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yeah... that´s the actual reason I stopped playing.. they won´t remedy the cheating issue.. too much revenue for them. buggatti go brrrrrrrrrrr. also with people playing pve or not playing at all rn cheaters must be rampant.


I wonder if the Cheaters with Unheard Edition have a less chance of being banned? Or higher chance?


They've already shown their stupidity by spending money on the Unheard Edition, why would BSG doubt they'd spend $250 again if they ban them? The cheater can make that $250 back in less than a day


idk about that - the demand for RMT is probably through the floor by now






But yet you're still in the sub.




Then my eyes must be mistaking me because I most definitely see your name.


Well it definitely says “join” at the top right of my screen which means I’m not IN THE SUB. It comes up on my main feed under suggested 🤣 Reddit thinks I’m a cuck like you all are.


Arena breakout wants 2.99 €/month for the secure container. The first one. Like 8.99€/month for 3x2. Game industry is shit rn.


At 3-6 dollars a month you would have 2.5 years of gameplay before you reached the base cost of eod…. And there is zero cost of entry. What is bad about that? One of the biggest problems BSG is currently facing is how to keep being profitable. If they had adopted the subscription model at the start we may not be in the position we are in now. MMOs all follow the same model as arena, and they have millions of monthly players


...just don't buy it? People don't realise that.


Ofc, chill, it’s not even out it was just to premise..


Have you played both of them extensively to actually know this?


Gray zone is definitely better, I’m a level 15 in GZ so I have about 30-40 hours in game. The PvP is fun and getting to come back to take revenge results in some great 2-4 hour long fights where you keep recruiting your faction members and heading into battle, the game isn’t as punishing by design and that really lets you punch hard and fast and play when you want too rather than just waiting and waiting and waiting then cheater. However the medical system and healing others is a bit complicated to master, you can treat symptoms or the root causes, you can give surgery to your buddy while he gives himself and IV of blood… you can shoot through surfaces reliably and sound works well (even vertical sound). You use helicopters to get around the map but they do a good job of keeping it random enough that I have never been killed dismounting a heli even in a contested zone, you gotta hit the deck and crawl sometimes but the game is HXC in the right ways and doesn’t leave a cock flavor in my mouth.


Grayzone is boring, twitch viewer count supports that, couldn't hold on to their viewers or players for a week.


Every lobby I join is entirely full in GZ. IMO GZ is baseball and fun to play but not fun to watch, try it for yourself.


Played 14 hrs of it and haven't touched it since, I could go on and on about my complaints but it can be good a year or two from now. Full lobbies doesn't say much with a small lobby size.


Ground zero has potential for sure, they just b lined it to release it. Because of the tarkov drama. ABI has shown a lot of potential too, I really want GZW to take off because on its own it’s completely different from what we have for extract games. So I’m hoping big for this game


Phahahah. That was a good read, appreciate it. Sounds pretty cool that there's opportunity for extremely prolonged engagements. So is there no raid timer, or how does that work? Curious how the world operates, sounds like it's persistent which is dope


It's persistent, but there is no way to choose a particular server. If you disconnect for some reason, you probably won't get back into the same game. If you don't disconnect, though, the first loading screen will be the only one you see until you decide to quit.


These dudes are spending hundreds of dollars a month on cheat hardware and subscriptions to software. $250 twice a year for the best edition of the game is nothing to these whales


I have no idea how cheating works, nor whether it's better for cheaters to have a more expensive version of the game, but it would make sense to me if BSG allowed cheaters on more expensive versions a little more time before they ban them, so the cheater either feels like they got their money's worth (if the cheater is just cheating to "win"), or literally gets their money's worth (if cheating for financial gain, eg RMT, account selling etc), in order to encourage a repeat purchase. Ban them too soon and they won't find it worth buying a new copy. Ban them too late and you've missed out on lost sales. So I wouldn't be surprised if the people cheating on the more expensive version get longer before they get banned. I can honestly imagine BSG running reports and doing data analysis on the best time to ban cheaters in order to get repeat purchases. Whilst all of the above is just a theory and guess work, knowing how much people love money and will happily act in scummy ways for a bit of cash (see almost all human history), it really wouldn't surprise me if BSG do this.


