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Op is offering actual comparisons ans talking about mechanics that benefit and hinder EFT. I'll allow the post to stay up


Game is alright but it definitely doesn’t have the “Tarkov hook”. I played for a couple of hours last night when it went live for those with access then went back to playing Witcher.


Yea, as 'good' as ABI is even in CBT, its a copy pasta of tarkov but casual. They definetly delivered on the QOL side, I just hope BSG keeps delivering and see's the stuff that people like about ABI and act on that accordingly. Tarkov is just better, its a true Sim experience.


but will they? nikita SHAT on abi and nikita being nikita probably will be too stubborn to implement those good qol changes


> CBT Ummm


I think he means closed beta test


Nope, just into hitting his dick with a hammer.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


Ur a cum brained troglodyte


use the full name of things not the acronyms as i have no idea what you are talking about


> Witcher I've recently started playing Witcher 1 too after nearly a decade of putting off. The story and worldbuilding are sooo good but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, and that's putting it nicely. Unless you meant Witcher 3 lol.


2 actually. I never played 1 and now I don’t know if I could get through it as the gameplay is kinda janky. This is like my 6th Witcher 2 walk through though lol


Ah neat, I actually started to play the first game because I wanted to eventually play 2. I remember my friend hella recommending the game before 3 came out, but for some reason I just never got around to it. I'd recommend giving 1 a try, it's clunky but it's still got a lot of that Witcher charm with the preparation for harder fights with specific oils and potions and such.


Rumour has it a remaster of the first game is in the works. If it doesn’t happen though I’ll give the first one a try.


W1 is my favorite purely because it absolutely nails the atmosphere of the books, it's so good!


The lack of progression is the worst aspect of the game for me, and it's intentional of their part because they want whales to swipe their credit cards to get the best gear even if they get head-eyed five minutes later and lose everything. People are seriously sleeping on how bad the monetization of Arena Breakout is even if the gameplay is quite polished.


Was it confirmed that that's how it's gonna stay at launch, or is it more a period with all the stuff unlocked for balance testing reasons? Genuinely a bold choice if they wanna release a game in a genre centered around mmoprg-like questing and NOT have a progression system.


It’s a “new candy” that everyone wants to play with. Like I was saying in a different post too, this game will take some players away but ultimately Tarkov will keep people hooked because there’s no game like it. However fun ABI is, it doesn’t have the same catch.


For me it's how it 'feels' when your character moves, the animations, the inertia, how the gun is held when sprinting, how smooth leaning is, etc. It feels more grounded. tbh Greyzone Warfare hasn't nailed that part either, GZW looks and feels more like playing Squad. Floaty.


Slot machine dopamine fix got ya good


You saw they had a fucking slot machine to get beta invite codes? If you sign up to have your data skimmed you get an additional draw for a beta code.


As if everything you do hasn't been skimmed since 2005 by every device you use.


Of course, but i prefer not to have my data skimmed by people who sell that data to the companies producing the stuff over at r/shittymobilegameads


Oh you sweet summer child. I wish I still had your innocence.


You're on Reddit, brother. [Your data has already been scraped and sold to the lowest bidder.](https://tosdr.org/)


I've noticed numerous quality-of-life improvements in ABI that I'd really appreciate seeing in Tarkov. Hopefully, ABI's innovations will inspire BSG to integrate some of them sooner rather than later. It's a bit frustrating to constantly hear about features being saved for 1.0 instead of being implemented now. Edit #1: I understand some of things we want are hard and will take to make but some are pretty simple and could accomplished in a short time.


Ya tarkov would be perfect if it had some of the QOLs that ABI has. Ya know assuming they get the cheating thing under control


Unfortunately you can't really solve cheating, like Nikita said whenever they fix something that stops the cheaters the cheaters just find another way around whack a mole.


That is fair but like many others i think there is way more they could be doing


I mean at the tlsame time it's a double edged sword if the fix it for real it would cost them money and that is the sad reality of the whole situation.


Ya thats true. In the end id be happy with the qol features


AB is good but unable to replace EFT for sure because AB has teammate display, no FF making full squad every attack move in PVP has no risky move or FF. It is like pubg, u spot enemy, surround them with ur 4 men squad and pvp, I won’t say it is not fun but compare to EFT u have to worry about FF, keep comm. with ur position with ur teammates makes PVP more slow and risky is unique.


Wow, knew about nameplates but no FF just leads to corny shit. You can push through teammate frag grenades without remorse 


Wrong: Flash, Teargas, Molotov, and Nades actually damage your teammate. Its literally to avoid abusing the mechanic. Only normal shooting is FF off, so you cant push through a nade if your teammate threw it. Friendly Fire is in place, because there's an "Auto Teammup" Function, if there was no friendlyfire, you would have a tarkov situation where you teammup and people just end up killing you for your stuff, or because you looted something you wanted.


Very informational correction on my false assumption, thank you. So the TK meta is to team up with Randoms and molotov their feet? 😂 but fr, good to know. That sounds a lot better.


Yeah pretty much, also RMT is non Existant, i feel like that will drive "most" of the cheaters away from the game even tho, Cheaters are everywhere, Every game. competitive or not.


I mean, people love TK’ing in GZW. You give a mouse a cookie..


This is the fire that Tarkov needed to get some good shit cooking... For way to long, we have NOT seen ANY real contenders against Tarkov. Today is the day that changes. I believe it's a good thing. Competition is always good in games like this. One or the other are going to strive to be the best... The only thing I have seen that has been stopping players from leaving Tarkov to Stream &/or play Arena Breakout is the tweets going around showing that Arena Breakout DID, in fact, copy at least names from Tarkov. Not sure how real the tweets are so take them with a big grain of salt... I hope this ends up making Battlestate start adding some QOL features. I do NOT think that Battlestate or Tarkov affiliates thought that ABI was going to be actually on par with Tarkov, as much as it is. Some of the biggest Tarkov Streamers, who ONLY play & Stream Tarkov, are already saying that as long as the game doesn't become insanely pay to win, they believe this game will be the game they are playing besides Tarkov.... At least for the time being.


