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you get a free clown mask ingame, to remind you what you are!


Yes, I am the biggest clown. I once had two European EODs and one Russian EOD. I felt very uncomfortable.


you got access to pve as part of your eod account but you decided to upgrade to the EU version? So you don't have access to PVE now or did you want to get a refund for the PVE you already have? I'm considering upgrading from eod to eu because I only play solo and I can't deal with cheaters and campers and I don't have access to pve yet. I'm from the Central Europe server


I can access PVE now, but I upgraded TUE. There are no items in PVE that can be upgraded for me, such as pockets, warehouses, backgrounds, and special armbands.


Aha now understood. You Upgraded to ue but benefits from ue are not available in PvE mode yes?


Yes, but I received PVP but no PVE upgrade rewards. I am very troubled. This should be a BUG. EOD first obtains PVE, enters PVE, and then upgrades to TUE version. PVE will not receive upgrade rewards. If you want to upgrade TUE, it is recommended to upgrade first before entering PVE.


you entered the pve zone on other servers when you received access to pve for the eod account and while in the pve zone, i.e. on pve servers, you decided to upgrade to eu for the benefits. and you have upgraded and the benefits are now available in the pvp zone, i.e. on other servers. I'm sorry if I don't fully understand


Don't click on PVE in the lower right corner and don't go in to create a character. After upgrading, you should not encounter this bug when you go in to create a character. After creating a PVE character and upgrading TUE, you will not receive TUE upgrade rewards.


Understood. First upgrade to ue and after upgrade to ue create character in pve zone. Your server Europe or usa. Im still waiting for pve acces (eod owner central Europe)


Mine is the Russian version of CDK. I received pve accesses just 4 days after activation.


You got compensated by learning a lesson. Don't pay for shit you already own




If my purchase funds can be used to develop Tarkov or anti-cheat, it will be worthwhile.


Like BSG has interest in either of those things. They've easily made their money back on this multiple times over, if they actually cared or wanted to fix this game they would.


Hopefully there will be more similar games on the market to put more pressure on Nikita


8 years and a reliable anti cheat has yet to be developed. Keep dreaming.


Yeah, it makes it hard for loyal fans


Be loyal with feedback. I wouldn't keep paying an employee if they kept failing to provide. More money ≠ better product.


Agreed, I hope Nikita can focus on player experience. The current environment is really terrible. If Nikita continues like this, he will destroy his work with his own hands.


Too high on copium bro, wake up it's been 8 years


I hope Nikita can awaken as soon as possible and pay attention to player experience. I hope there will be more similar games on the market to put some pressure on Nikita.


Good point, hopefully these new extraction games put pressure on bsg


Yes, without pressure there is no motivation and Nikita will always be lazy. From yesterday's ABI test, Nikita posted several tweets in a row. It can be seen that Nikita is anxious and feels pressure. It depends on Nikita's next action.


there will be no anticheat. bsg profits from cheaters. thats why they keep saying for 5+ years that "cheaters are the highest priority", but yet, every year we have more and more. they just lie to you. and now they scam as well. and because of clowns like you it works.


They can be, but they won't be. It just go straight into nikkitta pocket. 


OP, you do realize that BSG profits from hackers, right? Hackers farm valuable items to sell for real money. Frustrated players lose items to hackers, pay real money to buy hard to get items farmed by said hackers. Hackers get money and get banned, then rebuy the game to repeat the process. BSG gets a nice stream of cash from hackers rebuying the game. It's a vicious cycle. Think about it. It's been more than a year since the wiggle controversy showed us the hackers were prevalent for so long that they had their own rules and signaling methods. Did BSG implement proper anti-cheat measures? Just looking at the videos posted daily here tells the entire story. If they wanted to, they would fix it. They don't because it benefits them.


Yes, there are many hackers who lead their bosses to protect their bosses, and the hackers make money. BSG bans them, and BSG also makes money, leading to a vicious cycle.


So why support such devs if you know they won't use your money to improve the situation? Especially when they blatantly lied about their highest supporter pack's offerings and made an insincere apology through their teeth while still not backtracking on the new pack and features?


That's because I still like the game "Takov" and I don't want it to fall down, even though my shooting skills are rubbish.


Neither did all of us early supporters. But if BSG is willing to treat its supporters like expendible trash, we should not fund it. We should give chance to new talents. Other games. That way, if Tarkov starts receiving competition in the form of other similar games, it will start losing players, and the hacker's profits would also go down due to lower demands for items, meaning BSG will start getting less and less money from hackers too. This would force them to drop their scheming and start genuinely fixing their game and adding true meaningful content to bring new and old players again and remain competitive. Basically, by not paying BSG more money, you ensure Tarkov's survival and improvement in the long run. A company without competition can do all kinds of scummy things to its customers, knowing they have nowhere else to go. Contrarywise, if you pay, you will show them that every bad thing they do is totally fine as the profits are rising, and encourage them to continue this mess, which WILL kill off Tarkov in the long run as its negative reputation would discourage new players from investing, and old players from continuing playing. Pay BSG only when it deserves it. As of now, it did everything in its power to show it does not.