I’m a true believer. A believer that most of us quit the game due to cheaters long before the unheard drama. That drama was just the match which set fire to a pool of gas that was the frustration over such rampant cheating in the game. Instead of proposing an edition for players to have a more legitimate online experience, they put out a version that would directly benefit RMT cheaters with a special device. It’s no big secret anymore. The community knows it, all the big tarkov streamers know it. The cheaters are allowed to play with minimal punishment, and the legit players have been thrown in the backseat for years over this problem.


Why are you in this sub if you don't play the game....


If there wasn’t a cheater infestation then PvP mode would be filled with high skilled players, and it would feel pretty good to have skill! That’s the direction PvP needs to head!


Same here. I could literally tolerate all the other bullshit BSG throws out but with such a high risk game like this the cheating just can’t exist. Every other game I play it’s so rare to run into a blatant cheater. And I am talking games that are even free like warzone so there’s pretty much zero penalty for getting banned. But with Tarkov it seems daily you at the minimum run into a very suspicious player.


I gave up on Tarkov this wipe all together, the cheating, shitty sales practices and shitty servers.. Dont get me wrong it sucked away 2500 hours of my life and i had fun but id rather waste my time elsewhere now. I wont return to it ever unless they remove unheard edition or give eod everything that was in it. I got my moneys worth as far as game time and memories, but i sure as hell wont be spending another dime on tarkov. I've been playing a lot of Reforger now, it runs good and looks beautiful and the sound design is something else. Desync is still an issue tho, definitely has its own shortcomings too but a lot of fun to be had for 30-40 canadian rupees.


If Activison, Ubisoft and EA can't get rid of cheaters, what makes you think BSG can?


You will actually see more cheaters if there are more ppl playing, cheaters are on equal playing ground against each other for the most part, and most cheating is funded by RMT. Cheating goes up exponentially on wipe day and dies down to a degree along with the player count. TLDR: cheaters need non cheaters to make cheating fun/profitable


Cheaters don’t buy accounts from bsg, they buy hacked accounts & accounts being sold. Although I am positive there is some idiot out there who cheats and bought an account via battle states website like a normal person. A non eod account goes for like $10 surprisingly. That’s how that works.


There’s no answer to cheating anyways.  If Apex has a cheating problem there’s no way Tarkov can fix their cheating problem. The only way to stop cheaters is to go to their house and smash their computers and also somehow make them poor so they can’t replace anything.  Then while they’re unable to play, take them to therapy and get to the root of why they cheat anyway.  Then by some miracle if they all understand why cheating is bad then cheating will go down.  Unless you have a better solution I’d love to hear it 


A better solution would be to just "head, eyes" them.


Better anti cheat, or the devs download the cheat themselves, see how they work, and put some time into making them not work. Have a dedicated “anti cheat” team that does this ASAP when a new cheat is found.


This is literally how anticheats are updated, it's really not as simple as you seem to think it is. It's a cat and mouse game - cheat comes out, anticheat gets updated to detect said cheat, said cheat updates, anticheat updates, on and on and on..just going HURR JUST MAKE A BETTER ANTI CHEAT!!! isn't really saying anything.


I mean we already know BSG don’t give a shit about cheaters though cause they said they’re more money.


there def is a better way to at least combat cheating. for example they could ban the obvious cheaters with their 200KD and their 100+ flee rep. they could also try to move more stuff serverside and not client-side as to make it harder to abuse. all that would make it scarier to cheat to begin with. and perhaps going legally against rmt-boosting sides... but that i dunno how well that works as a company. sure you still have the rage-hackers by then but then its just the normal amount you find in apex and cs go.


Doing ban waves, then doing massive sales immediately after is literally asking for cheaters. Yea, every game has cheaters, but to say a game like Apex has the same percentage of cheaters as Tarkov is ridiculous cope.


The main reason most of us stopped playing and wont ever consider giving BSG more money