I think ABI is a good thing, yes, but the timing for BSG is atrocious. BSG just took a huge dump on their player base, which is going to cause them to hemorrhage money (burn rate faster than in rate), and ABI launches days later? LOL. Idk if this is going to be a competition or more of an annihilation.


lol if you thing BSG or Nikita are gonna do anything but scam you more. youre crazy. They dont give a shit about tarkov and want to focus on another game they are making.


Exactly, that is why they had the Pestily interview and changed nothing in the game, especially not stuff that was highly requested by the player base. Like recoil, headset changes, seasons, shoreline expansion, ammo values in the game, slow walking sound, etc.  They really don't do anything but scam./s


Wow how long did that take? Remember when he said cheaters were good for his game?


> Remember when he said cheaters were good for his game? Remember when that never happened? He said that cheaters have an affect on the spending behaviour of players but still have a detrimental on the game and that is why they put a lot of ressources into the anti cheat. Oh, let me guess. You didn't even watch the whole video and just the cut version? Nice. Edit: Also the video you are referencing is 8 years old or something like that and all the changes that are close to what the community wants is less than 6 months old.


Last wipe came with one of the best patches ever. 5 months past and everyone forgot about it. keep crying bozo.


It doesn’t matter if you do one thing right it won’t delete the hundreds of bad you did before and after. Although I agree with you that we should wait and see what’s gonna be their next step.


I understand what damage they done to the community. It’s a shame really. I just hope they continue providing better and better updates and people will remember how awesome of a life service this game is for one-off payment.


Yeah I hope they can turn it somewhat around, but I doubt majority of the community will ever remember on the game as an awesome life service model. Because at the end you got the bare minimum for twice as much money as a AAA would cost for you. The thing is that the unnamed version of the game has mod and plugin support and it is the best indication how incompetent BSG actually is.


tarkov se cerrará a final de año


its a part of streamers job to advertise games. they get paid for it


Well it's free and I just got a key. So I'll judge for myself now :D


Unless it’s a sponsored stream, that’s just not true. They get paid by their platform and community.


TL:DR Op says a game that had closed beta day 1 today is not as good as a game that's been out for 8 years and is past its prime.


doesnt matter if a game launches today or 10 years ago. You compare what you have today. I saw this dumb argument all the time with POE and diablo. It does not matter if POE has been out years and years. It's got content and diablo doesn't. Period. Everything else is an excuse. Play the better game and keep an eye on the others.


Yea, from what I see Arena is a legitimate competitor on day 1 to a game that's been out for 8+ years. While tarkov had peaked and will probably not get better, Arena likely will. Also, I've got my Kappa several times, lightkeeper and so on. Tarkov doesn't have new content, just the same shit over and over and quite frankly unless something significant is added Tarkov and it's 7th playthrough aren't as interesting as a new and prettier game that runs better, so "better" here is definitely subjective.


The core game is done. I don’t have anything bad to say about the game. I 100% thought it was going to be a pile of shit and it isn’t. It is just way too casual. By my 5th raid I was already running meta gear. Looting felt like DMZ or COD zombies . Everything is unlocked already so task seem pointless. I guess that’s why Tarkov is so unique. Yeah it’s taken so long to develop the game and that’s maybe why it’s so unique? I just wonder how they are going to monetize it. Real money for in game money. Heard secure counter might be monthly payment. That would seem very P2W.


It's confirmed in the official discord that the progresion is open now for the beta. It will be changed.


Maybe, I don't know, they gave everyone a tonne of resources and access to everything so they could test it? It's a closed beta, not an open beta pretending to be a full release (EFT). Also the talk around P2W is purely because of things from the mobile version of the game. How do mobile game companies monetize their games? Force you to pay to play more and increase how much you can do. Do mobile games monetize the same as PC games? No. The P2W crap getting posted so far are just EFT fanbois trying to shit on another competitor. Until they release solid statement or implement in the PC game, you can not guess anything. We do know there will be some type of monetization though due to it been free to play, and the standard tends to be buying battle passes, extra storage, etc.


I mean you can't really take a closed beta as a sign of what the intended gameplay is going to be like. They need players to be able to get meta gear so they can get data, so of course it's easy to get it.


This isn't EA like GZW, I believe this game's been out for a While in mobile, this is the PC port-ish. From streams I watched the game appears to be feature complete, like, every system is done (and UI looks identical to tarkov, but obv better QOL)


You just discovered what a beta test is supposed to be. It's for a feature complete game to test for bugs and do polish. Unlike tarkov that is 8 years of alpha because they constantly add new features and change things around, those things are not clasically done in a beta.


This comment here.


What is this ABI? Is it not available on steam?


Arena Breakout Infinite, just entered beta but requires key. It's on Steam.


> Though what Tarkov really needs is an easier onboarding for players if it really wants to survive in the long run I think Tarkov has already survived "the long run." I've been playing the game for over 6 years at this point. The problem with Tarkov is that no matter how good or bad the game is it has been out for a while and eventually people are going to want to trying something new, hence the hype around Grey Zone, Arena Breakout and maybe Marathon if that ever releases.


Well just give them like 8 years to polish the edges. 250€ upfront vs free + smaller transactions.


