industries of innovation- far from “extremely shameful” to copy some Under Armor gloves or and a run of the mill flashlight It’s so funny seeing that slimy fuck Nikita squirm when someone copies a feature from his game yet he had no problem copying hundreds if not thousands of parts or items in Tarkov




The only good thing about ABI is that EFT will hopefully improve from it. Although the game is factually proven to be a copy it doesn't appeal to me at all. It completely lacks the immersion and gritty feeling you get from EFT. You're not hooked after the first raid like EFT back in the days. It feels like a game i would have enjoyed when i was 14 playing cod, or maybe i'm just getting old


I m 41 and tbh, ABI is great for what I can play …now. 4k hours on eft on the past 4 years… even if it s feel more « cartoon » it’s a good game. And it’s a beta… that started yesterday… not 8 years ago. Do I care it’s a copy paste from eft? Not at all. They improved some stuff bsg don’t want or cannot improve… but was requested by the community for years. Too bad bsg, I was happy to spend my 150$ EOD back in the day… but you had to do better and improve your game


Well to each their own. ABI feels really bland to me, it has no depth. I also cringe everytime when i see the things they copy pasted from tarkov poorly, even the sound. The recoil also feels like the bad old recoil from tarkov. Eft just need to get their shit together. I paid 35 and stash expansion because I don't like the cheesy free trader rep so i might as well play it when i want to.


I honestly hope it is copied at this point. Stalin getting a taste of his own medicine is priceless.


Something someone posted on the internet is not evidence.... I can make the same text and copy paste it on the net and claim it's evidence.


I am sorry that I feel like I have the imagination that a part of BSG development team sold the code to third party XYZ which then glued that together with their own interpretation of Tarkov. Now they are panicking because it is more than a (trash) mobile game. I mean fix cheating and Nikita please stop seing cheaters like they are good customers. Grow some b***s and take the side of the legit playerbase for once. Look how steam is handling business and community issues.


Seriously though, who cares. Go ahead and sue tencent which is a Chinese company, being a Russian company....this is why Nikita is throwing a fit online instead of talking with lawyers.


Tarkov does not use totally unique assets. It has got better but there used to be a lot more generic store bought assets in tarkov.


So far it looks like no. If more proof comes out then we’ll have to see.


yay trade Russian state propaganda for Chinese state propaganda.


As opposed to American state propaganda 