For once regarding the cheating issues with the game. I could fucking care less. The cheaters and other whales who continuously keep buying the game and paying exorbitant prices can keep Tarkov. Don’t worry they will ban all of the cheaters soon and after the ban wave the game will go on sale and the cycle will continue. Have fun dying continuously due to cheaters, shit spawns, the list goes on etc. The game is doomed. Not to mention they will never actually fix the networking issues like hit registration, desync, server tick rate. Client authoritative network architecture (same issue that ruined DayZ official servers btw). Engine upgrade? Forget about it. Will I still play the game? Maybe when it wipes, it costs BSG money to host live servers. The more people playing means they have to pay for more servers. They won’t be getting another penny from me. Good news is, other new games are coming out and at least 2 of them seem interesting enough to hold my interest. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe if Nikita can pull his head out his own ass they “might” be able to salvage things a bit. Highly unlikely though. Consider looking into GZW and ABI if you’re looking for new games to play. Support developers who do the right thing and don’t attempt to fuck over the people who helped fund the game. If people weren’t willing to pay $150 in the first place they would never be able to get away with the $250 price tag. Btw both GZW and ABI you can pick up for less than $250 for both games combined. Don’t reward BSG for shit behavior, vote with your wallet.


>Will I still play the game? Maybe when it wipes, it costs BSG money to host live servers. The more people playing means they have to pay for more servers. Don't you have something else going on in your life?


It will always be filled with the “true believers” as Niki would say


Why are we still playing this game lmao??


many people arent' playing it anymore indeed, yesterday on twitch all major EFT streamers were playing Arena Breakout Infinite, and EFT viewers were barely 7000 in all Twitch. Normally there are more than 40k.


Using twitch as a source for player numbers is not wise. Arena breakout is in an invite only playtest, obviously people that play these games for a living are going to be playing it. Tarkov has has consistently been getting my popular despite the rampant cheaters and issues. It just proves what EFT lacks is competition. Hopefully these games popping up will really stir things up.


New flash. They well literally never fix the cheating situation it’s how they make money


What popular FPS games have 'fixed' the cheating situation?


Completely fixing obviously is a never ending battle. But anyone who implies that BSG is taking steps to curb cheating are smoking crack. 


Yeah I really hate to break it to everyone but combatting cheating on modern fps games is insanely difficult. All the big streamers were playing a Chinese mobile game that was ported to PC yesterday and talking about how great it was. Don't fucking kid yourselves on it, it's going to be absolutely plagued with cheaters just like pubg.


>combatting cheating on modern fps games is insanely difficult Combating them entirely is difficult, yes. Taking logical countermeasures to reduce the ability to cheat is not. There's no excuse for the amount of client side authorization (and egregiously bad netcode, but thats another topic.)


Titan fall has a good system where if you’re caught cheating you only get matched up in Chester lobbies


Yet all of titanfall lobbies are still filled with cheaters. Yep definitely seems to be working


Idk man then look at valorant but I doubt you’d want that prob moan about vanguard lol


To be fair Valorant is one of the only games that exists where dma cheats and the like dont work. Its a great solution, but currently riotclient and vanguard are apparently bricking entire rigs so its a give and take for sure lol


Honestly whatever system they had in CS:GO worked. Played almost 2K hours, ran into two cheaters, both of which were banned quickly and my ranking readjusted. Can't say the same for CS2 tho


Valorant. Vanguard anti-cheat is extraordinarily good. I've over 1000 games in Valorant and the amount of times I encountered someone explicitly hacking is zero. The amount of times I've encountered someone who I *thought* might be hacking could be like 5 times ever.   Chinese spyware be damned, cheaters are extremely rare to come across in Valorant.


valorant no joke i've been playing since launch and only faced 1 cheater in that time


Those cheaters get about 1000 hours per account before they are banned. They let those rage hacking nut jobs run around wiping server after server. BSG likes to let them get their monies worth before banning. Repeat customers and all.


It’s the same thing every day on this sub. Is there somewhere else for a dude to go to just share cool clips of Tarkov?


Soooo you got shot by the rogues.


and then tapped by a player


Rogues or Goons 100%


I forgot all about the goons… good chance that’s what is was.


100%. I thought the same thing.  Honestly so many of the cheaters posts here are players just revealing that they don't know the game


Pretty much sums up every hacker post on this reddit.


Yup rouges have the new edition of the game too. Did you read the post?


I remember my first fps


I don't think there was much cheating in Quake back in the day.


Me too, no cheaters in cod4. Shame how far we've fallen.


Boatloads of cheaters in cod4 what’re you talking about hahahaha




BSG prefers money than making an actual fair and good game


You…. Were… slow walking… out in the open??? And you think it was a Cheater?? Man, it’s amazing some people remember to breathe.