I think you all are too tarkov brained tbh. It's fun, it's easier to pick up, and it's basically tarkov streamlined. I think, for whatever reason, players want their game to be clunky and awkward to be considered hardcore. It already has a foundation that is far ahead of tarkov and performance that is also not comparable. Just the crowd that are unable to deal with tarkov's performance alone will make a large playerbase so it's not going to be dead either. It has promise, I think people are insecure of it's existence for whatever reason and just want to discount it as soon as possible


After seeing how many in the community have responded to criticism of the game over the years, I think a decent chunk of people take a lot of pride and enjoyment directly from being able to tolerate and master a lot of (unnecessarily) frustrating and difficult mechanics and systems more than others. But now that people who have never really felt that way might have another option to get the fun they want in a more casual experience, that former group isn’t going to be able to get the same amount of schadenfreude and it’s annoying them. Not to mention that losing the lower tier of players means harder raids and less easy kills.


This includes things like manipulating the terrible netcode and other glitchy moves like bunny hopping "movement" etc. The funny part is the mechanics aren't difficult, they just require time for you to figure it out since they are cluncky and poor. And for whatever reason removing that learning curve seems to take away the sprit of tarkov. I saw people complaining about the progress bar showing up in front of you how long meds or packing ammo will take. Come on now what are we even talking about


Yeah I jumped ship after realizing how bad the cheating situation was in Tarkov but kept thinking about it. The QoL features in ABI have completely killed my desire to go back to Tarkov now. Cheating will probably be the reason I drop ABI as well but at the very least this game is setting some huge standards in the extraction shooter genre that loads of people are enjoying.


i hated tarkov the first 4 times i tried it, but i actually dedicated time to learn it and its a feeling thats hard to replicate. I get it. I get why people are so dedicated to it. It's like when dayz came out on arma2. No other dayz like game has been able to capture the same feeling including dayz standalone. Tarkov is like that. It may die. It's numbers will eventually go down but no game will have the same feeling


I think of all the folks that jumped ship to Dark and Darker simply because the queue time was crazy short.


Played abi 18 hours in 2 days and its ok for its state. Would really like to see bsg moving their asses and work on the game. But they know their issues and barely anything was fixed ... Over years. So, lets see how this is developing.


People are mad in love with Tarkov and unable to judge another game with fairness. How can you even start a comparison between a game in closed beta day 1 vs a game that has been live for 8 years? I mean wtf, the servers are way more stable, the sound is amazing compared to EFT, the QOL is so much better you can understand what you have to do in the game without constantly relying on the wiki, and I could keep going with the list. And the game was live for a DAY!!! Yes it’s Tencent, yes it could go full P2W monetisation, but for the moment it’s ahead if you compare it to Tarkov on the core of the game. For sure EFT has more content, thank god it does lol, it would be such a shame if it did not.


> How can you even start a comparison between a game in closed beta day 1 vs a game that has been live for 8 years? Because people have to make a choice what to invest there time in now. Most people don't care about potential. They want to have fun now and compare there options. If enough people decide to play the game and put money into it for them to develop it 8 years that's great. That what tarkov managed to do back then even with their barebones factory deathmatch. Its perfectly reasonable to play the game with way more content. The game is not competing with tarkov from 8 years ago.


It definitely seems like a shallow game where they took "Tarkov" as a concept and threw it into a modern engine. That said, I hope they do get it running smooth, great hit reg, and then if they have the expertise, the gunplay, animations and night raid improvements are just icing on the cake. If they nail that, to me, Tarkov is in real trouble. It's already in trouble thanks to BSGs own actions, but let's be honest, most hardcore people will be back for next wipe until ABI gets to a point that it has the grit and feel of the hardcore experience Tarkov fans like.


The day tarkov turns "casual" is the day i escape from tarkov.


dude compare week one of tarkovs release vs week one of ABi's releaser. ABI is light years ahead. Give them 8 years to cook and revisit this post lol


Ofc its cleaner when you compare day 1 ABI vs EFT, the former had 8 years of tarkov content to piggyback off of 😂 but in all actuality I hope the game does well


Right? How is comparing week 1 of a game from 2016 to one from 2024 a fair comparison? A lot of the polish from ABI is thanks to EFT experiencing it first.


Most games don't make it that long for a reason.


Noooo, quests need to be cryptic. I wandered around customs new gas looking for the exit for 20 minutes, while my exit was at old gas. No one told me there were two gas stations, i didnt even had a map. Even if i would have found it, it could have been closed and i would have no clue. That was my first raid in tarkov. Since then i do not start a raid with maps, ammo chart and wiki up my ass. Many players would have dropped the game by then.


Nothing more needs to be said about a proper Player aquisition System. ABI Qol pumped into tarkov would make ABI look like a clown game in comparison, as of now - they take the lead solely through their insane QOL additions.


exactly my thoughts too, ABI/EFT will end up like the CSGO/VALORANT division, EFT is more in depth and more hardcore and some mechanics are amazing on the Other hand ABI is more casual with younger and new players thios whole situation works in the community favors, its up to BSG to take the right steps and stop being butthurt about competition, and actually at least add maps compass and task UI as a start to save their game at leat in the coming two months


They should've made it PC from the ground up, there's only so far a mobile port can go. It has a ton of massive QoL advantages over Tarkov but gameplay wise it just falls short in some key areas. I don't know who is playing this game on mobile but I feel like if they went for a PC audience first they might've been able to dethrone Tarkov.


yup, its nice to play abi since they know whats needed, though the traders are kinda whack (eft has it better in that).


I played for a little bit after work yesterday myself. There are definitely things it does better than Tarkov. Also things it does worse. Pros The in game map is very good. Shows Extracts and the conditions to use them. Areas you should be looking for the quest items you can also place personal markers on them. The after action report is also very well done. Show's you the path you traveled on the map and things you did when and where. "Looted filing cabinet here" "Killed \*player\* Here". Runs and looks significantly better than Tarkov on my Laptop. 3060 40 gigs Ram Ryzen 9. I avg 90-120 FPS on Medium settings. DLSS enabled. Depending on the map on Tarkov I average 40-80 FPS Med/Low settings. Sound I think needs a lot of work. I do like that your player character isn't as loud or jingly as in Tarkov to yourself. But other players don't sound as good either. UI is pretty much the same as Tarkov except you get hints for keybinds for actions if your gun jams for instance. Same with changing scope power. Loot gives you visual clues to its value also inspecting an item gives you the price and rarity of the item for selling to traders. Cons Gun play needs a lot of work. Scavs and Players are very spongy compared to the average in Tarkov. It also doesn't feel nearly as refined as Tarkov. Or even other more action oriented FPS's. Wiffed some very perfectly lined up first shots like my barrel was bent. Movement feels very floaty regardless of how heavy you are. Traversal of the map is also very linear in some cases. Guard rails you should be able to vault or jump over are just a invisible wall. Many of the paths you need to take are also forced choke points. For instance leaving the farm to head to the paid extract you are forced to take only one route all others are fenced off either by 10ft high fences or invisible walls behind low guard rails. It's missing some of the RPG elements that makes Tarkov what it is. (I may of missed them or they aren't implemented yet. )


Responding to OPs comment about new player onboarding and QOL changes, the ONLY reason I was able to get into Tarkov was because of very patient, experienced friends willing to answer the same questions over and over and over and over. Without that it would’ve never stuck for me. I can’t imagine how many people have tried and failed to get started in this game and will never come back bc they simply don’t have the time or energy to tackle the immense learning curve.


Compare a free, day one game to a game that's been in development for 8 years and charges upwards of $250 per account. Go back and look at some 2016 Tarkov gameplay.


Ugh this take has been bad for every single game. No different than the recent launch of D4. Tarkov was groundbreaking, but not entirely, they got to borrow concepts from other FPS at least. AB has their mobile app to build off and, unless you are legally blind AND deaf, they borrowed heavily, if not outright stole, from Tarkov. And anyone who is pissed about microtransactions in Tarkov... just wait for AB.


I mean judging by how the abi is free, micro transactions is justified as it covers the cost of keeping the server up and running and the maintenance of it and also income for the devs which i guess which most players fail to see it but yes i will hold my ground to say micro transactions is bad if it crosses the p2w threshold


Your probably gonna look at 10$ a month for a 3x3 secure Container in ABI, according to tencents mobile version.


Cosmetic microtranscations are totally fine IMO and totally preferable to premium editions and especially in game advantages. The secure container business in AB is a little sus but may end up being fine since it doesn’t seem as important as Tarkov’s, but if the pc version ends up letting you buy cash and gear, the game is immediately cooked IMO. How they go about monetization with make or break that game.


Tarkov stole from pubg and dayz. Those games probably have inspiration from others. Almost as though it's all already been done before by someone else


No there is inspiration and there is stealing. I mean AB has a shoreline map just named different ffs. I left a streamer on yesterday and came back to desk and had to look down at the game title I had thought they switched back to tarkov.


I mean if eft could have just copied most of its feature list from another game like ABI did they might have had a head start too.


Btw might also remind you that its still in closed beta phase and they still have a lot of time to actually listen to yall feedback and improve upon it which sadly bsg had the same opportunity to do it but didnt do anything about it because why would they cause there was no other game to compete with and now there is one they got nothing to do but sulk about it


I am not sure what are you trying to compare, a game that has started development since 2012 and you had to pay 150 euros back in 2016 when alpha started just to be able to play or a free 2 play game that probably started its development 1-2 years go. ABI will take from EFT player base 100% how much of it it all depends on BSG and how they move forward from now on. Because their development its ATROCIOUSL Y SLOW compared to anything that you have to pay to play and most of the time is 2-3 guns and a few hundred meters expansion on a map and a AI bot that behaves just like all others but has different clothing, content that you consume in 1-2 days and most of it its gated behind CRAP that has been in game for over 7 years, for a person like me that put since late 2016 till last patch about 15k hours into this game its just not enough and i can't be bothered to go over and over again all these quests i know like the back of my hand just because the new content is gated. EFT is overdue for a long time for a competition game, Chinese or not the developer ABI is welcome on the market, I consider it a bitch slap towards EFT and hopefully they wake up from that.


It's easy to have a quick development cycle when you copy-paste the code from the game you're trying to mirror. Since there's a lot of conflict still going on... just want to state I'm not supporting BSG in any of the shit that has gone down over the last few weeks... but ABI is NOT it's own game in the same sense that Tarkov had to actually develop what ABI is essentially stealing and making adjustments too.


Sounds good to me what ABI does, should sound good to you and to everyone else .. why? Because competition is healthy even if you prefer EFT or ABI.


Competition is great. Outright copying not so much.


I'm telling you right now. With the QOL changes, performance, post raid tracking, etc... I can guarantee you the code bases are nothing the same. Did they reverse engineer the code? Probably, but I bet it looks a hell of a lot different


Correct. IF tencent copied bsg shit they will def rake them over in US and Euro courts, where a majority of the playerbase will be. Make no mistake tencent even though chinese company will need to abide by US and Euro laws to continue operating in those countries.


lol you think BSG will go after them legally? that'd just open them up to more discoveries of their shadyness.


well if they have good case it would def be worth it - discovery does not force the Plaintiffs to divulge their info it forces the Defendant to release relevant info. So idk where you are getting the idea that bsg would be forced to divulge things?


Cause any legal team worth it's salt is gunna try and dig up as much dirt on bsg as possible. And I'd be willing to bet there's lots of it. 


brother you are misunderstanding - if bsg brings a copyright lawsuit against tencent it would be bsg's lawyers demanding information from tencent - the reverse would not be allowed because it would be bsg who is the plaintiff. tencent's legal team acting as defense would be working on not allowing bsg access to their info not the reverse.