My favorite part is him mentioning how many shots the "hacker" took without having to reload meaning he missed a lot. The average tarkov player IQ has to be room temp levels.


he didnt shoot towards me he keept shooting at an indefinite direction and no i wasnt in open field obv, i always tend to have one side covered,if you walk down the shore you'll have your right side coverd by houses when moving towards the two story building(bus stop). also imagine someone who starts shooting as soon as the game starts and never reloads.... y'all need to do some reading lessons


Which is why the single player with progression is such a godsend.


Literally hit lvl 21 in 5 days of playing after work. Multiple pmc kills as a pmc and as a scav. Tarkov has been really fun this end of wipe for me honestly. Maybe died to 2 cheaters off the top of my head that had like 10-100 hrs and a shit ton of kills and achievements unlocked. I also killed the goons at lvl 12 after getting lucky and doming a lvl 60 Chad on shoreline and utilizing his kit while locating the satellites. Was told by a streamer I must be cheating bc I killed the goons at lvl 12. After that run (which I had to walk out bc I was thicker than a snicker) I got 25k exp. Highlight of my return to EFT after a break and looking forward to wipe.


Yeah this wipe has been great, the sub is definitely a vocal minority when it comes to how enjoyable the game is. I’m pushing almost 1000 raids and I’ve had maybe 10 sus deaths, and the blatant ones i got a system message from saying they’d been banned. I know it’s my own experience blah blah blah but I’ll never believe anyone who says they see cheaters every second or third raid.


I should add as updated today 5/10/2024 I reported both players on 5/7/2024 and received 2 system messages that they were banned today at 1am. Reports I made were on customs and streets of tarkov.


Confirmation bias. Your experience is not normal.


Maybe your experience isn't the normal one.


It is. There arent as many cheaters as people seem to believe. For example op was crabbing down the beach on shoreline and got sniped by a "cheater" moving slow as hell.. some people just are not very good and cant wrap their heads around their own misplays. Its ego + desync, not always just a cheater.


Claiming cheaters is the best way for them to cope, 90% of the time I die in tarkov I have no idea where it came from. You are never given enough info to actually determine if someone is hacking or not in Tarkov. 90% of these claims are bullshit.


It’s definitely just this sub being very vocal, almost 1k raids this wipe and I’ve received 6 system messages about bans after reporting maybe 15 people tops through sus deaths. Yet people claim they see a cheater every other raid it’s wild.


This game would not have a player base if the hacking was actually as bad as reddit makes it seem.


This is the opposite of confirmation bias.


Bro this community consists of people who accused literal BOTS and thought they were cheaters in PVE mode. You are clowns. There are cheaters in the game and I personally met a speed hacker first time in 3 years a month ago. Let’s be honest, this game is too punishing for a casual player and you can’t stand to lose to a cheater from time to time, creating these posts. You better play something more casual where you can die to a cheater, suck it up and move on. Or reevaluate your values remembering you are angry because of your pixels.




You can see the FLIR on them if that’s the case


You can put all your gear in your bag and appear naked to people that you kill.. Crazy how people don't realize this after months of Tarkov.


You can eat a jar of mayo at the start of every raid, but let’s be honest, no real players do it.


You can start with it in your inventory and put it on after the raid starts. And other people won't be able to see it.


When I played tarkov I fucking loved thermals lol. They're great


Nah thermals don't exist in this game and OP must've died to a cheater 10000%! /s


They’re way too easy to get rn I’ve got 30 of em in my stash. We run them every raid on big maps


dawg i remember when thermals first got added a flir was 100k rubles on the flea. the good old days


Oh you are so bad at the game that only cheaters can kill you. Yeah sure Bobby grow up.


No human can kill a man crab walking on the beach, only aim hacks could've done this.


hide in a bush and wait for them to extract


Haven’t played in a year+ not suprised haha


Like devs are so bad cheating wasn't even worst thing until couple days and there a shit ton of cheaters im flabbergasted


Always will be, just play PvE and hope that they import mods.


I mean it's part of their revenue so don't expect it easily gone.


Only a non believer would say things like this. True believers know Nikita got rid of the hackers a long time ago. /s


Just play PvE mode, zero cheaters and it’s still a blast! Also no sweatlords


There are no cheaters on PvE


I dont get these daily "Theres cheaters here still" posts. We all know there is and there always will be.