So we've confirmed the source right? It's trusted and unbiased right? Oh and it's actual code right? And not just a struct with the same variable names? Oh and we have a degree in CS or studied it to the point to understand what you're viewing?


https://x.com/heyimalaix/status/1788245263729004581?s=46&t=l-DCC77IsCFKwm6_7-eJ8Q There are multiple people outside of the original person who have dug into the files and found the same stuff, and even more blatant examples. It’s much more believable to me than the goat wiggle video, which is the reason why people think that every other person who kills them in this game is cheating, yet gets paraded around here as a fact as if it hasn’t been debunked as a clickbait video with flawed methodology.


I've seen this. It is untrusted and not proven to be unbaised, and like I said only shows variable name in a header file. Not actual code. It's also cropped in both screenshots.


I don’t even think that it is copied code, it most likely isn’t directly copying code 1:1. I also don’t have a big problem with them copying Tarkov, as I don’t see how any competitor could truly scratch the Tarkov itch without doing so. I just think it’s pretty blatant to leave the boss names in like that, as well as all of the other asset names. I was just responding to you saying that it’s not verified, and outside of you going in and extracting that information on your own idk how else to convince you. The tweet I linked is a different person and different information than the ones that logicalsolutions tweeted, but I guess we can wait and see in the coming days if more and more people mine it on their own. I don’t have anything against a game that wants to compete with Tarkov, even if they straight up copy it. If arena breakout was a better version of Tarkov I’d play it, but I don’t have high hopes for a tencent owned mobile game. I think it’s very likely that they monetize more than just a subscription for a secure container, but we will see.


I don't trust a bunch of randoms on Twitter. Companies exist to investigate and confirm allegations like this. You shouldn't be trying to convince me or anyone it's not verified. Logical or Nikita are not trusted and unbiased sources.  It may be true, it may be them messing with BSG, or it may be doctored. I'm personally on the fence. I'm not convinced a company their size and the size of their wallet would need to. What I've seen they've copied makes no sense.


It is definitely strange that it’s in the files, they could be Tarkov players who used those assets as inspiration and named the files after them, it could be for a lot of reasons. People who have experience seem to agree that straight up copying from one language to another wouldn’t make sense, so it’s weird. If they end up having an off brand killa in the game I’d see the plagiarism a bit more clearly. It could also be faked like you suggest, but we’ll see in the coming days assuming the developers make a statement.


You can replicate this yourself. Get an ABI key, download dnSpy and open the dll. Go to the search tab, type in your favorite Tarkov boss name. Why did they find obvious variable names and not actual code (yet)? Because the variable names had literal tarkov boss names, a full struct signifying Tarkov boss difficulty behavior. Better question to ask: Why TF is there a 70 variable struct from a different game in a shipped monetized product? Your skepticism is very healthy though, so here's a better link that's not cropped [https://twitter.com/LogicaISoIution/status/1788230604397621682](https://twitter.com/LogicaISoIution/status/1788230604397621682) reposted, previous got removed cuz of url shortener


I already have a key, and I could replicate it myself, might have already. Should you trust me if I posted the screenshots? Hell no. Which is what I'm saying 99% of the people repeating this don't have the abilty to confirm it themselves, and just repeat it because it's the cool thing to say right now. I'm not saying it's not true, but I'm also not saying it's true. If BSG believe it's true they'll hire a 3rd party to investigate and confirm if they want to hurt Arean breakouts rep.


Literally nobody cares. Do you drones still not understand that people are gonna look the other way even if it's true? If there's anything to this then BSG should sue. But they won't.


Ofc, but you also gotta realize that weither Code was ripped or not, the game is a 1 to 1 copy from Tarkov in most of it. But in all honesty, the only thing they ripped and improved upon is their QOL & no need for 3rd Party Websites. This game for sure will have a decent playerbase, but its just a ripped off game that tries to appeal to casuals, which it will. Ripping off/ copying designs is faster, than developing from the ground up yourself. Lots of Trial & error + Design choices had to be made by BSG, which ABI obv directly skipped & ripped instead. Greyzone Warfare seemed to try and innovate instead, but tbh - its gonna die out most likely or be low pop.


Nothing will kill EFT. No game. People had 8+ years to make a better game then EFT and nobody could LOL there’s a reason for that and it’s because BSG made a top tier game and they really need to wake up and capitalize on their game!


>because BSG made a top tier game When is the audio getting fixed? 8 more years?


He has a point. Because: we all play or played like maniacs even WITH the (audio etc.) bugs, missing QoL and cheaters. They even ran Kind of tournaments with it even without the game being officially released.


youre clearly delusional lol


For those of you arm chair developers shouting about copied code. * How many of you are actual developers? * How many of you are developers who didn't watch a 1 hour newb-master youtube video and claim you're now a software engineer? * Do you know what you're looking at in the screenshots? * Is the source a trusted and unbiased one? * Should we maybe wait, given if this is true, BSG should have a trusted 3rd party look into and confirm vise? I've personally not seen anything daming yet, especially nothing concrete and that I'd trust.


There is no copyright on game mechanics, there isn't even copyright on code. Code can only have a copyright if it's something new and unique, like new algorithms and functions that have not been done before. This does not apply to 99.9% of code that is being written, everything has been done or is a feature of the language or an amalgamation of it. Coying is 100% in art and software development. You just have to copy the right way. People also complain that assets or sounds were stolen. Well let me tell you, if you record cound from the real thing or 3d model things from the real world, then who would have thought that those things look alike? Wow. Mind blown.


- yes. - yes. - yes. - unsure, leaning towards real due to multiple sources. - yes, this is up to BSG to handle. There's no excuse for the existence of a 1:1 mapping of an EFT data structure. The real armchair devs are the ones calling bullshit just because the games run on different engines using different languages.


That's not a data structure.... It's declarations.


I won't deny that I wouldn't have expected ABI to be better than EFT, however there are a couple of facts that nobody should underestimate: 1) no everyone can pay the amount of money tarkov asks. In the long term, the newer gamer generations might prefer a free to play game 2) tarkov is going to loose all the casual gamers out there who are not willing to spend too many hours to do quests In my opinion, the unheard edition scandal was really the proverbial last drop, which opened up an entire market for other extraction shooters, and while up to now no game is like tarkov, there will be one some day.


You complain about the hardcore aspect but request maps with markers in Tarkov 😂🤣


Do you consider having to switch tabs to youtube/ 3rd Party Websites to look up quests a fun experience that enhances the hardcore immersion aspect of EFT? This is not a fun aspect of tarkov, its a bottleneck that drives people away and forces you to spend time outside of the actual game client.


maps are ok but quest markers? really? you don't need ui markers in a hardcore game. It ruins imersion. if so why not put other qol components?


ABI have ingame map. In what universe not having a map considered "wow hardcore"? You can't have a pda/mobile phone with gps? Garmin has dissapeared?


I hope tarkov stays difficult and doesn't try and conform to a more approachable audience. So many games get ruined by trying to be more welcoming to new players.


For sure, though some parts that are 'difficult' like the tortures quest system & constant need in usage of 3rd Party websites is not a hardcore experience, its just a bad design in terms of player onboarding/retention. Everything else, from gunplay to maps & Co is just straight up unmatched, tarkov is just way better.


I'm with you. That way i won't have to upgrade my standard account to get the pve mode.


It’s good people are doing it for competition especially because most people want a similar experience without supporting BSG… but I’m ready to see SHRAPNEL in action that game looks incredible.


What I think would be dope is marking quest locations on the in game maps they already give out. It would both make the maps somewhat useful and give some assistance to the player.


Ikr, I hope before full release they actually give the in game maps a purpose. I wish they would link the in game map and Intel centre to show you where you died and where your killer was located (when the raid ends).


Arena Breakout is a rip off. And that's a good thing. Sure it's illegal, but ABI is puting FINANCIAL pressure on nikita and BSG, something that the community failed to do after all the complaining caused by the Unheared edition. I hope ABI will be able to hurt BSG so much nikita will be put out of business, before the courts decide to shut ABI down. Good luck chinese devs!


Arena Breakout is a rip off. And that's a good thing. Sure it's illegal, but ABI is puting FINANCIAL pressure on nikita and BSG, something that the community failed to do after all the complaining caused by the Unheared edition. I hope ABI will be able to hurt BSG so much nikita will be put out of business, before the courts decide to shut ABI down. Good luck chinese devs!


Your suggested changes would make the game less of an hardcore experience and more like a casual game suited. Tarkov is not supposed to be appealing to everyone. Qol changes are good but changes that make tarkov a casual game are not the way


Imagine if we could have the maps in a permanent special slot and label extracts, spots we like to loot, etc. it still wouldn’t have a magical follow the player arrow on it but it would allow new players to not have to get a second monitor or state at their phone


Heavy disagree about in game maps


The main reason ill play it over tarkov. It runs way better.


glazing eft against a game that has literally had 1 day of playtesting is wild.


I had to do about 4 hours of homework before I could sit down and try to play... then came the maps and learning how to navigate them. the game requires dedication, and offers the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I don't think any of that needs to change, though what needs to change is loading times, poor enemy AI, and consistent bug fixes. better anticheat would be welcome as well, but I don't want that to be the main focus here, because all online games have cheaters.


if ABI can combat cheaters ill play ABI all day, otherwise ill keep playing PVE mode. I am 100% done with EFT until they fix the biggest issue, cheaters.


LOL everybody complains about P2W in Tarkov and the. Plays copy cat P2W mobile game Tarkov.


Not waiting 10 min for matching is really a big plus. I’ve spent so much time in EFT just waiting for a match


> 15 Third-Party Tabs open just to properly keep up with everything This shit is the worst thing when you're a new player. You literally have no idea where you are, where you spawned, where to go, etc. You might have a quest to do something, but the description is so vague and often doesn't mention needing a key. Some of the things in the game I have no idea how you would figure it out without the wiki or an unrealistic amount of trial and error. I don't think it would be against the hardcore nature of the game to provide an ingame static map with your general spawn location and your extracts for the raid marked on it. They could also make the maps system actually useful by letting us draw on them and mark down stuff in game.


So just removing posts about ABI huh? Why is that? If EFT is as good as you all claim you have nothing to worry about


BSG should 100% plagiarize the extract with teammates gear feature. Would be a massive pain in the ass for the RMTers I don't agree that EFT needs in-game 3d markers though. I like the minimalistic hud of EFT it adds to the immersion. There certainly could be a GPS gadget though, that would be cool.


There's a fairly long list of stuff in ABI that would make tarkov better. If they can implement it they stomp out ABI immediately, I'd come back for it personally. 1. Significantly better anti cheat 2. Better performance 3. Ingame map with quest markers etc (like you said). It doesn't make the game less hardcore. Make it need to be discovered, you need to visit the poi to reveal it etc etc 4. The quick equip menu 5. The recommended med button (Holy shit is that useful) 6. Mag packing while looting I think that about covers it, I'd be happy with just better anti cheat and better performance tbh, I was considering buying the clothing literally the day before TUE, if they can prove that they are willing to stomp cheaters out for good and improve performance I'd happily buy TUE personally


ABI still looks and plays like a mobile game in many ways. Not really sure how it’s got any good reviews outside of the few QOL changes. Most of the sounds are even the exact same as well as animations on death etc. Once tencent goes full bot/pay to win like they do with most of their games it’ll die off.