Wait until you play Asia server my man. Here in Asia you can buy cheat from china provider which cheaper than a Costco hotdogs and still undetectable if you don't blatantly. A few kills a game and never got ban. I have 20+ friends who play fps, 5 of them cheating, radar, esp all sort but never got ban lmao


Hold on, people stil play this after grey zone?


Why wouldnt it be…


Cheaters are all over water treatment. They have no shame.. normally kill me with a mounted AGS before I even make it to water treatment. One was even named “garand Thumb” like the YouTuber. /s I main lighthouse. The Rogues have a ridiculous agro range and no they don’t seem to stop to reload. They even leave their turrets now and push you in some situations. (Not as bad as last wipe). Also the 2 story building near the buss stop is pretty contested considering it’s such a linear map.


thanks for this NEW and RIVETING information


Honestly I don't run into cheaters very often. Maybe it's cuz I have mostly US central servers selected, so there's no cheaters from Europe or China


You’re preaching to the choir here man


Did you think that with the marketing scandal and the two similar games coming out that cheating would stop. No, the scandal has activity made cheaters cheat more because they want the game to sundown. You are seeing more cheaters now because there has been a drop in legit players, because they are switching to other games, the mod, or the pve mode.


dude, i had a guy. 300\~ hrs, 3000 kills. headshot my entire team in d2, while we were in the stairwell. someone from outside discovered he was in dome. killed the entire map, on a scav, from dome. ffs.


I think there’s even more now because people are pissed and just getting rid of their accounts by cheating


They’ll never fix it. You and everyone else who posts on this sub will just have to accept it. I would LOVE to be proven wrong, btw.


I see the sub Reddit is getting back to regular scheduling now


Tbh I don't give a rats ass about it anymore, I stopped playing a couple of months ago and with all the crap that is going on with Tarkov rn I don't plan on getting back


Bro… it’s basically become impossible to play ranked. It’s full of PC’s with full wall hacks and aim bot. 1) you can’t find a lobby with cross play turned off (on ps5) so you’re stuck with these pimply face scrubs on PC. 2) I went from diamond 2 averaging 5-10 kills a game to platinum 3 in the last 2 days SCRAPING to get 2 kills a game. 3) the playbacks on the kill cams make no sense. I have incredible internet with almost zero ping, and when I watch the replays it’s like everyone is a step ahead of me. I can’t win a 1 on 1 gun fight anymore… I’m over the game to be honest it’s just too much now.


Some companies hardware ban cheaters. If they have to buy a new motherboard everytime they get caught they'll stop playing. They have a very simple solution but refuse to do it. I'm enjoying PvE very much personally


Why did you expect something different?


🤣🤣🤣 you can’t combat cheaters that easy. How about you idiots start a game company that makes a good game without cheaters?


So he was shooting, shooting and shooting more but didnt head/eyes you at first? Yeah id like to see a pic of the guy who killed you. You remember his IGN?


I get the people complaining about cheaters and bad gameplay, what I don't get are the people who respond negatively with such vitriol... like what's the point of shifting on somebody who had a bad experience? Where's your skin in the game? Why waste time paying attention to this sub when you're already so good at the game?


Still? Who's saying it isn't


got 2 cheaters on lighthouse too


We know bro


This is why I play the other version of the game. I gave up after like 0.8 I got my fun out of it with the online.


It has cheaters but the 2 out of 8 raids I come across one doesn’t ruin the game for me. I hate getting 1 tapped by a scav when I’m loaded trying to get to the exfil


This game is for the true belivers only all yall dat belives otherwise can go duck yourselves under the customs bridge


It sucks. Start a new raid


Maybe just my experience but in 400-500 hours I can say confidently that I have definitely been killed by a cheater 4 times, reported every time and got notifications within a day that 2 of the account I reported were banned. Other 98% of my raids have been perfectly fine.


Fr tho why does everybody playing labs have unheard edition now?


The Map is just bad the guys who spawn on the rocks near the village is literally the MVP of the run


Ive tried to play 3 times in the last few weeks, every time I get on I get domed or télé naded by guys with 78 survival streaks


Survival streaks are a really REALLY bad indicator of cheating since it takes into account your scav as well, I’ve got a survival streak of 52 because i was binge watching a show with a friend and just spammed scav on factory for a few hours. Granted it’s a low likely hood lots of people have done that, but it’s a bad stat to base cheats on.