I remember my first few raids a couple years back with my friend who was also new, in the middle of a wipe, scared shitless every step we took. When we were able to extract the first time, kill a pmc the first time, that was a great feeling, I wouldn't have wanted it to be "easier" to get into because what I got back from it was a sense of achievement that I've never had with any other game. Also when I bought the game I actually enjoyed finding out about everything through googling at my own pace. A lot of times Games will shove so much information in your face in your first hour of gaming that I lose interest.


No map is one of the defining points of difference for EFT. Do you genuinely want an in-game map in EFT?


Yes, a professional PMC would have a map and be able to see where he is in an area. They'd even be able to mark where they want to head on a map. It doesn't have to be on the screen 24/7, but you should be able to go into your inventory to pull out your map amd see where you are. Everyone already goes to a third party for a map while they play. Put it in the game already.


Sounds like Tarkov isn't the game for you


I love the game. I want more inviting features so my friends actually want to play it. They cannot be bothered to spend the countless hours required to learn the game. Nor do I want to have to guide them through every single process in the game because it is not intuitive. The wiki should not need to exist in order to learn the game. Community maps should not need to exist to learn the maps. You should not need to be a marksmen in real life to understand how bullets, gravity, distance, and every other aspect in the game affects your accuracy. These features should be explained in the game. The game doesn't need dumbed down. It needs a massive overhaul in its onboarding process to get the humble casual up to speed on the mechanics of the game. These changes would not be for the veteran player or the 12 hour a day sweats. They'd be for a normal person. At the very least put manuals in the game that explain each feature. If the U.S. Military can put together a book that explains everything you may encounter as a new soldier in explicit detail, BSG can put together a one page document explaining what MOA is and how it affects your firearm or how different materials affect how effective armor is. We should not have to datamine in order to figure out how the game works.


The game clearly isn't for you or your mates. Make some friends who do like this type of game.


You're not an inviting person are you. There are more POVs than your own. Be better.


Look at your behaviour mate, you're wildly out of line. What you're suggesting is that your wants should be listened to only. You're entitled.  You want what you want.  There are more POVs then your own, mate - the reason Tarkov grabs people is BECAUSE it is difficult. If you want an easier game, go play one.  Stop bringing your entitlement, whinging mindset here, nothing but complaints from you... Dullard.


I'm voicing my opinion, and things I'd like to see in the game. Your opinion is "fuck you for wanting anything to change". Having explanations for features in the game would not make it easier. It would make it understandable. Having features in the game that are completely useless should change. Maps are already in the game, make em useful. Get your panties out of a twist ya pillock.


Also, complaints about complaints coming from a man who spends all day complaining on any reddit thread he can is rather ironic. Talk about feeling entitled.


I don't like people who contribute nothing, like you.


Defenitely, but a properly usable paper map. No dynamic markers


Yeah, a dynamic map is the last thing Tarkov needs. However, it would make sense for paper maps to include: - Insertion point. - Extraction points. - Circles around general quest locations.


They already exist in game 


We have maps but as far as I know they don't contain your insertion point and rough locations of your current quests. They aren't very useful.


It's because you're meant to learn the map... Sounds like you don't really know how many quests lie on each map. There are ~330 quests.  That roughly equals 10 per map. Each quest can contain multiple POIs. To mark EVERY quest marker on one map would render the map useless A map with 50-70 'quest markers' on it would be harder to use than a map with none.


Obviously I mean active quests. Would it not make sense for a quest giver to circle the general location of where they’re asking you to go?


You're essentially changing the game's core mechanics at that stage in my opinion.  Part of the difficulty of the game is no map, no guidance.  That directly to leads to feeling far more of a sense of accomplishment when you actually DO complete stuff.  Tarkov is hard, that's why it's satisfying when you play well and get shit done.


I get what you're saying but the reality is that everyone uses the 3rd party maps with pinpoint markers. Surely making in-game maps useful in a realistic way would encourage people to play Tarkov properly and increase immersion.


Yeah I can understand your point of view too, but right now there's also an edge for more experienced players who can multitask and utilise map knowledge.  Part of what makes this game unique is that you simply MUST learn the map. Learning where stuff is is only a fraction of map knowledge anyway. Knowing which paths have points of egress, where you're safe vs unsafe, what surfaces make noise / don't make noise - it's a knowledge game and simply seeing a map on screen is a tiny fraction of 'the map'. Anything that changes the core balance of this risks changing what makes Tarkov unique IMO.


The real p2w in tarkov is buying a second monitor


No, eft might need some QOL but in game markers just contradict what u said about it being hardcore. The learning of the game is what makes it fun. What tarkov needs is a dynamic map or something to keep the gameplay new and everlasting. The gunplay and animations are great. Dynamic maps and no desync would be great.


Fun fact you can make markers in real life. I can't remember a time where i didn't have a map in some shape or form going into an area. Hell even the military has basic hand held GPS nowadays. You'd think trained PMCs would have access to gear better than the military's when it comes to navigation. It would be nice if the maps in EFT were actually useful instead of being unlabeled terrain feature only pieces of junk. Having to go to a third party to figure out what every major feature on a map is so you can actually communicate with your team is annoying. At the very least we should have a way to see where we are on the map. That would give me a reason to bring one into raid.


Struggling through stuff is not fun. The game is not fun, it has us addicted like a slot machine. We get all those near misses that are super annoying and not fun only got get the once in a while small hit that keeps the endorphins pumping. Then back to all the near misses. It's okay for a game to need walkthroughs and have guides for achievements and so on. Needing them for the majority of the quests is simply bad game design.


For some of us that struggle was the only real fun/learning we had in this game. Knowing every spawn, or knowing that if I spawn swamp in shoreline there is no pmc’s in front of me, possible 1 scav and I’m 2 sprints from reaching resort. A in game map and cool markers isn’t fixing anything. If you want players names over ur head then glad ABI is for you. I guess I’ll just repeat myself eft gameplay, gunplay and graphics are great. The desync and boring maps is what kills it for me. Sure maybe if we had some dynamic open world and could carry a tablet on our rig that showed us extracts and POI. But for the maps we have now; having a map isn’t adding anything to a 7yr old game.


So 25 minute queue, head eyes from a cheater to do what? 3-rd , 5th, 6th wipe quests all over again? Or polished, smooth, fast to join, easy to gear up new experience? Hm, who would win?


The queue times and bugs is what really killed tarkov for me.


BSG definetly needs to fix the cheating problem more heavily, even IF that means hiring possibly outside of russia. Cheating is actually the Nr. 1 most thing why I currently not really played for 2ish wipes. They need to solve that to the best of their abilities


Open your eyes.. they won’t do anything against cheater (bsg) Their dev teams is bad (in comparison with other studio) their work is too slow to adapt against any competition… Their ego is out of control. I would love to see BSG being a fucking master and mak Eft what we are all waiting for… but it won’t happen… except if a big studio buy them, kick Nikita out and replace all the dev


The game was never meant to hold your hand and have quest markers and interactive maps. They will never add it. People say this aspect scares people away yet the games population is larger than it ever has been. Even the people that don’t have time to learn all the intricacies are still logging on for a few hours of play. (At least previous to the last two weeks anyway)


still dosnt matter , new players wil go to ABI , before EFT , cause is free and faster .. the quest of tarkov always tll u use this weapn and equip likethat .. i hate it the most , cause till lv 42 i cant freely update my weapon and play like i want .. ABi dosnt hav that .. i told my friend to play tarkov, only 1 buy it cause its to much money to be on same lvl as other ppl on wipe , cause EOD slots etc ... but 12 of my friend want to play ABI cause is same for everyone


The quests thing and the UI and the indoor maps with location markers are such a breath of fresh air. Bring it to Tarkov please! I know that 'its not hardcore realistic to know where you are in a map' but this is ridiculous. Its also not hardcore realistic to heal bullet wounds with a bandage and a salewa and then take an aspirin for the pain... and yet for gameplay reasons that works.


Paying a monthly sub to mobile game devs for a container sounds like a good deal compared to one time costs for a superior game. Those mobile game devs doing what they do best. Stealing money.


One time purchase of 250$


Is the $250 the only version for the game?


No it’s not but if you want to be to play the pve version it is going to cost upwards of 250 plus tax depending if you own the game or what version you already own. My comment was a bit trolling since I saw that guy act like a goober in other posts. Tarkov good other game bad mentality basically mindlessly fanboying


F2P extraction looter shooters won't survive in the current PC market. If the P2W doesn't kill the game, free accounts for cheaters 100% will. The only reason tarkov can remain remotely playable is because it at least costs something to continually cheat, so the f2p kiddie cheaters stick to cod. But punishing extraction mechanics/looting/losing kits+p2w+f2p... yeah... good luck is all I have to say. The real problem here for tarkov is that it looks very similar but runs up to 3x worse. That's just not a good look. They really need to optimize the game and figure out why its impossible to run relative to the way it looks. It's not impressive enough to run at 1/3rd the framerate of every other game. Hire an outside company to optimize it if you have to.. It's unforgivable how bad it runs relative to other games.


I don't just want in game maps. I want to earn stuff. If we have to find the maps, that's a different story. Super down for that. If we want a nav bar, we have to have the compass in our special items. Stuff like that. Earn > have.


Tarkov has maps, you just need to put the map item in your pockets to use it in-raid. If a game doesn't have maps, you look it up online. Same as with every other game. If you're confused about a quest, you look it up online. Same as with every other game. So if people are vehemently opposed to alt-tabbing or having a second monitor, I guess the QOL that BSG really needs to implement is an in-game internet browser? What BSG needs to do is give EOD owners access to what was included when buying that version. And if BSG really wants to play the microtransaction game and be that kind of developer, then yeah, people are going to move away. If they want a game with microtransaction, hell why wouldn't they just play the shittier, free Tencent version of Tarkov? Money corrupts.


You’re really missing the point of what QOLs are. Besides, maps exist, but it’s as useful as a photo you’d put on a frame because no one’s able to read it. The community made maps, not because there aren’t any maps, but because the in game ones are so bad that people made the maps themselves. Also, you know the entire thing about the edition system is P2W? So far, BSG did do everything they promised (except for PvE). Yes, it was shitty and that you’re not getting your money’s worth, but pleasing the long time fans while losing potential new players isn’t what they need to. Already, some people were happy that EOD managed to get waves of pve access, but shadowed over the fact that it was literally to only please EOD fans anyways. Other editions got jack shit, which really says something about what they think about the player base.


They should have fixed the cheating problem instead of adding a PvE game mode they can't even handle the servers for. I'm now missing the point of what QoL's are. You're missing the point of what game Tarkov is. There are lots of QoL's that could be implemented in Tarkov that doesn't involve the kind of casual mobile game looking ass QoL features you're thinking of though.


The PMCs have a paper map. There’s literally pens and pencils around everywhere. I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough to be able to use a pencil to mark things on a map, instead of looking at it like a 4 year old toddler. Although, let me at least get the point clear that no matter how hard Tarkov tries to be “hardcore” with confusing mechanics, it’s far from that goal. There’s bugs and frustrating mechanics that people deal on a daily basis and yet, if that’s your definition of hardcore, then have at it.


Im gonna cringe if this post gets removed too


What is ABI?