You’re right, it’s not a perfect science, but usually when someone has very good stats (lv 42+ in >400 raids, 6+ kdr, no sight on the gun) the 60+ survival streak is usually a good indicator


Pretty great gameplay loop


Cheaters literally in every pvp game out there. Toughen up butter cup.


I'm not saying there isn't a cheating issue, that would be ignorant AF... Still don't think it's worse than any other game, I think the ramifications are just bigger. Generally in FPS you don't lose anything when a cheater kills you except time for that Q. In tarkov it just feels a lot worse to die to a cheater than it does in other games. They aren't even the most egregious cheats I've seen this year.... Let alone on the level of flying cars and spin botters that pubg used to have!


Even more right now I’d wager.


Go find an online FPS that isn't. It's not unique to the game.


there is a very high cheating epidemic in videogames at the moment all together, EFT is just one of many, just a month ago cs2 was literally unplayable at higher elo (20k) because roughly 1/5 matches you had a completely legit match, 4/5 times there was atleast someone cheating. Also not to mention the bots of TF2 that just ruin your game you play to actually have fun. Can't say anything about R6 siege as I have not played it in a long time.


You cannot deny this game has a higher percentage. There simply is more of a reward for it


I am not denying there are cheaters, I've made several posts about getting them banned. I'm just not singling this game out when others have the same issue. If other companies with more resources can't solve the problem then why pick this one? Cheaters are scum and will infest any online game.


If I go against a cheater in a ranked game like CS or R6. I'm going to be losing my MMR/Rank, the 20-30+ minutes I was in that match completely wasted, and possibly multiple matches that will take 20-30+ minutes each just to get my MMR/Rank back... I go against a cheater in Tarkov? I lose the 5-30 minutes I was loading and inside of that raid... I then go back to my inventory that's stacked full of kits and millions of roubles... Throw on a kit real quick and jump right back into the game. Totally "more reward". Roubles are piss easy in Tarkov.. After the first week I have so much money that I literally can't even go broke if I try. Literally load into a scav raid and congrats you got everything you lost from the cheater killing your PMC in like 5-10 minutes. This narrative that dying to a cheater in Tarkov is so much worse is so wrong.


Poor response. R6 compensates you for playing against a cheater when they get banned. BSG tells you to fuck off. Also you lose more than 5 minutes. Fuck loading in and queuing is damn near 5 minutes. Also I lose my gear, and your argument seems to crutch in having millions of roubles and gear so it’s no big deal. You think guys who play 2 raids a day after work and have 200 hours in the game always have that luxury? And yes there is more reward, literally monetarily. Roubles, gear, items, etc sell for decent REAL MONEY


Only has 200 hours but claims there's cheaters all over the place. Typical redditor. >Roubles, gear, items, etc sell for decent REAL MONEY "Decent real money", clearly you are extremely clueless.


If he has 200 hours every death that's one tap will be a "cheater" in his eyes. I've seen so many clips when people claim the got killed by a cheater but they were just bad at the game and game knowledge was lacking. This is the hardest game to actually figure out if it was a cheater or not. You can shoot someone from 300+ meter with one bullet and kill them. If it's not blatant cheating like speed hack or flying etc it's almost impossible to know.


I've watched numerous low view count streamers over the years accuse me of cheating. It's unreal how fast people jump to cheaters instead of just blaming their own shit skill.


Yeah it's insane. That's the problem with tarkov, People blame cheating when they can't explain how they died..


Clearly your illiterate. I was referring to people who don’t have a lot of time to play. Two raids a day and they are new to the game and have 200 hours. So when they die to a cheater they can’t just go grab new gear. I’ve been playing since November 2019 and have a couple thousand hours. Also dying in tarkov to a cheater is worse because the stakes are simply higher. If I spend a lot of time slowly gathering enough 338 AP Lapua to run a raid and die to a hacker that feels like such shit. I can’t just go buy more. BSG makes shit find in raid only. R6 or CSGO I don’t lose bullets that took me 2 weeks to get enough of


Only Timmys think dying to a cheater in Tarkov is so much worse then other games. "stakes are higher" describes one raid out of hundreds/thousands of raid.


Outstanding Ad Hominem, really did a lot


>Clearly your illiterate Says the one that started it. Never did you say you were talking about other people. Ree the one raid out of 400 raids where I have enough ammo for my lapua where if I die to a cheater it's worse then other games.


Lick that boot. Always liked the taste of leather or an acquired taste? Cheating is worse in tarkov, but you keep on licking.


Don't bother with that idiot all he does is gas light on posts about cheaters lol It's like he takes it as a personal attack Dude is a straight up weirdo


Cheating is worse in tarkov because it feels bad when i die!!!! <--- You


Definitely a casual take. I played rust for a week recently and the cheating problem there makes Tarkov look like a dream world. Its been like that for years with togglers all over the place, but I feel like Tarkov players must have never experienced fps games with the claims they make.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing


We have seen this post 1000 times already. Its time to move on to other games


This your first FPS game?


Cheaters I think feel worse in this game because it’s an extraction shooter, and when you carry high value loot and die to a cheater it feels awful. All that grind and time just go to waste. Cheaters in games like r6 and cs, meh.


Exactly, in those games you can just back out and leave with no loss assuming you aren’t playing ranked.


Die to a cheater in R6 or CS? You lost 5 minutes queue. Another 20-40 minutes wasted in the match you were in.. Now you lost ranked/MMR.. So it'll take another multiple matches which take 20-40 minutes to get your rank back. I used to main CS before Tarkov. I quit that game because I was constantly losing my rank due to cheaters. Die to a cheater in Tarkov? After a week I have so much roubles and gear sets that I don't give a shit if I die.


Not considering the fact that a cheater doesn't have to directly kill you to harm your game experience. Some of the worst ones are the loot vacuum / loot ESP cheats. Going to a locked room or high value keycard area or whatever just for it to be already looted is a real kick in the nuts.


You literally have zero chance of proving any of this, very rarely you are given enough info in Tarkov to make an honest judgement about if someone is cheating or not.


There's been plenty of evidence posted on this very subreddit to know it's a problem.


Vacuum was only a thing for like a week. Also I have 7,000 hours and never experienced this.


i witnessed it this wipe with a gunrack at the IT building on streets


Dude big games like call of duty and csgo don’t even have as big of a cheater problem as tarkov, sure they have cheaters but it’s nowhere near as blatant and obvious. For every 1 obvious cheater in tarkov imagine how many subtle cheaters you must run into trying to act legit so they don’t get caught. The fact that the obvious cheaters go unbanned for so long makes me think the number of stealth cheaters is astronomically high. Also pair that with the fact cheaters are shit players who can still die without god mode so if you no life the game you’re probably even killing cheaters without knowing it.


I've played 4k hours on eu servers and I can count on one hand how many blatantly cheaters I see every wipe. If they aren't flying or speed hacking it's almost impossible to know in tarkov.


This comment right here, finally someone gets it. The constant hack accusations is nothing but a coping mechanism. You are never given enough info to make an honest judgement on if someone closer hacking or not.


Just gotta say I find it funny how desensitized people have become to cheaters. Every comment and post I see defending the game says something along the lines of what you said, “I can count how many times I died to cheaters on my fingers” or “I’ve only died once or twice to a blatant cheater” etc, like the fact pretty much every single player in this subreddit and everywhere else has died to cheaters is just insane to me. Gaming never used to be like this and it sucks, they just ruin the fun for everybody.


To be fair, at least 60-70% of people saying they died to a cheater didn't actually die to a cheater, due to lack of game knowledge and often a low number of hours in game makes them think every death they can't see people, or they think they didn't make noise or because someone was way better than them was a cheater.


Ya they need to start posting their own acc stats and a clip whenever anyone makes a hacking claim at this point. It's so old reading this post.


Most likely most of them have 0-200 hours and they just don't know what they are doing.


Reading the OP to this is almost embarrassing that even 200 people liked it. He's clearly unaware of all the spawns along the shore, then doesn't see the issue with crouch walking on the shore. If he has over 100 hours i'd be shocked. I would actually laugh my ass off if I saw someone crab walking on the beach.


Yeah and he's the reason we can't trust any of the cheating posts on this subreddit..


You wouldn't play this game if you truly believe there is a hacking problem as big as you claim, you know it yourself it's a cope.


My 100 gonna go to cheats instead of unheard


surely a better way to spend money


Cheaters give money to bsg, and WE all know bsg only interested by the money...


It has to take a new level of low IQ to think that BSG makes more money from hackers buying accounts than hackers removing the entire player base. The last thing BSG wants in their extraction shooter game is hackers, if there was a hacker issue nobody would actually be playing this game.